BranchWatch: Don't Save Irrelevant Hits In Reduction Phase

This commit is contained in:
mitaclaw 2024-08-06 03:29:50 -07:00
parent 1f5e100a0e
commit b6c20b715a
1 changed files with 10 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -69,18 +69,22 @@ void BranchWatch::Save(const CPUThreadGuard& guard, std::FILE* file) const
if (file == nullptr)
const bool is_reduction_phase = GetRecordingPhase() == Phase::Reduction;
const auto routine = [&](const Collection& collection, bool is_virtual, bool condition) {
for (const Collection::value_type& kv : collection)
const auto iter = std::find_if(
m_selection.begin(), m_selection.end(),
[&](const Selection::value_type& value) { return value.collection_ptr == &kv; });
const auto iter = std::ranges::find_if(m_selection, [&](const Selection::value_type& value) {
return value.collection_ptr == &kv;
const bool selected = iter != m_selection.end();
if (is_reduction_phase && !selected)
continue; // Unselected hits are irrelevant to the reduction phase.
const auto inspection = selected ? iter->inspection : SelectionInspection{};
fmt::println(file, "{:08x} {:08x} {:08x} {} {} {:x}", kv.first.origin_addr,
kv.first.destin_addr, kv.first.original_inst.hex, kv.second.total_hits,
iter == m_selection.end() ?
USnapshotMetadata(is_virtual, condition, false, {}).hex :
USnapshotMetadata(is_virtual, condition, true, iter->inspection).hex);
USnapshotMetadata(is_virtual, condition, selected, inspection).hex);
routine(m_collection_vt, true, true);