// Anaglyph Red-Cyan shader based on Dubois algorithm // Constants taken from the paper: // "Conversion of a Stereo Pair to Anaglyph with // the Least-Squares Projection Method" // Eric Dubois, March 2009 void main() { float4 c0 = SampleLayer(0); float4 c1 = SampleLayer(1); mat3 l = mat3( 0.437, 0.449, 0.164, -0.062,-0.062,-0.024, -0.048,-0.050,-0.017); mat3 r = mat3(-0.011,-0.032,-0.007, 0.377, 0.761, 0.009, -0.026,-0.093, 1.234); SetOutput(float4(c0.rgb * l + c1.rgb * r, c0.a)); }