# GAFE01 - Animal Crossing NTSC [EmuState] #The Emulation State (as of r1027) EmulationStateId = 4 EmulationIssues = [OnFrame] [ActionReplay] $(M) (Datel) 01521549 88000000 C40959EC 0000FF00 $Make Game Save Copyable (donny2112) 01522C0A 08000000 8C091F20 909C0028 04091F24 4BF70FFC 04002F20 38000004 04002F24 981C0034 04002F28 38000000 04002F2C 4808EFFC $Weed-Be-Gone Avtivate/Restore (D-Pad Down/Up) (donny2112) 015229BD 08000000 04002484 4E800020 04002F10 3CE08128 04002F14 80A7D720 04002F18 A0C50000 04002F1C 2C060008 04002F20 41820018 04002F24 2C060009 04002F28 41820010 04002F2C 2C06000A 04002F30 41820008 04002F34 4800000C 04002F38 38C00000 04002F3C B0C50000 04002F40 38A50002 04002F44 54A6043E 04002F48 2806D710 04002F4C 41820008 04002F50 4BFFFFC8 04002F54 4E800020 4A2070F8 00000004 0527D720 81279BA8 04002484 48000A8C 0A2070F8 00000008 0527D720 00000000 $Full Song Library (JasonHaffner) 0152368C 08000000 01279B78 000036FF $Turnips are Free (donny2112) 015254DD 08000000 03286880 00000000 $Turnips Sell for 65535 Bells on all days but Sunday (donny2112) 01526DFE 08000000 03286882 0005FFFF $P1 Solid Black (JasonHaffner) 01522449 08000000 03266434 00000051 $P2 Infinite Bells (SSBMaster) 0152063E 08000000 052688EC 000F423F 052A18A0 000F423F $P3 Infinite Bells (SSBMaster) 01520343 08000000 0526AD2C 000F423F 052A3CE0 000F434F $P4 Infinite Bells (SSBMaster) 01521976 08000000 0526D16C 000F423F 052A6120 000F423F $P2 Full Bank Account-Post Office (SSBMaster) 015233C3 08000000 05269A8C 3B9AC9FF $P3 Full Bank Account-Post Office (SSBMaster) 015270A7 08000000 0526BECC 3B9AC9FF $P4 Full Bank Account-Post Office (SSBMaster) 01525D28 08000000 0526E30C 3B9AC9FF $P2 100% Full Nooks Catalog (SSBMaster) 0152426E 08000000 03269950 005BFFFF 03269A14 0013FFFF $P3 100% Full Nooks Catalog (SSBMaster) 0152374B 08000000 0326BD90 005BFFFF 0326BE54 0013FFFF $P4 100% Full Nooks Catalog (SSBMaster) 01524164 08000000 0326E1D0 005BFFFF 0326E294 0013FFFF $P2 House Upgrades = 1 Bell (SSBMaster) 01525770 08000000 352688B0 00000001 052688F0 00000001 $P3 House Upgrades = 1 Bell (SSBMaster) 01526612 08000000 3526ACF0 00000001 0526AD30 00000001 $P4 House Upgrades = 1 Bell (SSBMaster) 01523EFC 08000000 3526D130 00000001 0526D170 00000001 $P2 - 100 Bags Worth 10,000 (SSBMaster) 01521A3F 08000000 046CF5E8 0000270F $P3 - 100 Bags Worth 10,000 (SSBMaster) 015265ED 08000000 046D1A28 0000270F $P4 - 100 Bags Worth 10,000 (SSBMaster) 01527451 08000000 046D3E68 0000270F $P2 - 1,000 Bags Worth 30,000 (SSBMaster) 01524075 08000000 046CF5DC 00007530 $P3 - 1,000 Bags Worth 30,000 (SSBMaster) 015207B7 08000000 046D1A1C 00007530 $P4 - 1,000 Bags Worth 30,000 (SSBMaster) 01522B70 08000000 046D3E5C 00007530 $P2 - 10,000 Bags Worth 50,000 (SSBMaster) 01525AC6 08000000 046CF5E0 0000C350 $P3 - 10,000 Bags Worth 50,000 (SSBMaster) 01527710 08000000 046D1A20 0000C350 $P4 - 10,000 Bags Worth 50,000 (SSBMaster) 01520422 08000000 046D3E60 0000C350 $P2 - 30,000 Bags Worth 99,999 (SSBMaster) 01525F8D 08000000 046CF5E4 0001869F $P3 - 30,000 Bags Worth 99,999 (SSBMaster) 01520C18 08000000 046D1A24 0001869F $P4 - 30,000 Bags Worth 99,999 (SSBMaster) 01523607 08000000 046D3E64 0001869F $All Villagers Wear Big Bro's Shirt (JasonHaffner) 01527609 08000000 00000000 8327E11C 00002496 000F04C4 $All Villagers Are Bob the Cat (JasonHaffner) 01526E08 08000000 00000000 8127D839 00000000 000F0988 $All Islanders Are Bob the Cat (JasonHaffner) 01524BAC 08000000 01289841 00000000 $All NES Games in Lost & Found (JasonHaffner) 01521968 08000000 052872D0 1DA81DAC 052872D4 1DB01DB4 052872D8 1DB81DBC 052872DC 1DC01DC4 052872E0 1DC81DCC 052872E4 1DD01DD4 052872E8 1DD81DDC 052872EC 1DE01DE4 052872F0 1DE81DEC 052872F4 1DF01DF4 $NES Balloon Fight - P1 Infinite Lives (donny2112) 01522488 08000000 01658FE1 00000009 $NES Balloon Fight - P2 Infinite Lives (donny2112) 015245C2 08000000 01658FE2 00000009 $NES Clu Clu Land - P1 Infinite Lives (donny2112) 01527EEE 08000000 01659020 00000009 $NES Clu Clu Land - Max out Clock (C-stick Right) (donny2112) 01523F59 08000000 BD2F5408 00010000 03658FCE 00000999 00000000 40000000 $NES Clu Clu Land D - P1 Infinite Lives (donny2112) 01527EEE 08000000 01659020 00000009 $NES Clu Clu Land D - Max out Clock (C-stick Right) (donny2112) 01526C12 08000000 BD2F5408 00010000 03658FC6 00000999 00000000 40000000 $NES Donkey Kong - P1 Infinite Lives (donny2112) 01523F81 08000000 01658FF5 00000009 $NES Donkey Kong - Jump to get Hammer (Hold A+C-stick Right) (donny2112) 015246D9 08000000 BD2F5408 00810000 01659040 00000001 00000000 40000000 $NES Donkey Kong 3 - P1 Infinite Lives (donny2112) 01522FF9 08000000 01659030 00000009 $NES Donkey Kong Jr. - 1 Infinite Lives (donny2112) 01523D7E 08000000 01658FEC 00000009 $NES Excitebike - Never Overheat (SSBMaster) 015222EF 08000000 01659356 00000000 $NES Golf - Always on First Stroke (SSBMaster) 01526F6F 08000000 01658FCC 00000001 $NES Ice Climber - P1 Infinite Lives (JasonHaffner) 01524E4C 08000000 01658FC0 00000003 $NES Ice Climber - P2 Infinite Lives (JasonHaffner) 01522A2C 08000000 01658FC1 00000003 $NES Ice Climber - Infinite Bonus Time (donny2112) 01525048 08000000 0365979A 00004000 0365979E 00004000 $NES Legend of Zelda - Have Magical Sword (donny2112) 01521118 08000000 016595F7 00000003 $NES Legend of Zelda - Have Silver Arrows, Bow, Red Candle & Infinite Bombs (donny2112) 01527752 08000000 056595F8 FF020102 $NES Legend of Zelda - Have Flute, Meat, Red Potion & Magic Wand (donny2112) 01520EA2 08000000 056595FC 01010201 $NES Legend of Zelda - Have Raft, Spell Book, Red Ring & Ladder (donny2112) 01527F69 08000000 05659600 01010201 $NES Legend of Zelda - Have Lion Key & Power Bracelet (donny2112) 01520ADE 08000000 03659604 00000101 $NES Legend of Zelda - Infinite Rupees and Arrows (donny2112) 01520953 08000000 0165960D 000000FF $NES Legend of Zelda - Have Magical Boomerang (donny2112) 01523CE4 08000000 01659615 00000001 $NES Legend of Zelda - Have Magical Shield (donny2112) 01522114 08000000 01659616 00000001 $NES Legend of Zelda - Max Hearts/Invincibility (donny2112) 01521605 08000000 0165960F 000000FF $NES Legend of Zelda - Freeze Enemies (C-stick Left) (donny2112) 01527C62 08000000 BD2F5408 00020000 0165960C 00000001 00000000 40000000 $NES Legend of Zelda - Have All Dungeon Maps & Compasses (donny2112) 01523E2D 08000000 01659607 000000FF 03659608 0000FFFF 0165960A 000000FF $NES Legend of Zelda - HAve All Triforce Pieces (SSBMaster) 01523635 08000000 01659611 000000FF $NES Legend of Zelda - Turbo Sword (SSBMaster) 01521613 08000000 0165937D 00000001 $NES Mario Bros. - P1 Infinite Lives (JasonHaffner) 0152484F 08000000 01658FE8 00000003 $NES Mario Bros. - P2 Infinite Lives (JasonHaffner) 015216F2 08000000 01658FEC 00000003 $NES Mario Bros. - POW Block Never Shrinks (JasonHaffner) 01521F9C 08000000 01659010 00000003 $NES Pinball - P1 Infinite Balls (donny2112) 0152585F 08000000 016590F1 00000009 $NES Punch-Out! - Infinite Hearts (donny2112) 0152195A 08000000 016592C3 00000009 016592C4 00000009 $NES Punch-Out! - Infinite Stars (donny2112) 01523894 08000000 016592E1 00000003 $NES Punch-Out! - Infinite Health (One hit knock-downs still knock you down) (donny2112) 015272A0 08000000 01659331 00000060 03659332 00006060 $NES Punch-Out! - Knock Down Opponent with one Successful Hit (donny2112) 01526C66 08000000 05659338 00000000 $NES Punch-Out! - Reset Timer (D-pad Left) (donny2112) 01521E0F 08000000 4A2070F8 00000001 016592A2 00000000 036592A4 00000001 $NES Super Mario Bros. - Enable 2nd Quest (donny2112) 01520FF8 08000000 0165979C 00000001 $NES Super Mario Bros. - Infinite Lives (donny2112) 01523180 08000000 016596FA 00000009 $NES Super Mario Bros. - Invincible (Pass Through Enemies) (donny2112) 01520B59 08000000 0165973E 00000006 $NES Super Mario Bros. - Invincible (Kill Enemies) (donny2112) 01523FD2 08000000 0165973F 00000018 $NES Super Mario Bros. - Always Big Mario (donny2112) 01522617 08000000 016596F6 00000001 $NES Super Mario Bros. - Always Fire Mario (donny2112) 01525F74 08000000 016596F6 00000002 $NES Super Mario Bros. - Freeze Timer (donny2112) 0152245E 08000000 01659727 0000000C $NES Wario's Woods - Infinite Credits (donny2112) 01523E93 08000000 0165E60B 00000009 [Video] ProjectionHack = 0 PH_SZNear = 0 PH_SZFar = 0 PH_ExtraParam = 0 PH_ZNear = PH_ZFar = [Gecko] [Video_Settings] SafeTextureCacheColorSamples = 512 [Core]