// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Includes // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ #include "Common.h" // Common #include "Config.h" #include "StringUtil.h" #include "ConsoleWindow.h" // For Start, Print, GetHwnd #if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX #include #include "ConfigDlg.h" #endif #define EXCLUDEMAIN_H // Avoid certain declarations in main.h #include "Main.h" // Local #include "pluginspecs_wiimote.h" #include "EmuMain.h" #if HAVE_WIIUSE #include "wiimote_real.h" #endif /////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declarations and definitions // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ SWiimoteInitialize g_WiimoteInitialize; bool g_EmulatorRunning = false; bool g_FrameOpen = false; bool g_RealWiiMotePresent = false; bool g_RealWiiMoteInitialized = false; bool g_EmulatedWiiMoteInitialized = false; HINSTANCE g_hInstance; #if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX wxWindow win; ConfigDialog *frame; class wxDLLApp : public wxApp { bool OnInit() { return true; } }; IMPLEMENT_APP_NO_MAIN(wxDLLApp) WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE void wxSetInstance(HINSTANCE hInst); #endif //////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main function and WxWidgets initialization // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ #ifdef _WIN32 BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, // DLL module handle DWORD dwReason, // reason called LPVOID lpvReserved) // reserved { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { //use wxInitialize() if you don't want GUI instead of the following 12 lines wxSetInstance((HINSTANCE)hinstDLL); int argc = 0; char **argv = NULL; wxEntryStart(argc, argv); if ( !wxTheApp || !wxTheApp->CallOnInit() ) return FALSE; } break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: wxEntryCleanup(); //use wxUninitialize() if you don't want GUI break; default: break; } g_hInstance = hinstDLL; return TRUE; } #endif ///////////////////////////////////// //****************************************************************************** // Exports //****************************************************************************** extern "C" void GetDllInfo (PLUGIN_INFO* _PluginInfo) { _PluginInfo->Version = 0x0100; _PluginInfo->Type = PLUGIN_TYPE_WIIMOTE; #ifdef DEBUGFAST sprintf(_PluginInfo->Name, "Dolphin Wiimote Plugin (DebugFast)"); #else #ifndef _DEBUG sprintf(_PluginInfo->Name, "Dolphin Wiimote Plugin"); #else sprintf(_PluginInfo->Name, "Dolphin Wiimote Plugin (Debug)"); #endif #endif } void SetDllGlobals(PLUGIN_GLOBALS* _pPluginGlobals) {} void DllDebugger(HWND _hParent, bool Show) {} void DllConfig(HWND _hParent) { #if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX #ifdef _WIN32 win.SetHWND(_hParent); #endif g_FrameOpen = true; frame = new ConfigDialog(&win); DoInitialize(); frame->ShowModal(); //frame.Show(); #ifdef _WIN32 win.SetHWND(0); #endif #endif } extern "C" void Initialize(void *init) { // Declarations SWiimoteInitialize _WiimoteInitialize = *(SWiimoteInitialize *)init; g_WiimoteInitialize = _WiimoteInitialize; g_EmulatorRunning = true; #if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX if(g_FrameOpen) if(frame) frame->UpdateGUI(); #endif DoInitialize(); } // If a game is not running this is called by the Configuration window when it's closed extern "C" void Shutdown(void) { // Not running g_EmulatorRunning = false; // We will only shutdown when both a game and the frame is closed if (g_FrameOpen) { #if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX if(frame) frame->UpdateGUI(); #endif // Don't shut down the wiimote when we still have the window open return; } #if HAVE_WIIUSE if(g_RealWiiMoteInitialized) WiiMoteReal::Shutdown(); #endif WiiMoteEmu::Shutdown(); Console::Close(); } extern "C" void DoState(unsigned char **ptr, int mode) { #if HAVE_WIIUSE WiiMoteReal::DoState(ptr, mode); #endif WiiMoteEmu::DoState(ptr, mode); } // =================================================== /* This function produce Wiimote Input (reports from the Wiimote) in response to Output from the Wii. It's called from WII_IPC_HLE_WiiMote.cpp. Switch between real and emulated wiimote: We send all this Input to WiiMoteEmu::InterruptChannel() so that it knows the channel ID and the data reporting mode at all times. */ // ---------------- extern "C" void Wiimote_InterruptChannel(u16 _channelID, const void* _pData, u32 _Size) { LOGV(WII_IPC_WIIMOTE, 3, "============================================================="); const u8* data = (const u8*)_pData; // Debugging { LOGV(WII_IPC_WIIMOTE, 3, "Wiimote_Input"); LOGV(WII_IPC_WIIMOTE, 3, " Channel ID: %04x", _channelID); std::string Temp = ArrayToString(data, _Size); LOGV(WII_IPC_WIIMOTE, 3, " Data: %s", Temp.c_str()); } // Decice where to send the message //if (!g_RealWiiMotePresent) WiiMoteEmu::InterruptChannel(_channelID, _pData, _Size); #if HAVE_WIIUSE if (g_RealWiiMotePresent) WiiMoteReal::InterruptChannel(_channelID, _pData, _Size); #endif LOGV(WII_IPC_WIIMOTE, 3, "============================================================="); } // ============================== // =================================================== /* Function: Used for the initial Bluetooth HID handshake. */ // ---------------- extern "C" void Wiimote_ControlChannel(u16 _channelID, const void* _pData, u32 _Size) { LOGV(WII_IPC_WIIMOTE, 3, "============================================================="); const u8* data = (const u8*)_pData; // Debugging { LOGV(WII_IPC_WIIMOTE, 3, "Wiimote_ControlChannel"); std::string Temp = ArrayToString(data, _Size); LOGV(WII_IPC_WIIMOTE, 3, " Data: %s", Temp.c_str()); } if (!g_RealWiiMotePresent) WiiMoteEmu::ControlChannel(_channelID, _pData, _Size); #if HAVE_WIIUSE else WiiMoteReal::ControlChannel(_channelID, _pData, _Size); #endif LOGV(WII_IPC_WIIMOTE, 3, "============================================================="); } // ============================== // =================================================== /* This sends a Data Report from the Wiimote. See SystemTimers.cpp for the documentation of this update. */ // ---------------- extern "C" void Wiimote_Update() { if (!g_Config.bUseRealWiimote || !g_RealWiiMotePresent) WiiMoteEmu::Update(); #if HAVE_WIIUSE else if (g_RealWiiMotePresent) WiiMoteReal::Update(); #endif } extern "C" unsigned int Wiimote_GetAttachedControllers() { return 1; } // ================ //****************************************************************************** // Supporting functions //****************************************************************************** void DoInitialize() { // ---------------------------------------- // Debugging window // ---------- /*Console::Open(100, 750, "Wiimote"); // give room for 20 rows Console::Print("Wiimote console opened\n"); // Move window //MoveWindow(Console::GetHwnd(), 0,400, 100*8,10*14, true); // small window MoveWindow(Console::GetHwnd(), 400,0, 100*8,70*14, true); // big window*/ // --------------- // Load config settings g_Config.Load(); /* We will run WiiMoteReal::Initialize() even if we are not using a real wiimote, to check if there is a real wiimote connected. We will initiate wiiuse.dll, but we will return before creating a new thread for it if we find no real Wiimotes. Then g_RealWiiMotePresent will also be false. This function call will be done instantly if there is no real Wiimote connected. I'm not sure how long time it takes if a Wiimote is connected. */ #if HAVE_WIIUSE if (g_Config.bConnectRealWiimote) WiiMoteReal::Initialize(); #endif WiiMoteEmu::Initialize(); } //****************************************************************************** // Logging functions //****************************************************************************** void __Log(int log, const char *_fmt, ...) { char Msg[512]; va_list ap; va_start( ap, _fmt ); vsprintf( Msg, _fmt, ap ); va_end( ap ); g_WiimoteInitialize.pLog(Msg, 0); } void __Logv(int log, int v, const char *_fmt, ...) { char Msg[512]; va_list ap; va_start( ap, _fmt ); vsprintf( Msg, _fmt, ap ); va_end( ap ); g_WiimoteInitialize.pLog(Msg, v); }