# GQSEAF - TALES OF SYMPHONIA 1 [Core] #Values set here will override the main dolphin settings. [EmuState] #The Emulation State. 1 is worst, 5 is best, 0 is not set. #Emulation state validated on r1648 EmulationStateId = 4 #Action Replay Notes # # * * * * * NOTES ON EQUIPMENT MODIFIERS BEFORE USING THOSE CODES * * * * # #You can mess with other items all you want, but Weapons can only go to their respective characters #or the game will freeze. Empty Slots will also make the game freeze if used on Weapons. You can #put Accessories on other slots, like Persian Boots on Body Armor, Head Armor, Arm Armor, and #Accessory 1 %amp; 2. You need 4 Persian Boots to make characters Absorb Elements! #The format of the codes for these sections is: #<address> 0000XXXX #<address> YYYYZZZZ #<address> AAAABBBB #<address> 0000CCCC #where each 4 digit letter represents #XXXX = Weapon #YYYY = Body Armor #ZZZZ = Head Armor #AAAA = Arm Armor #BBBB = Accessory 1 #CCCC = Accessory 2 #0000 - Empty Slot # #You must manually set the intended item for each char's equipment BEFORE USING THESE CODES # #Lloyd #0087 - Wooden Blade #0088 - Rapier #0089 - Mumei #008A - Knight's Saber #008B - Masamune #008C - Osafune #008D - Sinclaire #008E - Nimble Rapier #008F - Ogre Sword #0090 - Kotetsu #0091 - Shiden #0092 - Saint Rapier #0093 - Dragon Tooth #0094 - Defenser #0095 - Elemental Brand #0096 - Muramasa #0097 - Wasier Rapier #0098 - Angel's Tear #0099 - Ninja Sword #009A - Material Blade #009B - Kusanagi Blade #009C - Valkyrie Saber #009D - Paper Fan #009E - Nebilim # #Colette #009F - Chakram #00A0 - Flying Disk #00A1 - Duel Ring #00A2 - Slicer Ring #00A3 - Mystic Ring #00A4 - Stinger Ring #00A5 - Ray Thrust #00A6 - Mythril Ring #00A7 - Shuriken #00A8 - Solar Spinner #00A9 - Lunar Ring #00AA - Toroid #00AB - Stardust #00AC - Angel's Halo #00AD - Tambourine #00AE - Evil Eye # #Genis #00AF - Nova #00B0 - Fine Star #00B1 - Duel Star #00B2 - Falling Star #00B3 - Cool Orbit #00B4 - Thunderbolt #00B5 - Shining Star #00B6 - Shadow Dancer #00B7 - Cor Leonis #00B8 - Northern Lights #00B9 - Southern Cross #00BA - Final Player #00BB - One World #00BC - Phantasmagoria #00BD - Disaster # #Raine #00BE - Rod #00BF - Battle Staff #00C0 - Gem Rod #00C1 - Earth Rod #00C2 - Ruby Wand #00C3 - Rune Staff #00C4 - Gale Staff #00C5 - Phoenix Rod #00C6 - Holy Staff #00C7 - Thunder Scepter #00C8 - Ancient Rod #00C9 - Hanuman's Staff #00CA - Crystal Rod #00CB - Deck Brush #00CC - Heart Of Chaos # #Sheena #00CD - Spell Card #00CE - Card of Water #00CF - Card of Earth #00D0 - Card of Fire #00D1 - Card of Lightning #00D2 - Card of Wind #00D3 - Card of Ice #00D4 - Vajra #00D5 - Yaska #00D6 - Asura #00D7 - Acalanatha #00D8 - Divine Judgement #00D9 - Money Bag #00DA - Gates of Hell # #Zelos/Kratos #00DB - Stiletto #00DC - Earth Dagger #00DD - Hydra Dagger #00DE - Assault dagger #00DF - Flame Dagger #00E0 - Gladius #00E1 - Crystal Dagger #00E2 - Toy Dagger #00E3 - Fafnir #00E4 - Long Sword #00E5 - Steel Sword #00E6 - Silver Sword #00E7 - Aqua Brand #00E8 - Sand Saber #00E9 - Lightning Sword #00EA - Ice Coffin #00EB - Ether Sword #00EC - Flamberge #00ED - Laser Blade #00EE - Excalibur #00EF - Last Fencer #00F0 - Baseball Bat #00F1 - Soul Eater # #Presea #00F2 - Francesca #00F3 - Battle Ax #00F4 - Great Ax #00F5 - Crescent Ax #00F6 - Tomahawk Lance #00F7 - Halberd #00F8 - Bardiche #00F9 - Myrthril Ax #00FA - War Hammer #00FB - Battle Pick #00FC - Strike Ax #00FD - Ogre Ax #00FE - Bahumut's Tear #00FF - Gaia Cleaver #0100 - Pow Hammer DX #0101 - Diablos # #Regal #0102 - Leather Greaves #0103 - Iron Greaves #0104 - Power Greaves #0105 - Venom #0106 - Bear Claw #0107 - Ghost Shell #0108 - Mythril Greaves #0109 - Aqua Greaves #010A - Crystal Shell #010B - Flare Greaves #010C - Dragon Fang #010D - Diamond Shell #010E - Kaiser Greaves #010F - Dynast #0110 - Glory Arts #0111 - Apocalypse # #Armors #0112 - Soft Leather #0113 - Chain Mail #0114 - Ring Mail #0115 - Iron Mail #0116 - Splint Mail #0117 - Breastplate #0118 - Battle Suit #0119 - Silver Mail #011A - Mythril Armor #011C - Brunnhilde #011D - Reflect #011E - Rare Plate #011F - Dragon Mail #0120 - Golden Armor #0121 - Star Mail #0122 - Mumbane # #Guards #0123 - Leather Guard #0124 - Fine Guard #0125 - Iron Guard #0126 - Elven Protector #0127 - Lunar Guard #0128 - Rune Guard #0129 - Star Guard #012A - Prism Guard #012B - Mana Protector #012C - Elemental Guard # #Cloaks #012D - Cloak #012E - White Cloak #012F - Amber Cloak #0130 - Silk Cloak #0131 - Rune Cloak #0132 - Holy Cloak #0133 - Mythril Mesh #0134 - Star Cloak #0135 - Phoenix Cloak #0136 - Mortality Cloak # #Robes #0137 - Robe #0138 - Feather Robe #013B - Silk Robe #013C - Rune Robe #013D - Holy Robe #013E - Spirit Robe #013F - Shaman Dress #0140 - Kannazuki # #Helmets #0141 - Leather Helm #0142 - Iron Helm #0143 - Armet Helm #0144 - Cross Helm #0145 - Duel Helm #0146 - Rune Helm #0147 - Sigurd #0148 - Rare Helm #0149 - Star Helm #014A - Golden Helm # #Ribbons #014C - Ribbon #014D - Blue Ribbon #014E - Striped Ribbon #014F - Tartan Ribbon #0150 - Pretty Ribbon #0151 - Hairpin #0152 - Maid's Hairband #0153 - Magical Ribbon # #Hats #0154 - Beret #0155 - Cleric's Hat #0156 - Straw Hat #0157 - Pointed Hat #0158 - Rune Hat #0159 - Headband #015A - Star Cap #015B - Aifread's Hat # #Circlets #015C - Circlet #015D - Silver Circlet #015E - Gold Circlet #015F - Mythril Circlet #0160 - Rune Circlet #0161 - Holy Circlet #0162 - Star Circlet #0163 - Elemental Circlet # #Shields #0164 - Lid Shield #0165 - Wooden Shield #0166 - Omega Shield #0167 - Mythril Shield #0168 - Rune Shield #0169 - Red Shield #016A - Rare Shield #016B - Arredoval #016C - Star Shield #016D - Beam Shield #016E - Blue Shield # #Gauntlets/Gloves #016F - Leather Glove #0170 - Iron Gauntlet #0171 - Claw Gauntlet #0172 - Mythril Gauntlet #0173 - Rune Gauntlet #0174 - Penguinist Gloves #0175 - Rare Gauntlet #0176 - Star Gauntlet #0177 - Hyper Gauntlet # #Bracelets #0178 - Bracelet #0179 - Iron Bracelet #017A - Mythril Bracelet #017B - Lapis Bracelet #017C - Star Bracelet #017D - Angel Bracelet #017E - Draupnir #017F - Shield Ring # #Gloves #0180 - Gloves #0181 - Kitchen Mittens #0182 - Pretty Mittens #0183 - Bridal Gloves #0184 - Silk Gloves #0185 - Cute Mittens #0186 - Lovely Mittens #0187 - Katz Mittens # #Charms #0188 - Poison Charm #0189 - Drain Charm #018A - Stone Charm #018B - Paralysis Charm #018C - Stun Charm #018D - Amulet #018B - Talisman #018E - Blue Talisman #018F - Manji Seal #0190 - Stun Bracelet #0191 - Heal Bracelet #0192 - Spirit Bangle #0193 - Yasakani Jewel #0194 - Yata Mirror # #Rings #0195 - Emerald Ring #0196 - Faerie Ring #0197 - Protect Ring #0198 - Force Ring #0199 - Resist Ring #019A - Reflect Ring #019B - Holy Ring #019C - Spirit Ring #019D - Revive Ring #019E - Attack Ring #019F - Defense Ring #01A0 - Magic Ring # #Symbols #01A1 - Warrior Symbol #01A2 - Guardian Symbol #01A3 - Rabbit's Foot #01A4 - Holy Symbol #01A5 - Spirit Symbol #01A6 - Dark Seal #01A7 - Demon's Seal #01A8 - Extreme Symbol #01A9 - Mystic Symbol #01AA - Krona Symbol # #Capes #01AC - Cape #01AD - Leather Cape #01AE - Thief's Cape #01AF - Elven Cape #01B0 - Aqua Cape #01B1 - Flare Cape #01B2 - Thunder Cape #01B3 - Rune Cape # #Boots #01B4 - Boots #01B5 - Leather Boots #01B6 - Elven Boots #01B7 - Water Spider #01B8 - Heavy Boots #01B9 - Rune Boots #01BA - Persian Boots #01BB - Jet Boots # #Jewels #01BC - Aquamarine #01BD - Amethyst #01BE - Opal #01BF - Garnet #01C0 - Sapphire #01C1 - Diamond #01C2 - Topaz #01C3 - Ruby #01C4 - Sardonyx #01C5 - Black Onyx #01C6 - Moon Stone #01C7 - Magic Mist #01C8 - Reverse Doll #01C9 - Sephira #01CA - Blue Sephira #01CB - Hard Leather #01CC - Lamellar Leather #01CD - Silver Guard #01CE - Rare Guard #01CF - Mage Cloak #01D0 - Druid Cloak #01D1 - Warlock Garb #01D2 - Battle Cloak #01D3 - White Robe #01D4 - Yayoi #01D5 - Minazuki #01D6 - Nagazuki #01DB - Strike Ring #01DC - Technical Ring #01E0 - Snow Hare #01E4 - Mythril Guard #01E5 - Solar Guard #01E6 - Elder Cloak #01E7 - Moon Robe #01E8 - Ancient Robe #0157 - Heavenly Robe #01FC - Penguinist Quill #0203 - Turquoise # # Max Affection codes # use only one of these codes at a time for your # favorite character to have max affection. EmulationIssues = Sound issues need LLE plugin to be solved.(r7184) [OnFrame] [ActionReplay] $(M) (Datel) 05A0DBAC 88000000 C4114108 0000FF01 $Infinite Gald 05A0DBAD 08000000 045B68C0 05F5E0FF $Infinite Grade 05A0DBAE 08000000 045B87E8 000F41DC $Save Anywhere 05A0DBAF 08000000 0035A73D 00000001 $Max Encounters 05A0DBB0 08000000 025B68C4 0000FFFF $Max Combo 05A0DBB1 08000000 025B68C6 0000FFFF $Low Game Time 05A0DBB2 08000000 0435AA1C 00002197 045B68C8 00000001 $Less Random Encounters 05A0DBB3 08000000 005B86E3 00000001 $More Random Encounters 05A0DBB4 08000000 005B86E3 00000002 $Have Tons of Items and Weapons 05A0DC0E 08000000 005B776E 00003209 005B77B8 0000C609 $All Recipes 05A0DC0F 08000000 045B86D8 00FFFFFF $100% Collectors Book 05A01F54 08000000 005B79E4 000043FF $Full Monsters List 05A03E16 08000000 005B68D0 0000FAFF $19 of each Energy/Healing/Revive/Monster Items 05A05563 08000000 005B7774 00000213 005B7778 00000113 005B7784 00000113 $19 of all Customizing Items 05A03AAA 08000000 005B77B8 00000913 $19 of all Food Ingredients 05A02C74 08000000 005B77C2 00003113 $19 of each EX Gems 05A0276B 08000000 005B7795 00000313 005B795D 00000013 $19 of each Red Herb 05A00388 08000000 005B778C 00000513 $19 of each Quartz Item 05A046A9 08000000 005B7799 00000713 $19 of each Symbol 05A0705F 08000000 005B790F 00000A13 $19 of each Miscellaneous Item 05A07583 08000000 005B7792 00000213 $19 of each type of Pellet 05A04113 08000000 005B7970 00000313 $Full Unison Attack Gauge 05A07223 08000000 005B8710 000000C8 $Over Limits Status For ALL Characters 05A008B3 08000000 005B6BCE 00000064 005B6CE6 00000064 005B6DFE 00000064 005B6F16 00000064 005B702E 00000064 005B7146 00000064 005B725E 00000064 005B7376 00000064 005B748E 00000064 $LLOYD Full HP 05A0DBB7 08000000 025B6B8A 0000270F $LLOYD Max HP 05A0DBB8 08000000 025B6BAE 0000270F $LLOYD Full TP 05A0DBB9 08000000 025B6B8C 000003E7 $LLOYD Max TP 05A0DBBA 08000000 025B6BB0 000003E7 $LLOYD Max Stats 05A0DBBB 08000000 025B6BB2 000707CF $LLOYD Status Always Normal 05A0DBBC 08000000 005B6B97 00000000 $LLOYD Super Quick Level Up 05A0DBBD 08000000 045B6B90 0098967F $LLOYD Have All Titles 05A0DBBE 08000000 045B6B98 FFFFE7FF $COLETTE Full HP 05A0DBC0 08000000 025B6CA2 0000270F $COLETTE Max HP 05A0DBC1 08000000 025B6CC6 0000270F $COLETTE Full TP 05A0DBC2 08000000 025B6CA4 000003E7 $COLETTE Max TP 05A0DBC3 08000000 025B6CC8 000003E7 $COLETTE Max Stats 05A0DBC4 08000000 025B6CCA 000707CF $COLETTE Status Always Normal 05A0DBC5 08000000 005B6CAF 00000000 $COLETTE Super Quick Level Up 05A0DBC6 08000000 045B6CA8 0098967F $COLETTE Have All Titles 05A0DBC7 08000000 045B6CB0 08000000 $GENIS Full HP 05A0DBC9 08000000 025B6DBA 0000270F $GENIS Max HP 05A0DBCA 08000000 025B6DDE 0000270F $GENIS Full TP 05A0DBCB 08000000 025B6DBC 000003E7 $GENIS Max TP 05A0DBCC 08000000 025B6DE0 000003E7 $GENIS Max Stats 05A0DBCD 08000000 025B6DE2 000707CF $GENIS Status Always Normal 05A0DBCE 08000000 005B6DC7 00000000 $GENIS Super Quick Level Up 05A0DBCF 08000000 045B6DC0 0098967F $GENIS Have All Titles 05A0DBD0 08000000 045B6DC8 FFFFE7FF $RAINE Full HP 05A0DBD2 08000000 025B6ED2 0000270F $RAINE Max HP 05A0DBD3 08000000 025B6EF6 0000270F $RAINE Full TP 05A0DBD4 08000000 025B6ED4 000003E7 $RAINE Max TP 05A0DBD5 08000000 025B6EF8 000003E7 $RAINE Max Stats 05A0DBD6 08000000 025B6EFA 000707CF $RAINE Status Always Normal 05A0DBD7 08000000 005B6EDF 00000000 $RAINE Super Quick Level Up 05A0DBD8 08000000 045B6ED8 0098967F $RAINE Have All Titles 05A0DBD9 08000000 045B6EE0 08000000 $KRATOS Full HP 05A0DBDB 08000000 025B744A 0000270F $KRATOS Max HP 05A0DBDC 08000000 025B746E 0000270F $KRATOS Full TP 05A0DBDD 08000000 025B744C 000003E7 $KRATOS Max TP 05A0DBDE 08000000 025B7470 000003E7 $KRATOS Max Stats 05A0DBDF 08000000 025B7472 000707CF $KRATOS Status Always Normal 05A0DBE0 08000000 005B7457 00000000 $KRATOS Super Quick Level Up 05A0DBE1 08000000 045B7450 0098967F $KRATOS Have All Titles 05A0DBE2 08000000 045B7458 000003FF $SHEENA Full HP 05A0DC11 08000000 025B6FEA 0000270F $SHEENA Max HP 05A0DC12 08000000 025B700E 0000270F $SHEENA Full TP 05A0DC13 08000000 025B6FEC 000003E7 $SHEENA Max TP 05A0DC14 08000000 025B7010 000003E7 $SHEENA Max Stats 05A0DC15 08000000 025B7012 000707CF $SHEENA Status Always Normal 05A0DC16 08000000 005B6FF7 00000001 $SHEENA Super Quick Level Up 05A0DC17 08000000 045B6FF0 0098967F $SHEENA Have All Titles 05A0DC18 08000000 045B6FF8 08000000 $ZELOS Full HP 05A0DC1A 08000000 025B7102 0000270F $ZELOS Max HP 05A0DC1B 08000000 025B7126 0000270F $ZELOS Full TP 05A0DC1C 08000000 025B7104 000003E7 $ZELOS Max TP 05A0DC1D 08000000 025B7128 000003E7 $ZELOS Max Stats 05A0DC1E 08000000 025B712A 000707CF $ZELOS Status Always Normal 05A0DC1F 08000000 005B710F 00000000 $ZELOS Super Quick Level Up 05A0DC20 08000000 045B7108 0098967F $ZELOS Have All Titles 05A0DC21 08000000 045B7110 08000000 $PRESEA Full HP 05A0DC23 08000000 025B721A 0000270F $PRESEA Max HP 05A0DC24 08000000 025B723E 0000270F $PRESEA Full TP 05A0DC25 08000000 025B721C 000003E7 $PRESEA Max TP 05A0DC26 08000000 025B7240 000003E7 $PRESEA Max Stats 05A0DC27 08000000 025B7242 000707CF $PRESEA Status Always Normal 05A0DC28 08000000 005B7227 00000000 $PRESEA Super Quick Level Up 05A0DC29 08000000 045B7220 0098967F $PRESEA Have All Titles 05A0DC2A 08000000 045B7228 08000000 $Equipment Modifier-Lloyd - READ INSTRUCTIONS 025B6BC2 0000009B 045B6BC4 0122014A 045B6BC8 017701BD 025B6BCC 00000189 $Equipment Modifier-Colette - READ INSTRUCTIONS 025B6CDA 00000000 045B6CDC 00000000 045B6CE0 00000000 025B6CE4 00000000 $Equipment Modifier-Genis - READ INSTRUCTIONS 025B6DF2 00000000 045B6DF4 00000000 045B6DF8 00000000 025B6DFC 00000000 $Equipment Modifier - 025B6F0A 00000000 045B6F0C 00000000 045B6F10 00000000 045B6F14 00000000 $Equipment Modifier-Raine - READ INSTRUCTIONS 025B6F0A 00000000 045B6F0C 00000000 045B6F10 00000000 045B6F14 00000000 $Equipment Modifier-Sheena - READ INSTRUCTIONS 025B7022 00000000 045B7024 00000000 045B7028 00000000 045B702C 00000000 $Equipment Modifier-Zelos - READ INSTRUCTIONS 025B713A 00000000 045B713C 00000000 045B7140 00000000 025B7144 00000000 $Equipment Modifier-Presea - READ INSTRUCTIONS 025B7252 00000000 045B7254 00000000 045B7258 00000000 025B725C 00000000 $Equipment Modifier-Regal - READ INSTRUCTIONS 025B736A 00000000 045B736C 00000000 045B7370 00000000 025B7374 00000000 $Colette Affection to Lloyd - max is 0000270F 05A02376 08000000 025B6CEA 0000270F $Genis Affection to Lloyd - max is 0000270F 05A055DC 08000000 025B6E02 0000270F $Raine Affection to Lloyd - max is 0000270F 05A03466 08000000 025B6F1A 0000270F $Sheena Affection to Lloyd - max is 0000270F 05A01152 08000000 025B7032 0000270F $Zelos Affection to Lloyd - max is 0000270F 05A01C97 08000000 025B714A 0000270F $Presea Affection to Lloyd - max is 0000270F 05A038CC 08000000 025B7262 0000270F $Regal Affection to Lloyd - max is 0000270F 05A0483C 08000000 025B737A 0000270F $REGAL Super Quick Level Up 05A0DC32 08000000 045B7338 0098967F $Kratos Affection to Lloyd - max is 0000270F 05A040B8 08000000 025B7492 0000270F [Video] ProjectionHack = 0 PH_SZNear = 0 PH_SZFar = 0 PH_ExtraParam = 0 PH_ZNear = 0.5 PH_ZFar = 1 [Gecko] [Video_Settings] SafeTextureCacheColorSamples = 512 [Video_Hacks] DlistCachingEnable = False