.TH DOLPHIN-EMU-NOGUI 6 "March 4, 2016" .SH NAME dolphin-emu-nogui - an emulator for running GameCube, Wii, and Triforce games on Windows, Linux, OS X, and recent Android devices. .SH SYNOPSIS .B dolphin-emu-nogui [\fB-h\fR] [\fB-d\fR] [\fB-l\fR] [\fB-e \fIfile\fR] [\fB-b\fR] [\fB-c\fR] [\fB-V \fIvideo\fR] [\fB-A \fIaudio\fR] [\fB-m \fIfile\fR] [\fB-u \fIpath\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION Dolphin is an emulator for two recent Nintendo video game consoles: the GameCube and the Wii. It allows PC gamers to enjoy games for these two consoles in full HD (1080p) with several enhancements: compatibility with all PC controllers, turbo speed, networked multiplayer, and even more! .P \fBdolphin-emu-nogui\fR does not have a graphical user interface. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-h ", " \-\-help Show this help message .TP .BR \-d ", " \-\-debugger Opens the debugger .TP .BR \-l ", " \-\-logger Opens the logger .TP .BR \-e ", " \-\-exec =\fIfile\fR Loads the specified file (\fBDOL\fR,\fBELF\fR,\fBWAD\fR,\fBGCM\fR,\fBISO\fR) .TP .BR \-b ", " \-\-batch Exit Dolphin with emulator .TP .BR \-c ", " \-\-confirm =\fItext\fR Set Confirm on Stop .TP .BR \-V ", " \-\-video_backend =\fIvideo\fR OpenGL (\fBOGL\fR) or \fBSoftware Renderer\fR video backend .TP .BR \-A ", " \-\-audio_emulation =\fIaudio\fR Low level (\fBLLE\fR) or high level (\fBHLE\fR) audio .TP .BR \-m ", " \-\-movie =\fIfile\fR Play a movie file .TP .BR \-u ", " \-\-user =\fIpath\fR User folder path .SH FILES .TP .I $HOME/.dolphin-emu Default user configuration directory. .SH AUTHOR This manual page was written by Jeremy Newton, but may be distributed freely using the CC BY license.