// Copyright (C) 2003 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ #include #include "Globals.h" #include "Statistics.h" #include "MemoryUtil.h" #include "Hash.h" #include "CommonPaths.h" #include "FileUtil.h" #include "D3DBase.h" #include "D3DTexture.h" #include "D3DUtil.h" #include "FramebufferManager.h" #include "PixelShaderCache.h" #include "PixelShaderManager.h" #include "VertexShaderManager.h" #include "VertexShaderCache.h" #include "Render.h" #include "TextureDecoder.h" #include "TextureCache.h" #include "debugger/debugger.h" u8 *TextureCache::temp = NULL; TextureCache::TexCache TextureCache::textures; extern int frameCount; #define TEMP_SIZE (1024*1024*4) #define TEXTURE_KILL_THRESHOLD 200 void TextureCache::TCacheEntry::Destroy(bool shutdown) { if (texture) texture->Release(); texture = 0; if (!isRenderTarget && !shutdown && !g_ActiveConfig.bSafeTextureCache) { u32 *ptr = (u32*)g_VideoInitialize.pGetMemoryPointer(addr); if (ptr && *ptr == hash) *ptr = oldpixel; } } void TextureCache::Init() { temp = (u8*)AllocateMemoryPages(TEMP_SIZE); TexDecoder_SetTexFmtOverlayOptions(g_ActiveConfig.bTexFmtOverlayEnable, g_ActiveConfig.bTexFmtOverlayCenter); } void TextureCache::Invalidate(bool shutdown) { for (TexCache::iterator iter = textures.begin(); iter != textures.end(); iter++) iter->second.Destroy(shutdown); textures.clear(); } void TextureCache::Shutdown() { Invalidate(true); FreeMemoryPages(temp, TEMP_SIZE); temp = NULL; } void TextureCache::Cleanup() { TexCache::iterator iter = textures.begin(); while (iter != textures.end()) { if (frameCount > TEXTURE_KILL_THRESHOLD + iter->second.frameCount) { if (!iter->second.isRenderTarget) { iter->second.Destroy(false); iter = textures.erase(iter); } else { // Used to be just iter++ iter->second.Destroy(false); iter = textures.erase(iter); } } else { iter++; } } } TextureCache::TCacheEntry *TextureCache::Load(int stage, u32 address, int width, int height, int tex_format, int tlutaddr, int tlutfmt) { if (address == 0) return NULL; u8 *ptr = g_VideoInitialize.pGetMemoryPointer(address); int bsw = TexDecoder_GetBlockWidthInTexels(tex_format) - 1; //TexelSizeInNibbles(format)*width*height/16; int bsh = TexDecoder_GetBlockHeightInTexels(tex_format) - 1; //TexelSizeInNibbles(format)*width*height/16; int expandedWidth = (width + bsw) & (~bsw); int expandedHeight = (height + bsh) & (~bsh); u32 hash_value; u32 texID = address; u32 texHash; if (g_ActiveConfig.bSafeTextureCache || g_ActiveConfig.bDumpTextures) { texHash = TexDecoder_GetSafeTextureHash(ptr, expandedWidth, expandedHeight, tex_format, 0); if (g_ActiveConfig.bSafeTextureCache) hash_value = texHash; if ((tex_format == GX_TF_C4) || (tex_format == GX_TF_C8) || (tex_format == GX_TF_C14X2)) { // WARNING! texID != address now => may break CopyRenderTargetToTexture (cf. TODO up) // tlut size can be up to 32768B (GX_TF_C14X2) but Safer == Slower. // This trick (to change the texID depending on the TLUT addr) is a trick to get around // an issue with metroid prime's fonts, where it has multiple sets of fonts on top of // each other stored in a single texture, and uses the palette to make different characters // visible or invisible. Thus, unless we want to recreate the textures for every drawn character, // we must make sure that texture with different tluts get different IDs. u32 tlutHash = TexDecoder_GetTlutHash(&texMem[tlutaddr], (tex_format == GX_TF_C4) ? 32 : 128); texHash ^= tlutHash; if (g_ActiveConfig.bSafeTextureCache) texID ^= tlutHash; } } bool skip_texture_create = false; TexCache::iterator iter = textures.find(texID); if (iter != textures.end()) { TCacheEntry &entry = iter->second; if (!g_ActiveConfig.bSafeTextureCache) hash_value = ((u32 *)ptr)[0]; if (entry.isRenderTarget || ((address == entry.addr) && (hash_value == entry.hash))) { entry.frameCount = frameCount; D3D::SetTexture(stage, entry.texture); return &entry; } else { // Let's reload the new texture data into the same texture, // instead of destroying it and having to create a new one. // Might speed up movie playback very, very slightly. if (width == entry.w && height==entry.h && tex_format == entry.fmt) { skip_texture_create = true; } else { entry.Destroy(false); textures.erase(iter); } } } PC_TexFormat pcfmt = TexDecoder_Decode(temp, ptr, expandedWidth, height, tex_format, tlutaddr, tlutfmt); D3DFORMAT d3d_fmt; switch (pcfmt) { case PC_TEX_FMT_BGRA32: d3d_fmt = D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8; break; case PC_TEX_FMT_RGB565: d3d_fmt = D3DFMT_R5G6B5; break; case PC_TEX_FMT_IA4_AS_IA8: d3d_fmt = D3DFMT_A8L8; break; case PC_TEX_FMT_I8: case PC_TEX_FMT_I4_AS_I8: d3d_fmt = D3DFMT_A8P8; // A hack which means the format is a packed // 8-bit intensity texture. It is unpacked // to A8L8 in D3DTexture.cpp break; case PC_TEX_FMT_IA8: d3d_fmt = D3DFMT_A8L8; break; case PC_TEX_FMT_DXT1: d3d_fmt = D3DFMT_DXT1; break; } //Make an entry in the table TCacheEntry& entry = textures[texID]; entry.oldpixel = ((u32 *)ptr)[0]; if (g_ActiveConfig.bSafeTextureCache) entry.hash = hash_value; else { entry.hash = (u32)(((double)rand() / RAND_MAX) * 0xFFFFFFFF); ((u32 *)ptr)[0] = entry.hash; } entry.addr = address; entry.size_in_bytes = TexDecoder_GetTextureSizeInBytes(width, height, tex_format); entry.isRenderTarget = false; entry.isNonPow2 = ((width & (width - 1)) || (height & (height - 1))); if (!skip_texture_create) { entry.texture = D3D::CreateTexture2D((BYTE*)temp, width, height, expandedWidth, d3d_fmt); } else { D3D::ReplaceTexture2D(entry.texture, (BYTE*)temp, width, height, expandedWidth, d3d_fmt); } entry.frameCount = frameCount; entry.w = width; entry.h = height; entry.fmt = tex_format; if (g_ActiveConfig.bDumpTextures) { // dump texture to file char szTemp[MAX_PATH]; char szDir[MAX_PATH]; const char* uniqueId = globals->unique_id; bool bCheckedDumpDir = false; sprintf(szDir, "%s/%s", FULL_DUMP_TEXTURES_DIR, uniqueId); if (!bCheckedDumpDir) { if (!File::Exists(szDir) || !File::IsDirectory(szDir)) File::CreateDir(szDir); bCheckedDumpDir = true; } sprintf(szTemp, "%s/%s_%08x_%i.png", szDir, uniqueId, texHash, tex_format); //sprintf(szTemp, "%s\\txt_%04i_%i.png", g_Config.texDumpPath.c_str(), counter++, format); <-- Old method if (!File::Exists(szTemp)) D3DXSaveTextureToFileA(szTemp,D3DXIFF_BMP,entry.texture,0); } INCSTAT(stats.numTexturesCreated); SETSTAT(stats.numTexturesAlive, (int)textures.size()); //Set the texture! D3D::SetTexture(stage, entry.texture); DEBUGGER_PAUSE_LOG_AT(NEXT_NEW_TEXTURE,true,{printf("A new texture (%d x %d) is loaded", width, height);}); return &entry; } #undef CHECK #define CHECK(hr) if (FAILED(hr)) { PanicAlert(__FUNCTION__ " FAIL"); } // EXTREMELY incomplete. void TextureCache::CopyRenderTargetToTexture(u32 address, bool bFromZBuffer, bool bIsIntensityFmt, u32 copyfmt, int bScaleByHalf, const EFBRectangle &source_rect) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; int efb_w = source_rect.GetWidth(); int efb_h = source_rect.GetHeight(); int tex_w = (abs(source_rect.GetWidth()) >> bScaleByHalf); int tex_h = (abs(source_rect.GetHeight()) >> bScaleByHalf); TexCache::iterator iter; LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 tex; iter = textures.find(address); if (iter != textures.end()) { if (iter->second.isRenderTarget && iter->second.w == tex_w && iter->second.h == tex_h) { tex = iter->second.texture; iter->second.frameCount = frameCount; goto have_texture; } else { // Remove it and recreate it as a render target iter->second.texture->Release(); iter->second.texture = 0; textures.erase(iter); } } { TCacheEntry entry; entry.isRenderTarget = true; entry.hash = 0; entry.frameCount = frameCount; entry.w = tex_w; entry.h = tex_h; entry.fmt = copyfmt; hr = D3D::dev->CreateTexture(tex_w, tex_h, 1, D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &entry.texture, 0); CHECK(hr); textures[address] = entry; tex = entry.texture; } have_texture: /*TargetRectangle targetSource = Renderer::ConvertEFBRectangle(source_rect); RECT source_rc; source_rc.left = targetSource.left; source_rc.top = targetSource.top; source_rc.right = targetSource.right; source_rc.bottom = targetSource.bottom; RECT dest_rc; dest_rc.left = 0; dest_rc.top = 0; dest_rc.right = tex_w; dest_rc.bottom = tex_h; LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 srcSurface, destSurface; tex->GetSurfaceLevel(0, &destSurface); srcSurface = FBManager::GetEFBColorRTSurface(); D3D::dev->StretchRect(srcSurface, &source_rc, destSurface, &dest_rc, D3DTEXF_LINEAR); destSurface->Release(); return;*/ float colmat[16]= {0.0f}; float fConstAdd[4] = {0.0f}; if (bFromZBuffer) { switch(copyfmt) { case 0: // Z4 case 1: // Z8 colmat[0] = colmat[4] = colmat[8] = colmat[12] = 255.0f/254.0f; break; case 3: // Z16 //? colmat[1] = colmat[5] = colmat[9] = colmat[12] = 255.0f/254.0f; case 11: // Z16 (reverse order) colmat[0] = colmat[4] = colmat[8] = colmat[13] = 255.0f/254.0f; break; case 6: // Z24X8 colmat[2] = colmat[5] = colmat[8] = 255.0f/254.0f; break; case 9: // Z8M colmat[1] = colmat[5] = colmat[9] = colmat[13] = 255.0f/254.0f; break; case 10: // Z8L colmat[2] = colmat[6] = colmat[10] = colmat[14] = 255.0f/254.0f; break; case 12: // Z16L colmat[2] = colmat[6] = colmat[10] = colmat[13] = 255.0f/254.0f; break; default: ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "Unknown copy zbuf format: 0x%x", copyfmt); colmat[2] = colmat[5] = colmat[8] = 255.0f/254.0f; break; } } else if (bIsIntensityFmt) { fConstAdd[0] = fConstAdd[1] = fConstAdd[2] = 16.0f/255.0f; switch (copyfmt) { case 0: // I4 case 1: // I8 case 2: // IA4 case 3: // IA8 // TODO - verify these coefficients colmat[0] = 0.257f; colmat[1] = 0.504f; colmat[2] = 0.098f; colmat[4] = 0.257f; colmat[5] = 0.504f; colmat[6] = 0.098f; colmat[8] = 0.257f; colmat[9] = 0.504f; colmat[10] = 0.098f; if (copyfmt < 2) { fConstAdd[3] = 16.0f / 255.0f; colmat[12] = 0.257f; colmat[13] = 0.504f; colmat[14] = 0.098f; } else// alpha colmat[15] = 1; break; default: ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "Unknown copy intensity format: 0x%x", copyfmt); colmat[0] = colmat[5] = colmat[10] = colmat[15] = 1; break; } } else { switch (copyfmt) { case 0: // R4 case 8: // R8 colmat[0] = colmat[4] = colmat[8] = colmat[12] = 1; break; case 2: // RA4 case 3: // RA8 colmat[0] = colmat[4] = colmat[8] = colmat[15] = 1; break; case 7: // A8 colmat[3] = colmat[7] = colmat[11] = colmat[15] = 1; break; case 9: // G8 colmat[1] = colmat[5] = colmat[9] = colmat[13] = 1; break; case 10: // B8 colmat[2] = colmat[6] = colmat[10] = colmat[14] = 1; break; case 11: // RG8 colmat[0] = colmat[4] = colmat[8] = colmat[13] = 1; break; case 12: // GB8 colmat[1] = colmat[5] = colmat[9] = colmat[14] = 1; break; case 4: // RGB565 colmat[0] = colmat[5] = colmat[10] = 1; fConstAdd[3] = 1; // set alpha to 1 break; case 5: // RGB5A3 case 6: // RGBA8 colmat[0] = colmat[5] = colmat[10] = colmat[15] = 1; break; default: ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "Unknown copy color format: 0x%x", copyfmt); colmat[0] = colmat[5] = colmat[10] = colmat[15] = 1; break; } } // Make sure to resolve anything we need to read from. LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 read_texture = bFromZBuffer ? FBManager::GetEFBDepthTexture(source_rect) : FBManager::GetEFBColorTexture(source_rect); // We have to run a pixel shader, for color conversion. Renderer::ResetAPIState(); // reset any game specific settings LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 Rendersurf = NULL; hr = tex->GetSurfaceLevel(0,&Rendersurf); CHECK(hr); D3D::dev->SetDepthStencilSurface(NULL); D3D::dev->SetRenderTarget(1, NULL); D3D::dev->SetRenderTarget(0, Rendersurf); D3DVIEWPORT9 vp; // Stretch picture with increased internal resolution vp.X = 0; vp.Y = 0; vp.Width = tex_w; vp.Height = tex_h; vp.MinZ = 0.0f; vp.MaxZ = 1.0f; hr = D3D::dev->SetViewport(&vp); CHECK(hr); RECT destrect; destrect.bottom = tex_h; destrect.left = 0; destrect.right = tex_w; destrect.top = 0; PixelShaderManager::SetColorMatrix(colmat, fConstAdd); // set transformation //TargetRectangle targetSource = Renderer::ConvertEFBRectangle(source_rect); RECT sourcerect; sourcerect.bottom = source_rect.bottom; sourcerect.left = source_rect.left; sourcerect.right = source_rect.right; sourcerect.top = source_rect.top; D3D::drawShadedTexQuad(read_texture,&sourcerect, EFB_WIDTH , EFB_HEIGHT,&destrect,(FBManager::GetEFBDepthRTSurfaceFormat() == D3DFMT_R32F && bFromZBuffer)? PixelShaderCache::GetDepthMatrixProgram(): PixelShaderCache::GetColorMatrixProgram(),NULL); D3D::dev->SetRenderTarget(0, FBManager::GetEFBColorRTSurface()); D3D::dev->SetRenderTarget(1, FBManager::GetEFBDepthEncodedSurface()); D3D::dev->SetDepthStencilSurface(FBManager::GetEFBDepthRTSurface()); VertexShaderManager::SetViewportChanged(); Renderer::RestoreAPIState(); Rendersurf->Release(); }