// Copyright 2022 Dolphin Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include "VideoCommon/CPUCull.h" #include "Common/Assert.h" #include "Common/CPUDetect.h" #include "Common/MathUtil.h" #include "Common/MemoryUtil.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "VideoCommon/CPMemory.h" #include "VideoCommon/VertexManagerBase.h" #include "VideoCommon/VertexShaderManager.h" #include "VideoCommon/VideoConfig.h" #include "VideoCommon/XFMemory.h" // We really want things like c.w * a.x - a.w * c.x to stay symmetric, so they cancel to zero on // degenerate triangles. Make sure the compiler doesn't optimize in fmas where not requested. #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma fp_contract(off) #else // GCC doesn't support any in-file way to turn off fp contract yet // Not ideal, but worst case scenario its cpu cull is worse at detecting degenerate triangles // (Most likely to happen on arm, as we don't compile the cull code for x86 fma) #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas" #pragma STDC FP_CONTRACT OFF #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif #if defined(_M_X86) || defined(_M_X86_64) #define USE_SSE #elif defined(_M_ARM_64) #define USE_NEON #else #define NO_SIMD #endif #if defined(USE_SSE) #include #elif defined(USE_NEON) #include #endif #include "VideoCommon/CPUCullImpl.h" #ifdef USE_SSE #define USE_SSE3 #include "VideoCommon/CPUCullImpl.h" #define USE_SSE41 #include "VideoCommon/CPUCullImpl.h" #define USE_AVX #include "VideoCommon/CPUCullImpl.h" #define USE_FMA #include "VideoCommon/CPUCullImpl.h" #endif #if defined(USE_SSE) #if defined(__AVX__) && defined(__FMA__) static constexpr int MIN_SSE = 51; #elif defined(__AVX__) static constexpr int MIN_SSE = 50; #elif defined(__SSE4_1__) static constexpr int MIN_SSE = 41; #elif defined(__SSE3__) static constexpr int MIN_SSE = 30; #else static constexpr int MIN_SSE = 0; #endif #endif template static CPUCull::TransformFunction GetTransformFunction() { #if defined(USE_SSE) if (MIN_SSE >= 51 || (cpu_info.bAVX && cpu_info.bFMA)) return CPUCull_FMA::TransformVertices; else if (MIN_SSE >= 50 || cpu_info.bAVX) return CPUCull_AVX::TransformVertices; else if (PositionHas3Elems && PerVertexPosMtx && (MIN_SSE >= 41 || cpu_info.bSSE4_1)) return CPUCull_SSE41::TransformVertices; else if (PositionHas3Elems && (MIN_SSE >= 30 || cpu_info.bSSE3)) return CPUCull_SSE3::TransformVertices; else return CPUCull_SSE::TransformVertices; #elif defined(USE_NEON) return CPUCull_NEON::TransformVertices; #else return CPUCull_Scalar::TransformVertices; #endif } template static CPUCull::CullFunction GetCullFunction0() { #if defined(USE_SSE) // Note: AVX version only actually AVX on compilers that support __attribute__((target)) // Sorry, MSVC + Sandy Bridge. (Ivy+ and AMD see very little benefit thanks to mov elimination) if (MIN_SSE >= 50 || cpu_info.bAVX) return CPUCull_AVX::AreAllVerticesCulled; else if (MIN_SSE >= 30 || cpu_info.bSSE3) return CPUCull_SSE3::AreAllVerticesCulled; else return CPUCull_SSE::AreAllVerticesCulled; #elif defined(USE_NEON) return CPUCull_NEON::AreAllVerticesCulled; #else return CPUCull_Scalar::AreAllVerticesCulled; #endif } template static Common::EnumMap GetCullFunction1() { return { GetCullFunction0(), GetCullFunction0(), GetCullFunction0(), GetCullFunction0(), }; } CPUCull::~CPUCull() = default; void CPUCull::Init() { m_transform_table[false][false] = GetTransformFunction(); m_transform_table[false][true] = GetTransformFunction(); m_transform_table[true][false] = GetTransformFunction(); m_transform_table[true][true] = GetTransformFunction(); using Prim = OpcodeDecoder::Primitive; m_cull_table[Prim::GX_DRAW_QUADS] = GetCullFunction1(); m_cull_table[Prim::GX_DRAW_QUADS_2] = GetCullFunction1(); m_cull_table[Prim::GX_DRAW_TRIANGLES] = GetCullFunction1(); m_cull_table[Prim::GX_DRAW_TRIANGLE_STRIP] = GetCullFunction1(); m_cull_table[Prim::GX_DRAW_TRIANGLE_FAN] = GetCullFunction1(); } bool CPUCull::AreAllVerticesCulled(VertexLoaderBase* loader, OpcodeDecoder::Primitive primitive, const u8* src, u32 count) { ASSERT_MSG(VIDEO, primitive < OpcodeDecoder::Primitive::GX_DRAW_LINES, "CPUCull should not be called on lines or points"); const u32 stride = loader->m_native_vtx_decl.stride; const bool posHas3Elems = loader->m_native_vtx_decl.position.components >= 3; const bool perVertexPosMtx = loader->m_native_vtx_decl.posmtx.enable; if (m_transform_buffer_size < count) [[unlikely]] { u32 new_size = MathUtil::NextPowerOf2(count); m_transform_buffer_size = new_size; m_transform_buffer.reset(static_cast( Common::AllocateAlignedMemory(new_size * sizeof(TransformedVertex), 32))); } // transform functions need the projection matrix to tranform to clip space Core::System::GetInstance().GetVertexShaderManager().SetProjectionMatrix(); static constexpr Common::EnumMap cullmode_invert = { CullMode::None, CullMode::Front, CullMode::Back, CullMode::All}; CullMode cullmode = bpmem.genMode.cullmode; if (xfmem.viewport.ht > 0) // See videosoftware Clipper.cpp:IsBackface cullmode = cullmode_invert[cullmode]; const TransformFunction transform = m_transform_table[posHas3Elems][perVertexPosMtx]; transform(m_transform_buffer.get(), src, stride, count); const CullFunction cull = m_cull_table[primitive][cullmode]; return cull(m_transform_buffer.get(), count); } template void CPUCull::BufferDeleter::operator()(T* ptr) { Common::FreeAlignedMemory(ptr); }