// Included first and then again later to ensure that we're able to "light up" new functionality based off new includes #include #include #include // Headers to "light up" functionality in resource.h #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" TEST_CASE("ResourceTests::TestLastErrorContext", "[resource][last_error_context]") { // Destructing the last_error_context restores the error. { SetLastError(42); auto error42 = wil::last_error_context(); SetLastError(0); } REQUIRE(GetLastError() == 42); // The context can be moved. { SetLastError(42); auto error42 = wil::last_error_context(); SetLastError(0); { auto another_error42 = wil::last_error_context(std::move(error42)); SetLastError(1); } REQUIRE(GetLastError() == 42); SetLastError(0); // error42 has been moved-from and should not do anything at destruction. } REQUIRE(GetLastError() == 0); // The context can be self-assigned, which has no effect. { SetLastError(42); auto error42 = wil::last_error_context(); SetLastError(0); error42 = std::move(error42); SetLastError(1); } REQUIRE(GetLastError() == 42); // The context can be dismissed, which cause it to do nothing at destruction. { SetLastError(42); auto error42 = wil::last_error_context(); SetLastError(0); error42.release(); SetLastError(1); } REQUIRE(GetLastError() == 1); } TEST_CASE("ResourceTests::TestScopeExit", "[resource][scope_exit]") { int count = 0; auto validate = [&](int expected) { REQUIRE(count == expected); count = 0; }; { auto foo = wil::scope_exit([&] { count++; }); } validate(1); { auto foo = wil::scope_exit([&] { count++; }); foo.release(); foo.reset(); } validate(0); { auto foo = wil::scope_exit([&] { count++; }); foo.reset(); foo.reset(); validate(1); } validate(0); #ifdef WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS { auto foo = wil::scope_exit_log(WI_DIAGNOSTICS_INFO, [&] { count++; THROW_HR(E_FAIL); }); } validate(1); { auto foo = wil::scope_exit_log(WI_DIAGNOSTICS_INFO, [&] { count++; THROW_HR(E_FAIL); }); foo.release(); foo.reset(); } validate(0); { auto foo = wil::scope_exit_log(WI_DIAGNOSTICS_INFO, [&] { count++; THROW_HR(E_FAIL); }); foo.reset(); foo.reset(); validate(1); } validate(0); #endif // WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS } interface __declspec(uuid("ececcc6a-5193-4d14-b38e-ed1460c20b00")) ITest : public IUnknown { STDMETHOD_(void, Test)() = 0; }; class PointerTestObject : witest::AllocatedObject, public Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClass, ITest> { public: STDMETHOD_(void, Test)() {}; }; TEST_CASE("ResourceTests::TestOperationsOnGenericSmartPointerClasses", "[resource]") { #ifdef WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS { // wil::unique_any_t example wil::unique_event ptr2(wil::EventOptions::ManualReset); // wil::com_ptr wil::com_ptr ptr3 = Microsoft::WRL::Make(); // wil::shared_any_t example wil::shared_event ptr4(wil::EventOptions::ManualReset); // wistd::unique_ptr example auto ptr5 = wil::make_unique_failfast(); static_assert(wistd::is_same::pointer, HANDLE>::value, "type-mismatch"); static_assert(wistd::is_same::pointer, PointerTestObject*>::value, "type-mismatch"); auto p2 = wil::detach_from_smart_pointer(ptr2); auto p3 = wil::detach_from_smart_pointer(ptr3); // auto p4 = wil::detach_from_smart_pointer(ptr4); // wil::shared_any_t and std::shared_ptr do not support release(). HANDLE p4{}; auto p5 = wil::detach_from_smart_pointer(ptr5); REQUIRE((!ptr2 && !ptr3)); REQUIRE((p2 && p3)); wil::attach_to_smart_pointer(ptr2, p2); wil::attach_to_smart_pointer(ptr3, p3); wil::attach_to_smart_pointer(ptr4, p4); wil::attach_to_smart_pointer(ptr5, p5); p2 = nullptr; p3 = nullptr; p4 = nullptr; p5 = nullptr; wil::detach_to_opt_param(&p2, ptr2); wil::detach_to_opt_param(&p3, ptr3); REQUIRE((!ptr2 && !ptr3)); REQUIRE((p2 && p3)); wil::attach_to_smart_pointer(ptr2, p2); wil::attach_to_smart_pointer(ptr3, p3); p2 = nullptr; p3 = nullptr; wil::detach_to_opt_param(&p2, ptr2); wil::detach_to_opt_param(&p3, ptr3); REQUIRE((!ptr2 && !ptr3)); REQUIRE((p2 && p3)); [&](decltype(p2)* ptr) { *ptr = p2; } (wil::out_param(ptr2)); [&](decltype(p3)* ptr) { *ptr = p3; } (wil::out_param(ptr3)); [&](decltype(p4)* ptr) { *ptr = p4; } (wil::out_param(ptr4)); [&](decltype(p5)* ptr) { *ptr = p5; } (wil::out_param(ptr5)); REQUIRE((ptr2 && ptr3)); // Validate R-Value compilation wil::detach_to_opt_param(&p2, decltype(ptr2){}); wil::detach_to_opt_param(&p3, decltype(ptr3){}); } #endif std::unique_ptr ptr1(new int(1)); Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr ptr4 = Microsoft::WRL::Make(); static_assert(wistd::is_same::pointer, int*>::value, "type-mismatch"); static_assert(wistd::is_same::pointer, PointerTestObject*>::value, "type-mismatch"); auto p1 = wil::detach_from_smart_pointer(ptr1); auto p4 = wil::detach_from_smart_pointer(ptr4); REQUIRE((!ptr1 && !ptr4)); REQUIRE((p1 && p4)); wil::attach_to_smart_pointer(ptr1, p1); wil::attach_to_smart_pointer(ptr4, p4); REQUIRE((ptr1 && ptr4)); p1 = nullptr; p4 = nullptr; int** pNull = nullptr; wil::detach_to_opt_param(pNull, ptr1); REQUIRE(ptr1); wil::detach_to_opt_param(&p1, ptr1); wil::detach_to_opt_param(&p4, ptr4); REQUIRE((!ptr1 && !ptr4)); REQUIRE((p1 && p4)); [&](decltype(p1)* ptr) { *ptr = p1; } (wil::out_param(ptr1)); [&](decltype(p4)* ptr) { *ptr = p4; } (wil::out_param(ptr4)); REQUIRE((ptr1 && ptr4)); p1 = wil::detach_from_smart_pointer(ptr1); [&](int** ptr) { *ptr = p1; } (wil::out_param_ptr(ptr1)); REQUIRE(ptr1); } // Compilation only test... void StlAdlTest() { // This test has exposed some Argument Dependent Lookup issues in wistd / stl. Primarily we're // just looking for clean compilation. std::vector> v; v.emplace_back(new int{ 1 }); v.emplace_back(new int{ 2 }); v.emplace_back(new int{ 3 }); std::rotate(begin(v), begin(v) + 1, end(v)); REQUIRE(*v[0] == 1); REQUIRE(*v[1] == 3); REQUIRE(*v[2] == 2); decltype(v) v2; v2 = std::move(v); REQUIRE(*v2[0] == 1); REQUIRE(*v2[1] == 3); REQUIRE(*v2[2] == 2); decltype(v) v3; std::swap(v2, v3); REQUIRE(*v3[0] == 1); REQUIRE(*v3[1] == 3); REQUIRE(*v3[2] == 2); } // Compilation only test... #if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP) void UniqueProcessInfo() { wil::unique_process_information process; CreateProcessW(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, FALSE, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &process); ResumeThread(process.hThread); WaitForSingleObject(process.hProcess, INFINITE); wil::unique_process_information other(wistd::move(process)); } #endif struct FakeComInterface { void AddRef() { refs++; } void Release() { refs--; } HRESULT __stdcall Close() { closes++; return S_OK; } size_t refs = 0; size_t closes = 0; bool called() { auto old = closes; closes = 0; return (old > 0); } bool has_ref() { return (refs > 0); } }; static void __stdcall CloseFakeComInterface(FakeComInterface* fake) { fake->Close(); } using unique_fakeclose_call = wil::unique_com_call; TEST_CASE("ResourceTests::VerifyUniqueComCall", "[resource][unique_com_call]") { unique_fakeclose_call call1; unique_fakeclose_call call2; // intentional compilation errors // unique_fakeclose_call call3 = call1; // call2 = call1; FakeComInterface fake1; unique_fakeclose_call call4(&fake1); REQUIRE(fake1.has_ref()); unique_fakeclose_call call5(wistd::move(call4)); REQUIRE(!call4); REQUIRE(call5); REQUIRE(fake1.has_ref()); call4 = wistd::move(call5); REQUIRE(call4); REQUIRE(!call5); REQUIRE(fake1.has_ref()); REQUIRE(!fake1.called()); FakeComInterface fake2; { unique_fakeclose_call scoped(&fake2); } REQUIRE(!fake2.has_ref()); REQUIRE(fake2.called()); call4.reset(&fake2); REQUIRE(fake1.called()); REQUIRE(!fake1.has_ref()); call4.reset(); REQUIRE(!fake2.has_ref()); REQUIRE(fake2.called()); call1.reset(&fake1); call2.swap(call1); REQUIRE((call2 && !call1)); call2.release(); REQUIRE(!fake1.called()); REQUIRE(!fake1.has_ref()); REQUIRE(!call2); REQUIRE(*call1.addressof() == nullptr); call1.reset(&fake1); fake2.closes = 0; fake2.refs = 1; *(&call1) = &fake2; REQUIRE(!fake1.has_ref()); REQUIRE(fake1.called()); REQUIRE(fake2.has_ref()); call1.reset(&fake1); fake2.closes = 0; fake2.refs = 1; *call1.put() = &fake2; REQUIRE(!fake1.has_ref()); REQUIRE(fake1.called()); REQUIRE(fake2.has_ref()); call1.reset(); REQUIRE(!fake2.has_ref()); REQUIRE(fake2.called()); } static bool g_called = false; static bool called() { auto call = g_called; g_called = false; return (call); } static void __stdcall FakeCall() { g_called = true; } using unique_fake_call = wil::unique_call; TEST_CASE("ResourceTests::VerifyUniqueCall", "[resource][unique_call]") { unique_fake_call call1; unique_fake_call call2; // intentional compilation errors // unique_fake_call call3 = call1; // call2 = call1; unique_fake_call call4; REQUIRE(!called()); unique_fake_call call5(wistd::move(call4)); REQUIRE(!call4); REQUIRE(call5); call4 = wistd::move(call5); REQUIRE(call4); REQUIRE(!call5); REQUIRE(!called()); { unique_fake_call scoped; } REQUIRE(called()); call4.reset(); REQUIRE(called()); call4.reset(); REQUIRE(!called()); call1.release(); REQUIRE((!call1 && call2)); call2.swap(call1); REQUIRE((call1 && !call2)); call2.release(); REQUIRE(!called()); REQUIRE(!call2); #ifdef __WIL__ROAPI_H_APPEXCEPTIONAL { auto call = wil::RoInitialize(); } #endif #ifdef __WIL__ROAPI_H_APP { wil::unique_rouninitialize_call uninit; uninit.release(); auto call = wil::RoInitialize_failfast(); } #endif #ifdef __WIL__COMBASEAPI_H_APPEXCEPTIONAL { auto call = wil::CoInitializeEx(); } #endif #ifdef __WIL__COMBASEAPI_H_APP { wil::unique_couninitialize_call uninit; uninit.release(); auto call = wil::CoInitializeEx_failfast(); } #endif } void UniqueCallCompilationTest() { #ifdef __WIL__COMBASEAPI_H_EXCEPTIONAL { auto call = wil::CoImpersonateClient(); } #endif #ifdef __WIL__COMBASEAPI_H_ { wil::unique_coreverttoself_call uninit; uninit.release(); auto call = wil::CoImpersonateClient_failfast(); } #endif } template static void TestStringMaker(VerifyContents&& verifyContents) { PCWSTR values[] = { L"", L"value", // 300 chars L"0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" L"0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" L"0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" }; for (const auto& value : values) { auto const valueLength = wcslen(value); // Direct construction case. wil::details::string_maker maker; THROW_IF_FAILED(maker.make(value, valueLength)); auto result = maker.release(); verifyContents(value, valueLength, result); // Two phase construction case. THROW_IF_FAILED(maker.make(nullptr, valueLength)); REQUIRE(maker.buffer() != nullptr); // In the case of the wil::unique_hstring and the empty string the buffer is in a read only // section and can't be written to, so StringCchCopy(maker.buffer(), valueLength + 1, value) will fault adding the nul terminator. // Use memcpy_s specifying exact size that will be zero in this case instead. memcpy_s(maker.buffer(), valueLength * sizeof(*value), value, valueLength * sizeof(*value)); result = maker.release(); verifyContents(value, valueLength, result); { // no promote, ensure no leaks (not tested here, inspect in the debugger) wil::details::string_maker maker2; THROW_IF_FAILED(maker2.make(value, valueLength)); } } } #ifdef WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS template static void VerifyMakeUniqueString(bool nullValueSupported = true) { if (nullValueSupported) { auto value0 = wil::make_unique_string(nullptr, 5); } struct { PCWSTR expectedValue; PCWSTR testValue; // this is an optional parameter size_t testLength = static_cast(-1); } const testCaseEntries[] = { { L"value", L"value", 5 }, { L"value", L"value" }, { L"va", L"va\0ue", 5 }, { L"v", L"value", 1 }, { L"\0", L"", 5 }, { L"\0", nullptr, 5 }, }; using maker = wil::details::string_maker; for (auto const &entry : testCaseEntries) { bool shouldSkipNullString = ((wcscmp(entry.expectedValue, L"\0") == 0) && !nullValueSupported); if (!shouldSkipNullString) { auto desiredValue = wil::make_unique_string(entry.expectedValue); auto stringValue = wil::make_unique_string(entry.testValue, entry.testLength); auto stringValueNoThrow = wil::make_unique_string_nothrow(entry.testValue, entry.testLength); auto stringValueFailFast = wil::make_unique_string_failfast(entry.testValue, entry.testLength); REQUIRE(wcscmp(maker::get(desiredValue), maker::get(stringValue)) == 0); REQUIRE(wcscmp(maker::get(desiredValue), maker::get(stringValueNoThrow)) == 0); REQUIRE(wcscmp(maker::get(desiredValue), maker::get(stringValueFailFast)) == 0); } } } TEST_CASE("UniqueStringAndStringMakerTests::VerifyStringMakerCoTaskMem", "[resource][string_maker]") { VerifyMakeUniqueString(); TestStringMaker( [](PCWSTR value, size_t /*valueLength*/, const wil::unique_cotaskmem_string& result) { REQUIRE(wcscmp(value, result.get()) == 0); }); } #if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP) TEST_CASE("UniqueStringAndStringMakerTests::VerifyStringMakerLocalAlloc", "[resource][string_maker]") { VerifyMakeUniqueString(); TestStringMaker( [](PCWSTR value, size_t /*valueLength*/, const wil::unique_hlocal_string& result) { REQUIRE(wcscmp(value, result.get()) == 0); }); } TEST_CASE("UniqueStringAndStringMakerTests::VerifyStringMakerGlobalAlloc", "[resource][string_maker]") { VerifyMakeUniqueString(); TestStringMaker( [](PCWSTR value, size_t /*valueLength*/, const wil::unique_hglobal_string& result) { REQUIRE(wcscmp(value, result.get()) == 0); }); } TEST_CASE("UniqueStringAndStringMakerTests::VerifyStringMakerProcessHeap", "[resource][string_maker]") { VerifyMakeUniqueString(); TestStringMaker( [](PCWSTR value, size_t /*valueLength*/, const wil::unique_process_heap_string& result) { REQUIRE(wcscmp(value, result.get()) == 0); }); } #endif TEST_CASE("UniqueStringAndStringMakerTests::VerifyStringMakerMidl", "[resource][string_maker]") { VerifyMakeUniqueString(); TestStringMaker( [](PCWSTR value, size_t /*valueLength*/, const wil::unique_midl_string& result) { REQUIRE(wcscmp(value, result.get()) == 0); }); } TEST_CASE("UniqueStringAndStringMakerTests::VerifyStringMakerHString", "[resource][string_maker]") { wil::unique_hstring value; value.reset(static_cast(nullptr)); VerifyMakeUniqueString(false); TestStringMaker( [](PCWSTR value, size_t valueLength, const wil::unique_hstring& result) { UINT32 length; REQUIRE(wcscmp(value, WindowsGetStringRawBuffer(result.get(), &length)) == 0); REQUIRE(valueLength == length); }); } #ifdef WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS TEST_CASE("UniqueStringAndStringMakerTests::VerifyStringMakerStdWString", "[resource][string_maker]") { std::string s; wil::details::string_maker maker; TestStringMaker( [](PCWSTR value, size_t valueLength, const std::wstring& result) { REQUIRE(wcscmp(value, result.c_str()) == 0); REQUIRE(result == value); REQUIRE(result.size() == valueLength); }); } #endif TEST_CASE("UniqueStringAndStringMakerTests::VerifyLegacySTringMakers", "[resource][string_maker]") { #if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP) auto l = wil::make_hlocal_string(L"value"); l = wil::make_hlocal_string_nothrow(L"value"); l = wil::make_hlocal_string_failfast(L"value"); auto p = wil::make_process_heap_string(L"value"); p = wil::make_process_heap_string_nothrow(L"value"); p = wil::make_process_heap_string_failfast(L"value"); #endif auto c = wil::make_cotaskmem_string(L"value"); c = wil::make_cotaskmem_string_nothrow(L"value"); c = wil::make_cotaskmem_string_failfast(L"value"); } #endif _Use_decl_annotations_ void* __RPC_USER MIDL_user_allocate(size_t size) { return ::HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, size); } _Use_decl_annotations_ void __RPC_USER MIDL_user_free(void* p) { ::HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, p); } TEST_CASE("UniqueMidlStringTests", "[resource][rpc]") { wil::unique_midl_ptr intArray{ reinterpret_cast(::MIDL_user_allocate(sizeof(int) * 10)) }; intArray[2] = 1; wil::unique_midl_ptr intSingle{ reinterpret_cast(::MIDL_user_allocate(sizeof(int) * 1)) }; } TEST_CASE("UniqueEnvironmentStrings", "[resource][win32]") { wil::unique_environstrings_ptr env{ ::GetEnvironmentStringsW() }; const wchar_t* nextVar = env.get(); while (nextVar &&* nextVar) { // consume 'nextVar' nextVar += wcslen(nextVar) + 1; } wil::unique_environansistrings_ptr envAnsi{ ::GetEnvironmentStringsA() }; const char* nextVarAnsi = envAnsi.get(); while (nextVarAnsi && *nextVarAnsi) { // consume 'nextVar' nextVarAnsi += strlen(nextVarAnsi) + 1; } } TEST_CASE("UniqueVariant", "[resource][com]") { wil::unique_variant var; var.vt = VT_BSTR; var.bstrVal = ::SysAllocString(L"25"); REQUIRE(var.bstrVal != nullptr); auto call = [](const VARIANT&) {}; call(var); VARIANT weakVar = var; (void)weakVar; wil::unique_variant var2; REQUIRE_SUCCEEDED(VariantChangeType(&var2, &var, 0, VT_UI4)); REQUIRE(var2.vt == VT_UI4); REQUIRE(var2.uiVal == 25); } TEST_CASE("DefaultTemplateParamCompiles", "[resource]") { wil::unique_process_heap_ptr<> a; wil::unique_virtualalloc_ptr<> b; #if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP) wil::unique_hlocal_ptr<> c; wil::unique_hlocal_secure_ptr<> d; wil::unique_hglobal_ptr<> e; wil::unique_cotaskmem_secure_ptr<> f; #endif wil::unique_midl_ptr<> g; wil::unique_cotaskmem_ptr<> h; }