Cleans up the JIT block viewer in the WX UI.

This code was an absolute mess. It had allocated an arbitrarily large string buffer to hold instructions that were disassembled.

Strip out all of the nasty raw C string manipulation and replaces it with ostringstream usage.
Fixes an issue where if you didn't have a JIT recompiler running then Dolphin would instantly crash if you tried comparing PPC to x86 code.
Changed the disassembly of the host side code from being inline to the function to instead being in a class, this will be required when I add support
for ARMv7 and AArch64 to this window.
This commit is contained in:
Ryan Houdek 2014-10-21 01:53:01 -05:00
parent c048691a57
commit ecf65d6f1f
2 changed files with 126 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <disasm.h> // Bochs
#include <sstream>
#include <wx/button.h>
#include <wx/chartype.h>
#include <wx/defs.h>
@ -31,6 +33,73 @@
#include "DolphinWX/WxUtils.h"
#include "DolphinWX/Debugger/JitWindow.h"
std::string HostDisassembler::DisassembleBlock(u32* address, u32* host_instructions_count, u32* code_size)
if (!jit)
*host_instructions_count = 0;
*code_size = 0;
return "(No JIT active)";
int block_num = jit->GetBlockCache()->GetBlockNumberFromStartAddress(*address);
if (block_num < 0)
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
block_num = jit->GetBlockCache()->GetBlockNumberFromStartAddress(*address - 4 * i);
if (block_num >= 0)
if (block_num >= 0)
JitBlock* block = jit->GetBlockCache()->GetBlock(block_num);
if (!(block->originalAddress <= *address &&
block->originalSize + block->originalAddress >= *address))
block_num = -1;
// Do not merge this "if" with the above - block_num changes inside it.
if (block_num < 0)
host_instructions_count = 0;
code_size = 0;
return "(No translation)";
JitBlock* block = jit->GetBlockCache()->GetBlock(block_num);
const u8* code = (const u8*)jit->GetBlockCache()->GetCompiledCodeFromBlock(block_num);
*code_size = block->codeSize;
*address = block->originalAddress;
return DisassembleHostBlock(code, block->codeSize, host_instructions_count);
std::string HostDisassemblerX86::DisassembleHostBlock(const u8* code_start, const u32 code_size, u32* host_instructions_count)
u64 disasmPtr = (u64)code_start;
const u8* end = code_start + code_size;
std::ostringstream x86_disasm;
while ((u8*)disasmPtr < end)
char inst_disasm[256];
disasmPtr += m_disasm.disasm64(disasmPtr, disasmPtr, (u8*)disasmPtr, inst_disasm);
x86_disasm << inst_disasm << std::endl;
return x86_disasm.str();
@ -73,6 +142,12 @@ CJitWindow::CJitWindow(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos,
#ifdef _M_X86
m_disassembler.reset(new HostDisassemblerX86());
m_disassembler.reset(new HostDisassembler());
void CJitWindow::OnRefresh(wxCommandEvent& /*event*/)
@ -89,62 +164,16 @@ void CJitWindow::ViewAddr(u32 em_address)
void CJitWindow::Compare(u32 em_address)
u8 *xDis = new u8[1<<18];
memset(xDis, 0, 1<<18);
// Get host side code disassembly
u32 host_instructions_count = 0;
u32 host_code_size = 0;
std::string host_instructions_disasm;
host_instructions_disasm = m_disassembler->DisassembleBlock(&em_address, &host_instructions_count, &host_code_size);
disassembler x64disasm;
int block_num = jit->GetBlockCache()->GetBlockNumberFromStartAddress(em_address);
if (block_num < 0)
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
block_num = jit->GetBlockCache()->GetBlockNumberFromStartAddress(em_address - 4 * i);
if (block_num >= 0)
if (block_num >= 0)
JitBlock *block = jit->GetBlockCache()->GetBlock(block_num);
if (!(block->originalAddress <= em_address &&
block->originalSize + block->originalAddress >= em_address))
block_num = -1;
// Do not merge this "if" with the above - block_num changes inside it.
if (block_num < 0)
ppc_box->SetValue(_(StringFromFormat("(non-code address: %08x)", em_address)));
x86_box->SetValue(_("(no translation)"));
delete[] xDis;
JitBlock *block = jit->GetBlockCache()->GetBlock(block_num);
// 800031f0
// == Fill in x86 box
const u8 *code = (const u8 *)jit->GetBlockCache()->GetCompiledCodeFromBlock(block_num);
u64 disasmPtr = (u64)code;
const u8 *end = code + block->codeSize;
char *sptr = (char*)xDis;
int num_x86_instructions = 0;
while ((u8*)disasmPtr < end)
disasmPtr += x64disasm.disasm64(disasmPtr, disasmPtr, (u8*)disasmPtr, sptr);
sptr += strlen(sptr);
*sptr++ = 13;
*sptr++ = 10;
// == Fill in ppc box
u32 ppc_addr = block->originalAddress;
u32 ppc_addr = em_address;
PPCAnalyst::CodeBuffer code_buffer(32000);
PPCAnalyst::BlockStats st;
PPCAnalyst::BlockRegStats gpa;
@ -157,42 +186,45 @@ void CJitWindow::Compare(u32 em_address)
code_block.m_gpa = &gpa;
code_block.m_fpa = &fpa;
if (analyzer.Analyze(ppc_addr, &code_block, &code_buffer, block->codeSize) != 0xFFFFFFFF)
if (analyzer.Analyze(ppc_addr, &code_block, &code_buffer, 32000) != 0xFFFFFFFF)
sptr = (char*)xDis;
std::ostringstream ppc_disasm;
for (u32 i = 0; i < code_block.m_num_instructions; i++)
const PPCAnalyst::CodeOp &op = code_buffer.codebuffer[i];
std::string temp = GekkoDisassembler::Disassemble(op.inst.hex, op.address);
sptr += sprintf(sptr, "%08x %s\n", op.address, temp.c_str());
std::string opcode = GekkoDisassembler::Disassemble(op.inst.hex, op.address);
ppc_disasm << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << std::hex << op.address;
ppc_disasm << " " << opcode << std::endl;
// Add stats to the end of the ppc box since it's generally the shortest.
sptr += sprintf(sptr, "\n");
ppc_disasm << std::dec << std::endl;
// Add some generic analysis
if (st.isFirstBlockOfFunction)
sptr += sprintf(sptr, "(first block of function)\n");
ppc_disasm << "(first block of function)" << std::endl;
if (st.isLastBlockOfFunction)
sptr += sprintf(sptr, "(last block of function)\n");
ppc_disasm << "(last block of function)" << std::endl;
sptr += sprintf(sptr, "%i estimated cycles\n", st.numCycles);
ppc_disasm << st.numCycles << " estimated cycles" << std::endl;
sptr += sprintf(sptr, "Num instr: PPC: %i x86: %i (blowup: %i%%)\n",
code_block.m_num_instructions, num_x86_instructions, 100 * num_x86_instructions / code_block.m_num_instructions - 100);
sptr += sprintf(sptr, "Num bytes: PPC: %i x86: %i (blowup: %i%%)\n",
code_block.m_num_instructions * 4, block->codeSize, 100 * block->codeSize / (4 * code_block.m_num_instructions) - 100);
ppc_disasm << "Num instr: PPC: " << code_block.m_num_instructions
<< " x86: " << host_instructions_count
<< " (blowup: " << 100 * host_instructions_count / code_block.m_num_instructions - 100
<< "%)" << std::endl;
ppc_disasm << "Num bytes: PPC: " << code_block.m_num_instructions * 4
<< " x86: " << host_code_size
<< " (blowup: " << 100 * host_code_size / (4 * code_block.m_num_instructions) - 100
<< "%)" << std::endl;
"(non-code address: %08x)", em_address)));
ppc_box->SetValue(StringFromFormat("(non-code address: %08x)", em_address));
delete[] xDis;
void CJitWindow::Update()

View File

@ -4,7 +4,10 @@
#pragma once
#include <disasm.h> // Bochs
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <wx/defs.h>
#include <wx/event.h>
#include <wx/gdicmn.h>
@ -30,6 +33,26 @@ public:
void Update() override;
class HostDisassembler
std::string DisassembleBlock(u32* address, u32* host_instructions_count, u32* code_size);
virtual std::string DisassembleHostBlock(const u8* code_start, const u32 code_size, u32* host_instructions_count) { return ""; }
class HostDisassemblerX86 : public HostDisassembler
disassembler m_disasm;
std::string DisassembleHostBlock(const u8* code_start, const u32 code_size, u32* host_instructions_count) override;
class CJitWindow : public wxPanel
@ -48,6 +71,7 @@ private:
void Compare(u32 em_address);
JitBlockList* block_list;
std::unique_ptr<HostDisassembler> m_disassembler;
wxButton* button_refresh;
wxTextCtrl* ppc_box;
wxTextCtrl* x86_box;