// Copyright 2017 Dolphin Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include "DolphinQt/Config/Graphics/HacksWidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "Core/Config/GraphicsSettings.h" #include "Core/Config/MainSettings.h" #include "Core/ConfigManager.h" #include "DolphinQt/Config/Graphics/GraphicsBool.h" #include "DolphinQt/Config/Graphics/GraphicsSlider.h" #include "DolphinQt/Config/Graphics/GraphicsWindow.h" #include "DolphinQt/Config/ToolTipControls/ToolTipSlider.h" #include "DolphinQt/Settings.h" #include "VideoCommon/VideoConfig.h" HacksWidget::HacksWidget(GraphicsWindow* parent) { CreateWidgets(); LoadSettings(); ConnectWidgets(); AddDescriptions(); connect(parent, &GraphicsWindow::BackendChanged, this, &HacksWidget::OnBackendChanged); OnBackendChanged(QString::fromStdString(Config::Get(Config::MAIN_GFX_BACKEND))); connect(&Settings::Instance(), &Settings::ConfigChanged, this, &HacksWidget::LoadSettings); } void HacksWidget::CreateWidgets() { auto* main_layout = new QVBoxLayout; // EFB auto* efb_box = new QGroupBox(tr("Embedded Frame Buffer (EFB)")); auto* efb_layout = new QGridLayout(); efb_box->setLayout(efb_layout); m_skip_efb_cpu = new GraphicsBool(tr("Skip EFB Access from CPU"), Config::GFX_HACK_EFB_ACCESS_ENABLE, true); m_ignore_format_changes = new GraphicsBool(tr("Ignore Format Changes"), Config::GFX_HACK_EFB_EMULATE_FORMAT_CHANGES, true); m_store_efb_copies = new GraphicsBool(tr("Store EFB Copies to Texture Only"), Config::GFX_HACK_SKIP_EFB_COPY_TO_RAM); m_defer_efb_copies = new GraphicsBool(tr("Defer EFB Copies to RAM"), Config::GFX_HACK_DEFER_EFB_COPIES); efb_layout->addWidget(m_skip_efb_cpu, 0, 0); efb_layout->addWidget(m_ignore_format_changes, 0, 1); efb_layout->addWidget(m_store_efb_copies, 1, 0); efb_layout->addWidget(m_defer_efb_copies, 1, 1); // Texture Cache auto* texture_cache_box = new QGroupBox(tr("Texture Cache")); auto* texture_cache_layout = new QGridLayout(); texture_cache_box->setLayout(texture_cache_layout); m_accuracy = new ToolTipSlider(Qt::Horizontal); m_accuracy->setMinimum(0); m_accuracy->setMaximum(2); m_accuracy->setPageStep(1); m_accuracy->setTickPosition(QSlider::TicksBelow); m_gpu_texture_decoding = new GraphicsBool(tr("GPU Texture Decoding"), Config::GFX_ENABLE_GPU_TEXTURE_DECODING); auto* safe_label = new QLabel(tr("Safe")); safe_label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight); m_accuracy_label = new QLabel(tr("Accuracy:")); texture_cache_layout->addWidget(m_accuracy_label, 0, 0); texture_cache_layout->addWidget(safe_label, 0, 1); texture_cache_layout->addWidget(m_accuracy, 0, 2); texture_cache_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Fast")), 0, 3); texture_cache_layout->addWidget(m_gpu_texture_decoding, 1, 0); // XFB auto* xfb_box = new QGroupBox(tr("External Frame Buffer (XFB)")); auto* xfb_layout = new QVBoxLayout(); xfb_box->setLayout(xfb_layout); m_store_xfb_copies = new GraphicsBool(tr("Store XFB Copies to Texture Only"), Config::GFX_HACK_SKIP_XFB_COPY_TO_RAM); m_immediate_xfb = new GraphicsBool(tr("Immediately Present XFB"), Config::GFX_HACK_IMMEDIATE_XFB); m_skip_duplicate_xfbs = new GraphicsBool(tr("Skip Presenting Duplicate Frames"), Config::GFX_HACK_SKIP_DUPLICATE_XFBS); xfb_layout->addWidget(m_store_xfb_copies); xfb_layout->addWidget(m_immediate_xfb); xfb_layout->addWidget(m_skip_duplicate_xfbs); // Other auto* other_box = new QGroupBox(tr("Other")); auto* other_layout = new QGridLayout(); other_box->setLayout(other_layout); m_fast_depth_calculation = new GraphicsBool(tr("Fast Depth Calculation"), Config::GFX_FAST_DEPTH_CALC); m_disable_bounding_box = new GraphicsBool(tr("Disable Bounding Box"), Config::GFX_HACK_BBOX_ENABLE, true); m_vertex_rounding = new GraphicsBool(tr("Vertex Rounding"), Config::GFX_HACK_VERTEX_ROUNDING); m_save_texture_cache_state = new GraphicsBool(tr("Save Texture Cache to State"), Config::GFX_SAVE_TEXTURE_CACHE_TO_STATE); m_vi_skip = new GraphicsBool(tr("VI Skip"), Config::GFX_HACK_VI_SKIP); other_layout->addWidget(m_fast_depth_calculation, 0, 0); other_layout->addWidget(m_disable_bounding_box, 0, 1); other_layout->addWidget(m_vertex_rounding, 1, 0); other_layout->addWidget(m_save_texture_cache_state, 1, 1); other_layout->addWidget(m_vi_skip, 2, 0); main_layout->addWidget(efb_box); main_layout->addWidget(texture_cache_box); main_layout->addWidget(xfb_box); main_layout->addWidget(other_box); main_layout->addStretch(); setLayout(main_layout); UpdateDeferEFBCopiesEnabled(); UpdateSkipPresentingDuplicateFramesEnabled(); } void HacksWidget::OnBackendChanged(const QString& backend_name) { const bool bbox = g_Config.backend_info.bSupportsBBox; const bool gpu_texture_decoding = g_Config.backend_info.bSupportsGPUTextureDecoding; m_gpu_texture_decoding->setEnabled(gpu_texture_decoding); m_disable_bounding_box->setEnabled(bbox); const QString tooltip = tr("%1 doesn't support this feature on your system.") .arg(tr(backend_name.toStdString().c_str())); m_gpu_texture_decoding->setToolTip(!gpu_texture_decoding ? tooltip : QString{}); m_disable_bounding_box->setToolTip(!bbox ? tooltip : QString{}); } void HacksWidget::ConnectWidgets() { connect(m_accuracy, &QSlider::valueChanged, [this](int) { SaveSettings(); }); connect(m_store_efb_copies, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, [this](int) { UpdateDeferEFBCopiesEnabled(); }); connect(m_store_xfb_copies, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, [this](int) { UpdateDeferEFBCopiesEnabled(); }); connect(m_immediate_xfb, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, [this](int) { UpdateSkipPresentingDuplicateFramesEnabled(); }); connect(m_vi_skip, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, [this](int) { UpdateSkipPresentingDuplicateFramesEnabled(); }); } void HacksWidget::LoadSettings() { const QSignalBlocker blocker(m_accuracy); auto samples = Config::Get(Config::GFX_SAFE_TEXTURE_CACHE_COLOR_SAMPLES); // Re-enable the slider in case it was disabled because of a custom value m_accuracy->setEnabled(true); int slider_pos = 0; switch (samples) { case 512: slider_pos = 1; break; case 128: slider_pos = 2; break; case 0: slider_pos = 0; break; // Custom values, ought not to be touched default: m_accuracy->setEnabled(false); } m_accuracy->setValue(slider_pos); QFont bf = m_accuracy_label->font(); bf.setBold(Config::GetActiveLayerForConfig(Config::GFX_SAFE_TEXTURE_CACHE_COLOR_SAMPLES) != Config::LayerType::Base); m_accuracy_label->setFont(bf); } void HacksWidget::SaveSettings() { int slider_pos = m_accuracy->value(); if (m_accuracy->isEnabled()) { int samples = 0; switch (slider_pos) { case 0: samples = 0; break; case 1: samples = 512; break; case 2: samples = 128; } Config::SetBaseOrCurrent(Config::GFX_SAFE_TEXTURE_CACHE_COLOR_SAMPLES, samples); } } void HacksWidget::AddDescriptions() { static const char TR_SKIP_EFB_CPU_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION[] = QT_TR_NOOP( "Ignores any requests from the CPU to read from or write to the EFB. " "

Improves performance in some games, but will disable all EFB-based " "graphical effects or gameplay-related features.

If unsure, " "leave this unchecked."); static const char TR_IGNORE_FORMAT_CHANGE_DESCRIPTION[] = QT_TR_NOOP( "Ignores any changes to the EFB format.

Improves performance in many games " "without " "any negative effect. Causes graphical defects in a small number of other " "games.

If unsure, leave this checked."); static const char TR_STORE_EFB_TO_TEXTURE_DESCRIPTION[] = QT_TR_NOOP( "Stores EFB copies exclusively on the GPU, bypassing system memory. Causes graphical defects " "in a small number of games.

Enabled = EFB Copies to Texture
Disabled = EFB " "Copies to " "RAM (and Texture)

If unsure, leave this " "checked."); static const char TR_DEFER_EFB_COPIES_DESCRIPTION[] = QT_TR_NOOP( "Waits until the game synchronizes with the emulated GPU before writing the contents of EFB " "copies to RAM.

Reduces the overhead of EFB RAM copies, providing a performance " "boost in " "many games, at the risk of breaking those which do not safely synchronize with the " "emulated GPU.

If unsure, leave this " "checked."); static const char TR_ACCUARCY_DESCRIPTION[] = QT_TR_NOOP( "Adjusts the accuracy at which the GPU receives texture updates from RAM.

" "The \"Safe\" setting eliminates the likelihood of the GPU missing texture updates " "from RAM. Lower accuracies cause in-game text to appear garbled in certain " "games.

If unsure, select the rightmost " "value."); static const char TR_STORE_XFB_TO_TEXTURE_DESCRIPTION[] = QT_TR_NOOP( "Stores XFB copies exclusively on the GPU, bypassing system memory. Causes graphical defects " "in a small number of games.

Enabled = XFB Copies to " "Texture
Disabled = XFB Copies to RAM (and Texture)

If " "unsure, leave this checked."); static const char TR_IMMEDIATE_XFB_DESCRIPTION[] = QT_TR_NOOP( "Displays XFB copies as soon as they are created, instead of waiting for " "scanout.

Can cause graphical defects in some games if the game doesn't " "expect all XFB copies to be displayed. However, turning this setting on reduces " "latency.

If unsure, leave this unchecked."); static const char TR_SKIP_DUPLICATE_XFBS_DESCRIPTION[] = QT_TR_NOOP( "Skips presentation of duplicate frames (XFB copies) in 25fps/30fps games. This may improve " "performance on low-end devices, while making frame pacing less consistent.

Disable this " "option as well as enabling V-Sync for optimal frame pacing.

If " "unsure, leave this " "checked."); static const char TR_GPU_DECODING_DESCRIPTION[] = QT_TR_NOOP( "Enables texture decoding using the GPU instead of the CPU.

This may result in " "performance gains in some scenarios, or on systems where the CPU is the " "bottleneck.

If unsure, leave this " "unchecked."); static const char TR_FAST_DEPTH_CALC_DESCRIPTION[] = QT_TR_NOOP( "Uses a less accurate algorithm to calculate depth values.

Causes issues in a few " "games, but can result in a decent speed increase depending on the game and/or " "GPU.

If unsure, leave this checked."); static const char TR_DISABLE_BOUNDINGBOX_DESCRIPTION[] = QT_TR_NOOP("Disables bounding box emulation.

This may improve GPU performance " "significantly, but some games will break.

If " "unsure, leave this checked."); static const char TR_SAVE_TEXTURE_CACHE_TO_STATE_DESCRIPTION[] = QT_TR_NOOP("Includes the contents of the embedded frame buffer (EFB) and upscaled EFB copies " "in save states. Fixes missing and/or non-upscaled textures/objects when loading " "states at the cost of additional save/load time.

If " "unsure, leave this checked."); static const char TR_VERTEX_ROUNDING_DESCRIPTION[] = QT_TR_NOOP( "Rounds 2D vertices to whole pixels and rounds the viewport size to a whole number.

" "Fixes graphical problems in some games at higher internal resolutions. This setting has no " "effect when native internal resolution is used.

" "If unsure, leave this unchecked."); static const char TR_VI_SKIP_DESCRIPTION[] = QT_TR_NOOP("Skips VI interrupts when lag is detected, allowing for " "smooth audio playback when emulation speed is not 100%.

" "WARNING: Can cause freezes and compatibility " "issues.

" "If unsure, leave this unchecked."); m_skip_efb_cpu->SetDescription(tr(TR_SKIP_EFB_CPU_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION)); m_ignore_format_changes->SetDescription(tr(TR_IGNORE_FORMAT_CHANGE_DESCRIPTION)); m_store_efb_copies->SetDescription(tr(TR_STORE_EFB_TO_TEXTURE_DESCRIPTION)); m_defer_efb_copies->SetDescription(tr(TR_DEFER_EFB_COPIES_DESCRIPTION)); m_accuracy->SetTitle(tr("Texture Cache Accuracy")); m_accuracy->SetDescription(tr(TR_ACCUARCY_DESCRIPTION)); m_store_xfb_copies->SetDescription(tr(TR_STORE_XFB_TO_TEXTURE_DESCRIPTION)); m_immediate_xfb->SetDescription(tr(TR_IMMEDIATE_XFB_DESCRIPTION)); m_skip_duplicate_xfbs->SetDescription(tr(TR_SKIP_DUPLICATE_XFBS_DESCRIPTION)); m_gpu_texture_decoding->SetDescription(tr(TR_GPU_DECODING_DESCRIPTION)); m_fast_depth_calculation->SetDescription(tr(TR_FAST_DEPTH_CALC_DESCRIPTION)); m_disable_bounding_box->SetDescription(tr(TR_DISABLE_BOUNDINGBOX_DESCRIPTION)); m_save_texture_cache_state->SetDescription(tr(TR_SAVE_TEXTURE_CACHE_TO_STATE_DESCRIPTION)); m_vertex_rounding->SetDescription(tr(TR_VERTEX_ROUNDING_DESCRIPTION)); m_vi_skip->SetDescription(tr(TR_VI_SKIP_DESCRIPTION)); } void HacksWidget::UpdateDeferEFBCopiesEnabled() { // We disable the checkbox for defer EFB copies when both EFB and XFB copies to texture are // enabled. const bool can_defer = m_store_efb_copies->isChecked() && m_store_xfb_copies->isChecked(); m_defer_efb_copies->setEnabled(!can_defer); } void HacksWidget::UpdateSkipPresentingDuplicateFramesEnabled() { // If Immediate XFB is on, there's no point to skipping duplicate XFB copies as immediate presents // when the XFB is created, therefore all XFB copies will be unique. // This setting is also required for VI skip to work. const bool disabled = m_immediate_xfb->isChecked() || m_vi_skip->isChecked(); if (disabled) m_skip_duplicate_xfbs->setChecked(true); m_skip_duplicate_xfbs->setEnabled(!disabled); }