# This script locates the SFML library # ------------------------------------ # # Usage # ----- # # When you try to locate the SFML libraries, you must specify which modules you want to use (system, window, graphics, network, audio, main). # If none is given, the SFML_LIBRARIES variable will be empty and you'll end up linking to nothing. # example: # find_package(SFML COMPONENTS graphics window system) // find the graphics, window and system modules # # You can enforce a specific version, either MAJOR.MINOR or only MAJOR. # If nothing is specified, the version won't be checked (ie. any version will be accepted). # example: # find_package(SFML COMPONENTS ...) // no specific version required # find_package(SFML 2 COMPONENTS ...) // any 2.x version # find_package(SFML 2.4 COMPONENTS ...) // version 2.4 or greater # # By default, the dynamic libraries of SFML will be found. To find the static ones instead, # you must set the SFML_STATIC_LIBRARIES variable to TRUE before calling find_package(SFML ...). # In case of static linking, the SFML_STATIC macro will also be defined by this script. # example: # set(SFML_STATIC_LIBRARIES TRUE) # find_package(SFML 2 COMPONENTS network system) # # On Mac OS X if SFML_STATIC_LIBRARIES is not set to TRUE then by default CMake will search for frameworks unless # CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK is set to "NEVER" for example. Please refer to CMake documentation for more details. # Moreover, keep in mind that SFML frameworks are only available as release libraries unlike dylibs which # are available for both release and debug modes. # # If SFML is not installed in a standard path, you can use the SFML_ROOT CMake (or environment) variable # to tell CMake where SFML is. # # Output # ------ # # This script defines the following variables: # - For each specified module XXX (system, window, graphics, network, audio, main): # - SFML_XXX_LIBRARY_DEBUG: the name of the debug library of the xxx module (set to SFML_XXX_LIBRARY_RELEASE is no debug version is found) # - SFML_XXX_LIBRARY_RELEASE: the name of the release library of the xxx module (set to SFML_XXX_LIBRARY_DEBUG is no release version is found) # - SFML_XXX_LIBRARY: the name of the library to link to for the xxx module (includes both debug and optimized names if necessary) # - SFML_XXX_FOUND: true if either the debug or release library of the xxx module is found # - SFML_LIBRARIES: the list of all libraries corresponding to the required modules # - SFML_FOUND: true if all the required modules are found # - SFML_INCLUDE_DIR: the path where SFML headers are located (the directory containing the SFML/Config.hpp file) # # example: # find_package(SFML 2 COMPONENTS system window graphics audio REQUIRED) # include_directories(${SFML_INCLUDE_DIR}) # add_executable(myapp ...) # target_link_libraries(myapp ${SFML_LIBRARIES}) # define the SFML_STATIC macro if static build was chosen if(SFML_STATIC_LIBRARIES) add_definitions(-DSFML_STATIC) endif() # deduce the libraries suffix from the options set(FIND_SFML_LIB_SUFFIX "") if(SFML_STATIC_LIBRARIES) set(FIND_SFML_LIB_SUFFIX "${FIND_SFML_LIB_SUFFIX}-s") endif() # find the SFML include directory find_path(SFML_INCLUDE_DIR SFML/Config.hpp PATH_SUFFIXES include PATHS ${SFML_ROOT} $ENV{SFML_ROOT} ~/Library/Frameworks /Library/Frameworks /usr/local/ /usr/ /sw # Fink /opt/local/ # DarwinPorts /opt/csw/ # Blastwave /opt/) # check the version number set(SFML_VERSION_OK TRUE) if(SFML_FIND_VERSION AND SFML_INCLUDE_DIR) # extract the major and minor version numbers from SFML/Config.hpp # we have to handle framework a little bit differently : if("${SFML_INCLUDE_DIR}" MATCHES "SFML.framework") set(SFML_CONFIG_HPP_INPUT "${SFML_INCLUDE_DIR}/Headers/Config.hpp") else() set(SFML_CONFIG_HPP_INPUT "${SFML_INCLUDE_DIR}/SFML/Config.hpp") endif() FILE(READ "${SFML_CONFIG_HPP_INPUT}" SFML_CONFIG_HPP_CONTENTS) STRING(REGEX MATCH "#define SFML_VERSION_MAJOR[ \t]+([0-9]+)" SFML_VERSION_MAJOR_MATCH "${SFML_CONFIG_HPP_CONTENTS}") STRING(REGEX MATCH "#define SFML_VERSION_MINOR[ \t]+([0-9]+)" SFML_VERSION_MINOR_MATCH "${SFML_CONFIG_HPP_CONTENTS}") STRING(REGEX REPLACE "#define SFML_VERSION_MAJOR[ \t]+([0-9]+)" "\\1" SFML_VERSION_MAJOR "${SFML_VERSION_MAJOR_MATCH}") STRING(REGEX REPLACE "#define SFML_VERSION_MINOR[ \t]+([0-9]+)" "\\1" SFML_VERSION_MINOR "${SFML_VERSION_MINOR_MATCH}") math(EXPR SFML_REQUESTED_VERSION "${SFML_FIND_VERSION_MAJOR} * 10 + ${SFML_FIND_VERSION_MINOR}") # if we could extract them, compare with the requested version number if (SFML_VERSION_MAJOR) # transform version numbers to an integer math(EXPR SFML_VERSION "${SFML_VERSION_MAJOR} * 10 + ${SFML_VERSION_MINOR}") # compare them if(SFML_VERSION LESS SFML_REQUESTED_VERSION) set(SFML_VERSION_OK FALSE) endif() else() # SFML version is < 3.0 if (SFML_REQUESTED_VERSION GREATER 29) set(SFML_VERSION_OK FALSE) if (SFML_REQUESTED_VERSION GREATER 19) set(SFML_VERSION_MAJOR 1) else() set(SFML_VERSION_MAJOR 2) endif() set(SFML_VERSION_MINOR x) endif() endif() endif() # find the requested modules set(SFML_FOUND TRUE) # will be set to false if one of the required modules is not found set(FIND_SFML_LIB_PATHS ${SFML_ROOT} $ENV{SFML_ROOT} ~/Library/Frameworks /Library/Frameworks /usr/local /usr /sw /opt/local /opt/csw /opt) foreach(FIND_SFML_COMPONENT ${SFML_FIND_COMPONENTS}) string(TOLOWER ${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT} FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_LOWER) string(TOUPPER ${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT} FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER) set(FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_NAME sfml-${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_LOWER}${FIND_SFML_LIB_SUFFIX}) # no suffix for sfml-main, it is always a static library if(FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_LOWER STREQUAL "main") set(FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_NAME sfml-${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_LOWER}) endif() # debug library find_library(SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY_DEBUG NAMES ${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_NAME}-d PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib PATHS ${FIND_SFML_LIB_PATHS}) # release library find_library(SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES ${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_NAME} PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib PATHS ${FIND_SFML_LIB_PATHS}) if (SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY_DEBUG OR SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY_RELEASE) # library found set(SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_FOUND TRUE) # if both are found, set SFML_XXX_LIBRARY to contain both if (SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY_DEBUG AND SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY_RELEASE) set(SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY debug ${SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY_DEBUG} optimized ${SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY_RELEASE}) endif() # if only one debug/release variant is found, set the other to be equal to the found one if (SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY_DEBUG AND NOT SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY_RELEASE) # debug and not release set(SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY_RELEASE ${SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY_DEBUG}) set(SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY ${SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY_DEBUG}) endif() if (SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY_RELEASE AND NOT SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY_DEBUG) # release and not debug set(SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY_DEBUG ${SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY_RELEASE}) set(SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY ${SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY_RELEASE}) endif() else() # library not found set(SFML_FOUND FALSE) set(SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_FOUND FALSE) set(SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY "") set(FIND_SFML_MISSING "${FIND_SFML_MISSING} SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY") endif() # mark as advanced MARK_AS_ADVANCED(SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY_RELEASE SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY_DEBUG) # add to the global list of libraries set(SFML_LIBRARIES ${SFML_LIBRARIES} "${SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY}") endforeach() # handle errors if(NOT SFML_VERSION_OK) # SFML version not ok set(FIND_SFML_ERROR "SFML found but version too low (requested: ${SFML_FIND_VERSION}, found: ${SFML_VERSION_MAJOR}.${SFML_VERSION_MINOR})") set(SFML_FOUND FALSE) elseif(NOT SFML_FOUND) # include directory or library not found set(FIND_SFML_ERROR "Could NOT find SFML (missing: ${FIND_SFML_MISSING})") endif() if (NOT SFML_FOUND) if(SFML_FIND_REQUIRED) # fatal error message(FATAL_ERROR ${FIND_SFML_ERROR}) elseif(NOT SFML_FIND_QUIETLY) # error but continue message(STATUS "${FIND_SFML_ERROR}") endif() endif() # handle success if(SFML_FOUND) message(STATUS "Found SFML ${SFML_VERSION_MAJOR}.${SFML_VERSION_MINOR} in ${SFML_INCLUDE_DIR}") foreach(FIND_SFML_COMPONENT ${SFML_FIND_COMPONENTS}) string(TOLOWER ${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT} FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_LOWER) string(TOUPPER ${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT} FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER) if(NOT TARGET sfml-${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_LOWER}) add_library(sfml-${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_LOWER} UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_target_properties(sfml-${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_LOWER} PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION "${SFML_${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY}" INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${SFML_INCLUDE_DIR}" ) if(NOT ${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_LOWER} STREQUAL system) set_target_properties(sfml-${FIND_SFML_COMPONENT_LOWER} PROPERTIES INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES sfml-system ) endif() endif() endforeach() endif()