// Copyright 2019 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include "DiscIO/VolumeVerifier.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Common/Align.h" #include "Common/Assert.h" #include "Common/CommonPaths.h" #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "Common/File.h" #include "Common/FileUtil.h" #include "Common/HttpRequest.h" #include "Common/Logging/Log.h" #include "Common/MinizipUtil.h" #include "Common/MsgHandler.h" #include "Common/ScopeGuard.h" #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "Common/Swap.h" #include "Common/Version.h" #include "Core/IOS/Device.h" #include "Core/IOS/ES/ES.h" #include "Core/IOS/ES/Formats.h" #include "Core/IOS/IOS.h" #include "Core/IOS/IOSC.h" #include "DiscIO/Blob.h" #include "DiscIO/DiscExtractor.h" #include "DiscIO/DiscScrubber.h" #include "DiscIO/Enums.h" #include "DiscIO/Filesystem.h" #include "DiscIO/Volume.h" #include "DiscIO/VolumeWii.h" namespace DiscIO { RedumpVerifier::DownloadState RedumpVerifier::m_gc_download_state; RedumpVerifier::DownloadState RedumpVerifier::m_wii_download_state; void RedumpVerifier::Start(const Volume& volume) { if (!volume.IsDatelDisc()) { m_game_id = volume.GetGameID(); if (m_game_id.size() > 4) m_game_id = m_game_id.substr(0, 4); } m_revision = volume.GetRevision().value_or(0); m_disc_number = volume.GetDiscNumber().value_or(0); m_size = volume.GetSize(); const DiscIO::Platform platform = volume.GetVolumeType(); m_future = std::async(std::launch::async, [this, platform]() -> std::vector { std::string system; DownloadState* download_state; switch (platform) { case Platform::GameCubeDisc: system = "gc"; download_state = &m_gc_download_state; break; case Platform::WiiDisc: system = "wii"; download_state = &m_wii_download_state; break; default: m_result.status = Status::Error; return {}; } { std::lock_guard lk(download_state->mutex); download_state->status = DownloadDatfile(system, download_state->status); } switch (download_state->status) { case DownloadStatus::FailButOldCacheAvailable: ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "Failed to fetch data from Redump.org, using old cached data instead"); [[fallthrough]]; case DownloadStatus::Success: return ScanDatfile(ReadDatfile(system), system); case DownloadStatus::SystemNotAvailable: m_result = {Status::Error, Common::GetStringT("Wii data is not public yet")}; return {}; case DownloadStatus::Fail: default: m_result = {Status::Error, Common::GetStringT("Failed to connect to Redump.org")}; return {}; } }); } static std::string GetPathForSystem(const std::string& system) { return File::GetUserPath(D_REDUMPCACHE_IDX) + DIR_SEP + system + ".zip"; } RedumpVerifier::DownloadStatus RedumpVerifier::DownloadDatfile(const std::string& system, DownloadStatus old_status) { if (old_status == DownloadStatus::Success || old_status == DownloadStatus::SystemNotAvailable) return old_status; Common::HttpRequest request; const std::optional> result = request.Get("http://redump.org/datfile/" + system + "/serial,version", {{"User-Agent", Common::scm_rev_str}}); const std::string output_path = GetPathForSystem(system); if (!result) { return File::Exists(output_path) ? DownloadStatus::FailButOldCacheAvailable : DownloadStatus::Fail; } if (result->size() > 1 && (*result)[0] == '<' && (*result)[1] == '!') { // This is an HTML page, not a zip file like we want if (File::Exists(output_path)) return DownloadStatus::FailButOldCacheAvailable; const std::string system_not_available_message = "System \"" + system + "\" doesn't exist."; const bool system_not_available_match = result->end() != std::search(result->begin(), result->end(), system_not_available_message.begin(), system_not_available_message.end()); return system_not_available_match ? DownloadStatus::SystemNotAvailable : DownloadStatus::Fail; } File::CreateFullPath(output_path); if (!File::IOFile(output_path, "wb").WriteBytes(result->data(), result->size())) ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "Failed to write downloaded datfile to %s", output_path.c_str()); return DownloadStatus::Success; } std::vector RedumpVerifier::ReadDatfile(const std::string& system) { unzFile file = unzOpen(GetPathForSystem(system).c_str()); if (!file) return {}; Common::ScopeGuard file_guard{[&] { unzClose(file); }}; // Check that the zip file contains exactly one file if (unzGoToFirstFile(file) != UNZ_OK) return {}; if (unzGoToNextFile(file) != UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE) return {}; // Read the file if (unzGoToFirstFile(file) != UNZ_OK) return {}; unz_file_info file_info; unzGetCurrentFileInfo(file, &file_info, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0); std::vector data(file_info.uncompressed_size); if (!Common::ReadFileFromZip(file, &data)) return {}; return data; } static u8 ParseHexDigit(char c) { if (c < '0') return 0; // Error if (c >= 'a') c -= 'a' - 'A'; if (c >= 'A') c -= 'A' - ('9' + 1); c -= '0'; if (c >= 0x10) return 0; // Error return c; } static std::vector ParseHash(const char* str) { std::vector hash; while (str[0] && str[1]) { hash.push_back(static_cast(ParseHexDigit(str[0]) * 0x10 + ParseHexDigit(str[1]))); str += 2; } return hash; } std::vector RedumpVerifier::ScanDatfile(const std::vector& data, const std::string& system) { pugi::xml_document doc; if (!doc.load_buffer(data.data(), data.size())) { m_result = {Status::Error, Common::GetStringT("Failed to parse Redump.org data")}; return {}; } std::vector potential_matches; bool serials_exist = false; bool versions_exist = false; const pugi::xml_node datafile = doc.child("datafile"); for (const pugi::xml_node game : datafile.children("game")) { std::string version_string = game.child("version").text().as_string(); if (!version_string.empty()) versions_exist = true; // Strip out prefix (e.g. "v1.02" -> "02", "Rev 2" -> "2") const size_t last_non_numeric = version_string.find_last_not_of("0123456789"); if (last_non_numeric != std::string::npos) version_string = version_string.substr(last_non_numeric + 1); const int version = version_string.empty() ? 0 : std::stoi(version_string); // The revisions for Korean GameCube games whose four-char game IDs end in E are numbered from // 0x30 in ring codes and in disc headers, but Redump switched to numbering them from 0 in 2019. if (version % 0x30 != m_revision % 0x30) continue; const std::string serials = game.child("serial").text().as_string(); if (!serials.empty()) serials_exist = true; if (serials.empty() || StringBeginsWith(serials, "DS")) { // GC Datel discs have no serials in Redump, Wii Datel discs have serials like "DS000101" if (!m_game_id.empty()) continue; // Non-empty m_game_id means we're verifying a non-Datel disc } else { bool serial_match_found = false; // If a disc has multiple possible serials, they are delimited with ", ". We want to loop // through all the serials until we find a match, because even though they normally only // differ in the region code at the end (which we don't care about), there is an edge case // disc with the game ID "G96P" and the serial "DL-DOL-D96P-EUR, DL-DOL-G96P-EUR". for (const std::string& serial_str : SplitString(serials, ',')) { const std::string_view serial = StripSpaces(serial_str); // Skip the prefix, normally either "DL-DOL-" or "RVL-" (depending on the console), // but there are some exceptions like the "RVLE-SBSE-USA-B0" serial. const size_t first_dash = serial.find_first_of('-', 3); const size_t game_id_start = first_dash == std::string::npos ? std::string::npos : first_dash + 1; if (game_id_start == std::string::npos || serial.size() < game_id_start + 4) { ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "Invalid serial in redump datfile: %s", serial_str.c_str()); continue; } const std::string_view game_id = serial.substr(game_id_start, 4); if (game_id != m_game_id) continue; u8 disc_number = 0; if (serial.size() > game_id_start + 5 && serial[game_id_start + 5] >= '0' && serial[game_id_start + 5] <= '9') { disc_number = serial[game_id_start + 5] - '0'; } if (disc_number != m_disc_number) continue; serial_match_found = true; break; } if (!serial_match_found) continue; } PotentialMatch& potential_match = potential_matches.emplace_back(); const pugi::xml_node rom = game.child("rom"); potential_match.size = rom.attribute("size").as_ullong(); potential_match.hashes.crc32 = ParseHash(rom.attribute("crc").value()); potential_match.hashes.md5 = ParseHash(rom.attribute("md5").value()); potential_match.hashes.sha1 = ParseHash(rom.attribute("sha1").value()); } if (!serials_exist || !versions_exist) { // If we reach this, the user has most likely downloaded a datfile manually, // so show a panic alert rather than just using ERROR_LOG // i18n: "Serial" refers to serial numbers, e.g. RVL-RSBE-USA PanicAlertT("Serial and/or version data is missing from %s", GetPathForSystem(system).c_str()); m_result = {Status::Error, Common::GetStringT("Failed to parse Redump.org data")}; return {}; } return potential_matches; } static bool HashesMatch(const std::vector& calculated, const std::vector& expected) { return calculated.empty() || calculated == expected; } RedumpVerifier::Result RedumpVerifier::Finish(const Hashes>& hashes) { if (m_result.status == Status::Error) return m_result; if (hashes.crc32.empty() && hashes.md5.empty() && hashes.sha1.empty()) return m_result; const std::vector potential_matches = m_future.get(); for (PotentialMatch p : potential_matches) { if (HashesMatch(hashes.crc32, p.hashes.crc32) && HashesMatch(hashes.md5, p.hashes.md5) && HashesMatch(hashes.sha1, p.hashes.sha1) && m_size == p.size) { return {Status::GoodDump, Common::GetStringT("Good dump")}; } } // We only return bad dump if there's a disc that we know this dump should match but that doesn't // match. For disc without IDs (i.e. Datel discs), we don't have a good way of knowing whether we // have a bad dump or just a dump that isn't in Redump, so we always pick unknown instead of bad // dump for those to be on the safe side. (Besides, it's possible to dump a Datel disc correctly // and have it not match Redump if you don't use the same replacement value for bad sectors.) if (!potential_matches.empty() && !m_game_id.empty()) return {Status::BadDump, Common::GetStringT("Bad dump")}; return {Status::Unknown, Common::GetStringT("Unknown disc")}; } constexpr u64 MINI_DVD_SIZE = 1459978240; // GameCube constexpr u64 SL_DVD_SIZE = 4699979776; // Wii retail constexpr u64 SL_DVD_R_SIZE = 4707319808; // Wii RVT-R constexpr u64 DL_DVD_SIZE = 8511160320; // Wii retail constexpr u64 DL_DVD_R_SIZE = 8543666176; // Wii RVT-R constexpr u64 BLOCK_SIZE = 0x20000; VolumeVerifier::VolumeVerifier(const Volume& volume, bool redump_verification, Hashes hashes_to_calculate) : m_volume(volume), m_redump_verification(redump_verification), m_hashes_to_calculate(hashes_to_calculate), m_calculating_any_hash(hashes_to_calculate.crc32 || hashes_to_calculate.md5 || hashes_to_calculate.sha1), m_max_progress(volume.GetSize()) { if (!m_calculating_any_hash) m_redump_verification = false; } VolumeVerifier::~VolumeVerifier() = default; void VolumeVerifier::Start() { ASSERT(!m_started); m_started = true; if (m_redump_verification) m_redump_verifier.Start(m_volume); m_is_tgc = m_volume.GetBlobType() == BlobType::TGC; m_is_datel = m_volume.IsDatelDisc(); m_is_not_retail = (m_volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::WiiDisc && !m_volume.IsEncryptedAndHashed()) || IsDebugSigned(); CheckDiscSize(CheckPartitions()); CheckMisc(); SetUpHashing(); } std::vector VolumeVerifier::CheckPartitions() { if (m_volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::WiiWAD) return {}; const std::vector partitions = m_volume.GetPartitions(); if (partitions.empty()) { if (!m_volume.GetFileSystem(m_volume.GetGamePartition())) { AddProblem(Severity::High, Common::GetStringT("The filesystem is invalid or could not be read.")); return {}; } return {m_volume.GetGamePartition()}; } std::optional partitions_in_first_table = m_volume.ReadSwapped(0x40000, PARTITION_NONE); if (partitions_in_first_table && *partitions_in_first_table > 8) { // Not sure if 8 actually is the limit, but there certainly aren't any discs // released that have as many partitions as 8 in the first partition table. // The only game that has that many partitions in total is Super Smash Bros. Brawl, // and that game places all partitions other than UPDATE and DATA in the second table. AddProblem(Severity::Low, Common::GetStringT("There are too many partitions in the first partition table.")); } std::vector types; for (const Partition& partition : partitions) { const std::optional type = m_volume.GetPartitionType(partition); if (type) types.emplace_back(*type); } if (std::find(types.cbegin(), types.cend(), PARTITION_UPDATE) == types.cend()) AddProblem(Severity::Low, Common::GetStringT("The update partition is missing.")); const bool has_data_partition = std::find(types.cbegin(), types.cend(), PARTITION_DATA) != types.cend(); if (!m_is_datel && !has_data_partition) AddProblem(Severity::High, Common::GetStringT("The data partition is missing.")); const bool has_channel_partition = std::find(types.cbegin(), types.cend(), PARTITION_CHANNEL) != types.cend(); if (ShouldHaveChannelPartition() && !has_channel_partition) AddProblem(Severity::Medium, Common::GetStringT("The channel partition is missing.")); const bool has_install_partition = std::find(types.cbegin(), types.cend(), PARTITION_INSTALL) != types.cend(); if (ShouldHaveInstallPartition() && !has_install_partition) AddProblem(Severity::High, Common::GetStringT("The install partition is missing.")); if (ShouldHaveMasterpiecePartitions() && types.cend() == std::find_if(types.cbegin(), types.cend(), [](u32 type) { return type >= 0xFF; })) { // i18n: This string is referring to a game mode in Super Smash Bros. Brawl called Masterpieces // where you play demos of NES/SNES/N64 games. Official translations: // 名作トライアル (Japanese), Masterpieces (English), Meisterstücke (German), Chefs-d'œuvre // (French), Clásicos (Spanish), Capolavori (Italian), 클래식 게임 체험판 (Korean). // If your language is not one of the languages above, consider leaving the string untranslated // so that people will recognize it as the name of the game mode. AddProblem(Severity::Medium, Common::GetStringT("The Masterpiece partitions are missing.")); } for (const Partition& partition : partitions) { if (m_volume.GetPartitionType(partition) == PARTITION_UPDATE && partition.offset != 0x50000) { AddProblem(Severity::Low, Common::GetStringT("The update partition is not at its normal position.")); } const u64 normal_data_offset = m_volume.IsEncryptedAndHashed() ? 0xF800000 : 0x838000; if (m_volume.GetPartitionType(partition) == PARTITION_DATA && partition.offset != normal_data_offset && !has_channel_partition && !has_install_partition) { AddProblem(Severity::Low, Common::GetStringT( "The data partition is not at its normal position. This will affect the " "emulated loading times. When using NetPlay or sending input recordings to " "other people, you will experience desyncs if anyone is using a good dump.")); } } std::vector valid_partitions; for (const Partition& partition : partitions) { if (CheckPartition(partition)) valid_partitions.push_back(partition); } return valid_partitions; } bool VolumeVerifier::CheckPartition(const Partition& partition) { std::optional type = m_volume.GetPartitionType(partition); if (!type) { // Not sure if this can happen in practice AddProblem(Severity::Medium, Common::GetStringT("The type of a partition could not be read.")); return false; } Severity severity = Severity::Medium; if (*type == PARTITION_DATA || *type == PARTITION_INSTALL) severity = Severity::High; else if (*type == PARTITION_UPDATE) severity = Severity::Low; const std::string name = GetPartitionName(type); if (partition.offset % VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE != 0 || m_volume.PartitionOffsetToRawOffset(0, partition) % VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE != 0) { AddProblem( Severity::Medium, StringFromFormat(Common::GetStringT("The %s partition is not properly aligned.").c_str(), name.c_str())); } if (!m_is_datel) { IOS::HLE::Kernel ios; const auto es = ios.GetES(); const std::vector& cert_chain = m_volume.GetCertificateChain(partition); if (IOS::HLE::IPC_SUCCESS != es->VerifyContainer(IOS::HLE::Device::ES::VerifyContainerType::Ticket, IOS::HLE::Device::ES::VerifyMode::DoNotUpdateCertStore, m_volume.GetTicket(partition), cert_chain) || IOS::HLE::IPC_SUCCESS != es->VerifyContainer(IOS::HLE::Device::ES::VerifyContainerType::TMD, IOS::HLE::Device::ES::VerifyMode::DoNotUpdateCertStore, m_volume.GetTMD(partition), cert_chain)) { AddProblem( Severity::Low, StringFromFormat(Common::GetStringT("The %s partition is not correctly signed.").c_str(), name.c_str())); } } if (m_volume.SupportsIntegrityCheck() && !m_volume.CheckH3TableIntegrity(partition)) { std::string text = StringFromFormat( Common::GetStringT("The H3 hash table for the %s partition is not correct.").c_str(), name.c_str()); AddProblem(Severity::Low, std::move(text)); } bool invalid_disc_header = false; std::vector disc_header(0x80); constexpr u32 WII_MAGIC = 0x5D1C9EA3; if (!m_volume.Read(0, disc_header.size(), disc_header.data(), partition)) { invalid_disc_header = true; } else if (Common::swap32(disc_header.data() + 0x18) != WII_MAGIC) { for (size_t i = 0; i < disc_header.size(); i += 4) { if (Common::swap32(disc_header.data() + i) != i) { invalid_disc_header = true; break; } } // The loop above ends without setting invalid_disc_header for discs that legitimately lack // updates. No such discs have been released to end users. Most such discs are debug signed, // but there is apparently at least one that is retail signed, the Movie-Ch Install Disc. if (!invalid_disc_header) return false; } if (invalid_disc_header) { // This can happen when certain programs that create WBFS files scrub the entirety of // the Masterpiece partitions in Super Smash Bros. Brawl without removing them from // the partition table. https://bugs.dolphin-emu.org/issues/8733 std::string text = StringFromFormat( Common::GetStringT("The %s partition does not seem to contain valid data.").c_str(), name.c_str()); AddProblem(severity, std::move(text)); return false; } // Prepare for hash verification in the Process step if (m_volume.SupportsIntegrityCheck()) { u64 offset = m_volume.PartitionOffsetToRawOffset(0, partition); const std::optional size = m_volume.ReadSwappedAndShifted(partition.offset + 0x2bc, PARTITION_NONE); const u64 end_offset = offset + size.value_or(0); for (size_t i = 0; offset < end_offset; ++i, offset += VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE) m_blocks.emplace_back(BlockToVerify{partition, offset, i}); m_block_errors.emplace(partition, 0); } const DiscIO::FileSystem* filesystem = m_volume.GetFileSystem(partition); if (!filesystem) { if (m_is_datel) { // Datel's Wii Freeloader has an invalid FST in its only partition return true; } std::string text = StringFromFormat( Common::GetStringT("The %s partition does not have a valid file system.").c_str(), name.c_str()); AddProblem(severity, std::move(text)); return false; } if (type == PARTITION_UPDATE) { const IOS::ES::TMDReader& tmd = m_volume.GetTMD(m_volume.GetGamePartition()); // IOS9 is the only IOS which can be assumed to exist in a working state on any Wii // regardless of what updates have been installed. At least Mario Party 8 // (RM8E01, revision 2) uses IOS9 without having it in its update partition. bool has_correct_ios = tmd.IsValid() && (tmd.GetIOSId() & 0xFF) == 9; if (!has_correct_ios && tmd.IsValid()) { std::unique_ptr file_info = filesystem->FindFileInfo("_sys"); if (file_info) { const std::string correct_ios = "IOS" + std::to_string(tmd.GetIOSId() & 0xFF) + "-"; for (const FileInfo& f : *file_info) { if (StringBeginsWith(f.GetName(), correct_ios)) { has_correct_ios = true; break; } } } } if (!has_correct_ios) { // This is reached for hacked dumps where the update partition has been replaced with // a very old update partition so that no updates will be installed. AddProblem( Severity::Low, Common::GetStringT("The update partition does not contain the IOS used by this title.")); } } return true; } std::string VolumeVerifier::GetPartitionName(std::optional type) const { if (!type) return "???"; std::string name = NameForPartitionType(*type, false); if (ShouldHaveMasterpiecePartitions() && *type > 0xFF) { // i18n: This string is referring to a game mode in Super Smash Bros. Brawl called Masterpieces // where you play demos of NES/SNES/N64 games. This string is referring to a specific such demo // rather than the game mode as a whole, so please use the singular form. Official translations: // 名作トライアル (Japanese), Masterpieces (English), Meisterstücke (German), Chefs-d'œuvre // (French), Clásicos (Spanish), Capolavori (Italian), 클래식 게임 체험판 (Korean). // If your language is not one of the languages above, consider leaving the string untranslated // so that people will recognize it as the name of the game mode. name = StringFromFormat(Common::GetStringT("%s (Masterpiece)").c_str(), name.c_str()); } return name; } bool VolumeVerifier::IsDebugSigned() const { const IOS::ES::TicketReader& ticket = m_volume.GetTicket(m_volume.GetGamePartition()); return ticket.IsValid() ? ticket.GetConsoleType() == IOS::HLE::IOSC::ConsoleType::RVT : false; } bool VolumeVerifier::ShouldHaveChannelPartition() const { static constexpr std::array channel_discs = { "RFNE01", "RFNJ01", "RFNK01", "RFNP01", "RFNW01", "RFPE01", "RFPJ01", "RFPK01", "RFPP01", "RFPW01", "RGWE41", "RGWJ41", "RGWP41", "RGWX41", "RMCE01", "RMCJ01", "RMCK01", "RMCP01", }; assert(std::is_sorted(channel_discs.cbegin(), channel_discs.cend())); return std::binary_search(channel_discs.cbegin(), channel_discs.cend(), std::string_view(m_volume.GetGameID())); } bool VolumeVerifier::ShouldHaveInstallPartition() const { static constexpr std::array dragon_quest_x = {"S4MJGD", "S4SJGD", "S6TJGD", "SDQJGD"}; const std::string& game_id = m_volume.GetGameID(); return std::any_of(dragon_quest_x.cbegin(), dragon_quest_x.cend(), [&game_id](std::string_view x) { return x == game_id; }); } bool VolumeVerifier::ShouldHaveMasterpiecePartitions() const { static constexpr std::array ssbb = {"RSBE01", "RSBJ01", "RSBK01", "RSBP01"}; const std::string& game_id = m_volume.GetGameID(); return std::any_of(ssbb.cbegin(), ssbb.cend(), [&game_id](std::string_view x) { return x == game_id; }); } bool VolumeVerifier::ShouldBeDualLayer() const { // The Japanese versions of Xenoblade and The Last Story are single-layer // (unlike the other versions) and must not be added to this list. static constexpr std::array dual_layer_discs = { "R3ME01", "R3MP01", "R3OE01", "R3OJ01", "R3OP01", "RSBE01", "RSBJ01", "RSBK01", "RSBP01", "RXMJ8P", "S59E01", "S59JC8", "S59P01", "S5QJC8", "SAKENS", "SAKPNS", "SK8V52", "SK8X52", "SLSEXJ", "SLSP01", "SQIE4Q", "SQIP4Q", "SQIY4Q", "SR5E41", "SR5P41", "SUOE41", "SUOP41", "SVXX52", "SVXY52", "SX4E01", "SX4P01", "SZ3EGT", "SZ3PGT", }; assert(std::is_sorted(dual_layer_discs.cbegin(), dual_layer_discs.cend())); return std::binary_search(dual_layer_discs.cbegin(), dual_layer_discs.cend(), std::string_view(m_volume.GetGameID())); } void VolumeVerifier::CheckDiscSize(const std::vector& partitions) { if (!IsDisc(m_volume.GetVolumeType())) return; m_biggest_referenced_offset = GetBiggestReferencedOffset(partitions); const bool should_be_dual_layer = ShouldBeDualLayer(); if (should_be_dual_layer && m_biggest_referenced_offset <= SL_DVD_R_SIZE) { AddProblem(Severity::Medium, Common::GetStringT( "This game has been hacked to fit on a single-layer DVD. Some content such as " "pre-rendered videos, extra languages or entire game modes will be broken. " "This problem generally only exists in illegal copies of games.")); } if (!m_volume.IsSizeAccurate()) { AddProblem(Severity::Low, Common::GetStringT("The format that the disc image is saved in does not " "store the size of the disc image.")); } else if (!m_is_tgc) { const Platform platform = m_volume.GetVolumeType(); const bool should_be_gc_size = platform == Platform::GameCubeDisc || m_is_datel; const u64 size = m_volume.GetSize(); const bool valid_gamecube = size == MINI_DVD_SIZE; const bool valid_retail_wii = size == SL_DVD_SIZE || size == DL_DVD_SIZE; const bool valid_debug_wii = size == SL_DVD_R_SIZE || size == DL_DVD_R_SIZE; const bool debug = IsDebugSigned(); if ((should_be_gc_size && !valid_gamecube) || (!should_be_gc_size && (debug ? !valid_debug_wii : !valid_retail_wii))) { if (debug && valid_retail_wii) { AddProblem( Severity::Low, Common::GetStringT("This debug disc image has the size of a retail disc image.")); } else { u64 normal_size; if (should_be_gc_size) normal_size = MINI_DVD_SIZE; else if (!should_be_dual_layer) normal_size = SL_DVD_SIZE; else normal_size = DL_DVD_SIZE; if (size < normal_size) { AddProblem( Severity::Low, Common::GetStringT("This disc image has an unusual size. This will likely make the " "emulated loading times longer. When using NetPlay or sending " "input recordings to other people, you will likely experience " "desyncs if anyone is using a good dump.")); } else { AddProblem(Severity::Low, Common::GetStringT("This disc image has an unusual size.")); } } } } } u64 VolumeVerifier::GetBiggestReferencedOffset(const std::vector& partitions) const { const u64 disc_header_size = m_volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::GameCubeDisc ? 0x460 : 0x50000; u64 biggest_offset = disc_header_size; for (const Partition& partition : partitions) { if (partition != PARTITION_NONE) { const u64 offset = m_volume.PartitionOffsetToRawOffset(0x440, partition); biggest_offset = std::max(biggest_offset, offset); } const std::optional dol_offset = GetBootDOLOffset(m_volume, partition); if (dol_offset) { const std::optional dol_size = GetBootDOLSize(m_volume, partition, *dol_offset); if (dol_size) { const u64 offset = m_volume.PartitionOffsetToRawOffset(*dol_offset + *dol_size, partition); biggest_offset = std::max(biggest_offset, offset); } } const std::optional fst_offset = GetFSTOffset(m_volume, partition); const std::optional fst_size = GetFSTSize(m_volume, partition); if (fst_offset && fst_size) { const u64 offset = m_volume.PartitionOffsetToRawOffset(*fst_offset + *fst_size, partition); biggest_offset = std::max(biggest_offset, offset); } const FileSystem* fs = m_volume.GetFileSystem(partition); if (fs) { const u64 offset = m_volume.PartitionOffsetToRawOffset(GetBiggestReferencedOffset(fs->GetRoot()), partition); biggest_offset = std::max(biggest_offset, offset); } } return biggest_offset; } u64 VolumeVerifier::GetBiggestReferencedOffset(const FileInfo& file_info) const { if (file_info.IsDirectory()) { u64 biggest_offset = 0; for (const FileInfo& f : file_info) biggest_offset = std::max(biggest_offset, GetBiggestReferencedOffset(f)); return biggest_offset; } else { return file_info.GetOffset() + file_info.GetSize(); } } void VolumeVerifier::CheckMisc() { const std::string game_id_unencrypted = m_volume.GetGameID(PARTITION_NONE); const std::string game_id_encrypted = m_volume.GetGameID(m_volume.GetGamePartition()); if (game_id_unencrypted != game_id_encrypted) { bool inconsistent_game_id = true; if (game_id_encrypted == "RELSAB") { if (StringBeginsWith(game_id_unencrypted, "410")) { // This is the Wii Backup Disc (aka "pinkfish" disc), // which legitimately has an inconsistent game ID. inconsistent_game_id = false; } else if (StringBeginsWith(game_id_unencrypted, "010")) { // Hacked version of the Wii Backup Disc (aka "pinkfish" disc). std::string proper_game_id = game_id_unencrypted; proper_game_id[0] = '4'; AddProblem( Severity::Low, StringFromFormat(Common::GetStringT("The game ID is %s but should be %s.").c_str(), game_id_unencrypted.c_str(), proper_game_id.c_str())); inconsistent_game_id = false; } } if (inconsistent_game_id) { AddProblem(Severity::Low, Common::GetStringT("The game ID is inconsistent.")); } } const Region region = m_volume.GetRegion(); constexpr std::string_view GAMECUBE_PLACEHOLDER_ID = "RELSAB"; constexpr std::string_view WII_PLACEHOLDER_ID = "RABAZZ"; if (game_id_encrypted.size() < 4) { AddProblem(Severity::Low, Common::GetStringT("The game ID is unusually short.")); } else if (!m_is_datel && game_id_encrypted != GAMECUBE_PLACEHOLDER_ID && game_id_encrypted != WII_PLACEHOLDER_ID) { char country_code; if (IsDisc(m_volume.GetVolumeType())) country_code = game_id_encrypted[3]; else country_code = static_cast(m_volume.GetTitleID().value_or(0) & 0xff); const Platform platform = m_volume.GetVolumeType(); const std::optional revision = m_volume.GetRevision(); if (CountryCodeToRegion(country_code, platform, region, revision) != region) { AddProblem(Severity::Medium, Common::GetStringT( "The region code does not match the game ID. If this is because the " "region code has been modified, the game might run at the wrong speed, " "graphical elements might be offset, or the game might not run at all.")); } } const IOS::ES::TMDReader& tmd = m_volume.GetTMD(m_volume.GetGamePartition()); if (tmd.IsValid()) { const u64 ios_id = tmd.GetIOSId() & 0xFF; // List of launch day Korean IOSes obtained from https://hackmii.com/2008/09/korean-wii/. // More IOSes were released later that were used in Korean games, but they're all over 40. // Also, old IOSes like IOS36 did eventually get released for Korean Wiis as part of system // updates, but there are likely no Korean games using them since those IOSes were old by then. if (region == Region::NTSC_K && ios_id < 40 && ios_id != 4 && ios_id != 9 && ios_id != 21 && ios_id != 37) { // This is intended to catch pirated Korean games that have had the IOS slot set to 36 // as a side effect of having to fakesign after changing the common key slot to 0. // (IOS36 was the last IOS to have the Trucha bug.) https://bugs.dolphin-emu.org/issues/10319 AddProblem( Severity::High, // i18n: You may want to leave the term "ERROR #002" untranslated, // since the emulated software always displays it in English. Common::GetStringT("This Korean title is set to use an IOS that typically isn't used on " "Korean consoles. This is likely to lead to ERROR #002.")); } if (ios_id >= 0x80) { // This is also intended to catch fakesigned pirated Korean games, // but this time with the IOS slot set to cIOS instead of IOS36. AddProblem(Severity::High, Common::GetStringT("This title is set to use an invalid IOS.")); } } m_ticket = m_volume.GetTicket(m_volume.GetGamePartition()); if (m_ticket.IsValid()) { const u8 specified_common_key_index = m_ticket.GetCommonKeyIndex(); // Wii discs only use common key 0 (regular) and common key 1 (Korean), not common key 2 (vWii). if (m_volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::WiiDisc && specified_common_key_index > 1) { AddProblem(Severity::High, // i18n: This is "common" as in "shared", not the opposite of "uncommon" Common::GetStringT("This title is set to use an invalid common key.")); } if (m_volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::WiiWAD) { m_ticket = m_volume.GetTicketWithFixedCommonKey(); const u8 fixed_common_key_index = m_ticket.GetCommonKeyIndex(); if (specified_common_key_index != fixed_common_key_index) { // Many fakesigned WADs have the common key index set to a (random?) bogus value. // For WADs, Dolphin will detect this and use the correct key, making this low severity. std::string text = StringFromFormat( // i18n: This is "common" as in "shared", not the opposite of "uncommon" Common::GetStringT("The specified common key index is %u but should be %u.").c_str(), specified_common_key_index, fixed_common_key_index); AddProblem(Severity::Low, std::move(text)); } } } if (m_volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::WiiWAD) { IOS::HLE::Kernel ios; const auto es = ios.GetES(); const std::vector& cert_chain = m_volume.GetCertificateChain(PARTITION_NONE); if (IOS::HLE::IPC_SUCCESS != es->VerifyContainer(IOS::HLE::Device::ES::VerifyContainerType::Ticket, IOS::HLE::Device::ES::VerifyMode::DoNotUpdateCertStore, m_ticket, cert_chain)) { // i18n: "Ticket" here is a kind of digital authorization to use a certain title (e.g. a game) AddProblem(Severity::Low, Common::GetStringT("The ticket is not correctly signed.")); } if (IOS::HLE::IPC_SUCCESS != es->VerifyContainer(IOS::HLE::Device::ES::VerifyContainerType::TMD, IOS::HLE::Device::ES::VerifyMode::DoNotUpdateCertStore, tmd, cert_chain)) { AddProblem(Severity::Low, Common::GetStringT("The TMD is not correctly signed.")); } } if (m_volume.IsNKit()) { AddProblem( Severity::Low, Common::GetStringT("This disc image is in the NKit format. It is not a good dump in its " "current form, but it might become a good dump if converted back. " "The CRC32 of this file might match the CRC32 of a good dump even " "though the files are not identical.")); } if (IsDisc(m_volume.GetVolumeType()) && StringBeginsWith(game_id_unencrypted, "R8P")) CheckSuperPaperMario(); } void VolumeVerifier::CheckSuperPaperMario() { // When Super Paper Mario (any region/revision) reads setup/aa1_01.dat when starting a new game, // it also reads a few extra bytes so that the read length is divisible by 0x20. If these extra // bytes are zeroes like in good dumps, the game works correctly, but otherwise it can freeze // (depending on the exact values of the extra bytes). https://bugs.dolphin-emu.org/issues/11900 const DiscIO::Partition partition = m_volume.GetGamePartition(); const FileSystem* fs = m_volume.GetFileSystem(partition); if (!fs) return; std::unique_ptr file_info = fs->FindFileInfo("setup/aa1_01.dat"); if (!file_info) return; const u64 offset = file_info->GetOffset() + file_info->GetSize(); const u64 length = Common::AlignUp(offset, 0x20) - offset; std::vector data(length); if (!m_volume.Read(offset, length, data.data(), partition)) return; if (std::any_of(data.cbegin(), data.cend(), [](u8 x) { return x != 0; })) { AddProblem(Severity::High, Common::GetStringT("Some padding data that should be zero is not zero. " "This can make the game freeze at certain points.")); } } void VolumeVerifier::SetUpHashing() { if (m_volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::WiiWAD) { m_content_offsets = m_volume.GetContentOffsets(); } else if (m_volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::WiiDisc) { // Set up a DiscScrubber for checking whether blocks with errors are unused m_scrubber.SetupScrub(&m_volume); } std::sort(m_blocks.begin(), m_blocks.end(), [](const BlockToVerify& b1, const BlockToVerify& b2) { return b1.offset < b2.offset; }); if (m_hashes_to_calculate.crc32) m_crc32_context = crc32(0, nullptr, 0); if (m_hashes_to_calculate.md5) { mbedtls_md5_init(&m_md5_context); mbedtls_md5_starts_ret(&m_md5_context); } if (m_hashes_to_calculate.sha1) { mbedtls_sha1_init(&m_sha1_context); mbedtls_sha1_starts_ret(&m_sha1_context); } } void VolumeVerifier::WaitForAsyncOperations() const { if (m_crc32_future.valid()) m_crc32_future.wait(); if (m_md5_future.valid()) m_md5_future.wait(); if (m_sha1_future.valid()) m_sha1_future.wait(); if (m_content_future.valid()) m_content_future.wait(); if (m_block_future.valid()) m_block_future.wait(); } bool VolumeVerifier::ReadChunkAndWaitForAsyncOperations(u64 bytes_to_read) { std::vector data(bytes_to_read); { std::lock_guard lk(m_volume_mutex); if (!m_volume.Read(m_progress, bytes_to_read, data.data(), PARTITION_NONE)) return false; } WaitForAsyncOperations(); m_data = std::move(data); return true; } void VolumeVerifier::Process() { ASSERT(m_started); ASSERT(!m_done); if (m_progress == m_max_progress) return; IOS::ES::Content content{}; bool content_read = false; bool block_read = false; u64 bytes_to_read = BLOCK_SIZE; if (m_content_index < m_content_offsets.size() && m_content_offsets[m_content_index] == m_progress) { m_volume.GetTMD(PARTITION_NONE).GetContent(m_content_index, &content); bytes_to_read = Common::AlignUp(content.size, 0x40); content_read = true; } else if (m_content_index < m_content_offsets.size() && m_content_offsets[m_content_index] > m_progress) { bytes_to_read = std::min(bytes_to_read, m_content_offsets[m_content_index] - m_progress); } else if (m_block_index < m_blocks.size() && m_blocks[m_block_index].offset == m_progress) { bytes_to_read = VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE; block_read = true; } else if (m_block_index < m_blocks.size() && m_blocks[m_block_index].offset > m_progress) { bytes_to_read = std::min(bytes_to_read, m_blocks[m_block_index].offset - m_progress); } bytes_to_read = std::min(bytes_to_read, m_max_progress - m_progress); const bool is_data_needed = m_calculating_any_hash || content_read || block_read; const bool read_succeeded = is_data_needed && ReadChunkAndWaitForAsyncOperations(bytes_to_read); if (!read_succeeded) { ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "Read failed at 0x%" PRIx64 " to 0x%" PRIx64, m_progress, m_progress + bytes_to_read); m_read_errors_occurred = true; m_calculating_any_hash = false; } if (m_calculating_any_hash) { if (m_hashes_to_calculate.crc32) { m_crc32_future = std::async(std::launch::async, [this] { // It would be nice to use crc32_z here instead of crc32, but it isn't available on Android m_crc32_context = crc32(m_crc32_context, m_data.data(), static_cast(m_data.size())); }); } if (m_hashes_to_calculate.md5) { m_md5_future = std::async(std::launch::async, [this] { mbedtls_md5_update_ret(&m_md5_context, m_data.data(), m_data.size()); }); } if (m_hashes_to_calculate.sha1) { m_sha1_future = std::async(std::launch::async, [this] { mbedtls_sha1_update_ret(&m_sha1_context, m_data.data(), m_data.size()); }); } } if (content_read) { m_content_future = std::async(std::launch::async, [this, read_succeeded, content] { if (!read_succeeded || !m_volume.CheckContentIntegrity(content, m_data, m_ticket)) { AddProblem( Severity::High, StringFromFormat(Common::GetStringT("Content %08x is corrupt.").c_str(), content.id)); } }); m_content_index++; } if (m_block_index < m_blocks.size() && m_blocks[m_block_index].offset < m_progress + bytes_to_read) { m_block_future = std::async( std::launch::async, [this, read_succeeded, bytes_to_read](size_t block_index, u64 progress) { while (block_index < m_blocks.size() && m_blocks[block_index].offset < progress + bytes_to_read) { bool success; if (m_blocks[block_index].offset == progress) { success = read_succeeded && m_volume.CheckBlockIntegrity(m_blocks[block_index].block_index, m_data, m_blocks[block_index].partition); } else { std::lock_guard lk(m_volume_mutex); success = m_volume.CheckBlockIntegrity(m_blocks[block_index].block_index, m_blocks[block_index].partition); } const u64 offset = m_blocks[block_index].offset; if (success) { m_biggest_verified_offset = std::max(m_biggest_verified_offset, offset + VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE); } else { if (m_scrubber.CanBlockBeScrubbed(offset)) { WARN_LOG(DISCIO, "Integrity check failed for unused block at 0x%" PRIx64, offset); m_unused_block_errors[m_blocks[block_index].partition]++; } else { WARN_LOG(DISCIO, "Integrity check failed for block at 0x%" PRIx64, offset); m_block_errors[m_blocks[block_index].partition]++; } } block_index++; } }, m_block_index, m_progress); while (m_block_index < m_blocks.size() && m_blocks[m_block_index].offset < m_progress + bytes_to_read) { m_block_index++; } } m_progress += bytes_to_read; } u64 VolumeVerifier::GetBytesProcessed() const { return m_progress; } u64 VolumeVerifier::GetTotalBytes() const { return m_max_progress; } void VolumeVerifier::Finish() { if (m_done) return; m_done = true; WaitForAsyncOperations(); if (m_calculating_any_hash) { if (m_hashes_to_calculate.crc32) { m_result.hashes.crc32 = std::vector(4); const u32 crc32_be = Common::swap32(m_crc32_context); const u8* crc32_be_ptr = reinterpret_cast(&crc32_be); std::copy(crc32_be_ptr, crc32_be_ptr + 4, m_result.hashes.crc32.begin()); } if (m_hashes_to_calculate.md5) { m_result.hashes.md5 = std::vector(16); mbedtls_md5_finish_ret(&m_md5_context, m_result.hashes.md5.data()); } if (m_hashes_to_calculate.sha1) { m_result.hashes.sha1 = std::vector(20); mbedtls_sha1_finish_ret(&m_sha1_context, m_result.hashes.sha1.data()); } } if (m_read_errors_occurred) AddProblem(Severity::Medium, Common::GetStringT("Some of the data could not be read.")); bool file_too_small = false; if (m_content_index != m_content_offsets.size() || m_block_index != m_blocks.size()) file_too_small = true; if (IsDisc(m_volume.GetVolumeType()) && (m_volume.IsSizeAccurate() || m_volume.SupportsIntegrityCheck())) { u64 volume_size = m_volume.IsSizeAccurate() ? m_volume.GetSize() : m_biggest_verified_offset; if (m_biggest_referenced_offset > volume_size) file_too_small = true; } if (file_too_small) { const bool second_layer_missing = m_biggest_referenced_offset > SL_DVD_SIZE && m_volume.GetSize() >= SL_DVD_SIZE; std::string text = second_layer_missing ? Common::GetStringT("This disc image is too small and lacks some data. The problem is " "most likely that this is a dual-layer disc that has been dumped " "as a single-layer disc.") : Common::GetStringT("This disc image is too small and lacks some data. If your " "dumping program saved the disc image as several parts, you need " "to merge them into one file."); AddProblem(Severity::High, std::move(text)); } for (auto [partition, blocks] : m_block_errors) { if (blocks > 0) { const std::string name = GetPartitionName(m_volume.GetPartitionType(partition)); std::string text = StringFromFormat( Common::GetStringT("Errors were found in %zu blocks in the %s partition.").c_str(), blocks, name.c_str()); AddProblem(Severity::Medium, std::move(text)); } } for (auto [partition, blocks] : m_unused_block_errors) { if (blocks > 0) { const std::string name = GetPartitionName(m_volume.GetPartitionType(partition)); std::string text = StringFromFormat( Common::GetStringT("Errors were found in %zu unused blocks in the %s partition.").c_str(), blocks, name.c_str()); AddProblem(Severity::Low, std::move(text)); } } // Show the most serious problems at the top std::stable_sort(m_result.problems.begin(), m_result.problems.end(), [](const Problem& p1, const Problem& p2) { return p1.severity > p2.severity; }); const Severity highest_severity = m_result.problems.empty() ? Severity::None : m_result.problems[0].severity; if (m_redump_verification) m_result.redump = m_redump_verifier.Finish(m_result.hashes); if (m_result.redump.status == RedumpVerifier::Status::GoodDump || (m_volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::WiiWAD && !m_is_not_retail && m_result.problems.empty())) { if (m_result.problems.empty()) { m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT("This is a good dump."); } else { m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT("This is a good dump according to Redump.org, but Dolphin has found " "problems. This might be a bug in Dolphin."); } return; } if (m_is_datel) { m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT("Dolphin is unable to verify unlicensed discs."); return; } if (m_is_tgc) { m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT("Dolphin is unable to verify typical TGC files properly, " "since they are not dumps of actual discs."); return; } if (m_result.redump.status == RedumpVerifier::Status::BadDump && highest_severity <= Severity::Low) { m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT( "This is a bad dump. This doesn't necessarily mean that the game won't run correctly."); } else { if (m_result.redump.status == RedumpVerifier::Status::BadDump) { m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT("This is a bad dump.") + "\n\n"; } switch (highest_severity) { case Severity::None: if (IsWii(m_volume.GetVolumeType()) && !m_is_not_retail) { m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT( "No problems were found. This does not guarantee that this is a good dump, " "but since Wii titles contain a lot of verification data, it does mean that " "there most likely are no problems that will affect emulation."); } else { m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT("No problems were found."); } break; case Severity::Low: m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT("Problems with low severity were found. They will most " "likely not prevent the game from running."); break; case Severity::Medium: m_result.summary_text += Common::GetStringT("Problems with medium severity were found. The whole game " "or certain parts of the game might not work correctly."); break; case Severity::High: m_result.summary_text += Common::GetStringT( "Problems with high severity were found. The game will most likely not work at all."); break; } } if (m_volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::GameCubeDisc) { m_result.summary_text += Common::GetStringT("\n\nBecause GameCube disc images contain little verification data, " "there may be problems that Dolphin is unable to detect."); } else if (m_is_not_retail) { m_result.summary_text += Common::GetStringT("\n\nBecause this title is not for retail Wii consoles, " "Dolphin cannot verify that it hasn't been tampered with."); } } const VolumeVerifier::Result& VolumeVerifier::GetResult() const { return m_result; } void VolumeVerifier::AddProblem(Severity severity, std::string text) { m_result.problems.emplace_back(Problem{severity, std::move(text)}); } } // namespace DiscIO