// Copyright (C) 2003 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ #include "Debugger.h" #include "RegisterView.h" #include "PowerPC/PowerPC.h" #include "HW/ProcessorInterface.h" // F-zero 80005e60 wtf?? extern const char* GetGPRName(unsigned int index); extern const char* GetFPRName(unsigned int index); static const char *special_reg_names[] = { "PC", "LR", "CTR", "CR", "FPSCR", "MSR", "SRR0", "SRR1", "Exceptions", "Int Mask", "Int Cause", }; static u32 GetSpecialRegValue(int reg) { switch (reg) { case 0: return PowerPC::ppcState.pc; case 1: return PowerPC::ppcState.spr[SPR_LR]; case 2: return PowerPC::ppcState.spr[SPR_CTR]; case 3: return GetCR(); case 4: return PowerPC::ppcState.fpscr; case 5: return PowerPC::ppcState.msr; case 6: return PowerPC::ppcState.spr[SPR_SRR0]; case 7: return PowerPC::ppcState.spr[SPR_SRR1]; case 8: return PowerPC::ppcState.Exceptions; case 9: return ProcessorInterface::GetMask(); case 10: return ProcessorInterface::GetCause(); default: return 0; } } wxString CRegTable::GetValue(int row, int col) { if (row < 32) { switch (col) { case 0: return wxString::FromAscii(GetGPRName(row)); case 1: return wxString::Format(wxT("0x%08x"), GPR(row)); case 2: return wxString::FromAscii(GetFPRName(row)); case 3: return wxString::Format(wxT("%f"), rPS0(row)); case 4: return wxString::Format(wxT("%f"), rPS1(row)); default: return wxString::FromAscii(""); } } else { if (row - 32 < NUM_SPECIALS) { switch (col) { case 0: return wxString::FromAscii(special_reg_names[row - 32]); case 1: return wxString::Format(wxT("0x%08x"), GetSpecialRegValue(row - 32)); default: return wxString::FromAscii(""); } } } return wxString::FromAscii(""); } static void SetSpecialRegValue(int reg, u32 value) { switch (reg) { case 0: PowerPC::ppcState.pc = value; break; case 1: PowerPC::ppcState.spr[SPR_LR] = value; break; case 2: PowerPC::ppcState.spr[SPR_CTR] = value; break; case 3: SetCR(value); break; case 4: PowerPC::ppcState.fpscr = value; break; case 5: PowerPC::ppcState.msr = value; break; case 6: PowerPC::ppcState.spr[SPR_SRR0] = value; break; case 7: PowerPC::ppcState.spr[SPR_SRR1] = value; break; case 8: PowerPC::ppcState.Exceptions = value; break; // Should we just change the value, or use ProcessorInterface::SetInterrupt() to make the system aware? // case 9: return ProcessorInterface::GetMask(); // case 10: return ProcessorInterface::GetCause(); default: return; } } void CRegTable::SetValue(int row, int col, const wxString& strNewVal) { u32 newVal = 0; double newValFP = 0.0; if (TryParseUInt(std::string(strNewVal.mb_str()), &newVal)) { if (row < 32) { if (col == 1) GPR(row) = newVal; else if (strNewVal.ToDouble(&newValFP)) { if (col == 3) rPS0(row) = newValFP; else if (col == 4) rPS1(row) = newValFP; } } else { if ((row - 32 < NUM_SPECIALS) && (col == 1)) { SetSpecialRegValue(row - 32, newVal); } } } } void CRegTable::UpdateCachedRegs() { for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { m_CachedRegHasChanged[i] = (m_CachedRegs[i] != GPR(i)); m_CachedRegs[i] = GPR(i); m_CachedFRegHasChanged[i][0] = (m_CachedFRegs[i][0] != rPS0(i)); m_CachedFRegs[i][0] = rPS0(i); m_CachedFRegHasChanged[i][1] = (m_CachedFRegs[i][1] != rPS1(i)); m_CachedFRegs[i][1] = rPS1(i); } for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SPECIALS; ++i) { m_CachedSpecialRegHasChanged[i] = (m_CachedSpecialRegs[i] != GetSpecialRegValue(i)); m_CachedSpecialRegs[i] = GetSpecialRegValue(i); } } wxGridCellAttr *CRegTable::GetAttr(int row, int col, wxGridCellAttr::wxAttrKind) { wxGridCellAttr *attr = new wxGridCellAttr(); attr->SetBackgroundColour(wxColour(wxT("#FFFFFF"))); attr->SetFont(DebuggerFont); switch (col) { case 1: attr->SetAlignment(wxALIGN_CENTER, wxALIGN_CENTER); break; case 3: case 4: attr->SetAlignment(wxALIGN_RIGHT, wxALIGN_CENTER); break; default: attr->SetAlignment(wxALIGN_LEFT, wxALIGN_CENTER); break; } bool red = false; switch (col) { case 1: red = row < 32 ? m_CachedRegHasChanged[row] : m_CachedSpecialRegHasChanged[row-32]; break; case 3: case 4: red = row < 32 ? m_CachedFRegHasChanged[row][col-3] : false; break; } attr->SetTextColour(red ? wxColor(wxT("#FF0000")) : wxColor(wxT("#000000"))); attr->IncRef(); return attr; } CRegisterView::CRegisterView(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id) : wxGrid(parent, id) { SetTable(new CRegTable(), true); SetRowLabelSize(0); SetColLabelSize(0); DisableDragRowSize(); AutoSizeColumns(); } void CRegisterView::Update() { ForceRefresh(); ((CRegTable *)GetTable())->UpdateCachedRegs(); }