# RM8E01 - Mario Party 8 [OnLoad] # Add memory patches to be loaded once on boot here. [OnFrame] # Add memory patches to be applied every frame here. [ActionReplay] # Add action replay cheats here. [Gecko] # Add gecko cheats here. $!!! - README *Mario Party 8 Cheats can cause the game to stop saving. Be Warned *Mario Party 8 Cheats can also cause unintended consequences due to to hacky nature of specific codes. $QOL - Faster Boot Time [Celerizer] 20744de4 a003de20 04744dec 60000000 e2000001 80008000 20741c30 38600008 04741c48 60000000 04741c14 60000000 e2000001 80008000 *Automatically advance through the initial cutscences. $QOL - Increased Board Speed [gamemasterplc] 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 300a14c4 4081ff48 140a14bc 3b9c0002 140a1714 3bbd0002 140a18f0 3bbd0002 140a0f04 3bde0002 140a10dc 3b9c0002 1415dce4 3b5a0002 1415ddd4 3b9c0002 1415d3b4 3b9c0002 14164c0c 3b5a0002 14164d0c 3b390002 14164d98 3b9c0002 14149a18 3b9c0002 14151914 3bbd0002 1415b7c4 3b9c0002 14155c00 38030002 14155a60 38030002 1416171c 3b9c0002 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 3009eef8 4081ff48 1409eef0 3b9c0002 1409f148 3bbd0002 1409f324 3bbd0002 1409e938 3bde0002 1409eb10 3b9c0002 1415b6a8 3b5a0002 1415b798 3b9c0002 1415ad98 3b9c0002 141625d0 3b5a0002 141626d0 3b390002 1416275c 3b9c0002 141473dc 3b9c0002 1414f2d8 3bbd0002 14159188 3b9c0002 141535c4 38030002 14153424 38030002 1415f0e0 3b9c0002 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 300a482c 4081ff48 140a4824 3b9c0002 140a4a7c 3bbd0002 140a4c58 3bbd0002 140a426c 3bde0002 140a4444 3b9c0002 14160aa0 3b5a0002 14160b90 3b9c0002 14160170 3b9c0002 141679c8 3b5a0002 14167ac8 3b390002 14167b54 3b9c0002 1414c7d4 3b9c0002 141546d0 3bbd0002 1415e580 3b9c0002 141589bc 38030002 1415881c 38030002 141644d8 3b9c0002 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 300c3f70 4081ff48 140c3f68 3b9c0002 140c41c0 3bbd0002 140c439c 3bbd0002 140c39b0 3bde0002 140c3b88 3b9c0002 141800d0 3b5a0002 141801c0 3b9c0002 1417f7a0 3b9c0002 14186ff8 3b5a0002 141870f8 3b390002 14187184 3b9c0002 1416be04 3b9c0002 14173d00 3bbd0002 1417dbb0 3b9c0002 14177fec 38030002 14177e4c 38030002 14183b08 3b9c0002 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 300a7b64 4081ff48 140a7b5c 3b9c0002 140a7db4 3bbd0002 140a7f90 3bbd0002 140a75a4 3bde0002 140a777c 3b9c0002 14164428 3b5a0002 14164518 3b9c0002 14163af8 3b9c0002 1416b350 3b5a0002 1416b450 3b390002 1416b4dc 3b9c0002 1415015c 3b9c0002 14158058 3bbd0002 14161f08 3b9c0002 1415c344 38030002 1415c1a4 38030002 14167e60 3b9c0002 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 3009ca80 4081ff48 1409ca78 3b9c0002 1409ccd0 3bbd0002 1409ceac 3bbd0002 1409c4c0 3bde0002 1409c698 3b9c0002 141592cc 3b5a0002 141593bc 3b9c0002 1415899c 3b9c0002 141601f4 3b5a0002 141602f4 3b390002 14160380 3b9c0002 14145000 3b9c0002 1414cefc 3bbd0002 14156dac 3b9c0002 141511e8 38030002 14151048 38030002 1415cd04 3b9c0002 e0000000 80008000 *Board animations happen faster. $QOL - Increased Taunt Capabilities [gamemasterplc] 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 300966f8 901f0010 140966f0 60000000 1409671c 60000000 14096730 60000000 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 30098c3c 901f0010 14098c34 60000000 14098c60 60000000 14098c74 60000000 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 300bb770 901f0010 140bb768 60000000 140bb794 60000000 140bb7a8 60000000 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 3009f30c 901f0010 1409f304 60000000 1409f330 60000000 1409f344 60000000 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 300941f8 901f0010 140941f0 60000000 1409421c 60000000 14094230 60000000 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 3009bfd4 901f0010 1409bfcc 60000000 1409bff8 60000000 1409c00c 60000000 e0000000 80008000 *Taunt during your turn. *Also removes the cap on how fast you can taunt. $QOL - Increased Text Display [Nora] 0405DED4 60000000 *Text is displayed instantly. $QOL - Remove Explanations [Rain] 82200001 80228760 86300001 ffffbfff 84200001 80228760 *Remove Minigame Explanations in all minigames. $Board: DK's Treetop Temple - Free Cannon [gamemasterplc] 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 3001a2dc 387f00c8 1401a2d8 60000000 1401a160 2c040000 e0000000 80008000 *Cannon usage is free in the board DK's Treetop Temple $Board: Goomba's Booty Boardwalk - Remove Dolphin Shuttles [gamemasterplc] 2057bc40 437f0000 0457bc3c 42700000 e2000001 80008000 *A long tedious path forms in the board Goomba's Booty Boardwalk. $Board: King Boo's Haunted Hideaway - Make the Whomp Toll Free [gamemasterplc] 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 3003f0e0 387f01c0 1403f0dc 60000000 1403f04c 2c03000a e0000000 80008000 *Whomp toll is free in the board King Boo's Haunted Hideaway $Board - King Boo's Haunted Hideaway: Map Always Revealed [gamemasterplc] 042287bc ffffffff *King Boo's Haunted Hideaway becomes less secret. $Extra - Disable Music [gamemasterplc] 042CE168 00000001 0404D9FC 60000000 *Disables all in-game music. $Mechanics - Cashzap Candy Steals Coins [gamemasterplc] 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 301020d8 80bf01a8 d21020c4 00000005 3dc08023 89ee876a 39ce82f8 1def0118 7dcf7214 a1ee0026 7def1a14 b1ee0026 907f01a8 00000000 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 3010d220 80bf01a8 d210d20c 00000005 3dc08023 89ee876a 39ce82f8 1def0118 7dcf7214 a1ee0026 7def1a14 b1ee0026 907f01a8 00000000 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 30128f9c 80bf01a8 d2128f88 00000005 3dc08023 89ee876a 39ce82f8 1def0118 7dcf7214 a1ee0026 7def1a14 b1ee0026 907f01a8 00000000 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 30106b8c 80bf01a8 d2106b78 00000005 3dc08023 89ee876a 39ce82f8 1def0118 7dcf7214 a1ee0026 7def1a14 b1ee0026 907f01a8 00000000 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 30104498 80bf01a8 d2104484 00000005 3dc08023 89ee876a 39ce82f8 1def0118 7dcf7214 a1ee0026 7def1a14 b1ee0026 907f01a8 00000000 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 30109890 80bf01a8 d210987c 00000005 3dc08023 89ee876a 39ce82f8 1def0118 7dcf7214 a1ee0026 7def1a14 b1ee0026 907f01a8 00000000 e0000000 80008000 *Cashzap Candy steals coins rather then destroying. $Mechanics - Disable Duelo Candy [Nora, Rain, jdaster] c0000000 00000010 3821ffdc 90610010 90810014 90a10018 90c1001c 90e10020 3c608022 606382fe 38a00000 38c00000 38e00000 7c8518ae 2c04000f 40a20008 7ce519ae 38a50001 2c050003 4082ffe8 38c60001 2c060004 41820010 38a00000 38630118 4bffffd0 80610010 80810014 80a10018 80c1001c 80e10020 38210024 4e800020 00000000 *Replaces Duelo Candy with Twice Candy $Mechanics - Disable Lucky Spaces [gamemasterplc] 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 3001baec 4e800020 1401baf0 4e800020 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 30019f18 4e800020 14019f1c 4e800020 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 3003c990 4e800020 1403c994 4e800020 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 300022e8 4e800020 140022ec 4e800020 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 30015870 4e800020 14015874 4e800020 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 30010778 4e800020 1401077c 4e800020 e0000000 80008000 *Disables the overpowered Lucky Spaces. *Disables certain happening spaces due to the level of assembly needed for this patch. $Mechanics - Disable Slogo Candy [Nora, Rain, jdaster] c0000000 00000010 3821ffdc 90610010 90810014 90a10018 90c1001c 90e10020 3c608022 606382fe 38a00000 38c00000 38e00000 7c8518ae 2c040002 40a20008 7ce519ae 38a50001 2c050003 4082ffe8 38c60001 2c060004 41820010 38a00000 38630118 4bffffd0 80610010 80810014 80a10018 80c1001c 80e10020 38210024 4e800020 00000000 *Replaces Slogo Candy with Twice Candy $Mechanics - Force Mini-Game/Candy/Happening Bonus Stars [gamemasterplc] 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 30006cd4 4800005c 14006c94 48000014 e0000000 80008000 *Bonus Stars are always the same. $Extra - Free Stars [gamemasterplc] 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 30031f80 387f03f8 14031e58 2c030000 14031f7c 60000000 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 30010528 38600070 14010524 60000000 14010408 2c030000 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 3001e728 7c03e800 1401e604 38600000 e0000000 80008000 *Stars cost nothing instead of the usual 20 coins. $Mechanics - No 1 or 5 Coin Duel Rewards [gamemasterplc] 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 30170058 3800000a 14170040 3800000a 1417004c 3860000a e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 30164efc 3800000a 14164ee4 3800000a 14164ef0 3860000a e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 3018bd00 3800000a 1418bce8 3800000a 1418bcf4 3860000a e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 301672d8 3800000a 141672c0 3800000a 141672cc 3860000a e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 30169914 3800000a 141698fc 3800000a 14169908 3860000a e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 3016c6d0 3800000a 1416c6b8 3800000a 1416c6c4 3860000a e0000000 80008000 *Duels are now worth it. $Mechanics - Thwomp Candy Steals Coins [gamemasterplc] 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 30159750 408202e4 d2159868 00000005 3dc08023 89ee876a 39ce82f8 1def0118 7dcf7214 a1ee0026 7def0214 b1ee0026 901f0180 00000000 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 301648ac 408202e4 d21649c4 00000005 3dc08023 89ee876a 39ce82f8 1def0118 7dcf7214 a1ee0026 7def0214 b1ee0026 901f0180 00000000 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 30180554 408202e4 d218066c 00000005 3dc08023 89ee876a 39ce82f8 1def0118 7dcf7214 a1ee0026 7def0214 b1ee0026 901f0180 00000000 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 3015e168 408202e4 d215e280 00000005 3dc08023 89ee876a 39ce82f8 1def0118 7dcf7214 a1ee0026 7def0214 b1ee0026 901f0180 00000000 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 3015bb2c 408202e4 d215bc44 00000005 3dc08023 89ee876a 39ce82f8 1def0118 7dcf7214 a1ee0026 7def0214 b1ee0026 901f0180 00000000 e0000000 80008000 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 30160f24 408202e4 d216103c 00000005 3dc08023 89ee876a 39ce82f8 1def0118 7dcf7214 a1ee0026 7def0214 b1ee0026 901f0180 00000000 e0000000 80008000 *Thwomp Candy steals coins rather than destroying them. $Minigame - Attention Grabber: Ship is 5000 Units Away [gamemasterplc] 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 300091d0 46a02800 140091d4 459c4000 e0000000 80008000 *Ship is closer in the minigame Attention Grabber. $Minigame - Cosmic Slalom: Infinite Boosts [gamemasterplc] 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 30012d2c 2c000000 14012d54 38030000 e0000000 80008000 *Carry Infinite Boosts instad of 3 in the minigame Cosmic Slalom $Minigame - Lob to Rob: All Targets Worth 30 Points [gamemasterplc] 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 3000cbd4 80010008 1400cbd4 3800001e e0000000 80008000 *Targets are worth 30 points in the minigame Lob to Rob. $Minigame - Rudder Madness: Double Rudder Speed [gamemasterplc] 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 3000abdc 807e005c d200abd8 00000003 3c604000 907f0060 c3ff0060 ec1f0032 efe1002a 00000000 e0000000 80008000 *Rudders mode faster in the minigame Rudder Madness. $Minigame - Surf's Way Up: All Targets Worth 100 Points [gamemasterplc] 48000000 800030c8 de000000 80008180 3000b34c 881e0000 1400b348 3ba00064 e0000000 80008000 *Targets are worth 100 points in the minigame Surf's Way Up. $Minigame Replacement - Bob-ombs Away ➜ Power Trip [gamemasterplc] 282287CC 00000012 022287CC 00000011 E2000001 80008000 $Minigame Replacement - Cardiators ➜ Frozen Assets [gamemasterplc] 282287CC 00000039 022287CC 00000031 E2000001 80008000 $Minigame Replacement - Cut from the Team ➜ Snipe for the Picking [gamemasterplc] 282287CC 00000024 022287CC 00000025 E2000001 80008000 $Minigame Replacement - Glacial Meltdown ➜ Saucer Swarm [gamemasterplc] 282287CC 00000027 022287CC 00000026 E2000001 80008000 $Minigame Replacement - Gun the Runner ➜ Snow Way Out [gamemasterplc] 282287cc 0000000f 022287cc 00000015 e2000001 80008000 $Minigame Replacement - Specter Inspector ➜ Loco Motives [gamemasterplc] 282287CC 00000030 022287CC 0000002F E2000001 80008000 $Minigame Replacement - Thrash 'n' Crash ➜ Swervin' Skies [gamemasterplc] 282287CC 00000016 022287CC 00000013 E2000001 80008000 $Minigame Replacement - You're the Bob-omb ➜ Lava Lobbers [gamemasterplc] 282287CC 00000037 022287CC 0000002E E2000001 80008000