#pragma once #include <windows.h> #include <PathCch.h> #include "catch.hpp" #include <wil/filesystem.h> #include <wil/result.h> #define REPORTS_ERROR(expr) witest::ReportsError(wistd::is_same<HRESULT, decltype(expr)>{}, [&]() { return expr; }) #define REQUIRE_ERROR(expr) REQUIRE(REPORTS_ERROR(expr)) #define REQUIRE_NOERROR(expr) REQUIRE_FALSE(REPORTS_ERROR(expr)) #define CRASHES(expr) witest::DoesCodeCrash([&]() { return expr; }) #define REQUIRE_CRASH(expr) REQUIRE(CRASHES(expr)) #define REQUIRE_NOCRASH(expr) REQUIRE_FALSE(CRASHES(expr)) // NOTE: SUCCEEDED/FAILED macros not used here since Catch2 can give us better diagnostics if it knows the HRESULT value #define REQUIRE_SUCCEEDED(expr) REQUIRE((HRESULT)(expr) >= 0) #define REQUIRE_FAILED(expr) REQUIRE((HRESULT)(expr) < 0) // MACRO double evaluation check. // The following macro illustrates a common problem with writing macros: // #define MY_MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) // The issue is that whatever code is being used for both a and b is being executed twice. // This isn't harmful when thinking of constant numerics, but consider this example: // MY_MAX(4, InterlockedIncrement(&cCount)) // This evaluates the (B) parameter twice and results in incrementing the counter twice. // We use MDEC in unit tests to verify that this kind of pattern is not present. A test // of this kind: // MY_MAX(MDEC(4), MDEC(InterlockedIncrement(&cCount)) // will verify that the parameters are not evaluated more than once. #define MDEC(PARAM) (witest::details::MacroDoubleEvaluationCheck(__LINE__, #PARAM), PARAM) // There's some functionality that we need for testing that's not available for the app partition. Since those tests are // primarily compilation tests, declare what's needed here extern "C" { #if !WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP | WINAPI_PARTITION_SYSTEM | WINAPI_PARTITION_GAMES) WINBASEAPI _Ret_maybenull_ PVOID WINAPI AddVectoredExceptionHandler(_In_ ULONG First, _In_ PVECTORED_EXCEPTION_HANDLER Handler); WINBASEAPI ULONG WINAPI RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(_In_ PVOID Handle); #endif } #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable: 4702) // Unreachable code namespace witest { namespace details { inline void MacroDoubleEvaluationCheck(size_t uLine, _In_ const char* pszCode) { struct SEval { size_t uLine; const char* pszCode; }; static SEval rgEval[15] = {}; static size_t nOffset = 0; for (auto& eval : rgEval) { if ((eval.uLine == uLine) && (eval.pszCode != nullptr) && (0 == strcmp(pszCode, eval.pszCode))) { // This verification indicates that macro-double-evaluation check is firing for a particular usage of MDEC(). FAIL("Expression '" << pszCode << "' double evaluated in macro on line " << uLine); } } rgEval[nOffset].uLine = uLine; rgEval[nOffset].pszCode = pszCode; nOffset = (nOffset + 1) % ARRAYSIZE(rgEval); } template <typename T> class AssignTemporaryValueCleanup { public: AssignTemporaryValueCleanup(_In_ AssignTemporaryValueCleanup const &) = delete; AssignTemporaryValueCleanup & operator=(_In_ AssignTemporaryValueCleanup const &) = delete; explicit AssignTemporaryValueCleanup(_Inout_ T *pVal, T val) WI_NOEXCEPT : m_pVal(pVal), m_valOld(*pVal) { *pVal = val; } AssignTemporaryValueCleanup(_Inout_ AssignTemporaryValueCleanup && other) WI_NOEXCEPT : m_pVal(other.m_pVal), m_valOld(other.m_valOld) { other.m_pVal = nullptr; } ~AssignTemporaryValueCleanup() WI_NOEXCEPT { operator()(); } void operator()() WI_NOEXCEPT { if (m_pVal != nullptr) { *m_pVal = m_valOld; m_pVal = nullptr; } } void Dismiss() WI_NOEXCEPT { m_pVal = nullptr; } private: T *m_pVal; T m_valOld; }; } // Use the following routine to allow for a variable to be swapped with another and automatically revert the // assignment at the end of the scope. // Example: // int nFoo = 10 // { // auto revert = witest::AssignTemporaryValue(&nFoo, 12); // // nFoo will now be 12 within this scope... // } // // and nFoo is back to 10 within the outer scope template <typename T> inline witest::details::AssignTemporaryValueCleanup<T> AssignTemporaryValue(_Inout_ T *pVal, T val) WI_NOEXCEPT { return witest::details::AssignTemporaryValueCleanup<T>(pVal, val); } //! Global class which tracks objects that derive from @ref AllocatedObject. //! Use `witest::g_objectCount.Leaked()` to determine if an object deriving from `AllocatedObject` has been leaked. class GlobalCount { public: int m_count = 0; //! Returns `true` if there are any objects that derive from @ref AllocatedObject still in memory. bool Leaked() const { return (m_count != 0); } ~GlobalCount() { if (Leaked()) { // NOTE: This runs when no test is active, but will still cause an assert failure to notify FAIL("GlobalCount is non-zero; there is a leak somewhere"); } } }; __declspec(selectany) GlobalCount g_objectCount; //! Derive an allocated test object from witest::AllocatedObject to ensure that those objects aren't leaked in the test. //! Note that you can call g_objectCount.Leaked() at any point to determine if a leak has already occurred (assuming that //! all objects should have been destroyed at that point. class AllocatedObject { public: AllocatedObject() { g_objectCount.m_count++; } ~AllocatedObject() { g_objectCount.m_count--; } }; template <typename Lambda> bool DoesCodeThrow(Lambda&& callOp) { #ifdef WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS try #endif { callOp(); } #ifdef WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS catch (...) { return true; } #endif return false; } [[noreturn]] inline void __stdcall TranslateFailFastException(PEXCEPTION_RECORD rec, PCONTEXT, DWORD) { // RaiseFailFastException cannot be continued or handled. By instead calling RaiseException, it allows us to // handle exceptions ::RaiseException(rec->ExceptionCode, rec->ExceptionFlags, rec->NumberParameters, rec->ExceptionInformation); #ifdef __clang__ __builtin_unreachable(); #endif } [[noreturn]] inline void __stdcall FakeFailfastWithContext(const wil::FailureInfo&) noexcept { ::RaiseException(STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN, 0, 0, nullptr); #ifdef __clang__ __builtin_unreachable(); #endif } constexpr DWORD msvc_exception_code = 0xE06D7363; // This is a MAJOR hack. Catch2 registers a vectored exception handler - which gets run before our handler below - // that interprets a set of exception codes as fatal. We don't want this behavior since we may be expecting such // crashes, so instead translate all exception codes to something not fatal inline LONG WINAPI TranslateExceptionCodeHandler(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS info) { if (info->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode != witest::msvc_exception_code) { info->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode = STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN; } return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } namespace details { inline bool DoesCodeCrash(wistd::function<void()>& callOp) { bool result = false; __try { callOp(); } // Let C++ exceptions pass through __except ((::GetExceptionCode() != msvc_exception_code) ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { result = true; } return result; } } inline bool DoesCodeCrash(wistd::function<void()> callOp) { // See above; we don't want to actually fail fast, so make sure we raise a different exception instead auto restoreHandler = AssignTemporaryValue(&wil::details::g_pfnRaiseFailFastException, TranslateFailFastException); auto restoreHandler2 = AssignTemporaryValue(&wil::details::g_pfnFailfastWithContextCallback, FakeFailfastWithContext); auto handler = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(1, TranslateExceptionCodeHandler); auto removeVectoredHandler = wil::scope_exit([&] { RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(handler); }); return details::DoesCodeCrash(callOp); } template <typename Lambda> bool ReportsError(wistd::false_type, Lambda&& callOp) { bool doesThrow = false; bool doesCrash = DoesCodeCrash([&]() { doesThrow = DoesCodeThrow(callOp); }); return doesThrow || doesCrash; } template <typename Lambda> bool ReportsError(wistd::true_type, Lambda&& callOp) { return FAILED(callOp()); } #ifdef WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS class TestFailureCache final : public wil::details::IFailureCallback { public: TestFailureCache() : m_callbackHolder(this) { } void clear() { m_failures.clear(); } size_t size() const { return m_failures.size(); } bool empty() const { return m_failures.empty(); } const wil::FailureInfo& operator[](size_t pos) const { return m_failures.at(pos).GetFailureInfo(); } // IFailureCallback bool NotifyFailure(wil::FailureInfo const & failure) WI_NOEXCEPT override { m_failures.emplace_back(failure); return false; } private: std::vector<wil::StoredFailureInfo> m_failures; wil::details::ThreadFailureCallbackHolder m_callbackHolder; }; #endif inline HRESULT GetTempFileName(wchar_t (&result)[MAX_PATH]) { wchar_t dir[MAX_PATH]; RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF(::GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH, dir) == 0); RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF(::GetTempFileNameW(dir, L"wil", 0, result) == 0); return S_OK; } inline HRESULT CreateUniqueFolderPath(wchar_t (&buffer)[MAX_PATH], PCWSTR root = nullptr) { if (root) { RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF(::GetTempFileNameW(root, L"wil", 0, buffer) == 0); } else { wchar_t tempPath[MAX_PATH]; RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF(::GetTempPathW(ARRAYSIZE(tempPath), tempPath) == 0); RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF(::GetLongPathNameW(tempPath, tempPath, ARRAYSIZE(tempPath)) == 0); RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF(::GetTempFileNameW(tempPath, L"wil", 0, buffer) == 0); } RETURN_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(DeleteFileW(buffer)); PathCchRemoveExtension(buffer, ARRAYSIZE(buffer)); return S_OK; } #if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP) && (_WIN32_WINNT >= _WIN32_WINNT_WIN7) struct TestFolder { TestFolder() { if (SUCCEEDED(CreateUniqueFolderPath(m_path)) && SUCCEEDED(wil::CreateDirectoryDeepNoThrow(m_path))) { m_valid = true; } } TestFolder(PCWSTR path) { if (SUCCEEDED(StringCchCopyW(m_path, ARRAYSIZE(m_path), path)) && SUCCEEDED(wil::CreateDirectoryDeepNoThrow(m_path))) { m_valid = true; } } TestFolder(const TestFolder&) = delete; TestFolder& operator=(const TestFolder&) = delete; TestFolder(TestFolder&& other) { if (other.m_valid) { m_valid = true; other.m_valid = false; wcscpy_s(m_path, other.m_path); } } ~TestFolder() { if (m_valid) { wil::RemoveDirectoryRecursiveNoThrow(m_path); } } operator bool() const { return m_valid; } operator PCWSTR() const { return m_path; } PCWSTR Path() const { return m_path; } private: bool m_valid = false; wchar_t m_path[MAX_PATH] = L""; }; struct TestFile { TestFile(PCWSTR path) { if (SUCCEEDED(StringCchCopyW(m_path, ARRAYSIZE(m_path), path))) { Create(); } } TestFile(PCWSTR dirPath, PCWSTR fileName) { if (SUCCEEDED(StringCchCopyW(m_path, ARRAYSIZE(m_path), dirPath)) && SUCCEEDED(PathCchAppend(m_path, ARRAYSIZE(m_path), fileName))) { Create(); } } TestFile(const TestFile&) = delete; TestFile& operator=(const TestFile&) = delete; TestFile(TestFile&& other) { if (other.m_valid) { m_valid = true; m_deleteDir = other.m_deleteDir; other.m_valid = other.m_deleteDir = false; wcscpy_s(m_path, other.m_path); } } ~TestFile() { // Best effort on all of these if (m_valid) { ::DeleteFileW(m_path); } if (m_deleteDir) { size_t parentLength; if (wil::try_get_parent_path_range(m_path, &parentLength)) { m_path[parentLength] = L'\0'; ::RemoveDirectoryW(m_path); m_path[parentLength] = L'\\'; } } } operator bool() const { return m_valid; } operator PCWSTR() const { return m_path; } PCWSTR Path() const { return m_path; } private: HRESULT Create() { WI_ASSERT(!m_valid && !m_deleteDir); wil::unique_hfile fileHandle(::CreateFileW(m_path, FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, nullptr, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr)); if (!fileHandle) { auto err = ::GetLastError(); size_t parentLength; if ((err == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) && wil::try_get_parent_path_range(m_path, &parentLength)) { m_path[parentLength] = L'\0'; RETURN_IF_FAILED(wil::CreateDirectoryDeepNoThrow(m_path)); m_deleteDir = true; m_path[parentLength] = L'\\'; fileHandle.reset(::CreateFileW(m_path, FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, nullptr, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr)); RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF(!fileHandle); } else { RETURN_WIN32(err); } } m_valid = true; return S_OK; } bool m_valid = false; bool m_deleteDir = false; wchar_t m_path[MAX_PATH] = L""; }; #endif } #pragma warning(pop)