# -*- python -*- Import('env') import os import sys wxenv = env.Clone() files = [ 'BootManager.cpp', ] libs = [ 'core', 'lzo2', 'discio', 'bdisasm', 'inputcommon', 'common', 'lua', 'z', 'sfml-network', ] if wxenv['HAVE_WX']: memcardfiles = [ 'MemcardManager.cpp', 'MemoryCards/GCMemcard.cpp', 'WxUtils.cpp', ] files += memcardfiles files += [ 'AboutDolphin.cpp', 'ARCodeAddEdit.cpp', 'ConfigMain.cpp', 'Frame.cpp', 'FrameAui.cpp', 'FrameTools.cpp', 'LuaWindow.cpp', 'LogWindow.cpp', 'GameListCtrl.cpp', 'HotkeyDlg.cpp', 'ISOFile.cpp', 'ISOProperties.cpp', 'PatchAddEdit.cpp', 'CheatsWindow.cpp', 'MemoryCards/WiiSaveCrypted.cpp', 'NetPlay.cpp', 'NetPlayClient.cpp', 'NetPlayServer.cpp', 'NetWindow.cpp', ] libs = [ 'debwx', 'debugger_ui_util', 'inputuicommon'] + libs else: files+= [ 'cmdline.c', ] if sys.platform == 'win32': files += [ "stdafx.cpp" ] elif sys.platform == 'darwin' and not wxenv['HAVE_WX']: files += [ 'cocoaApp.m' ] exeNoGUI = env['binary_dir'] + 'DolphinNoGUI' elif sys.platform == 'darwin' and wxenv['HAVE_WX']: exeGUI = env['binary_dir'] + 'Dolphin.app/Contents/MacOS/Dolphin' wxenv.Install(env['binary_dir'] + 'Dolphin.app/Contents/' + 'Library/Frameworks/Cg.framework', '#Externals/Cg/Cg.framework/Cg') wxenv.Install(env['binary_dir'] + 'Dolphin.app/Contents/Resources/', '#Source/Core/DolphinWX/resources/Dolphin.icns') wxenv.Plist( env['binary_dir'] + 'Dolphin.app/Contents/Info.plist', Value(dict( CFBundleExecutable = 'Dolphin', CFBundleIconFile = 'Dolphin.icns', CFBundleIdentifier = 'com.dolphin-emu.dolphin', CFBundlePackageType = 'APPL', CFBundleShortVersionString = os.popen('svnversion -n ' + Dir('#').abspath).read(), CFBundleVersion = '2.0', LSMinimumSystemVersion = '10.5.0', LSRequiresCarbon = True, )) ) else: files += [ 'X11Utils.cpp' ] exeGUI = env['binary_dir'] + 'dolphin-emu' exeNoGUI = env['binary_dir'] + 'dolphin-emu-nogui' wxenv.Append( LIBS = libs ) if wxenv['HAVE_WX']: wxenv.Program(exeGUI, files + [ 'Main.cpp' ]) wxenv.StaticLibrary(env['local_libs'] + 'memcard', memcardfiles) else: wxenv.Program(exeNoGUI, files + [ 'MainNoGUI.cpp' ])