// Copyright (C) 2003 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ // Additional copyrights go to Duddie and Tratax (c) 2004 // Multiplier and product register control #include "DSPInterpreter.h" #include "DSPIntCCUtil.h" #include "DSPIntUtil.h" namespace DSPInterpreter { // Only MULX family instructions have unsigned/mixed support. inline s64 dsp_get_multiply_prod(u16 a, u16 b, u8 sign) { s64 prod; if ((sign == 1) && (g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_SR] & SR_MUL_UNSIGNED)) //unsigned prod = (u64)a * (u64)b; else if ((sign == 2) && (g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_SR] & SR_MUL_UNSIGNED)) //mixed prod = (u64)a * (s64)(s16)b; else prod = (s64)(s16)a * (s64)(s16)b; //signed // Conditionally multiply by 2. if ((g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_SR] & SR_MUL_MODIFY) == 0) prod <<= 1; return prod; } inline s64 dsp_multiply(u16 a, u16 b, u8 sign = 0) { s64 prod = dsp_get_multiply_prod(a, b, sign); return prod; } inline s64 dsp_multiply_add(u16 a, u16 b, u8 sign = 0) { s64 prod = dsp_get_long_prod() + dsp_get_multiply_prod(a, b, sign); return prod; } inline s64 dsp_multiply_sub(u16 a, u16 b, u8 sign = 0) { s64 prod = dsp_get_long_prod() - dsp_get_multiply_prod(a, b, sign); return prod; } inline s64 dsp_multiply_mulx(u8 axh0, u8 axh1, u16 val1, u16 val2) { s64 result; if ((axh0==0) && (axh1==0)) result = dsp_multiply(val1, val2, 1); // unsigned support ON if both ax?.l regs are used else if ((axh0==0) && (axh1==1)) result = dsp_multiply(val1, val2, 2); // mixed support ON (u64)axl.0 * (s64)(s16)axh.1 else if ((axh0==1) && (axh1==0)) result = dsp_multiply(val2, val1, 2); // mixed support ON (u64)axl.1 * (s64)(s16)axh.0 else result = dsp_multiply(val1, val2, 0); // unsigned support OFF if both ax?.h regs are used return result; } //---- // CLRP // 1000 0100 xxxx xxxx // Clears product register $prod. // Magic numbers taken from duddie's doc // // 00ff_(fff0 + 0010)_0000 = 0100_0000_0000, conveniently, lower 40bits = 0 // // It's not ok, to just zero all of them, correct values should be set because of // direct use of prod regs by AX/AXWII (look @that part of ucode). void clrp(const UDSPInstruction opc) { zeroWriteBackLog(); g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_PRODL] = 0x0000; g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_PRODM] = 0xfff0; g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_PRODH] = 0x00ff; g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_PRODM2] = 0x0010; } // TSTPROD // 1000 0101 xxxx xxxx // Test prod regs value. // // flags out: --xx xx0x void tstprod(const UDSPInstruction opc) { s64 prod = dsp_get_long_prod(); Update_SR_Register64(prod); zeroWriteBackLog(); } //---- // MOVP $acD // 0110 111d xxxx xxxx // Moves multiply product from $prod register to accumulator $acD register. // // flags out: --xx xx0x void movp(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_prod(); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(acc); } // MOVNP $acD // 0111 111d xxxx xxxx // Moves negative of multiply product from $prod register to accumulator // $acD register. // // flags out: --xx xx0x void movnp(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; s64 acc = -dsp_get_long_prod(); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(acc); } // MOVPZ $acD // 1111 111d xxxx xxxx // Moves multiply product from $prod register to accumulator $acD // register and sets (rounds) $acD.l to 0 // // flags out: --xx xx0x void movpz(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x01; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_prod_round_prodl(); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(acc); } // ADDPAXZ $acD, $axS // 1111 10sd xxxx xxxx // Adds secondary accumulator $axS to product register and stores result // in accumulator register. Low 16-bits of $acD ($acD.l) are set (round) to 0. // // flags out: --xx xx0x void addpaxz(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 9) & 0x1; s64 oldprod = dsp_get_long_prod(); s64 prod = dsp_get_long_prod_round_prodl(); s64 ax = dsp_get_long_acx(sreg); s64 res = prod + (ax & ~0xffff); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, res); res = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); Update_SR_Register64(res, isCarry(oldprod, res), false); } //---- // MULAXH // 1000 0011 xxxx xxxx // Multiply $ax0.h by $ax0.h void mulaxh(const UDSPInstruction opc) { s64 prod = dsp_multiply(dsp_get_ax_h(0), dsp_get_ax_h(0)); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_prod(prod); } //---- // MUL $axS.l, $axS.h // 1001 s000 xxxx xxxx // Multiply low part $axS.l of secondary accumulator $axS by high part // $axS.h of secondary accumulator $axS (treat them both as signed). void mul(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 sreg = (opc >> 11) & 0x1; u16 axl = dsp_get_ax_l(sreg); u16 axh = dsp_get_ax_h(sreg); s64 prod = dsp_multiply(axh, axl); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_prod(prod); } // MULAC $axS.l, $axS.h, $acR // 1001 s10r xxxx xxxx // Add product register to accumulator register $acR. Multiply low part // $axS.l of secondary accumulator $axS by high part $axS.h of secondary // accumulator $axS (treat them both as signed). // // flags out: --xx xx0x void mulac(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 rreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 11) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(rreg) + dsp_get_long_prod(); u16 axl = dsp_get_ax_l(sreg); u16 axh = dsp_get_ax_h(sreg); s64 prod = dsp_multiply(axl, axh); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_prod(prod); dsp_set_long_acc(rreg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(rreg)); } // MULMV $axS.l, $axS.h, $acR // 1001 s11r xxxx xxxx // Move product register to accumulator register $acR. Multiply low part // $axS.l of secondary accumulator $axS by high part $axS.h of secondary // accumulator $axS (treat them both as signed). // // flags out: --xx xx0x void mulmv(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 rreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 sreg = ((opc >> 11) & 0x1); s64 acc = dsp_get_long_prod(); u16 axl = dsp_get_ax_l(sreg); u16 axh = dsp_get_ax_h(sreg); s64 prod = dsp_multiply(axl, axh); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_prod(prod); dsp_set_long_acc(rreg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(rreg)); } // MULMVZ $axS.l, $axS.h, $acR // 1001 s01r xxxx xxxx // Move product register to accumulator register $acR and clear (round) low part // of accumulator register $acR.l. Multiply low part $axS.l of secondary // accumulator $axS by high part $axS.h of secondary accumulator $axS (treat // them both as signed). // // flags out: --xx xx0x void mulmvz(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 rreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 11) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_prod_round_prodl(); u16 axl = dsp_get_ax_l(sreg); u16 axh = dsp_get_ax_h(sreg); s64 prod = dsp_multiply(axl, axh); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_prod(prod); dsp_set_long_acc(rreg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(rreg)); } //---- // MULX $ax0.S, $ax1.T // 101s t000 xxxx xxxx // Multiply one part $ax0 by one part $ax1. // Part is selected by S and T bits. Zero selects low part, one selects high part. void mulx(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 treg = ((opc >> 11) & 0x1); u8 sreg = ((opc >> 12) & 0x1); u16 val1 = (sreg == 0) ? dsp_get_ax_l(0) : dsp_get_ax_h(0); u16 val2 = (treg == 0) ? dsp_get_ax_l(1) : dsp_get_ax_h(1); s64 prod = dsp_multiply_mulx(sreg, treg, val1, val2); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_prod(prod); } // MULXAC $ax0.S, $ax1.T, $acR // 101s t01r xxxx xxxx // Add product register to accumulator register $acR. Multiply one part // $ax0 by one part $ax1. Part is selected by S and // T bits. Zero selects low part, one selects high part. // // flags out: --xx xx0x void mulxac(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 rreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 treg = (opc >> 11) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 12) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(rreg) + dsp_get_long_prod(); u16 val1 = (sreg == 0) ? dsp_get_ax_l(0) : dsp_get_ax_h(0); u16 val2 = (treg == 0) ? dsp_get_ax_l(1) : dsp_get_ax_h(1); s64 prod = dsp_multiply_mulx(sreg, treg, val1, val2); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_prod(prod); dsp_set_long_acc(rreg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(rreg)); } // MULXMV $ax0.S, $ax1.T, $acR // 101s t11r xxxx xxxx // Move product register to accumulator register $acR. Multiply one part // $ax0 by one part $ax1. Part is selected by S and // T bits. Zero selects low part, one selects high part. // // flags out: --xx xx0x void mulxmv(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 rreg = ((opc >> 8) & 0x1); u8 treg = (opc >> 11) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 12) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_prod(); u16 val1 = (sreg == 0) ? dsp_get_ax_l(0) : dsp_get_ax_h(0); u16 val2 = (treg == 0) ? dsp_get_ax_l(1) : dsp_get_ax_h(1); s64 prod = dsp_multiply_mulx(sreg, treg, val1, val2); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_prod(prod); dsp_set_long_acc(rreg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(rreg)); } // MULXMV $ax0.S, $ax1.T, $acR // 101s t01r xxxx xxxx // Move product register to accumulator register $acR and clear (round) low part // of accumulator register $acR.l. Multiply one part $ax0 by one part $ax1 // Part is selected by S and T bits. Zero selects low part, // one selects high part. // // flags out: --xx xx0x void mulxmvz(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 rreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 treg = (opc >> 11) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 12) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_prod_round_prodl(); u16 val1 = (sreg == 0) ? dsp_get_ax_l(0) : dsp_get_ax_h(0); u16 val2 = (treg == 0) ? dsp_get_ax_l(1) : dsp_get_ax_h(1); s64 prod = dsp_multiply_mulx(sreg, treg, val1, val2); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_prod(prod); dsp_set_long_acc(rreg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(rreg)); } //---- // MULC $acS.m, $axT.h // 110s t000 xxxx xxxx // Multiply mid part of accumulator register $acS.m by high part $axS.h of // secondary accumulator $axS (treat them both as signed). void mulc(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 treg = (opc >> 11) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 12) & 0x1; u16 accm = dsp_get_acc_m(sreg); u16 axh = dsp_get_ax_h(treg); s64 prod = dsp_multiply(accm, axh); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_prod(prod); } // MULCAC $acS.m, $axT.h, $acR // 110s t10r xxxx xxxx // Multiply mid part of accumulator register $acS.m by high part $axS.h of // secondary accumulator $axS (treat them both as signed). Add product // register before multiplication to accumulator $acR. // // flags out: --xx xx0x void mulcac(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 rreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 treg = (opc >> 11) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 12) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(rreg) + dsp_get_long_prod(); u16 accm = dsp_get_acc_m(sreg); u16 axh = dsp_get_ax_h(treg); s64 prod = dsp_multiply(accm, axh); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_prod(prod); dsp_set_long_acc(rreg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(rreg)); } // MULCMV $acS.m, $axT.h, $acR // 110s t11r xxxx xxxx // Multiply mid part of accumulator register $acS.m by high part $axT.h of // secondary accumulator $axT (treat them both as signed). Move product // register before multiplication to accumulator $acR. // possible mistake in duddie's doc axT.h rather than axS.h // // flags out: --xx xx0x void mulcmv(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 rreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 treg = (opc >> 11) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 12) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_prod(); u16 accm = dsp_get_acc_m(sreg); u16 axh = dsp_get_ax_h(treg); s64 prod = dsp_multiply(accm, axh); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_prod(prod); dsp_set_long_acc(rreg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(rreg)); } // MULCMVZ $acS.m, $axT.h, $acR // 110s t01r xxxx xxxx // (fixed possible bug in duddie's description, s->t) // Multiply mid part of accumulator register $acS.m by high part $axT.h of // secondary accumulator $axT (treat them both as signed). Move product // register before multiplication to accumulator $acR, set (round) low part of // accumulator $acR.l to zero. // // flags out: --xx xx0x void mulcmvz(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 rreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 treg = (opc >> 11) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 12) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_prod_round_prodl(); u16 accm = dsp_get_acc_m(sreg); u16 axh = dsp_get_ax_h(treg); s64 prod = dsp_multiply(accm, axh); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_prod(prod); dsp_set_long_acc(rreg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(rreg)); } //---- // MADDX ax0.S ax1.T // 1110 00st xxxx xxxx // Multiply one part of secondary accumulator $ax0 (selected by S) by // one part of secondary accumulator $ax1 (selected by T) (treat them both as // signed) and add result to product register. void maddx(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 treg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 9) & 0x1; u16 val1 = (sreg == 0) ? dsp_get_ax_l(0) : dsp_get_ax_h(0); u16 val2 = (treg == 0) ? dsp_get_ax_l(1) : dsp_get_ax_h(1); s64 prod = dsp_multiply_add(val1, val2); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_prod(prod); } // MSUBX $(0x18+S*2), $(0x19+T*2) // 1110 01st xxxx xxxx // Multiply one part of secondary accumulator $ax0 (selected by S) by // one part of secondary accumulator $ax1 (selected by T) (treat them both as // signed) and subtract result from product register. void msubx(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 treg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 9) & 0x1; u16 val1 = (sreg == 0) ? dsp_get_ax_l(0) : dsp_get_ax_h(0); u16 val2 = (treg == 0) ? dsp_get_ax_l(1) : dsp_get_ax_h(1); s64 prod = dsp_multiply_sub(val1, val2); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_prod(prod); } // MADDC $acS.m, $axT.h // 1110 10st xxxx xxxx // Multiply middle part of accumulator $acS.m by high part of secondary // accumulator $axT.h (treat them both as signed) and add result to product // register. void maddc(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 treg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 9) & 0x1; u16 accm = dsp_get_acc_m(sreg); u16 axh = dsp_get_ax_h(treg); s64 prod = dsp_multiply_add(accm, axh); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_prod(prod); } // MSUBC $acS.m, $axT.h // 1110 11st xxxx xxxx // Multiply middle part of accumulator $acS.m by high part of secondary // accumulator $axT.h (treat them both as signed) and subtract result from // product register. void msubc(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 treg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 9) & 0x1; u16 accm = dsp_get_acc_m(sreg); u16 axh = dsp_get_ax_h(treg); s64 prod = dsp_multiply_sub(accm, axh); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_prod(prod); } // MADD $axS.l, $axS.h // 1111 001s xxxx xxxx // Multiply low part $axS.l of secondary accumulator $axS by high part // $axS.h of secondary accumulator $axS (treat them both as signed) and add // result to product register. void madd(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 sreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u16 axl = dsp_get_ax_l(sreg); u16 axh = dsp_get_ax_h(sreg); s64 prod = dsp_multiply_add(axl, axh); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_prod(prod); } // MSUB $axS.l, $axS.h // 1111 011s xxxx xxxx // Multiply low part $axS.l of secondary accumulator $axS by high part // $axS.h of secondary accumulator $axS (treat them both as signed) and // subtract result from product register. void msub(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 sreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u16 axl = dsp_get_ax_l(sreg); u16 axh = dsp_get_ax_h(sreg); s64 prod = dsp_multiply_sub(axl, axh); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_prod(prod); } } // namespace