// Copyright 2019 Dolphin Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include "InputCommon/ControllerEmu/ControlGroup/IMUGyroscope.h" #include <algorithm> #include <memory> #include "Common/Common.h" #include "Common/MathUtil.h" #include "InputCommon/ControlReference/ControlReference.h" #include "InputCommon/ControllerEmu/Control/Control.h" namespace ControllerEmu { // Maximum period for calculating an average stable value. // Just to prevent failures due to timer overflow. static constexpr auto MAXIMUM_CALIBRATION_DURATION = std::chrono::hours(1); // If calibration updates do not happen at this rate, restart calibration period. // This prevents calibration across periods of no regular updates. (e.g. between game sessions) // This is made slightly lower than the UI update frequency of 30. static constexpr auto WORST_ACCEPTABLE_CALIBRATION_UPDATE_FREQUENCY = 25; IMUGyroscope::IMUGyroscope(std::string name_, std::string ui_name_) : ControlGroup(std::move(name_), std::move(ui_name_), GroupType::IMUGyroscope) { AddInput(Translate, _trans("Pitch Up")); AddInput(Translate, _trans("Pitch Down")); AddInput(Translate, _trans("Roll Left")); AddInput(Translate, _trans("Roll Right")); AddInput(Translate, _trans("Yaw Left")); AddInput(Translate, _trans("Yaw Right")); AddSetting(&m_deadzone_setting, {_trans("Dead Zone"), // i18n: "°/s" is the symbol for degrees (angular measurement) divided by seconds. _trans("°/s"), // i18n: Refers to the dead-zone setting of gyroscope input. _trans("Angular velocity to ignore and remap.")}, 2, 0, 180); AddSetting(&m_calibration_period_setting, {_trans("Calibration Period"), // i18n: "s" is the symbol for seconds. _trans("s"), // i18n: Refers to the "Calibration" setting of gyroscope input. _trans("Time period of stable input to trigger calibration. (zero to disable)")}, 3, 0, 30); } void IMUGyroscope::RestartCalibration() { m_calibration_period_start = Clock::now(); m_running_calibration.Clear(); } void IMUGyroscope::UpdateCalibration(const StateData& state) { const auto now = Clock::now(); const auto calibration_period = m_calibration_period_setting.GetValue(); // If calibration time is zero. User is choosing to not calibrate. if (!calibration_period) { // Set calibration to zero. m_calibration = {}; RestartCalibration(); return; } // If there is no running calibration a new gyro was just mapped or calibration was just enabled, // apply the current state as calibration, it's often better than zeros. if (!m_running_calibration.Count()) { m_calibration = state; } else { const auto calibration_freq = m_running_calibration.Count() / std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(now - m_calibration_period_start) .count(); const auto potential_calibration = m_running_calibration.Mean(); const auto current_difference = state - potential_calibration; const auto deadzone = GetDeadzone(); // Check for required calibration update frequency // and if current data is within deadzone distance of mean stable value. if (calibration_freq < WORST_ACCEPTABLE_CALIBRATION_UPDATE_FREQUENCY || std::any_of(current_difference.data.begin(), current_difference.data.end(), [&](auto c) { return std::abs(c) > deadzone; })) { RestartCalibration(); } } // Update running mean stable value. m_running_calibration.Push(state); // Apply calibration after configured time. const auto calibration_duration = now - m_calibration_period_start; if (calibration_duration >= std::chrono::duration<double>(calibration_period)) { m_calibration = m_running_calibration.Mean(); if (calibration_duration >= MAXIMUM_CALIBRATION_DURATION) { RestartCalibration(); m_running_calibration.Push(m_calibration); } } } auto IMUGyroscope::GetRawState() const -> StateData { return StateData(controls[1]->GetState() - controls[0]->GetState(), controls[2]->GetState() - controls[3]->GetState(), controls[4]->GetState() - controls[5]->GetState()); } bool IMUGyroscope::AreInputsBound() const { return std::all_of(controls.begin(), controls.end(), [](const auto& control) { return control->control_ref->BoundCount() > 0; }); } bool IMUGyroscope::CanCalibrate() const { // If the input gate is disabled, miscalibration to zero values would occur. return ControlReference::GetInputGate(); } std::optional<IMUGyroscope::StateData> IMUGyroscope::GetState(bool update) { if (!AreInputsBound()) { if (update) { // Set calibration to zero. m_calibration = {}; RestartCalibration(); } return std::nullopt; } auto state = GetRawState(); // Alternatively we could open the control gate around GetRawState() while calibrating, // but that would imply background input would temporarily be treated differently for our controls if (update && CanCalibrate()) UpdateCalibration(state); state -= m_calibration; // Apply "deadzone". for (auto& c : state.data) c *= std::abs(c) > GetDeadzone(); return state; } ControlState IMUGyroscope::GetDeadzone() const { return m_deadzone_setting.GetValue() / 360 * MathUtil::TAU; } bool IMUGyroscope::IsCalibrating() const { const auto calibration_period = m_calibration_period_setting.GetValue(); return calibration_period && (Clock::now() - m_calibration_period_start) >= std::chrono::duration<double>(calibration_period); } } // namespace ControllerEmu