# GALP01 - Super Smash Bros. Melee [OnLoad] # Add memory patches to be loaded once on boot here. [OnFrame] # Add memory patches to be applied every frame here. [ActionReplay] # Add action replay cheats here. $P1 - No Damage 04443E80 00000000 $P2 - No Damage 04444D20 00000000 $P3 - No Damage 04445BC0 00000000 $P4 - No Damage 04446A60 00000000 $Infinite Lives 00443EAE 00000009 $One Hit Kills 044C9578 40100000 $Infinite Jumps 040CC114 60000000 $Infinite Retries 0246A8C2 000005FA $Infinite Time 0245C4D2 00000075 $Open All Characters 0444CD30 FFFFFFFF $Infinite lottery coins 0444CF10 0000270F $All 292 Trophies 0244D198 00000124 0244D19C 0125FFFF $L+R+Y sets time to 10:00.00 0A45BF10 00000860 0445C4D0 00000258 $L+R+X sets time to 00:10.00 0A45BF10 00000460 0445C4D0 0000000A $All Event matches open and complete 0444CF34 FFFFFFFF $Bouncy pickups 044C8DE0 40100000 $Big jumps 044CA1DC 3FC00000 $Mega jumps 044CA1DC 40000000 $Move 2 x faster 044CA19C 40000000 $Move 4 x faster 044CA19C 40800000 $Stamina mode codes 003C28CB 15018000 $All start with 50% 04034B74 38A00032 $All start with 100% 04034B74 38A00064 $All start with 200% 04034B74 38A000C8 $All start with 300% 04034B74 38A0012C $All start with 400% 04034B74 38A00190 $All start with 500% 04034B74 38A001F4 $All start with 600% 04034B74 38A00258 $All start with 700% 04034B74 38A002BC $All start with 800% 04034B74 38A00320 $All start with 900% 04034B74 38A00384 $All start with 999% 04034B74 38A003E7 $Metroidy level 044C7FC4 00000D02 $City rooftops level 044C7FC4 00000F02 $During F-Zero race 044C7FC4 00001102 $Ontop of giant pokemon 044C7FC4 00001302 $Mario Bros style level 044C7FC4 00001502 $Game and Watch level 044C7FC4 00001702 $Platforms in starfield 1 level 044C7FC4 00001802 $Platforms in starfield 2 level 044C7FC4 00001902 $Level with 'windy' tree 044C7FC4 00001A02 $Yoshi's story level 044C7FC4 00001B02 $Dusk jungle level 044C7FC4 00001C02 $Debug Menu 024C7BC4 00000602 [Gecko] # General Codes $Unlock All Characters and Stages [Datel] 0444CD28 FFFFFFFF 0444CD30 FFFFFFFF $Boot to Character Select Screen [Dan Salvato, Achilles] *Memory card data is loaded. 041C1580 38600002 $Debug Menu Replaces Tournament Mode [Magus, donny2112] 0422F4A4 38000006 $Disable Name Tag Reset After Closing Character Port [Ato] 042622C8 60000000 042622DC 60000000 $Spoof Controller Plugins (P1) [Achilles] *Makes the game think there is a controller plugged into a specific slot 04376AD8 38000000 $Spoof Controller Plugins (P2) [Achilles] *Makes the game think there is a controller plugged into a specific slot 04376AE0 38000000 $Spoof Controller Plugins (P3) [Achilles] *Makes the game think there is a controller plugged into a specific slot 04376AF4 380000D8 $Spoof Controller Plugins (P4) [Achilles] *Makes the game think there is a controller plugged into a specific slot 04376B08 38000001 $Stage Striking [Sham Rock] **Stage striking now works like it does in Project M **X = ban currently selected stage **Y = ban all stages that aren´t allowed in random, unban all that are allowed **Z = unban all **Banned stages can´t be selected anymore, however they can still be selected when someone chooses "Random". C225AEF4 00000025 39E00001 3E008045 6210BF04 1E2F000C 7E31802E 5630014B 4182000C 3A200001 48000020 56300109 4182000C 3A200002 48000010 563002D7 418200DC 3A200003 3EA0803F 62B51550 3EC0804C 62D67FC6 3A800000 3A600000 3A400000 2C110001 40820014 8A560000 2C12001C 418100A8 48000050 2C110003 40820010 3A80003F 3A600002 4800003C 1E12001C 7E10AA14 8AF0000A 3E008044 6210D190 82100000 7E10BC30 561007FF 41820010 3A600002 3A80003F 4800000C 3A600000 3A800000 1E12001C 7E10A82E 2C120016 41800008 82100010 82100018 82100004 82100008 8210001C 82100008 9A900024 1E12001C 3A100008 7E70A9AE 3A00001E 9A160000 2C110001 41820010 3A520001 2C12001D 41A0FF4C 39EF0001 2C0F0005 41A0FEE8 C022CA40 00000000 # Gameplay Codes $Normal C-Stick Functionality in Singleplayer Modes [Zauron] 0416BE50 60000000 $Skip Result Screen & KO Star Count Equals Placement [Sham Rock] **KO Star Count displays player placement from the previous match **1st Place = 1 Star **2nd Place = 2 Stars **etc. C21A4CE0 0000000D 3803FFFF 2C000004 40820060 2C0B0020 41820058 3A400000 3E808046 6294AB60 3EA0804C 62B579EF 8E1400A8 8A340001 2C10004E 4080000C 9E350001 4800000C 3A310001 9E350001 3A520001 2C120004 41A0FFD8 3A000000 3A200000 3A800000 3AA00000 38000000 60000000 00000000 $Hold A+B for Salty Runback [Dan Salvato, Sham Rock] * Hold A+B at the end of a match or during a ragequit * and the match will be immediately restarted on the same stage C21A4CE4 00000008 39C00000 3DE08045 61EFBF10 820F0000 5611018D 41820010 561101CF 41820008 38000002 39CE0001 2C0E0004 4080000C 39EF000C 4BFFFFD8 981F0003 00000000 $Change Rumble Settings from CSS - Color Mod [Sham Rock] *Pressing Up/Down on the D-Pad while at the CSS in versus mode *will set the Rumble settings for that slot to On/Off *Colored CSP background is modified; *White = Rumble On, Grey = Rumble Off C22637F8 0000001E 8803000E 3DC08044 61CED188 3DE08045 61EFBF04 3A800000 860F000C 56110319 41820010 3A200001 9A2E0000 48000014 5611035B 4182000C 3A200000 9A2E0000 3A940001 39CE0001 2C140004 41A0FFCC 39CEFFFB 3E401919 62521900 3E00804B 2C140004 40820008 6210354C 2C140005 40820008 621034B8 2C140006 40820008 621035B8 2C140007 40820008 62103524 82100000 82100000 82100000 82100008 82100018 82100008 8210001C 82100004 82100008 8E2E0001 2C110001 40820010 3E20EEEE 6231EE00 4800000C 3E205555 62315500 92300000 92500004 3A940001 2C140008 41A0FF78 60000000 00000000 $Costume Dependent Marth Sword Swing Colors [Achilles] *Color 1 of Marth's sword swing is changed on a per costume basis **Blue costume [default] = Default swing color (teal) **Red costume = Red swing color **Green costume = Green swing color **White costume = Light purple swing color **Black costume = Gold swing color C2136CB4 0000000F 3DC0FF00 61CEFFFF 7C007000 40820060 39E5E181 89EF0000 2C0F0001 40820010 3C60FF00 6063BE0C 3C001900 2C0F0002 40820010 3C60FF00 60638DD5 3C002E00 2C0F0003 40820010 3C60FF00 6063F7E1 3C008300 2C0F0004 40820010 3C60FF00 60637D77 3C00C800 6000FFFF 94650008 60000000 00000000 $Enable Taunt Cancelling [Dan Salvato] 040CAC70 40820058 040DF624 4BFA52D9 # Other Codes $Proper 16:9 Widescreen Support [Dan Salvato, mirrorbender] C2021ABC 00000002 39C00001 38600006 60000000 00000000 C236A3AC 00000007 C03F0034 2C0E0001 41820024 3C004260 90010030 3C00421C 90010034 C0010030 EC210032 C0010034 EC210024 39C00000 281E0000 00000000 $Properly Display in 4:3 [Dan Salvato, mirrorbender] C2021ABC 00000002 39C00001 38600006 60000000 00000000 C236A3AC 00000007 C03F0034 2C0E0001 41820024 3C004160 90010030 3C004150 90010034 C0010030 EC210032 C0010034 EC210024 39C00000 281E0000 00000000 [Video] ProjectionHack = 0 PH_SZNear = 0 PH_SZFar = 0 PH_ExtraParam = 0 PH_ZNear = PH_ZFar = [Video_Settings] EFBScale = -1