# When packaging Dolphin for an OS distribution, distro vendors usually prefer # to limit vendored ("Externals") dependencies as much as possible, in favor of # using system provided libraries. This modules provides an option to allow # only specific vendored dependencies and error-out at configuration time for # non-approved ones. # # Usage: # $ cmake -D APPROVED_VENDORED_DEPENDENCIES="a;b;c;..." # # Unless the option is explicitly used, vendored dependencies control is # disabled. # # If you want to disallow all vendored dependencies, put "none" in the approved # dependencies list. set(APPROVED_VENDORED_DEPENDENCIES "" CACHE STRING "\ Semicolon separated list of approved vendored dependencies. See docstring in \ CMake/CheckVendoringApproved.cmake.") function(check_vendoring_approved dep) if(APPROVED_VENDORED_DEPENDENCIES) if(NOT dep IN_LIST APPROVED_VENDORED_DEPENDENCIES) message(SEND_ERROR "\ Library ${dep} was not found systemwide and was not approved for vendoring. \ Vendored dependencies control is enabled. Add \"${dep}\" to the \ APPROVED_VENDORED_DEPENDENCIES list to bypass this error.") endif() endif() endfunction()