///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: wx/cshelp.h // Purpose: Context-sensitive help support classes // Author: Julian Smart, Vadim Zeitlin // Modified by: // Created: 08/09/2000 // Copyright: (c) 2000 Julian Smart, Vadim Zeitlin // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _WX_CSHELP_H_ #define _WX_CSHELP_H_ #include "wx/defs.h" #if wxUSE_HELP #include "wx/help.h" #include "wx/hashmap.h" #if wxUSE_BMPBUTTON #include "wx/bmpbuttn.h" #endif #include "wx/event.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // classes used to implement context help UI // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * wxContextHelp * Invokes context-sensitive help. When the user * clicks on a window, a wxEVT_HELP event will be sent to that * window for the application to display help for. */ class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxContextHelp : public wxObject { public: wxContextHelp(wxWindow* win = NULL, bool beginHelp = true); virtual ~wxContextHelp(); bool BeginContextHelp(wxWindow* win); bool EndContextHelp(); bool EventLoop(); bool DispatchEvent(wxWindow* win, const wxPoint& pt); void SetStatus(bool status) { m_status = status; } protected: bool m_inHelp; bool m_status; // true if the user left-clicked private: DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxContextHelp) }; #if wxUSE_BMPBUTTON /* * wxContextHelpButton * You can add this to your dialogs (especially on non-Windows platforms) * to put the application into context help mode. */ class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxContextHelpButton : public wxBitmapButton { public: wxContextHelpButton(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_CONTEXT_HELP, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxBU_AUTODRAW); void OnContextHelp(wxCommandEvent& event); private: DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS_NO_COPY(wxContextHelpButton) DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // classes used to implement context help support // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxHelpProvider is an abstract class used by the program implementing context help to // show the help text (or whatever: it may be HTML page or anything else) for // the given window. // // The current help provider must be explicitly set by the application using // wxHelpProvider::Set(). // // Special note about ShowHelpAtPoint() and ShowHelp(): we want to be able to // override ShowHelpAtPoint() when we need to use different help messages for // different parts of the window, but it should also be possible to override // just ShowHelp() both for backwards compatibility and just because most // often the help does not, in fact, depend on the position and so // implementing just ShowHelp() is simpler and more natural, so by default // ShowHelpAtPoint() forwards to ShowHelp(). But this means that // wxSimpleHelpProvider has to override ShowHelp() and not ShowHelpAtPoint() // for backwards compatibility as otherwise the existing code deriving from it // and overriding ShowHelp() but calling the base class version wouldn't work // any more, which forces us to use a rather ugly hack and pass the extra // parameters of ShowHelpAtPoint() to ShowHelp() via member variables. class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxHelpProvider { public: // get/set the current (application-global) help provider (Set() returns // the previous one) static wxHelpProvider *Set(wxHelpProvider *helpProvider) { wxHelpProvider *helpProviderOld = ms_helpProvider; ms_helpProvider = helpProvider; return helpProviderOld; } // unlike some other class, the help provider is not created on demand, // this must be explicitly done by the application static wxHelpProvider *Get() { return ms_helpProvider; } // get the help string (whose interpretation is help provider dependent // except that empty string always means that no help is associated with // the window) for this window virtual wxString GetHelp(const wxWindowBase *window) = 0; // do show help for the given window (uses window->GetHelpAtPoint() // internally if applicable), return true if it was done or false // if no help available for this window virtual bool ShowHelpAtPoint(wxWindowBase *window, const wxPoint& pt, wxHelpEvent::Origin origin) { wxCHECK_MSG( window, false, wxT("window must not be NULL") ); m_helptextAtPoint = pt; m_helptextOrigin = origin; return ShowHelp(window); } // show help for the given window, see ShowHelpAtPoint() above virtual bool ShowHelp(wxWindowBase * WXUNUSED(window)) { return false; } // associate the text with the given window or id: although all help // providers have these functions to allow making wxWindow::SetHelpText() // work, not all of them implement them virtual void AddHelp(wxWindowBase *window, const wxString& text); // this version associates the given text with all window with this id // (may be used to set the same help string for all [Cancel] buttons in // the application, for example) virtual void AddHelp(wxWindowID id, const wxString& text); // removes the association virtual void RemoveHelp(wxWindowBase* window); // virtual dtor for any base class virtual ~wxHelpProvider(); protected: wxHelpProvider() : m_helptextAtPoint(wxDefaultPosition), m_helptextOrigin(wxHelpEvent::Origin_Unknown) { } // helper method used by ShowHelp(): returns the help string to use by // using m_helptextAtPoint/m_helptextOrigin if they're set or just GetHelp // otherwise wxString GetHelpTextMaybeAtPoint(wxWindowBase *window); // parameters of the last ShowHelpAtPoint() call, used by ShowHelp() wxPoint m_helptextAtPoint; wxHelpEvent::Origin m_helptextOrigin; private: static wxHelpProvider *ms_helpProvider; }; WX_DECLARE_EXPORTED_HASH_MAP( wxUIntPtr, wxString, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, wxSimpleHelpProviderHashMap ); // wxSimpleHelpProvider is an implementation of wxHelpProvider which supports // only plain text help strings and shows the string associated with the // control (if any) in a tooltip class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxSimpleHelpProvider : public wxHelpProvider { public: // implement wxHelpProvider methods virtual wxString GetHelp(const wxWindowBase *window); // override ShowHelp() and not ShowHelpAtPoint() as explained above virtual bool ShowHelp(wxWindowBase *window); virtual void AddHelp(wxWindowBase *window, const wxString& text); virtual void AddHelp(wxWindowID id, const wxString& text); virtual void RemoveHelp(wxWindowBase* window); protected: // we use 2 hashes for storing the help strings associated with windows // and the ids wxSimpleHelpProviderHashMap m_hashWindows, m_hashIds; }; // wxHelpControllerHelpProvider is an implementation of wxHelpProvider which supports // both context identifiers and plain text help strings. If the help text is an integer, // it is passed to wxHelpController::DisplayContextPopup. Otherwise, it shows the string // in a tooltip as per wxSimpleHelpProvider. class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxHelpControllerHelpProvider : public wxSimpleHelpProvider { public: // Note that it doesn't own the help controller. The help controller // should be deleted separately. wxHelpControllerHelpProvider(wxHelpControllerBase* hc = NULL); // implement wxHelpProvider methods // again (see above): this should be ShowHelpAtPoint() but we need to // override ShowHelp() to avoid breaking existing code virtual bool ShowHelp(wxWindowBase *window); // Other accessors void SetHelpController(wxHelpControllerBase* hc) { m_helpController = hc; } wxHelpControllerBase* GetHelpController() const { return m_helpController; } protected: wxHelpControllerBase* m_helpController; wxDECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxHelpControllerHelpProvider); }; // Convenience function for turning context id into wxString WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxString wxContextId(int id); #endif // wxUSE_HELP #endif // _WX_CSHELP_H_