@echo off setlocal setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion :: Globals set BUILD_ROOT=%~dp0\..\build goto :init :usage echo USAGE: echo init.cmd [--help] [-c^|--compiler ^] [-g^|--generator ^] echo [-b^|--build-type ^] [-l^|--linker link^|lld-link] echo [--fast] [-v^|--version X.Y.Z] echo. echo ARGUMENTS echo -c^|--compiler Controls the compiler used, either 'clang' (the default) or 'msvc' echo -g^|--generator Controls the CMake generator used, either 'ninja' (the default) or 'msbuild' echo -b^|--build-type Controls the value of 'CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE', either 'debug' (the default), 'release', echo 'relwithdebinfo', or 'minsizerel' echo -v^|--version Specifies the version of the NuGet package produced. Primarily only used by the CI echo build and is typically not necessary when building locally echo --fast Used to (slightly) reduce compile times and build output size. This is primarily echo used by the CI build machines where resources are more constrained. This switch is echo temporary and will be removed once https://github.com/microsoft/wil/issues/9 is fixed goto :eof :init :: Initialize values as empty so that we can identify if we are using defaults later for error purposes set COMPILER= set GENERATOR= set BUILD_TYPE= set LINKER= set CMAKE_ARGS= set BITNESS= set VERSION= set FAST_BUILD=0 :parse if /I "%~1"=="" goto :execute if /I "%~1"=="--help" call :usage & goto :eof set COMPILER_SET=0 if /I "%~1"=="-c" set COMPILER_SET=1 if /I "%~1"=="--compiler" set COMPILER_SET=1 if %COMPILER_SET%==1 ( if "%COMPILER%" NEQ "" echo ERROR: Compiler already specified & call :usage & exit /B 1 if /I "%~2"=="clang" set COMPILER=clang if /I "%~2"=="msvc" set COMPILER=msvc if "!COMPILER!"=="" echo ERROR: Unrecognized/missing compiler %~2 & call :usage & exit /B 1 shift shift goto :parse ) set GENERATOR_SET=0 if /I "%~1"=="-g" set GENERATOR_SET=1 if /I "%~1"=="--generator" set GENERATOR_SET=1 if %GENERATOR_SET%==1 ( if "%GENERATOR%" NEQ "" echo ERROR: Generator already specified & call :usage & exit /B 1 if /I "%~2"=="ninja" set GENERATOR=ninja if /I "%~2"=="msbuild" set GENERATOR=msbuild if "!GENERATOR!"=="" echo ERROR: Unrecognized/missing generator %~2 & call :usage & exit /B 1 shift shift goto :parse ) set BUILD_TYPE_SET=0 if /I "%~1"=="-b" set BUILD_TYPE_SET=1 if /I "%~1"=="--build-type" set BUILD_TYPE_SET=1 if %BUILD_TYPE_SET%==1 ( if "%BUILD_TYPE%" NEQ "" echo ERROR: Build type already specified & call :usage & exit /B 1 if /I "%~2"=="debug" set BUILD_TYPE=debug if /I "%~2"=="release" set BUILD_TYPE=release if /I "%~2"=="relwithdebinfo" set BUILD_TYPE=relwithdebinfo if /I "%~2"=="minsizerel" set BUILD_TYPE=minsizerel if "!BUILD_TYPE!"=="" echo ERROR: Unrecognized/missing build type %~2 & call :usage & exit /B 1 shift shift goto :parse ) set LINKER_SET=0 if /I "%~1"=="-l" set LINKER_SET=1 if /I "%~1"=="--linker" set LINKER_SET=1 if %LINKER_SET%==1 ( if "%LINKER%" NEQ "" echo ERROR: Linker already specified & call :usage & exit /B 1 if /I "%~2"=="link" set LINKER=link if /I "%~2"=="lld-link" set LINKER=lld-link if "!LINKER!"=="" echo ERROR: Unrecognized/missing linker %~2 & call :usage & exit /B 1 shift shift goto :parse ) set VERSION_SET=0 if /I "%~1"=="-v" set VERSION_SET=1 if /I "%~1"=="--version" set VERSION_SET=1 if %VERSION_SET%==1 ( if "%VERSION%" NEQ "" echo ERROR: Version alread specified & call :usage & exit /B 1 if /I "%~2"=="" echo ERROR: Version string missing & call :usage & exit /B 1 set VERSION=%~2 shift shift goto :parse ) if /I "%~1"=="--fast" ( if %FAST_BUILD% NEQ 0 echo ERROR: Fast build already specified set FAST_BUILD=1 shift goto :parse ) echo ERROR: Unrecognized argument %~1 call :usage exit /B 1 :execute :: Check for conflicting arguments if "%GENERATOR%"=="msbuild" ( if "%COMPILER%"=="clang" echo ERROR: Cannot use Clang with MSBuild & exit /B 1 :: While CMake won't give an error, specifying the linker won't actually have any effect with the VS generator if "%LINKER%"=="lld-link" echo ERROR: Cannot use lld-link with MSBuild & exit /B 1 ) :: Select defaults if "%GENERATOR%"=="" set GENERATOR=ninja if %GENERATOR%==msbuild set COMPILER=msvc if "%COMPILER%"=="" set COMPILER=clang if "%BUILD_TYPE%"=="" set BUILD_TYPE=debug if "%LINKER%"=="" set LINKER=link :: Formulate CMake arguments if %GENERATOR%==ninja set CMAKE_ARGS=%CMAKE_ARGS% -G Ninja if %COMPILER%==clang set CMAKE_ARGS=%CMAKE_ARGS% -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-cl -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang-cl if %COMPILER%==msvc set CMAKE_ARGS=%CMAKE_ARGS% -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=cl -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=cl if %GENERATOR% NEQ msbuild ( if %BUILD_TYPE%==debug set CMAKE_ARGS=%CMAKE_ARGS% -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug if %BUILD_TYPE%==release set CMAKE_ARGS=%CMAKE_ARGS% -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release if %BUILD_TYPE%==relwithdebinfo set CMAKE_ARGS=%CMAKE_ARGS% -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo if %BUILD_TYPE%==minsizerel set CMAKE_ARGS=%CMAKE_ARGS% -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel ) else ( :: The Visual Studio generator, by default, will use the most recent Windows SDK version installed that is not :: greater than the host OS version. This decision is to ensure that anything built will be able to run on the :: machine that built it. This experience is generally okay, if not desired, but affects us since we build with :: '/permissive-' etc. and older versions of the SDK are typically not as clean as the most recent versions. :: This flag will force the generator to select the most recent SDK version independent of host OS version. set CMAKE_ARGS=%CMAKE_ARGS% -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=10.0 ) if %LINKER%==lld-link ( set CMAKE_ARGS=%CMAKE_ARGS% -DCMAKE_LINKER=lld-link ) if "%VERSION%" NEQ "" set CMAKE_ARGS=%CMAKE_ARGS% -DWIL_BUILD_VERSION=%VERSION% if %FAST_BUILD%==1 set CMAKE_ARGS=%CMAKE_ARGS% -DFAST_BUILD=ON :: Figure out the platform if "%Platform%"=="" echo ERROR: The init.cmd script must be run from a Visual Studio command window & exit /B 1 if "%Platform%"=="x86" ( set BITNESS=32 if %COMPILER%==clang set CFLAGS=-m32 & set CXXFLAGS=-m32 ) if "%Platform%"=="x64" set BITNESS=64 if "%BITNESS%"=="" echo ERROR: Unrecognized/unsupported platform %Platform% & exit /B 1 :: Set up the build directory set BUILD_DIR=%BUILD_ROOT%\%COMPILER%%BITNESS%%BUILD_TYPE% mkdir %BUILD_DIR% > NUL 2>&1 :: Run CMake pushd %BUILD_DIR% echo Using compiler....... %COMPILER% echo Using linker......... %LINKER% echo Using architecture... %Platform% echo Using build type..... %BUILD_TYPE% echo Using build root..... %CD% echo. cmake %CMAKE_ARGS% ..\.. popd goto :eof