////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Include // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ #include // System #include "../../Common/Src/Console.h" // Local common #include "OutputPlugin.h" // Local #include "Playback.h" #include "Playlist.h" #define _DLL_PLAYER_H_ #include "PlayerExport.h" // DLL Player ////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declarations and definitions // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ std::string CurrentlyPlayingFile; int GlobalVolume; int GlobalCurrentVolume; bool GlobalPause; bool TimerCreated = false; bool Initialized = false; ///////////////////////////////// // ------------------------- /* We keep the file in the playlist, even though we currently only every have one file here at a time */ // --------- void AddFileToPlaylist(char * a) { //playlist->RemoveAll(); #include "unicode.h" const int iLen = strlen(a); // I can't do this because I don't printf( "iLen <%i>\n", iLen ); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Do some string conversion TCHAR * szKeep; szKeep = new TCHAR[ iLen + 1 ]; ToTchar( szKeep, a, iLen ); szKeep[ iLen ] = TEXT( '\0' ); playlist->PushBack( szKeep ); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If we added a second file the current index = -1 so we have to change that back playlist->SetCurIndex( 0 ); } void Player_Play(char * FileName) { wprintf("Play file <%s>\n", FileName); // Check if the file exists if(GetFileAttributes(FileName) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { wprintf("Warning: The file <%s> does not exist. Something is wrong.\n", FileName); return; } Playback::Stop(); //wprintf("Stop\n"); playlist->RemoveAll(); //wprintf("RemoveAll\n"); AddFileToPlaylist(FileName); //wprintf("addfiletoplaylist\n"); // Play the file Playback::Play(); CurrentlyPlayingFile = FileName; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set volume. This must probably be done after the dll is loaded. //Output_SetVolume( Playback::Volume::Get() ); //wprintf("Volume(%i)\n", Playback::Volume::Get()); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GlobalPause = false; } void Player_Stop() { Playback::Stop(); //wprintf("Stop\n"); playlist->RemoveAll(); CurrentlyPlayingFile = ""; GlobalPause = false; } void Player_Pause() { if (!GlobalPause) { wprintf("DLL > Pause\n"); Playback::Pause(); GlobalPause = true; } else { wprintf("DLL > UnPause from Pause\n"); Player_Unpause(); GlobalPause = false; } } void Player_Unpause() { wprintf("DLL > UnPause\n"); Playback::Play(); GlobalPause = false; } void Player_Mute() { wprintf("DLL > Mute <%i> <%i>\n", GlobalVolume, GlobalCurrentVolume); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set volume. For some reason Playback::Volume::Get() is not updated when we run Output_SetVolume() // I probably disabled it by mistake, so we only keep track of the volume with GlobalVolume from now on if(GlobalCurrentVolume > 0) { Output_SetVolume( 0 ); GlobalCurrentVolume = 0; wprintf("DLL > Volume <%i>\n", GlobalCurrentVolume); } else { //Output_SetVolume( GlobalVolume ); Output_SetVolume( GlobalVolume ); GlobalCurrentVolume = GlobalVolume; wprintf("DLL > Volume <%i>\n", GlobalCurrentVolume); } //wprintf("Volume(%i)\n", Playback::Volume::Get()); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } void Player_Volume(int a) { GlobalVolume = a; Output_SetVolume( GlobalVolume ); wprintf("DLL > Volume <%i> <%i>\n", GlobalVolume, GlobalCurrentVolume); } void ShowConsole() { StartConsoleWin(100, 2000, "MusicMod"); // give room for 2000 rows } void Player_Console(bool Console) { if(Console) ShowConsole(); else #if defined (_WIN32) FreeConsole(); #endif }