// Copyright 2018 Dolphin Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include "InputCommon/ControllerEmu/StickGate.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <fmt/format.h> #include "Common/Common.h" #include "Common/MathUtil.h" #include "Common/Matrix.h" #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "InputCommon/ControllerEmu/Control/Control.h" #include "InputCommon/ControllerEmu/Setting/NumericSetting.h" namespace { constexpr auto CALIBRATION_CONFIG_NAME = "Calibration"; constexpr auto CALIBRATION_DEFAULT_VALUE = 1.0; constexpr auto CALIBRATION_CONFIG_SCALE = 100; constexpr auto CENTER_CONFIG_NAME = "Center"; constexpr auto CENTER_CONFIG_SCALE = 100; // Calculate distance to intersection of a ray with a line segment defined by two points. std::optional<double> GetRayLineIntersection(Common::DVec2 ray, Common::DVec2 point1, Common::DVec2 point2) { const auto diff = point2 - point1; const auto dot = diff.Dot({-ray.y, ray.x}); if (std::abs(dot) < 0.00001) { // Both points are on top of eachother. return std::nullopt; } const auto segment_position = point1.Dot({ray.y, -ray.x}) / dot; if (segment_position < -0.00001 || segment_position > 1.00001) { // Ray does not pass through segment. return std::nullopt; } return diff.Cross(-point1) / dot; } double GetNearestNotch(double angle, double virtual_notch_angle) { constexpr auto sides = 8; constexpr auto rounding = MathUtil::TAU / sides; const auto closest_notch = std::round(angle / rounding) * rounding; const auto angle_diff = std::fmod(angle - closest_notch + MathUtil::PI, MathUtil::TAU) - MathUtil::PI; return std::abs(angle_diff) < virtual_notch_angle / 2 ? closest_notch : angle; } Common::DVec2 GetPointFromAngleAndLength(double angle, double length) { return Common::DVec2{std::cos(angle), std::sin(angle)} * length; } } // namespace namespace ControllerEmu { constexpr int ReshapableInput::CALIBRATION_SAMPLE_COUNT; std::optional<u32> StickGate::GetIdealCalibrationSampleCount() const { return std::nullopt; } OctagonStickGate::OctagonStickGate(ControlState radius) : m_radius(radius) { } ControlState OctagonStickGate::GetRadiusAtAngle(double angle) const { constexpr int sides = 8; constexpr double sum_int_angles = (sides - 2) * MathUtil::PI; constexpr double half_int_angle = sum_int_angles / sides / 2; angle = std::fmod(angle, MathUtil::TAU / sides); // Solve ASA triangle using The Law of Sines: return m_radius / std::sin(MathUtil::PI - angle - half_int_angle) * std::sin(half_int_angle); } std::optional<u32> OctagonStickGate::GetIdealCalibrationSampleCount() const { return 8; } RoundStickGate::RoundStickGate(ControlState radius) : m_radius(radius) { } ControlState RoundStickGate::GetRadiusAtAngle(double) const { return m_radius; } std::optional<u32> RoundStickGate::GetIdealCalibrationSampleCount() const { // The "radius" is the same at every angle so a single sample is enough. return 1; } SquareStickGate::SquareStickGate(ControlState half_width) : m_half_width(half_width) { } ControlState SquareStickGate::GetRadiusAtAngle(double angle) const { constexpr double section_angle = MathUtil::TAU / 4; return m_half_width / std::cos(std::fmod(angle + section_angle / 2, section_angle) - section_angle / 2); } std::optional<u32> SquareStickGate::GetIdealCalibrationSampleCount() const { // Because angle:0 points to the right we must use 8 samples for our square. return 8; } ReshapableInput::ReshapableInput(std::string name_, std::string ui_name_, GroupType type_) : ControlGroup(std::move(name_), std::move(ui_name_), type_) { // 50 is not always enough but users can set it to more with an expression AddDeadzoneSetting(&m_deadzone_setting, 50); } ControlState ReshapableInput::GetDeadzoneRadiusAtAngle(double angle) const { // FYI: deadzone is scaled by input radius which allows the shape to match. return GetInputRadiusAtAngle(angle) * GetDeadzonePercentage(); } ControlState ReshapableInput::GetInputRadiusAtAngle(double angle) const { // Handle the "default" state. if (m_calibration.empty()) { return GetDefaultInputRadiusAtAngle(angle); } return GetCalibrationDataRadiusAtAngle(m_calibration, angle); } ControlState ReshapableInput::GetDeadzonePercentage() const { return m_deadzone_setting.GetValue() / 100; } ControlState ReshapableInput::GetCalibrationDataRadiusAtAngle(const CalibrationData& data, double angle) { const auto sample_pos = angle / MathUtil::TAU * data.size(); // Interpolate the radius between 2 calibration samples. const u32 sample1_index = u32(sample_pos) % data.size(); const u32 sample2_index = (sample1_index + 1) % data.size(); const double sample1_angle = sample1_index * MathUtil::TAU / data.size(); const double sample2_angle = sample2_index * MathUtil::TAU / data.size(); const auto intersection = GetRayLineIntersection(GetPointFromAngleAndLength(angle, 1.0), GetPointFromAngleAndLength(sample1_angle, data[sample1_index]), GetPointFromAngleAndLength(sample2_angle, data[sample2_index])); // Intersection has no value when points are on top of eachother. return intersection.value_or(data[sample1_index]); } ControlState ReshapableInput::GetDefaultInputRadiusAtAngle(double angle) const { // This will normally be the same as the gate radius. // Unless a sub-class is doing weird things with the gate radius (e.g. Tilt) return GetGateRadiusAtAngle(angle); } void ReshapableInput::SetCalibrationToDefault() { m_calibration.clear(); } void ReshapableInput::SetCalibrationFromGate(const StickGate& gate) { m_calibration.resize(gate.GetIdealCalibrationSampleCount().value_or(CALIBRATION_SAMPLE_COUNT)); u32 i = 0; for (auto& val : m_calibration) val = gate.GetRadiusAtAngle(MathUtil::TAU * i++ / m_calibration.size()); } void ReshapableInput::UpdateCalibrationData(CalibrationData& data, Common::DVec2 point1, Common::DVec2 point2) { for (u32 i = 0; i != data.size(); ++i) { const auto angle = i * MathUtil::TAU / data.size(); const auto intersection = GetRayLineIntersection(GetPointFromAngleAndLength(angle, 1.0), point1, point2); data[i] = std::max(data[i], intersection.value_or(data[i])); } } const ReshapableInput::CalibrationData& ReshapableInput::GetCalibrationData() const { return m_calibration; } void ReshapableInput::SetCalibrationData(CalibrationData data) { m_calibration = std::move(data); } const ReshapableInput::ReshapeData& ReshapableInput::GetCenter() const { return m_center; } void ReshapableInput::SetCenter(ReshapableInput::ReshapeData center) { m_center = center; } void ReshapableInput::LoadConfig(Common::IniFile::Section* section, const std::string& default_device, const std::string& base_name) { ControlGroup::LoadConfig(section, default_device, base_name); const std::string group(base_name + name + '/'); // Special handling for "Modifier" button "Range" settings which default to 50% instead of 100%. if (const auto* modifier_input = GetModifierInput()) { section->Get(group + modifier_input->name + "/Range", &modifier_input->control_ref->range, 50.0); modifier_input->control_ref->range /= 100; } std::string load_str; section->Get(group + CALIBRATION_CONFIG_NAME, &load_str, ""); const auto load_data = SplitString(load_str, ' '); m_calibration.assign(load_data.size(), CALIBRATION_DEFAULT_VALUE); auto it = load_data.begin(); for (auto& sample : m_calibration) { if (TryParse(*(it++), &sample)) sample /= CALIBRATION_CONFIG_SCALE; } section->Get(group + CENTER_CONFIG_NAME, &load_str, ""); const auto center_data = SplitString(load_str, ' '); m_center = Common::DVec2(); if (center_data.size() == 2) { if (TryParse(center_data[0], &m_center.x)) m_center.x /= CENTER_CONFIG_SCALE; if (TryParse(center_data[1], &m_center.y)) m_center.y /= CENTER_CONFIG_SCALE; } } void ReshapableInput::SaveConfig(Common::IniFile::Section* section, const std::string& default_device, const std::string& base_name) { ControlGroup::SaveConfig(section, default_device, base_name); const std::string group(base_name + name + '/'); std::vector<std::string> save_data(m_calibration.size()); std::transform( m_calibration.begin(), m_calibration.end(), save_data.begin(), [](ControlState val) { return fmt::format("{:.2f}", val * CALIBRATION_CONFIG_SCALE); }); section->Set(group + CALIBRATION_CONFIG_NAME, JoinStrings(save_data, " "), ""); // Save center value. static constexpr char center_format[] = "{:.2f} {:.2f}"; const auto center_data = fmt::format(center_format, m_center.x * CENTER_CONFIG_SCALE, m_center.y * CENTER_CONFIG_SCALE); section->Set(group + CENTER_CONFIG_NAME, center_data, fmt::format(center_format, 0.0, 0.0)); } ReshapableInput::ReshapeData ReshapableInput::Reshape(ControlState x, ControlState y, ControlState modifier, ControlState clamp) const { x -= m_center.x; y -= m_center.y; // We run this even if both x and y will be zero. // In that case, std::atan2(0, 0) returns a valid non-NaN value, but the exact value // (which depends on the signs of x and y) does not matter here as dist is zero // TODO: make the AtAngle functions work with negative angles: ControlState angle = std::atan2(y, x) + MathUtil::TAU; const ControlState input_max_dist = GetInputRadiusAtAngle(angle); ControlState gate_max_dist = GetGateRadiusAtAngle(angle); // If input radius (from calibration) is zero apply no scaling to prevent division by zero. const ControlState max_dist = input_max_dist ? input_max_dist : gate_max_dist; ControlState dist = Common::DVec2{x, y}.Length() / max_dist; const double virtual_notch_size = GetVirtualNotchSize(); if (virtual_notch_size > 0.0 && dist >= MINIMUM_NOTCH_DISTANCE) { angle = GetNearestNotch(angle, virtual_notch_size); gate_max_dist = GetGateRadiusAtAngle(angle); } // If the modifier is pressed, scale the distance by the modifier's value. // This is affected by the modifier's "range" setting which defaults to 50%. if (modifier) { dist *= modifier; } // Apply deadzone as a percentage of the user-defined calibration shape/size: dist = ApplyDeadzone(dist, GetDeadzonePercentage()); // Scale to the gate shape/radius: dist *= gate_max_dist; return {std::clamp(std::cos(angle) * dist, -clamp, clamp), std::clamp(std::sin(angle) * dist, -clamp, clamp)}; } Control* ReshapableInput::GetModifierInput() const { return nullptr; } } // namespace ControllerEmu