// Copyright (C) 2003 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ // Additional copyrights go to Duddie and Tratax (c) 2004 #include "DSPInterpreter.h" #include "DSPIntCCUtil.h" #include "DSPIntUtil.h" // Arithmetic and accumulator control. namespace DSPInterpreter { // CLR $acR // 1000 r001 xxxx xxxx // Clears accumulator $acR // // flags out: --10 0100 void clr(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 reg = (opc >> 11) & 0x1; dsp_set_long_acc(reg, 0); Update_SR_Register64(0); zeroWriteBackLog(); } // CLRL $acR.l // 1111 110r xxxx xxxx // Clears (and rounds!) $acR.l - low 16 bits of accumulator $acR. // // flags out: --xx xx00 void clrl(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 reg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_round_long_acc(dsp_get_long_acc(reg)); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(reg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(acc); } //---- // ANDCF $acD.m, #I // 0000 001r 1100 0000 // iiii iiii iiii iiii // Set logic zero (LZ) flag in status register $sr if result of logic AND of // accumulator mid part $acD.m with immediate value I is equal I. // // flags out: -x-- ---- void andcf(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 reg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u16 imm = dsp_fetch_code(); u16 val = dsp_get_acc_m(reg); Update_SR_LZ(((val & imm) == imm) ? true : false); } // ANDF $acD.m, #I // 0000 001r 1010 0000 // iiii iiii iiii iiii // Set logic zero (LZ) flag in status register $sr if result of logical AND // operation of accumulator mid part $acD.m with immediate value I is equal // immediate value 0. // // flags out: -x-- ---- void andf(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 reg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u16 imm = dsp_fetch_code(); u16 val = dsp_get_acc_m(reg); Update_SR_LZ(((val & imm) == 0) ? true : false); } //---- // TST // 1011 r001 xxxx xxxx // Test accumulator %acR. // // flags out: --xx xx00 void tst(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 reg = (opc >> 11) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(reg); Update_SR_Register64(acc); zeroWriteBackLog(); } // TSTAXH $axR.h // 1000 011r xxxx xxxx // Test high part of secondary accumulator $axR.h. // // flags out: --x0 xx00 void tstaxh(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 reg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; s16 val = dsp_get_ax_h(reg); Update_SR_Register16(val); zeroWriteBackLog(); } //---- // CMP // 1000 0010 xxxx xxxx // Compares accumulator $ac0 with accumulator $ac1. // // flags out: x-xx xxxx void cmp(const UDSPInstruction opc) { s64 acc0 = dsp_get_long_acc(0); s64 acc1 = dsp_get_long_acc(1); s64 res = dsp_convert_long_acc(acc0 - acc1); Update_SR_Register64(res, isCarry2(acc0, res), isOverflow(acc0, -acc1, res)); // CF -> influence on ABS/0xa100 zeroWriteBackLog(); } // CMPAR $acS axR.h // 1100 0001 xxxx xxxx // Compares accumulator $acS with accumulator axR.h. // Not described by Duddie's doc - at least not as a separate instruction. // // flags out: x-xx xxxx void cmpar(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 rreg = ((opc >> 12) & 0x1) + DSP_REG_AXH0; u8 sreg = (opc >> 11) & 0x1; s64 sr = dsp_get_long_acc(sreg); s64 rr = (s16)g_dsp.r[rreg]; rr <<= 16; s64 res = dsp_convert_long_acc(sr - rr); Update_SR_Register64(res, isCarry2(sr, res), isOverflow(sr, -rr, res)); zeroWriteBackLog(); } // CMPI $amD, #I // 0000 001r 1000 0000 // iiii iiii iiii iiii // Compares mid accumulator $acD.hm ($amD) with sign extended immediate value I. // Although flags are being set regarding whole accumulator register. // // flags out: x-xx xxxx void cmpi(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 reg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; s64 val = dsp_get_long_acc(reg); s64 imm = (s64)(s16)dsp_fetch_code() << 16; // Immediate is considered to be at M level in the 40-bit accumulator. s64 res = dsp_convert_long_acc(val - imm); Update_SR_Register64(res, isCarry2(val, res), isOverflow(val, -imm, res)); } // CMPIS $acD, #I // 0000 011d iiii iiii // Compares accumulator with short immediate. Comaprison is executed // by subtracting short immediate (8bit sign extended) from mid accumulator // $acD.hm and computing flags based on whole accumulator $acD. // // flags out: x-xx xxxx void cmpis(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 areg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(areg); s64 val = (s8)opc; val <<= 16; s64 res = dsp_convert_long_acc(acc - val); Update_SR_Register64(res, isCarry2(acc, res), isOverflow(acc, -val, res)); } //---- // XORR $acD.m, $axS.h // 0011 00sd 0xxx xxxx // Logic XOR (exclusive or) middle part of accumulator $acD.m with // high part of secondary accumulator $axS.h. // x = extension (7 bits!!) // // flags out: --xx xx00 void xorr(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 9) & 0x1; u16 accm = g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + dreg] ^ g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_AXH0 + sreg]; zeroWriteBackLogPreserveAcc(dreg); g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + dreg] = accm; Update_SR_Register16((s16)accm, false, false, isOverS32(dsp_get_long_acc(dreg))); } // ANDR $acD.m, $axS.h // 0011 01sd 0xxx xxxx // Logic AND middle part of accumulator $acD.m with high part of // secondary accumulator $axS.h. // x = extension (7 bits!!) // // flags out: --xx xx00 void andr(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 9) & 0x1; u16 accm = g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + dreg] & g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_AXH0 + sreg]; zeroWriteBackLogPreserveAcc(dreg); g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + dreg] = accm; Update_SR_Register16((s16)accm, false, false, isOverS32(dsp_get_long_acc(dreg))); } // ORR $acD.m, $axS.h // 0011 10sd 0xxx xxxx // Logic OR middle part of accumulator $acD.m with high part of // secondary accumulator $axS.h. // x = extension (7 bits!!) // // flags out: --xx xx00 void orr(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 9) & 0x1; u16 accm = g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + dreg] | g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_AXH0 + sreg]; zeroWriteBackLogPreserveAcc(dreg); g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + dreg] = accm; Update_SR_Register16((s16)accm, false, false, isOverS32(dsp_get_long_acc(dreg))); } // ANDC $acD.m, $ac(1-D).m // 0011 110d 0xxx xxxx // Logic AND middle part of accumulator $acD.m with middle part of // accumulator $ac(1-D).m // x = extension (7 bits!!) // // flags out: --xx xx00 void andc(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u16 accm = g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + dreg] & g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + (1 - dreg)]; zeroWriteBackLogPreserveAcc(dreg); g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + dreg] = accm; Update_SR_Register16((s16)accm, false, false, isOverS32(dsp_get_long_acc(dreg))); } // ORC $acD.m, $ac(1-D).m // 0011 111d 0xxx xxxx // Logic OR middle part of accumulator $acD.m with middle part of // accumulator $ac(1-D).m. // x = extension (7 bits!!) // // flags out: --xx xx00 void orc(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u16 accm = g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + dreg] | g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + (1 - dreg)]; zeroWriteBackLogPreserveAcc(dreg); g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + dreg] = accm; Update_SR_Register16((s16)accm, false, false, isOverS32(dsp_get_long_acc(dreg))); } // XORC $acD.m // 0011 000d 1xxx xxxx // Logic XOR (exclusive or) middle part of accumulator $acD.m with $ac(1-D).m // x = extension (7 bits!!) // // flags out: --xx xx00 void xorc(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u16 accm = g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + dreg] ^ g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + (1 - dreg)]; zeroWriteBackLogPreserveAcc(dreg); g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + dreg] = accm; Update_SR_Register16((s16)accm, false, false, isOverS32(dsp_get_long_acc(dreg))); } // NOT $acD.m // 0011 001d 1xxx xxxx // Invert all bits in dest reg, aka xor with 0xffff // x = extension (7 bits!!) // // flags out: --xx xx00 void notc(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u16 accm = g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + dreg] ^ 0xffff; zeroWriteBackLogPreserveAcc(dreg); g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + dreg] = accm; Update_SR_Register16((s16)accm, false, false, isOverS32(dsp_get_long_acc(dreg))); } // XORI $acD.m, #I // 0000 001r 0010 0000 // iiii iiii iiii iiii // Logic exclusive or (XOR) of accumulator mid part $acD.m with // immediate value I. // // flags out: --xx xx00 void xori(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 reg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u16 imm = dsp_fetch_code(); g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + reg] ^= imm; Update_SR_Register16((s16)g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + reg], false, false, isOverS32(dsp_get_long_acc(reg))); } // ANDI $acD.m, #I // 0000 001r 0100 0000 // iiii iiii iiii iiii // Logic AND of accumulator mid part $acD.m with immediate value I. // // flags out: --xx xx00 void andi(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 reg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u16 imm = dsp_fetch_code(); g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + reg] &= imm; Update_SR_Register16((s16)g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + reg], false, false, isOverS32(dsp_get_long_acc(reg))); } // ORI $acD.m, #I // 0000 001r 0110 0000 // iiii iiii iiii iiii // Logic OR of accumulator mid part $acD.m with immediate value I. // // flags out: --xx xx00 void ori(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 reg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u16 imm = dsp_fetch_code(); g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + reg] |= imm; Update_SR_Register16((s16)g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_ACM0 + reg], false, false, isOverS32(dsp_get_long_acc(reg))); } //---- // ADDR $acD.M, $axS.L // 0100 0ssd xxxx xxxx // Adds register $axS.L to accumulator $acD.M register. // // flags out: x-xx xxxx void addr(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 sreg = ((opc >> 9) & 0x3) + DSP_REG_AXL0; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); s64 ax = (s16)g_dsp.r[sreg]; ax <<= 16; s64 res = acc + ax; zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, res); res = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); Update_SR_Register64(res, isCarry(acc, res), isOverflow(acc, ax, res)); } // ADDAX $acD, $axS // 0100 10sd xxxx xxxx // Adds secondary accumulator $axS to accumulator register $acD. // // flags out: x-xx xxxx void addax(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 9) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); s64 ax = dsp_get_long_acx(sreg); s64 res = acc + ax; zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, res); res = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); Update_SR_Register64(res, isCarry(acc, res), isOverflow(acc, ax, res)); } // ADD $acD, $ac(1-D) // 0100 110d xxxx xxxx // Adds accumulator $ac(1-D) to accumulator register $acD. // // flags out: x-xx xxxx void add(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; s64 acc0 = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); s64 acc1 = dsp_get_long_acc(1 - dreg); s64 res = acc0 + acc1; zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, res); res = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); Update_SR_Register64(res, isCarry(acc0, res), isOverflow(acc0, acc1, res)); } // ADDP $acD // 0100 111d xxxx xxxx // Adds product register to accumulator register. // // flags out: x-xx xxxx void addp(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); s64 prod = dsp_get_long_prod(); s64 res = acc + prod; zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, res); res = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); Update_SR_Register64(res, isCarry2(acc, res), isOverflow(acc, prod, res)); } // ADDAXL $acD, $axS.l // 0111 00sd xxxx xxxx // Adds secondary accumulator $axS.l to accumulator register $acD. // should be unsigned values!! // // flags out: x-xx xxxx void addaxl(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 sreg = (opc >> 9) & 0x1; u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); u16 acx = (u16)dsp_get_ax_l(sreg); u64 res = acc + acx; zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, (s64)res); res = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); Update_SR_Register64((s64)res, isCarry(acc, res), isOverflow((s64)acc, (s64)acx, (s64)res)); } // ADDI $amR, #I // 0000 001r 0000 0000 // iiii iiii iiii iiii // Adds immediate (16-bit sign extended) to mid accumulator $acD.hm. // // flags out: x-xx xxxx void addi(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 areg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(areg); s64 imm = (s16)dsp_fetch_code(); imm <<= 16; s64 res = acc + imm; dsp_set_long_acc(areg, res); res = dsp_get_long_acc(areg); Update_SR_Register64(res, isCarry(acc, res), isOverflow(acc, imm, res)); } // ADDIS $acD, #I // 0000 010d iiii iiii // Adds short immediate (8-bit sign extended) to mid accumulator $acD.hm. // // flags out: x-xx xxxx void addis(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); s64 imm = (s8)(u8)opc; imm <<= 16; s64 res = acc + imm; dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, res); res = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); Update_SR_Register64(res, isCarry(acc, res), isOverflow(acc, imm, res)); } // INCM $acsD // 0111 010d xxxx xxxx // Increment 24-bit mid-accumulator $acsD. // // flags out: x-xx xxxx void incm(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; s64 sub = 0x10000; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); s64 res = acc + sub; zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, res); res = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); Update_SR_Register64(res, isCarry(acc, res), isOverflow(acc, sub, res)); } // INC $acD // 0111 011d xxxx xxxx // Increment accumulator $acD. // // flags out: x-xx xxxx void inc(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); s64 res = acc + 1; zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, res); res = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); Update_SR_Register64(res, isCarry(acc, res), isOverflow(acc, 1, res)); } //---- // SUBR $acD.M, $axS.L // 0101 0ssd xxxx xxxx // Subtracts register $axS.L from accumulator $acD.M register. // // flags out: x-xx xxxx void subr(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 sreg = ((opc >> 9) & 0x3) + DSP_REG_AXL0; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); s64 ax = (s16)g_dsp.r[sreg]; ax <<= 16; s64 res = acc - ax; zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, res); res = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); Update_SR_Register64(res, isCarry2(acc, res), isOverflow(acc, -ax, res)); } // SUBAX $acD, $axS // 0101 10sd xxxx xxxx // Subtracts secondary accumulator $axS from accumulator register $acD. // // flags out: x-xx xxxx void subax(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 9) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); s64 acx = dsp_get_long_acx(sreg); s64 res = acc - acx; zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, res); res = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); Update_SR_Register64(res, isCarry2(acc, res), isOverflow(acc, -acx, res)); } // SUB $acD, $ac(1-D) // 0101 110d xxxx xxxx // Subtracts accumulator $ac(1-D) from accumulator register $acD. // // flags out: x-xx xxxx void sub(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; s64 acc1 = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); s64 acc2 = dsp_get_long_acc(1 - dreg); s64 res = acc1 - acc2; zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, res); res = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); Update_SR_Register64(res, isCarry2(acc1, res), isOverflow(acc1, -acc2, res)); } // SUBP $acD // 0101 111d xxxx xxxx // Subtracts product register from accumulator register. // // flags out: x-xx xxxx void subp(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); s64 prod = dsp_get_long_prod(); s64 res = acc - prod; zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, res); res = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); Update_SR_Register64(res, isCarry2(acc, res), isOverflow(acc, -prod, res)); } // DECM $acsD // 0111 100d xxxx xxxx // Decrement 24-bit mid-accumulator $acsD. // // flags out: x-xx xxxx void decm(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x01; s64 sub = 0x10000; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); s64 res = acc - sub; zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, res); res = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); Update_SR_Register64(res, isCarry2(acc, res), isOverflow(acc, -sub, res)); } // DEC $acD // 0111 101d xxxx xxxx // Decrement accumulator $acD. // // flags out: x-xx xxxx void dec(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x01; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); s64 res = acc - 1; zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, res); res = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); Update_SR_Register64(res, isCarry2(acc, res), isOverflow(acc, -1, res)); } //---- // NEG $acD // 0111 110d xxxx xxxx // Negate accumulator $acD. // // flags out: --xx xx00 void neg(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); acc = 0 - acc; zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(dreg)); } // ABS $acD // 1010 d001 xxxx xxxx // absolute value of $acD // // flags out: --xx xx00 void abs(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 11) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); if (acc < 0) acc = 0 - acc; zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(dreg)); } //---- // MOVR $acD, $axS.R // 0110 0srd xxxx xxxx // Moves register $axS.R (sign extended) to middle accumulator $acD.hm. // Sets $acD.l to 0. // TODO: Check what happens to acD.h. // // flags out: --xx xx00 void movr(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 areg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 sreg = ((opc >> 9) & 0x3) + DSP_REG_AXL0; s64 acc = (s16)g_dsp.r[sreg]; acc <<= 16; acc &= ~0xffff; zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(areg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(acc); } // MOVAX $acD, $axS // 0110 10sd xxxx xxxx // Moves secondary accumulator $axS to accumulator $axD. // // flags out: --xx xx00 void movax(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 9) & 0x1; s64 acx = dsp_get_long_acx(sreg); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, acx); Update_SR_Register64(acx); } // MOV $acD, $ac(1-D) // 0110 110d xxxx xxxx // Moves accumulator $ax(1-D) to accumulator $axD. // // flags out: --x0 xx00 void mov(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(1 - dreg); zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(acc); } //---- // LSL16 $acR // 1111 000r xxxx xxxx // Logically shifts left accumulator $acR by 16. // // flags out: --xx xx00 void lsl16(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 areg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(areg); acc <<= 16; zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(areg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(areg)); } // LSR16 $acR // 1111 010r xxxx xxxx // Logically shifts right accumulator $acR by 16. // // flags out: --xx xx00 void lsr16(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 areg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(areg); acc &= 0x000000FFFFFFFFFFULL; // Lop off the extraneous sign extension our 64-bit fake accum causes acc >>= 16; zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(areg, (s64)acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(areg)); } // ASR16 $acR // 1001 r001 xxxx xxxx // Arithmetically shifts right accumulator $acR by 16. // // flags out: --xx xx00 void asr16(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 areg = (opc >> 11) & 0x1; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(areg); acc >>= 16; zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(areg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(areg)); } // LSL $acR, #I // 0001 010r 00ii iiii // Logically shifts left accumulator $acR by number specified by value I. // // flags out: --xx xx00 void lsl(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 rreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x01; u16 shift = opc & 0x3f; u64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(rreg); acc <<= shift; dsp_set_long_acc(rreg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(rreg)); } // LSR $acR, #I // 0001 010r 01ii iiii // Logically shifts right accumulator $acR by number specified by value // calculated by negating sign extended bits 0-6. // // flags out: --xx xx00 void lsr(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 rreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x01; u16 shift; u64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(rreg); acc &= 0x000000FFFFFFFFFFULL; // Lop off the extraneous sign extension our 64-bit fake accum causes if ((opc & 0x3f) == 0) shift = 0; else shift = 0x40 - (opc & 0x3f); acc >>= shift; dsp_set_long_acc(rreg, (s64)acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(rreg)); } // ASL $acR, #I // 0001 010r 10ii iiii // Logically shifts left accumulator $acR by number specified by value I. // // flags out: --xx xx00 void asl(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 rreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x01; u16 shift = opc & 0x3f; u64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(rreg); acc <<= shift; dsp_set_long_acc(rreg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(rreg)); } // ASR $acR, #I // 0001 010r 11ii iiii // Arithmetically shifts right accumulator $acR by number specified by // value calculated by negating sign extended bits 0-6. // // flags out: --xx xx00 void asr(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x01; u16 shift; if ((opc & 0x3f) == 0) shift = 0; else shift = 0x40 - (opc & 0x3f); // arithmetic shift s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); acc >>= shift; dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(dreg)); } // LSRN (fixed parameters) // 0000 0010 1100 1010 // Logically shifts right accumulator $ACC0 by lower 7-bit (signed) value in $AC1.M // (if value negative, becomes left shift). // // flags out: --xx xx00 void lsrn(const UDSPInstruction opc) { s16 shift; u16 accm = (u16)dsp_get_acc_m(1); u64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(0); acc &= 0x000000FFFFFFFFFFULL; if ((accm & 0x3f) == 0) shift = 0; else if (accm & 0x40) shift = -0x40 + (accm & 0x3f); else shift = accm & 0x3f; if (shift > 0) { acc >>= shift; } else if (shift < 0) { acc <<= -shift; } dsp_set_long_acc(0, (s64)acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(0)); } // ASRN (fixed parameters) // 0000 0010 1100 1011 // Arithmetically shifts right accumulator $ACC0 by lower 7-bit (signed) value in $AC1.M // (if value negative, becomes left shift). // // flags out: --xx xx00 void asrn(const UDSPInstruction opc) { s16 shift; u16 accm = (u16)dsp_get_acc_m(1); s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(0); if ((accm & 0x3f) == 0) shift = 0; else if (accm & 0x40) shift = -0x40 + (accm & 0x3f); else shift = accm & 0x3f; if (shift > 0) { acc >>= shift; } else if (shift < 0) { acc <<= -shift; } dsp_set_long_acc(0, acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(0)); } // LSRNRX $acD, $axS.h // 0011 01sd 1xxx xxxx // Logically shifts left/right accumulator $ACC[D] by lower 7-bit (signed) value in $AX[S].H // x = extension (7 bits!!) // // flags out: --xx xx00 void lsrnrx(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 9) & 0x1; s16 shift; u16 axh = g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_AXH0 + sreg]; u64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); acc &= 0x000000FFFFFFFFFFULL; if ((axh & 0x3f) == 0) shift = 0; else if (axh & 0x40) shift = -0x40 + (axh & 0x3f); else shift = axh & 0x3f; if (shift > 0) { acc <<= shift; } else if (shift < 0) { acc >>= -shift; } zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, (s64)acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(dreg)); } // ASRNRX $acD, $axS.h // 0011 10sd 1xxx xxxx // Arithmetically shifts left/right accumulator $ACC[D] by lower 7-bit (signed) value in $AX[S].H // x = extension (7 bits!!) // // flags out: --xx xx00 void asrnrx(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; u8 sreg = (opc >> 9) & 0x1; s16 shift; u16 axh = g_dsp.r[DSP_REG_AXH0 + sreg]; s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); if ((axh & 0x3f) == 0) shift = 0; else if (axh & 0x40) shift = -0x40 + (axh & 0x3f); else shift = axh & 0x3f; if (shift > 0) { acc <<= shift; } else if (shift < 0) { acc >>= -shift; } zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(dreg)); } // LSRNR $acD // 0011 110d 1xxx xxxx // Logically shifts left/right accumulator $ACC[D] by lower 7-bit (signed) value in $AC[1-D].M // x = extension (7 bits!!) // // flags out: --xx xx00 void lsrnr(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; s16 shift; u16 accm = (u16)dsp_get_acc_m(1 - dreg); u64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); acc &= 0x000000FFFFFFFFFFULL; if ((accm & 0x3f) == 0) shift = 0; else if (accm & 0x40) shift = -0x40 + (accm & 0x3f); else shift = accm & 0x3f; if (shift > 0) acc <<= shift; else if (shift < 0) acc >>= -shift; zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, (s64)acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(dreg)); } // ASRNR $acD // 0011 111d 1xxx xxxx // Arithmeticaly shift left/right accumulator $ACC[D] by lower 7-bit (signed) value in $AC[1-D].M // x = extension (7 bits!!) // // flags out: --xx xx00 void asrnr(const UDSPInstruction opc) { u8 dreg = (opc >> 8) & 0x1; s16 shift; u16 accm = (u16)dsp_get_acc_m(1 - dreg); s64 acc = dsp_get_long_acc(dreg); if ((accm & 0x3f) == 0) shift = 0; else if (accm & 0x40) shift = -0x40 + (accm & 0x3f); else shift = accm & 0x3f; if (shift > 0) acc <<= shift; else if (shift < 0) acc >>= -shift; zeroWriteBackLog(); dsp_set_long_acc(dreg, acc); Update_SR_Register64(dsp_get_long_acc(dreg)); } } // namespace