/* mz_strm_posix.c -- Stream for filesystem access for posix/linux part of the minizip-ng project Copyright (C) 2010-2021 Nathan Moinvaziri https://github.com/zlib-ng/minizip-ng Modifications for Zip64 support Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mathias Svensson http://result42.com Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Gilles Vollant https://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html This program is distributed under the terms of the same license as zlib. See the accompanying LICENSE file for the full text of the license. */ #include "mz.h" #include "mz_strm.h" #include "mz_strm_os.h" #include <stdio.h> /* fopen, fread.. */ #include <errno.h> /***************************************************************************/ #define fopen64 fopen #ifndef MZ_FILE32_API # ifndef NO_FSEEKO # define ftello64 ftello # define fseeko64 fseeko # elif defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) # define ftello64 _ftelli64 # define fseeko64 _fseeki64 # endif #endif #ifndef ftello64 # define ftello64 ftell #endif #ifndef fseeko64 # define fseeko64 fseek #endif /***************************************************************************/ static mz_stream_vtbl mz_stream_os_vtbl = { mz_stream_os_open, mz_stream_os_is_open, mz_stream_os_read, mz_stream_os_write, mz_stream_os_tell, mz_stream_os_seek, mz_stream_os_close, mz_stream_os_error, mz_stream_os_create, mz_stream_os_delete, NULL, NULL }; /***************************************************************************/ typedef struct mz_stream_posix_s { mz_stream stream; int32_t error; FILE *handle; } mz_stream_posix; /***************************************************************************/ int32_t mz_stream_os_open(void *stream, const char *path, int32_t mode) { mz_stream_posix *posix = (mz_stream_posix *)stream; const char *mode_fopen = NULL; if (path == NULL) return MZ_PARAM_ERROR; if ((mode & MZ_OPEN_MODE_READWRITE) == MZ_OPEN_MODE_READ) mode_fopen = "rb"; else if (mode & MZ_OPEN_MODE_APPEND) mode_fopen = "r+b"; else if (mode & MZ_OPEN_MODE_CREATE) mode_fopen = "wb"; else return MZ_OPEN_ERROR; posix->handle = fopen64(path, mode_fopen); if (posix->handle == NULL) { posix->error = errno; return MZ_OPEN_ERROR; } if (mode & MZ_OPEN_MODE_APPEND) return mz_stream_os_seek(stream, 0, MZ_SEEK_END); return MZ_OK; } int32_t mz_stream_os_is_open(void *stream) { mz_stream_posix *posix = (mz_stream_posix*)stream; if (posix->handle == NULL) return MZ_OPEN_ERROR; return MZ_OK; } int32_t mz_stream_os_read(void *stream, void *buf, int32_t size) { mz_stream_posix *posix = (mz_stream_posix*)stream; int32_t read = (int32_t)fread(buf, 1, (size_t)size, posix->handle); if (read < size && ferror(posix->handle)) { posix->error = errno; return MZ_READ_ERROR; } return read; } int32_t mz_stream_os_write(void *stream, const void *buf, int32_t size) { mz_stream_posix *posix = (mz_stream_posix*)stream; int32_t written = (int32_t)fwrite(buf, 1, (size_t)size, posix->handle); if (written < size && ferror(posix->handle)) { posix->error = errno; return MZ_WRITE_ERROR; } return written; } int64_t mz_stream_os_tell(void *stream) { mz_stream_posix *posix = (mz_stream_posix*)stream; int64_t position = ftello64(posix->handle); if (position == -1) { posix->error = errno; return MZ_TELL_ERROR; } return position; } int32_t mz_stream_os_seek(void *stream, int64_t offset, int32_t origin) { mz_stream_posix *posix = (mz_stream_posix*)stream; int32_t fseek_origin = 0; switch (origin) { case MZ_SEEK_CUR: fseek_origin = SEEK_CUR; break; case MZ_SEEK_END: fseek_origin = SEEK_END; break; case MZ_SEEK_SET: fseek_origin = SEEK_SET; break; default: return MZ_SEEK_ERROR; } if (fseeko64(posix->handle, offset, fseek_origin) != 0) { posix->error = errno; return MZ_SEEK_ERROR; } return MZ_OK; } int32_t mz_stream_os_close(void *stream) { mz_stream_posix *posix = (mz_stream_posix*)stream; int32_t closed = 0; if (posix->handle != NULL) { closed = fclose(posix->handle); posix->handle = NULL; } if (closed != 0) { posix->error = errno; return MZ_CLOSE_ERROR; } return MZ_OK; } int32_t mz_stream_os_error(void *stream) { mz_stream_posix *posix = (mz_stream_posix*)stream; return posix->error; } void *mz_stream_os_create(void **stream) { mz_stream_posix *posix = NULL; posix = (mz_stream_posix *)MZ_ALLOC(sizeof(mz_stream_posix)); if (posix != NULL) { memset(posix, 0, sizeof(mz_stream_posix)); posix->stream.vtbl = &mz_stream_os_vtbl; } if (stream != NULL) *stream = posix; return posix; } void mz_stream_os_delete(void **stream) { mz_stream_posix *posix = NULL; if (stream == NULL) return; posix = (mz_stream_posix *)*stream; if (posix != NULL) MZ_FREE(posix); *stream = NULL; } void *mz_stream_os_get_interface(void) { return (void *)&mz_stream_os_vtbl; }