// Project description // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ // Name: nJoy // Description: A Dolphin Compatible Input Plugin // // Author: Falcon4ever (nJoy@falcon4ever.com) // Site: www.multigesture.net // Copyright (C) 2003 Dolphin Project. // // // Licensetype: GNU General Public License (GPL) // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ // // Include // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ #include "nJoy.h" // Enable or disable rumble. // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ // Rumble in windows #ifdef _WIN32 struct RUMBLE // GC Pad rumble DIDevice { LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8 g_pDevice; // 4 pads objects LPDIRECTINPUTEFFECT g_pEffect; DWORD g_dwNumForceFeedbackAxis; DIEFFECT eff; }; #define SAFE_RELEASE(p) { if (p) { (p)->Release(); (p)=NULL; } } BOOL CALLBACK EnumFFDevicesCallback(const DIDEVICEINSTANCE* pInst, VOID* pContext); BOOL CALLBACK EnumAxesCallback(const DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE* pdidoi, VOID* pContext); void SetDeviceForcesXY(int pad, int nXYForce); LPDIRECTINPUT8 g_Rumble; // DInput Rumble object RUMBLE pRumble[4]; // 4 GC Rumble Pads extern InputCommon::CONTROLLER_MAPPING PadMapping[4]; #elif defined(__linux__) #include #include #include int fd; char device_file_name[64]; struct ff_effect effect; bool CanRumble = false; #endif // Use PAD rumble // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ void Pad_Use_Rumble(u8 _numPAD) { #ifdef _WIN32 if (PadMapping[_numPAD].rumble) { if (!g_Rumble) { // GetForegroundWindow() always sends the good HWND if (FAILED(InitRumble(GetForegroundWindow()))) PanicAlert("Could not initialize Rumble!"); } else { // Acquire gamepad if (pRumble[_numPAD].g_pDevice != NULL) pRumble[_numPAD].g_pDevice->Acquire(); } } #elif defined(__linux__) if (!fd) { sprintf(device_file_name, "/dev/input/event%d", PadMapping[_numPAD].eventnum); //TODO: Make dynamic // /* Open device */ fd = open(device_file_name, O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) { perror("Open device file"); //Something wrong, probably permissions, just return now return; } int n_effects = 0; if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGEFFECTS, &n_effects) == -1) { perror("Ioctl number of effects"); } if (n_effects > 0) CanRumble = true; else return; // Return since we can't do any effects /* a strong rumbling effect */ effect.type = FF_RUMBLE; effect.id = -1; effect.u.rumble.strong_magnitude = 0x8000; effect.u.rumble.weak_magnitude = 0; effect.replay.length = 5000; // Set to 5 seconds, if a Game needs more for a single rumble event, it is dumb and must be a demo effect.replay.delay = 0; if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCSFF, &effect) == -1) { perror("Upload effect"); CanRumble = false; //We have effects but it doesn't support the rumble we are using. This is basic rumble, should work for most } } #endif } // Set PAD rumble. Explanation: Stop = 0, Rumble = 1 // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ void PAD_Rumble(u8 _numPAD, unsigned int _uType, unsigned int _uStrength) { Pad_Use_Rumble(_numPAD); // SDL can't rumble the gamepad so we need to use platform specific code #ifdef _WIN32 int a = 0; if (_uType == 1) { // it looks like _uStrength is equal to 3 everytime anyway... a = _uStrength > 2 ? (1000*(g_Config.RumbleStrength + 1)) : 0; a = a > 10000 ? 10000 : a; } // a = int ((float)a * 0.96f); // What is this for ? // else if ((_uType == 0) || (_uType == 2)) if (PadMapping[_numPAD].rumble) // rumble activated { // Start Effect SetDeviceForcesXY(_numPAD, a); } #elif defined(__linux__) struct input_event event; if (CanRumble) { if (_uType == 1) { event.type = EV_FF; event.code = effect.id; event.value = 1; if (write(fd, (const void*) &event, sizeof(event)) == -1) { perror("Play effect"); exit(1); } } if ((_uType == 0) || (_uType == 2)) { event.type = EV_FF; event.code = effect.id; event.value = 0; if (write(fd, (const void*) &event, sizeof(event)) == -1) { perror("Stop effect"); exit(1); } } } #endif } #ifdef _WIN32 // Rumble stuff :D! // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ // HRESULT InitRumble(HWND hWnd) { DIPROPDWORD dipdw; HRESULT hr; // Register with the DirectInput subsystem and get a pointer to a IDirectInput interface we can use. if (FAILED(hr = DirectInput8Create(GetModuleHandle(NULL), DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, IID_IDirectInput8, (VOID**)&g_Rumble, NULL))) return hr; // Look for a device we can use if (FAILED(hr = g_Rumble->EnumDevices( DI8DEVCLASS_GAMECTRL, EnumFFDevicesCallback, NULL, DIEDFL_ATTACHEDONLY | DIEDFL_FORCEFEEDBACK))) return hr; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { if (NULL == pRumble[i].g_pDevice) PadMapping[i].rumble = false; // Disable Rumble for this pad only. else { pRumble[i].g_pDevice->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIJoystick); pRumble[i].g_pDevice->SetCooperativeLevel(hWnd, DISCL_EXCLUSIVE | DISCL_BACKGROUND); // Request exclusive acces for both background and foreground. dipdw.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPDWORD); dipdw.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); dipdw.diph.dwObj = 0; dipdw.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; dipdw.dwData = FALSE; // if Force Feedback doesn't seem to work... if (FAILED(pRumble[i].g_pDevice->EnumObjects(EnumAxesCallback, (void*)&pRumble[i].g_dwNumForceFeedbackAxis, DIDFT_AXIS)) || FAILED(pRumble[i].g_pDevice->SetProperty(DIPROP_AUTOCENTER, &dipdw.diph))) { PanicAlert("Device %d doesn't seem to work ! \nRumble for device %d is now Disabled !", i+1); PadMapping[i].rumble = false; // Disable Rumble for this pad continue; // Next pad } if (pRumble[i].g_dwNumForceFeedbackAxis > 2) pRumble[i].g_dwNumForceFeedbackAxis = 2; DWORD _rgdwAxes[2] = {DIJOFS_X, DIJOFS_Y}; long rglDirection[2] = {0, 0}; DICONSTANTFORCE cf = {0}; ZeroMemory(&pRumble[i].eff, sizeof(pRumble[i].eff)); pRumble[i].eff.dwSize = sizeof(DIEFFECT); pRumble[i].eff.dwFlags = DIEFF_CARTESIAN | DIEFF_OBJECTOFFSETS; pRumble[i].eff.dwDuration = INFINITE; // fixed time may be safer (X * DI_SECONDS) pRumble[i].eff.dwSamplePeriod = 0; pRumble[i].eff.dwGain = DI_FFNOMINALMAX; pRumble[i].eff.dwTriggerButton = DIEB_NOTRIGGER; pRumble[i].eff.dwTriggerRepeatInterval = 0; pRumble[i].eff.cAxes = pRumble[i].g_dwNumForceFeedbackAxis; pRumble[i].eff.rgdwAxes = _rgdwAxes; pRumble[i].eff.rglDirection = rglDirection; pRumble[i].eff.lpEnvelope = 0; pRumble[i].eff.cbTypeSpecificParams = sizeof( DICONSTANTFORCE ); pRumble[i].eff.lpvTypeSpecificParams = &cf; pRumble[i].eff.dwStartDelay = 0; // Create the prepared effect if (FAILED(hr = pRumble[i].g_pDevice->CreateEffect(GUID_ConstantForce, &pRumble[i].eff, &pRumble[i].g_pEffect, NULL))) continue; if (pRumble[i].g_pEffect == NULL) continue; } } return S_OK; } void SetDeviceForcesXY(int npad, int nXYForce) { // Security check if (pRumble[npad].g_pDevice == NULL) return; // If nXYForce is null, there's no point to create the effect // Just stop the force feedback if (nXYForce == 0) { pRumble[npad].g_pEffect->Stop(); return; } long rglDirection[2] = {0}; DICONSTANTFORCE cf; // If only one force feedback axis, then apply only one direction and keep the direction at zero if (pRumble[npad].g_dwNumForceFeedbackAxis == 1) { rglDirection[0] = 0; cf.lMagnitude = nXYForce; // max should be 10000 } // If two force feedback axis, then apply magnitude from both directions else { rglDirection[0] = nXYForce; rglDirection[1] = nXYForce; cf.lMagnitude = 1.4142f*nXYForce; } ZeroMemory(&pRumble[npad].eff, sizeof(pRumble[npad].eff)); pRumble[npad].eff.dwSize = sizeof(DIEFFECT); pRumble[npad].eff.dwFlags = DIEFF_CARTESIAN | DIEFF_OBJECTOFFSETS; pRumble[npad].eff.cAxes = pRumble[npad].g_dwNumForceFeedbackAxis; pRumble[npad].eff.rglDirection = rglDirection; pRumble[npad].eff.lpEnvelope = 0; pRumble[npad].eff.cbTypeSpecificParams = sizeof(DICONSTANTFORCE); pRumble[npad].eff.lpvTypeSpecificParams = &cf; pRumble[npad].eff.dwStartDelay = 0; // Now set the new parameters.. pRumble[npad].g_pEffect->SetParameters(&pRumble[npad].eff, DIEP_DIRECTION | DIEP_TYPESPECIFICPARAMS | DIEP_START); // ..And start the effect immediately. if (pRumble[npad].g_pEffect != NULL) pRumble[npad].g_pEffect->Start(1, 0); } BOOL CALLBACK EnumFFDevicesCallback(const DIDEVICEINSTANCE* pInst, VOID* pContext) { LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8 pDevice; DIPROPDWORD dipdw; HRESULT hr; int JoystickID; dipdw.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPDWORD); dipdw.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); dipdw.diph.dwObj = 0; dipdw.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; g_Rumble->CreateDevice(pInst->guidInstance, &pDevice, NULL); // Create a DInput pad device if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pDevice->GetProperty(DIPROP_JOYSTICKID, &dipdw.diph))) // Get DInput Device ID JoystickID = dipdw.dwData; else return DIENUM_CONTINUE; //PanicAlert("DInput ID : %d \nSDL ID (1-4) : %d / %d / %d / %d\n", JoystickID, PadMapping[0].ID, PadMapping[1].ID, PadMapping[2].ID, PadMapping[3].ID); for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { if (PadMapping[i].ID == JoystickID) // if SDL ID = DInput ID -> we're dealing with the same device { // a DInput device is created even if rumble is disabled on startup // this way, you can toggle the rumble setting while in game //if (PadMapping[i].enabled) // && PadMapping[i].rumble pRumble[i].g_pDevice = pDevice; // everything looks good, save the DInput device } } return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } BOOL CALLBACK EnumAxesCallback(const DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE* pdidoi, VOID* pContext) { DWORD* pdwNumForceFeedbackAxis = (DWORD*)pContext; // Enum Rumble Axis if ((pdidoi->dwFlags & DIDOI_FFACTUATOR) != 0) (*pdwNumForceFeedbackAxis)++; return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } VOID FreeDirectInput() { // Unacquire the device one last time just in case // the app tried to exit while the device is still acquired. for (int i=0; i<4; i++) // Free all pads { if (pRumble[i].g_pDevice) pRumble[i].g_pDevice->Unacquire(); SAFE_RELEASE(pRumble[i].g_pEffect); SAFE_RELEASE(pRumble[i].g_pDevice); } SAFE_RELEASE(g_Rumble); // Rumble object } #endif