/* ** wa_msgids.h (created 14/04/2004 12:23:19 PM) ** Created from wa_ipc.h and resource.h from the language sdk ** by Darren Owen aka DrO ** ** This a simple header file which defines the message ids to allow you to control ** Winamp in keeping with the old frontend.h (R.I.P.) ** ** ** Version History: ** ** v1.0 :: intial version with ids for Winamp 5.02+ ** v1.0a :: fixed the file to work on compile ** v1.1 :: added the msg id for 'Manual Playlist Advance' ** v1.2 :: added in song rating menu items ** ** ** How to use: ** ** To send these, use the format: ** ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp, WM_COMMAND,command_name,0); ** ** For other languages such as Visual Basic, Pascal, etc you will need to use ** the equivalent calling SendMessage(..) calling convention ** ** ** Notes: ** ** IDs 42000 to 45000 are reserved for gen_ff ** IDs from 45000 to 57000 are reserved for library ** */ #ifndef _WA_MSGIDS_H_ #define _WA_MSGIDS_H_ #define WINAMP_FILE_QUIT 40001 #define WINAMP_OPTIONS_PREFS 40012 // pops up the preferences #define WINAMP_OPTIONS_AOT 40019 // toggles always on top #define WINAMP_FILE_REPEAT 40022 #define WINAMP_FILE_SHUFFLE 40023 #define WINAMP_HIGH_PRIORITY 40025 #define WINAMP_FILE_PLAY 40029 // pops up the load file(s) box #define WINAMP_OPTIONS_EQ 40036 // toggles the EQ window #define WINAMP_OPTIONS_ELAPSED 40037 #define WINAMP_OPTIONS_REMAINING 40038 #define WINAMP_OPTIONS_PLEDIT 40040 // toggles the playlist window #define WINAMP_HELP_ABOUT 40041 // pops up the about box :) #define WINAMP_MAINMENU 40043 /* the following are the five main control buttons, with optionally shift ** or control pressed ** (for the exact functions of each, just try it out) */ #define WINAMP_BUTTON1 40044 #define WINAMP_BUTTON2 40045 #define WINAMP_BUTTON3 40046 #define WINAMP_BUTTON4 40047 #define WINAMP_BUTTON5 40048 #define WINAMP_BUTTON1_SHIFT 40144 #define WINAMP_BUTTON2_SHIFT 40145 #define WINAMP_BUTTON3_SHIFT 40146 #define WINAMP_BUTTON4_SHIFT 40147 #define WINAMP_BUTTON5_SHIFT 40148 #define WINAMP_BUTTON1_CTRL 40154 #define WINAMP_BUTTON2_CTRL 40155 #define WINAMP_BUTTON3_CTRL 40156 #define WINAMP_BUTTON4_CTRL 40157 #define WINAMP_BUTTON5_CTRL 40158 #define WINAMP_VOLUMEUP 40058 // turns the volume up a little #define WINAMP_VOLUMEDOWN 40059 // turns the volume down a little #define WINAMP_FFWD5S 40060 // fast forwards 5 seconds #define WINAMP_REW5S 40061 // rewinds 5 seconds #define WINAMP_NEXT_WINDOW 40063 #define WINAMP_OPTIONS_WINDOWSHADE 40064 #define WINAMP_OPTIONS_DSIZE 40165 #define IDC_SORT_FILENAME 40166 #define IDC_SORT_FILETITLE 40167 #define IDC_SORT_ENTIREFILENAME 40168 #define IDC_SELECTALL 40169 #define IDC_SELECTNONE 40170 #define IDC_SELECTINV 40171 #define IDM_EQ_LOADPRE 40172 #define IDM_EQ_LOADMP3 40173 #define IDM_EQ_LOADDEFAULT 40174 #define IDM_EQ_SAVEPRE 40175 #define IDM_EQ_SAVEMP3 40176 #define IDM_EQ_SAVEDEFAULT 40177 #define IDM_EQ_DELPRE 40178 #define IDM_EQ_DELMP3 40180 #define IDC_PLAYLIST_PLAY 40184 #define WINAMP_FILE_LOC 40185 #define WINAMP_OPTIONS_EASYMOVE 40186 #define WINAMP_FILE_DIR 40187 // pops up the load directory box #define WINAMP_EDIT_ID3 40188 #define WINAMP_TOGGLE_AUTOSCROLL 40189 #define WINAMP_VISSETUP 40190 #define WINAMP_PLGSETUP 40191 #define WINAMP_VISPLUGIN 40192 #define WINAMP_JUMP 40193 #define WINAMP_JUMPFILE 40194 #define WINAMP_JUMP10FWD 40195 #define WINAMP_JUMP10BACK 40197 #define WINAMP_PREVSONG 40198 #define WINAMP_OPTIONS_EXTRAHQ 40200 #define ID_PE_NEW 40201 #define ID_PE_OPEN 40202 #define ID_PE_SAVE 40203 #define ID_PE_SAVEAS 40204 #define ID_PE_SELECTALL 40205 #define ID_PE_INVERT 40206 #define ID_PE_NONE 40207 #define ID_PE_ID3 40208 #define ID_PE_S_TITLE 40209 #define ID_PE_S_FILENAME 40210 #define ID_PE_S_PATH 40211 #define ID_PE_S_RANDOM 40212 #define ID_PE_S_REV 40213 #define ID_PE_CLEAR 40214 #define ID_PE_MOVEUP 40215 #define ID_PE_MOVEDOWN 40216 #define WINAMP_SELSKIN 40219 #define WINAMP_VISCONF 40221 #define ID_PE_NONEXIST 40222 #define ID_PE_DELETEFROMDISK 40223 #define ID_PE_CLOSE 40224 #define WINAMP_VIS_SETOSC 40226 #define WINAMP_VIS_SETANA 40227 #define WINAMP_VIS_SETOFF 40228 #define WINAMP_VIS_DOTSCOPE 40229 #define WINAMP_VIS_LINESCOPE 40230 #define WINAMP_VIS_SOLIDSCOPE 40231 #define WINAMP_VIS_NORMANA 40233 #define WINAMP_VIS_FIREANA 40234 #define WINAMP_VIS_LINEANA 40235 #define WINAMP_VIS_NORMVU 40236 #define WINAMP_VIS_SMOOTHVU 40237 #define WINAMP_VIS_FULLREF 40238 #define WINAMP_VIS_FULLREF2 40239 #define WINAMP_VIS_FULLREF3 40240 #define WINAMP_VIS_FULLREF4 40241 #define WINAMP_OPTIONS_TOGTIME 40242 #define EQ_ENABLE 40244 #define EQ_AUTO 40245 #define EQ_PRESETS 40246 #define WINAMP_VIS_FALLOFF0 40247 #define WINAMP_VIS_FALLOFF1 40248 #define WINAMP_VIS_FALLOFF2 40249 #define WINAMP_VIS_FALLOFF3 40250 #define WINAMP_VIS_FALLOFF4 40251 #define WINAMP_VIS_PEAKS 40252 #define ID_LOAD_EQF 40253 #define ID_SAVE_EQF 40254 #define ID_PE_ENTRY 40255 #define ID_PE_SCROLLUP 40256 #define ID_PE_SCROLLDOWN 40257 #define WINAMP_MAIN_WINDOW 40258 #define WINAMP_VIS_PFALLOFF0 40259 #define WINAMP_VIS_PFALLOFF1 40260 #define WINAMP_VIS_PFALLOFF2 40261 #define WINAMP_VIS_PFALLOFF3 40262 #define WINAMP_VIS_PFALLOFF4 40263 #define ID_PE_TOP 40264 #define ID_PE_BOTTOM 40265 #define WINAMP_OPTIONS_WINDOWSHADE_PL 40266 #define EQ_INC1 40267 #define EQ_INC2 40268 #define EQ_INC3 40269 #define EQ_INC4 40270 #define EQ_INC5 40271 #define EQ_INC6 40272 #define EQ_INC7 40273 #define EQ_INC8 40274 #define EQ_INC9 40275 #define EQ_INC10 40276 #define EQ_INCPRE 40277 #define EQ_DECPRE 40278 #define EQ_DEC1 40279 #define EQ_DEC2 40280 #define EQ_DEC3 40281 #define EQ_DEC4 40282 #define EQ_DEC5 40283 #define EQ_DEC6 40284 #define EQ_DEC7 40285 #define EQ_DEC8 40286 #define EQ_DEC9 40287 #define EQ_DEC10 40288 #define ID_PE_SCUP 40289 #define ID_PE_SCDOWN 40290 #define WINAMP_REFRESHSKIN 40291 #define ID_PE_PRINT 40292 #define ID_PE_EXTINFO 40293 #define WINAMP_PLAYLIST_ADVANCE 40294 #define WINAMP_VIS_LIN 40295 #define WINAMP_VIS_BAR 40296 #define WINAMP_OPTIONS_MINIBROWSER 40298 #define MB_FWD 40299 #define MB_BACK 40300 #define MB_RELOAD 40301 #define MB_OPENMENU 40302 #define MB_OPENLOC 40303 #define WINAMP_NEW_INSTANCE 40305 #define MB_UPDATE 40309 #define WINAMP_OPTIONS_WINDOWSHADE_EQ 40310 #define EQ_PANLEFT 40313 #define EQ_PANRIGHT 40314 #define WINAMP_GETMORESKINS 40316 #define WINAMP_VIS_OPTIONS 40317 #define WINAMP_PE_SEARCH 40318 #define ID_PE_BOOKMARK 40319 #define WINAMP_EDIT_BOOKMARKS 40320 #define WINAMP_MAKECURBOOKMARK 40321 #define ID_MAIN_PLAY_BOOKMARK_NONE 40322 #define ID_MAIN_PLAY_AUDIOCD 40323 // starts playing the audio CD in the first CD reader #define ID_MAIN_PLAY_AUDIOCD2 40324 // plays the 2nd #define ID_MAIN_PLAY_AUDIOCD3 40325 // plays the 3rd #define ID_MAIN_PLAY_AUDIOCD4 40326 // plays the 4th #define WINAMP_OPTIONS_VIDEO 40328 #define ID_VIDEOWND_ZOOMFULLSCREEN 40329 #define ID_VIDEOWND_ZOOM100 40330 #define ID_VIDEOWND_ZOOM200 40331 #define ID_VIDEOWND_ZOOM50 40332 #define ID_VIDEOWND_VIDEOOPTIONS 40333 #define WINAMP_MINIMIZE 40334 #define ID_PE_FONTBIGGER 40335 #define ID_PE_FONTSMALLER 40336 #define WINAMP_VIDEO_TOGGLE_FS 40337 #define WINAMP_VIDEO_TVBUTTON 40338 #define WINAMP_LIGHTNING_CLICK 40339 #define ID_FILE_ADDTOLIBRARY 40344 #define ID_HELP_HELPTOPICS 40347 #define ID_HELP_GETTINGSTARTED 40348 #define ID_HELP_WINAMPFORUMS 40349 #define ID_PLAY_VOLUMEUP 40351 #define ID_PLAY_VOLUMEDOWN 40352 #define ID_PEFILE_OPENPLAYLISTFROMLIBRARY_NOPLAYLISTSINLIBRARY 40355 #define ID_PEFILE_ADDFROMLIBRARY 40356 #define ID_PEFILE_CLOSEPLAYLISTEDITOR 40357 #define ID_PEPLAYLIST_PLAYLISTPREFERENCES 40358 #define ID_MLFILE_NEWPLAYLIST 40359 #define ID_MLFILE_LOADPLAYLIST 40360 #define ID_MLFILE_SAVEPLAYLIST 40361 #define ID_MLFILE_ADDMEDIATOLIBRARY 40362 #define ID_MLFILE_CLOSEMEDIALIBRARY 40363 #define ID_MLVIEW_NOWPLAYING 40364 #define ID_MLVIEW_LOCALMEDIA_ALLMEDIA 40366 #define ID_MLVIEW_LOCALMEDIA_AUDIO 40367 #define ID_MLVIEW_LOCALMEDIA_VIDEO 40368 #define ID_MLVIEW_PLAYLISTS_NOPLAYLISTINLIBRARY 40369 #define ID_MLVIEW_INTERNETRADIO 40370 #define ID_MLVIEW_INTERNETTV 40371 #define ID_MLVIEW_LIBRARYPREFERENCES 40372 #define ID_MLVIEW_DEVICES_NOAVAILABLEDEVICE 40373 #define ID_MLFILE_IMPORTCURRENTPLAYLIST 40374 #define ID_MLVIEW_MEDIA 40376 #define ID_MLVIEW_PLAYLISTS 40377 #define ID_MLVIEW_MEDIA_ALLMEDIA 40377 #define ID_MLVIEW_DEVICES 40378 #define ID_FILE_SHOWLIBRARY 40379 #define ID_FILE_CLOSELIBRARY 40380 #define ID_POST_PLAY_PLAYLIST 40381 #define ID_VIS_NEXT 40382 #define ID_VIS_PREV 40383 #define ID_VIS_RANDOM 40384 #define ID_MANAGEPLAYLISTS 40385 #define ID_PREFS_SKIN_SWITCHTOSKIN 40386 #define ID_PREFS_SKIN_DELETESKIN 40387 #define ID_PREFS_SKIN_RENAMESKIN 40388 #define ID_VIS_FS 40389 #define ID_VIS_CFG 40390 #define ID_VIS_MENU 40391 #define ID_VIS_SET_FS_FLAG 40392 #define ID_PE_SHOWPLAYING 40393 #define ID_HELP_REGISTERWINAMPPRO 40394 #define ID_PE_MANUAL_ADVANCE 40395 #define WA_SONG_5_STAR_RATING 40396 #define WA_SONG_4_STAR_RATING 40397 #define WA_SONG_3_STAR_RATING 40398 #define WA_SONG_2_STAR_RATING 40399 #define WA_SONG_1_STAR_RATING 40400 #define WA_SONG_NO_RATING 40401 #define PL_SONG_5_STAR_RATING 40402 #define PL_SONG_4_STAR_RATING 40403 #define PL_SONG_3_STAR_RATING 40404 #define PL_SONG_2_STAR_RATING 40405 #define PL_SONG_1_STAR_RATING 40406 #define PL_SONG_NO_RATING 40407 #define AUDIO_TRACK_ONE 40408 #define VIDEO_TRACK_ONE 40424 #define ID_SWITCH_COLOURTHEME 44500 #define ID_GENFF_LIMIT 45000 #endif