# GP7E01 - Mario Party 7 [OnLoad] # Add memory patches to be loaded once on boot here. [OnFrame] # Add memory patches to be applied every frame here. [ActionReplay] # Add action replay cheats here. $Infinite Mileage 02510C6A 0000C350 $Unlock All Minigames 02291804 0005FFFF $Unlock all Souvieners 002922F8 000001FF 002922FD 000002FF $Unlock All Sounds 002922FA 000001FF [Gecko] $Netplay Community Settings 041604B0 38C0000A 204E317C 281E000C 044E2F08 3BDE0002 044E3178 3BDE0002 044E31EC 3BDE0002 044E344C 3BDE0002 044E3844 3BDE0002 E2000001 80008000 041E3110 38030002 04235abc 60000000 04235b0c 60000000 04235b90 60000000 04050A70 38800000 C2047400 00000002 807F0050 906D0000 38600000 00000000 C20402FC 0000000C 3860012C 3880000A 38A0002D 38C00028 38E000FF 90ED0004 38ED0004 3D008000 6108CA28 7D0903A6 4E800421 3860012C 3880000A 3CA08025 38A548EF 80CD0000 38C60001 C0228388 3CE08000 60E7C8CC 7CE903A6 4E800421 57A0083C 00000000 200018A8 9421FF58 C60A07E0 800018A8 E2000001 80008000 200010A8 9421FF58 C60A07E0 800010A8 E2000001 80008000 041555C4 C3A30000 041794DC 60000000 040189C4 38600001 C20A7948 00000003 93E10024 3FE03FAB 93E30000 C0A30000 EFA50772 00000000 C20A76C0 00000003 3FE03FAB 93E30000 C0030000 EF6000B2 60000000 00000000 042F3E30 44555555 042F3ED0 44400000 0404EF48 C0828110 04177F94 C0828110 C20BD108 00000004 A8830000 2C043B2A 4082000C 3C80BF40 9083000C C003000C 60000000 00000000 204DFA10 38800100 C24DF9F8 00000006 3C803FAB 9081FFFC C021FFFC C04280C0 3C808001 608409A0 7C8903A6 4E800421 3C804295 9081FFFC C021FFFC 00000000 E2000001 80008000 204E5ABC 3800FFFF C24E5A9C 00000002 3C803F2B 9081FFFC C021FFFC 00000000 044E7318 C1955555 E2000001 80008000 204DF4D8 38040040 C24DF4B0 00000005 EC200828 3CA03FAB 90A100B4 C04100B4 EC220072 3CA0C2C0 90A100B4 C04100B4 EC22082A 00000000 C24DF510 00000002 3C803F99 9081FFFC C021FFFC 00000000 E2000001 80008000 204E7360 43300000 C24DE590 00000006 3C803FAB 9081FFFC C021FFFC C04280C0 3C808001 608409A0 7C8903A6 4E800421 3C80C2D0 9081FFFC C021FFFC 00000000 044E735C C1180000 C24E1F20 00000003 3C60C2C0 9061000C C021000C EC3D082A D3A10008 00000000 044E73F0 41000000 C24E1E0C 00000003 3C60C2C0 9061000C C021000C EC3F082A D3E10008 00000000 E2000001 80008000 C204DFFC 00000008 3C80804D 6084E634 80A10064 7C042800 40820024 3C803FAB 9081FFFC C021FFFC C04280C0 3C808001 608409A0 7C8903A6 4E800421 C03F0078 60000000 00000000 0401187C 60000000 C21949C0 00000005 C03F0014 3C803FAB 9081FFFC C041FFFC EC220072 3C80C2C0 9081FFFC C041FFFC EC22082A 00000000 C21937C8 00000005 C0210008 3C803FAB 9081FFFC C041FFFC EC220072 3C80C2C0 9081FFFC C041FFFC EC22082A 00000000 C2194320 00000005 C03F0014 3C803FAB 9081FFFC C041FFFC EC220072 3C80C2C0 9081FFFC C041FFFC EC22082A 00000000 204EA934 FC20F890 C24EA924 00000005 C3FF0004 3C803FAB 9081FFFC C041FFFC EFE207F2 3C80C2C0 9081FFFC C041FFFC EFE2F82A 00000000 C24EAB40 00000005 C03F0010 3C803FAB 9081FFFC C041FFFC EC220072 3C80C2C0 9081FFFC C041FFFC EC22082A 00000000 E2000001 80008000 C2046A88 00000005 C03F0008 3C803FAB 9081FFFC C041FFFC EC220072 3C80C2C0 9081FFFC C041FFFC EC22082A 00000000 C216E5F4 00000005 C0210008 3C603FAB 9061001C C041001C EC220072 3C60C2C0 9061001C C041001C EC22082A 00000000 C22179E4 00000003 808100DC 1C840004 38A00003 7C842FD6 3884FF96 00000000 204E8A28 3CC08050 C24E8A34 00000002 38A00002 98A40000 88A40000 00000000 E2000001 80008000 204E1B7C 3C608051 044E1B88 38600001 044E1B8C 98640002 044E1B90 60000000 E2000001 80008000 82200001 802922FC 86200001 00040000 84200001 802922FC 204F6C64 4182001C 044F6C64 60000000 044E9AFC 60000000 E2000001 80008000 204F0BC4 2C030000 044F0BC0 38600001 044F0C4C 38600001 044F0CD8 38600001 044F0CFC 38600001 044F0D18 38600001 E2000001 80008000 82200001 802922F8 86200001 00000040 84200001 802922F8 82200001 802922F8 86200001 00000008 84200001 802922F8 82200001 802922F8 86200001 00000006 84200001 802922F8 0403EDC0 38600001 *WARNING: This set of cheats is meant for Netplay only. This can 100% your save so make sure you make backups. *This Cheat includes *Game Mechanics - Increased Board Speed *Game Mechanics - Increased Orb Throwing Speed *Game Mechanics - Increased Taunt Capabilities *Miscellaneous - Instant Text Display *Miscellaneous - Show Controller Port Number of Who Paused in Mini-Games *Miscellaneous - Widescreen *as well as some cheats to 100% the game. We wont tell you which ones they are because that ruins the fun of playing. $Netplay Force Player 1 to CPU 0422d898 60000000 04053a50 60000000 *This cheat makes it so the player on port 1 will be turned into a computer. This can be useful for games when the player with port 1 drops. $Netplay Safe Kill Music 0414AAF0 4E800020 *This cheat makes it so all in-game music will be turned off. * *This can safely be used in a Netplay game without desync. $Board - Neon Heights: Balance Changes 204e0f0c 7c9e2378 044e0bac 38a00014 044e08d8 38000014 044e06c4 38000014 044e1008 48001451 044e1020 4bffffd0 044e2564 3b200014 044e269c 3b000014 e2000001 80008000 *This cheat makes the chests now cost 20 coins, and Bob-omb/nothing chests now contain 20 coins. $Board - Neon Heights: Bowser Path for Free 204FDEF4 2C03000A 044FDEF4 2C030000 044FDF5C 38A00000 E2000001 80008000 *This cheat makes that path Koopa Kid is blocking not cost any coins to traverse. $Board - Pagoda Peak: Bottle Rocket Launch Always Succeeds 204DF8A0 2803004B 044DF8A4 60000000 E2000001 80008000 *This cheat makes the Pagoda Peak bottle rocket always go towards the top. $Board - Pyramid Park: Free Chomp Rides 204E10B4 7C03D000 044E10B0 386003E7 044E1114 386003E7 044E14EC 386003E7 044E17A4 38A00000 E2000001 80008000 *This cheat makes the Pyramid Park Chain Chomps free. $Board - Windmillville: Free Flower Glider 204E1F00 7C600734 044E1EFC 386003E7 044E7D10 38A00000 E2000001 80008000 *This cheat makes the Windmillville flower glider free. $Game Mechanics - Battle Coins Don't Affect Mini-Game Star 204e628c 7c080734 c24e6288 00000006 3d008029 a9081558 3ce08025 60e79df0 1d08007c 7ce83a14 88e70002 2c070003 40820008 38a00000 7c051a14 00000000 e2000001 80008000 *This cheat makes battle minigames not count towards the Mini-Game Star. $Game Mechanics - DK and Bowser Give Only Multiplayer Games 041d19a0 3b600004 041d5058 3b200005 *This cheat makes it so DK and Bowser only give multiplayer minigames which are inclusive and not stupidly broken. $Game Mechanics - Disable Character Orbs 042f12e8 00000000 042f12a8 00000000 042f12c8 00000000 042f1308 00000000 042f1328 00000000 042f1348 00000000 *This cheat makes it so character orbs (the blue ones) don't appear. $Game Mechanics - Disable Mic Spaces 0417afd0 60000000 *This cheat makes Mic Spaces act like the Green Spaces from Mario Party 9. This means that they do nothing. This does however save time with the Disable Microphone cheat on, so the transition screen doesn't appear. $Game Mechanics - Disable Bowser Time C2152080 00000002 38000000 9803000C 60000000 00000000 *This cheat makes it so the Bowser Time game event doesn't appear. This can save 5-20 minutes of Board Events on boards such as Grand Canal, but break boards such as Bowser's Enchanted Inferno. $Game Mechanics - Force Mini-Game/Orb/Happening Bonus Stars 204e4ae0 48000210 044e4a38 48000014 044e4a6c 38000000 e2000001 80008000 *This cheat makes the Bonus Stars always the same. $Game Mechanics - Free Stars 04188774 3B800000 0418876C 3B800000 204ED598 40800030 044ED598 48000030 044ED754 38800000 E2000001 80008000 204F62C0 38030001 044F62C4 38000000 044F690C 38600000 E2000001 80008000 *This cheat makes Stars cost nothing instead of the usual 20 coins. $Game Mechanics - Koopa Kid Orbs Can Be Purchased 0419EB0C 48000024 04274ADC 00000001 06004860 0000002C 88030000 28000028 4082001C 3C80802E 6084F598 38A00010 4BFFECC9 38000028 98030000 3B9C0001 481E5098 00000000 041E991C 4BE1AF44 *This cheat makes Koopa Kid Orbs findable in stores as well as the Orb spawn spots on the board. $Game Mechanics - Increased Board Speed 041604B0 38C0000A 204E317C 281E000C 044E2F08 3BDE0002 044E3178 3BDE0002 044E31EC 3BDE0002 044E344C 3BDE0002 044E3844 3BDE0002 E2000001 80008000 *This cheat makes the players move faster while playing a Mario Party board. $Game Mechanics - Increased Orb Throwing Speed 041E3110 38030002 *This cheat makes orbs appear to be thrown faster. $Game Mechanics - Increased Taunt Capabilities 04235abc 60000000 04235b0c 60000000 04235b90 60000000 *This cheat makes it so you can taunt during your turn. $Game Mechanics - Mic Minigames Have A 10% Chance Of Appearing Instead Of 20% 042F7A04 41200000 *This cheat makes it so you see less Mic Minigames and see more standard minigames. $Game Mechanics - Microphone Always Off 04098fc4 3800002c 04098fc8 980317e6 04098fcc 38600000 *This cheat makes the microphone game setting stay off while playing Mario Party 7. $Game Mechanics - Orbs Can Only Be Placed On Your Current Space 041E7128 60000000 *This cheat makes it so Orbs are most balanced. To be fair a human cannot throw that far. $Game Mechanics - Replace "Nothing" Duel Result With "Half Coins" c21d8ed0 00000003 2c030003 40820008 38600001 7c711b78 60000000 00000000 *This cheat makes it so duels don't end in a dud. $Game Mechanics - Slow 'Shroom Orb Rolls 1-5 0418ccc8 38000005 0418d1ac 40820020 *This cheat makes this orb a little more balanced. $Miscellaneous - Replace Daisy with Koopa Kid 057FAFE4 4BEBD7A8 057FAFE8 001BB312 057FAFF0 4C191720 057FAFF4 00039C5A 057FAFFC 4C1CB37C 057FB000 0001D5AE 057FB008 4C1E892C 057FB00C 0001BCD2 057FB014 4C204600 057FB018 00012E20 057FB020 4C217420 057FB024 0000D456 057FB02C 4C224878 057FB030 00052266 *This cheat safely swaps Daisy's Model with Koopa Kid's. This cheat makes Koopa Kid a playable character. $Miscellaneous - Instant Text Display 04050A70 38800000 *This cheat makes it so text is displayed instantly. $Miscellaneous - Show Controller Port Number of Who Paused in Mini-Games C2047400 00000002 807F0050 906D0000 38600000 00000000 C20402FC 0000000C 3860012C 3880000A 38A0002D 38C00028 38E000FF 90ED0004 38ED0004 3D008000 6108CA28 7D0903A6 4E800421 3860012C 3880000A 3CA08025 38A548EF 80CD0000 38C60001 C0228388 3CE08000 60E7C8CC 7CE903A6 4E800421 57A0083C 00000000 *This cheat will display a number on the pause screen of a minigame to see which port paused it. $Miscellaneous - Widescreen 200018A8 9421FF58 C60A07E0 800018A8 E2000001 80008000 200010A8 9421FF58 C60A07E0 800010A8 E2000001 80008000 041555C4 C3A30000 041794DC 60000000 040189C4 38600001 C20A7948 00000003 93E10024 3FE03FAB 93E30000 C0A30000 EFA50772 00000000 C20A76C0 00000003 3FE03FAB 93E30000 C0030000 EF6000B2 60000000 00000000 042F3E30 44555555 042F3ED0 44400000 0404EF48 C0828110 04177F94 C0828110 C20BD108 00000004 A8830000 2C043B2A 4082000C 3C80BF40 9083000C C003000C 60000000 00000000 204DFA10 38800100 C24DF9F8 00000006 3C803FAB 9081FFFC C021FFFC C04280C0 3C808001 608409A0 7C8903A6 4E800421 3C804295 9081FFFC C021FFFC 00000000 E2000001 80008000 204E5ABC 3800FFFF C24E5A9C 00000002 3C803F2B 9081FFFC C021FFFC 00000000 044E7318 C1955555 E2000001 80008000 204DF4D8 38040040 C24DF4B0 00000005 EC200828 3CA03FAB 90A100B4 C04100B4 EC220072 3CA0C2C0 90A100B4 C04100B4 EC22082A 00000000 C24DF510 00000002 3C803F99 9081FFFC C021FFFC 00000000 E2000001 80008000 204E7360 43300000 C24DE590 00000006 3C803FAB 9081FFFC C021FFFC C04280C0 3C808001 608409A0 7C8903A6 4E800421 3C80C2D0 9081FFFC C021FFFC 00000000 044E735C C1180000 C24E1F20 00000003 3C60C2C0 9061000C C021000C EC3D082A D3A10008 00000000 044E73F0 41000000 C24E1E0C 00000003 3C60C2C0 9061000C C021000C EC3F082A D3E10008 00000000 E2000001 80008000 C204DFFC 00000008 3C80804D 6084E634 80A10064 7C042800 40820024 3C803FAB 9081FFFC C021FFFC C04280C0 3C808001 608409A0 7C8903A6 4E800421 C03F0078 60000000 00000000 0401187C 60000000 C21949C0 00000005 C03F0014 3C803FAB 9081FFFC C041FFFC EC220072 3C80C2C0 9081FFFC C041FFFC EC22082A 00000000 C21937C8 00000005 C0210008 3C803FAB 9081FFFC C041FFFC EC220072 3C80C2C0 9081FFFC C041FFFC EC22082A 00000000 C2194320 00000005 C03F0014 3C803FAB 9081FFFC C041FFFC EC220072 3C80C2C0 9081FFFC C041FFFC EC22082A 00000000 204EA934 FC20F890 C24EA924 00000005 C3FF0004 3C803FAB 9081FFFC C041FFFC EFE207F2 3C80C2C0 9081FFFC C041FFFC EFE2F82A 00000000 C24EAB40 00000005 C03F0010 3C803FAB 9081FFFC C041FFFC EC220072 3C80C2C0 9081FFFC C041FFFC EC22082A 00000000 E2000001 80008000 C2046A88 00000005 C03F0008 3C803FAB 9081FFFC C041FFFC EC220072 3C80C2C0 9081FFFC C041FFFC EC22082A 00000000 C216E5F4 00000005 C0210008 3C603FAB 9061001C C041001C EC220072 3C60C2C0 9061001C C041001C EC22082A 00000000 C22179E4 00000003 808100DC 1C840004 38A00003 7C842FD6 3884FF96 00000000 *This cheat makes the game appear in widescreen.