@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include "FileUtil.h"
#include "MathUtil.h"
#include "NandPaths.h"
#include "FileUtil.h"
#include <algorithm>
static Common::replace_v replacements;
@ -21,18 +22,63 @@ const u8 MD5_BLANKER[0x10] = {0x0E, 0x65, 0x37, 0x81, 0x99, 0xBE, 0x45, 0x17,
0xAB, 0x06, 0xEC, 0x22, 0x45, 0x1A, 0x57, 0x93};
const u32 NG_id = 0x0403AC68;
bool CWiiSaveCrypted::ImportWiiSave(const char* FileName)
CWiiSaveCrypted saveFile(FileName);
return saveFile.b_valid;
bool CWiiSaveCrypted::ExportWiiSave(u64 TitleID)
CWiiSaveCrypted exportSave("", TitleID);
return exportSave.b_valid;
void CWiiSaveCrypted::ExportAllSaves()
std::string titleFolder = File::GetUserPath(D_WIIUSER_IDX) + "title";
std::vector<u64> titles;
u32 pathMask = 0x00010000;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
File::FSTEntry FST_Temp;
std::string folder = StringFromFormat("%s/%08x/", titleFolder.c_str(), pathMask | i);
File::ScanDirectoryTree(folder, FST_Temp);
for (u32 j = 0; j < FST_Temp.children.size(); j++)
if (FST_Temp.children[j].isDirectory)
u32 gameid;
if (AsciiToHex(FST_Temp.children[j].virtualName.c_str(), gameid))
std::string bannerPath = StringFromFormat("%s%08x/data/banner.bin", folder.c_str(), gameid);
if (File::Exists(bannerPath))
u64 titleID = (((u64)pathMask | i) << 32) | gameid;
SuccessAlertT("Found %llx save files", titles.size());
for (u32 i = 0; i < titles.size(); ++i)
CWiiSaveCrypted* exportSave = new CWiiSaveCrypted("", titles[i]);
delete exportSave;
CWiiSaveCrypted::CWiiSaveCrypted(const char* FileName, u64 TitleID)
: m_TitleID(TitleID)
strcpy(pathData_bin, FileName);
encryptedSavePath = std::string(FileName);
memcpy(SD_IV, "\x21\x67\x12\xE6\xAA\x1F\x68\x9F\x95\xC5\xA2\x23\x24\xDC\x6A\x98", 0x10);
if (!TitleID) // Import
AES_set_decrypt_key(SDKey, 128, &m_AES_KEY);
b_valid = true;
@ -41,13 +87,11 @@ CWiiSaveCrypted::CWiiSaveCrypted(const char* FileName, u64 TitleID)
if (b_valid)
SuccessAlertT("Successfully imported save files");
b_tryAgain = false;
b_tryAgain = AskYesNoT("Import failed, try again?");
PanicAlertT("Import failed");
} while(b_tryAgain);
@ -55,33 +99,29 @@ CWiiSaveCrypted::CWiiSaveCrypted(const char* FileName, u64 TitleID)
if (getPaths(true))
b_valid = true;
if (b_valid)
b_valid = true;
if (b_valid)
SuccessAlertT("Successfully exported file to %s", pathData_bin);
b_tryAgain = false;
b_tryAgain = AskYesNoT("Export failed, try again?");
} while(b_tryAgain);
SuccessAlertT("Successfully exported file to %s", encryptedSavePath.c_str());
PanicAlertT("Export failed");
void CWiiSaveCrypted::ReadHDR()
File::IOFile fpData_bin(pathData_bin, "rb");
File::IOFile fpData_bin(encryptedSavePath, "rb");
if (!fpData_bin)
PanicAlertT("Cannot open %s", pathData_bin);
PanicAlertT("Cannot open %s", encryptedSavePath.c_str());
b_valid = false;
@ -94,16 +134,19 @@ void CWiiSaveCrypted::ReadHDR()
AES_cbc_encrypt((const u8*)&_encryptedHeader, (u8*)&_header, HEADER_SZ, &m_AES_KEY, SD_IV, AES_DECRYPT);
_bannerSize = Common::swap32(_header.hdr.BannerSize);
if ((_bannerSize < FULL_BNR_MIN) || (_bannerSize > FULL_BNR_MAX) ||
(((_bannerSize - BNR_SZ) % ICON_SZ) != 0))
u32 bannerSize = Common::swap32(_header.hdr.BannerSize);
if ((bannerSize < FULL_BNR_MIN) || (bannerSize > FULL_BNR_MAX) ||
(((bannerSize - BNR_SZ) % ICON_SZ) != 0))
PanicAlertT("Not a Wii save or read failure for file header size %x", _bannerSize);
PanicAlertT("Not a Wii save or read failure for file header size %x", bannerSize);
b_valid = false;
m_TitleID = Common::swap64(_header.hdr.SaveGameTitle);
u8 md5_file[16],
memcpy(md5_file, _header.hdr.Md5, 0x10);
memcpy(_header.hdr.Md5, MD5_BLANKER, 0x10);
md5((u8*)&_header, HEADER_SZ, md5_calc);
@ -118,11 +161,12 @@ void CWiiSaveCrypted::ReadHDR()
b_valid = false;
std::string BannerFilePath = WiiTitlePath + "banner.bin";
if (!File::Exists(BannerFilePath) || AskYesNoT("%s already exists, overwrite?", BannerFilePath.c_str()))
INFO_LOG(CONSOLE, "Creating file %s", BannerFilePath.c_str());
File::IOFile fpBanner_bin(BannerFilePath, "wb");
fpBanner_bin.WriteBytes(_header.BNR, _bannerSize);
fpBanner_bin.WriteBytes(_header.BNR, bannerSize);
@ -131,12 +175,13 @@ void CWiiSaveCrypted::WriteHDR()
if (!b_valid) return;
memset(&_header, 0, HEADER_SZ);
std::string BannerFilePath = WiiTitlePath + "banner.bin";
u32 bannerSize = File::GetSize(BannerFilePath);
_header.hdr.BannerSize = Common::swap32(bannerSize);
_header.hdr.SaveGameTitle = Common::swap64(m_TitleID);
memcpy(_header.hdr.Md5, MD5_BLANKER, 0x10);
_header.hdr.Permissions = 0x35;
_header.hdr.Permissions = 0x3C;
File::IOFile fpBanner_bin(BannerFilePath, "rb");
if (!fpBanner_bin.ReadBytes(_header.BNR, bannerSize))
@ -145,16 +190,19 @@ void CWiiSaveCrypted::WriteHDR()
b_valid = false;
// remove nocopy flag
_header.BNR[7] &= ~1;
u8 md5_calc[16];
md5((u8*)&_header, HEADER_SZ, md5_calc);
memcpy(_header.hdr.Md5, md5_calc, 0x10);
AES_cbc_encrypt((const unsigned char *)&_header, (u8*)&_encryptedHeader, HEADER_SZ, &m_AES_KEY, SD_IV, AES_ENCRYPT);
File::IOFile fpData_bin(pathData_bin, "wb");
File::IOFile fpData_bin(encryptedSavePath, "wb");
if (!fpData_bin.WriteBytes(&_encryptedHeader, HEADER_SZ))
PanicAlertT("Failed to write header for %s", pathData_bin);
PanicAlertT("Failed to write header for %s", encryptedSavePath.c_str());
b_valid = false;
@ -165,10 +213,10 @@ void CWiiSaveCrypted::ReadBKHDR()
if (!b_valid) return;
File::IOFile fpData_bin(pathData_bin, "rb");
File::IOFile fpData_bin(encryptedSavePath, "rb");
if (!fpData_bin)
PanicAlertT("Cannot open %s", pathData_bin);
PanicAlertT("Cannot open %s", encryptedSavePath.c_str());
b_valid = false;
@ -215,7 +263,7 @@ void CWiiSaveCrypted::WriteBKHDR()
bkhdr.totalSize = Common::swap32(_sizeOfFiles + FULL_CERT_SZ);
bkhdr.SaveGameTitle = Common::swap64(m_TitleID);
File::IOFile fpData_bin(pathData_bin, "ab");
File::IOFile fpData_bin(encryptedSavePath, "ab");
if (!fpData_bin.WriteBytes(&bkhdr, BK_SZ))
PanicAlertT("Failed to write bkhdr");
@ -227,10 +275,10 @@ void CWiiSaveCrypted::ImportWiiSaveFiles()
if (!b_valid) return;
File::IOFile fpData_bin(pathData_bin, "rb");
File::IOFile fpData_bin(encryptedSavePath, "rb");
if (!fpData_bin)
PanicAlertT("Cannot open %s", pathData_bin);
PanicAlertT("Cannot open %s", encryptedSavePath.c_str());
b_valid = false;
@ -244,11 +292,11 @@ void CWiiSaveCrypted::ImportWiiSaveFiles()
memset(&_tmpFileHDR, 0, FILE_HDR_SZ);
memset(IV, 0, 0x10);
_fileSize = 0;
u32 _fileSize = 0;
if (!fpData_bin.ReadBytes(&_tmpFileHDR, FILE_HDR_SZ))
PanicAlertT("Failed to write header for file %d", i);
PanicAlertT("Failed to read header for file %d", i);
b_valid = false;
@ -267,14 +315,15 @@ void CWiiSaveCrypted::ImportWiiSaveFiles()
std::string fullFilePath = WiiTitlePath + fileName;
if (_tmpFileHDR.type == 1)
_fileSize = Common::swap32(_tmpFileHDR.size);
u32 RoundedFileSize = ROUND_UP(_fileSize, BLOCK_SZ);
_encryptedData = new u8[RoundedFileSize];
_data = new u8[RoundedFileSize];
if (!fpData_bin.ReadBytes(_encryptedData, RoundedFileSize))
std::vector<u8> _data,_encryptedData;
if (!fpData_bin.ReadBytes(&_encryptedData[0], RoundedFileSize))
PanicAlertT("Failed to read data from file %d", i);
b_valid = false;
@ -283,17 +332,15 @@ void CWiiSaveCrypted::ImportWiiSaveFiles()
memcpy(IV, _tmpFileHDR.IV, 0x10);
AES_cbc_encrypt((const unsigned char *)_encryptedData, _data, RoundedFileSize, &m_AES_KEY, IV, AES_DECRYPT);
delete []_encryptedData;
AES_cbc_encrypt((const unsigned char *)&_encryptedData[0], &_data[0], RoundedFileSize, &m_AES_KEY, IV, AES_DECRYPT);
if (!File::Exists(fullFilePath) || AskYesNoT("%s already exists, overwrite?", fullFilePath.c_str()))
INFO_LOG(CONSOLE, "Creating file %s", fullFilePath.c_str());
File::IOFile fpRawSaveFile(fullFilePath, "wb");
fpRawSaveFile.WriteBytes(_data, _fileSize);
fpRawSaveFile.WriteBytes(&_data[0], _fileSize);
delete []_data;
@ -303,25 +350,29 @@ void CWiiSaveCrypted::ExportWiiSaveFiles()
if (!b_valid) return;
u8 *__ENCdata,
for(u32 i = 0; i < _numberOfFiles; i++)
FileHDR tmpFileHDR;
std::string __name, __ext;
memset(&tmpFileHDR, 0, FILE_HDR_SZ);
_fileSize = File::GetSize(FilesList[i]);
_roundedfileSize = ROUND_UP(_fileSize, BLOCK_SZ);
u32 _fileSize = 0;
if (File::IsDirectory(FilesList[i]))
tmpFileHDR.type = 2;
_fileSize = File::GetSize(FilesList[i]);
tmpFileHDR.type = 1;
u32 _roundedfileSize = ROUND_UP(_fileSize, BLOCK_SZ);
tmpFileHDR.magic = Common::swap32(FILE_HDR_MAGIC);
tmpFileHDR.size = Common::swap32(_fileSize);
tmpFileHDR.Permissions = 0x35;
tmpFileHDR.type = File::IsDirectory(FilesList[i]) ? 2 : 1;
tmpFileHDR.Permissions = 0x3c;
SplitPath(FilesList[i], NULL, &__name, &__ext);
__name += __ext;
__name = FilesList[i].substr(WiiTitlePath.length()+1);
for (Common::replace_v::const_iterator iter = replacements.begin(); iter != replacements.end(); ++iter)
@ -341,7 +392,7 @@ void CWiiSaveCrypted::ExportWiiSaveFiles()
strncpy((char *)tmpFileHDR.name, __name.c_str(), __name.length());
File::IOFile fpData_bin(pathData_bin, "ab");
File::IOFile fpData_bin(encryptedSavePath, "ab");
fpData_bin.WriteBytes(&tmpFileHDR, FILE_HDR_SZ);
@ -359,22 +410,23 @@ void CWiiSaveCrypted::ExportWiiSaveFiles()
PanicAlertT("%s failed to open", FilesList[i].c_str());
b_valid = false;
__data = new u8[_roundedfileSize];
__ENCdata = new u8[_roundedfileSize];
memset(__data, 0, _roundedfileSize);
if (!fpRawSaveFile.ReadBytes(__data, _fileSize))
std::vector<u8> _data,_encryptedData;
memset(&_data[0], 0, _roundedfileSize);
if (!fpRawSaveFile.ReadBytes(&_data[0], _fileSize))
PanicAlertT("Failed to read data from file: %s", FilesList[i].c_str());
b_valid = false;
AES_cbc_encrypt((const u8*)__data, __ENCdata, _roundedfileSize, &m_AES_KEY, tmpFileHDR.IV, AES_ENCRYPT);
AES_cbc_encrypt((const u8*)&_data[0], &_encryptedData[0], _roundedfileSize, &m_AES_KEY, tmpFileHDR.IV, AES_ENCRYPT);
File::IOFile fpData_bin(pathData_bin, "ab");
fpData_bin.WriteBytes(__ENCdata, _roundedfileSize);
File::IOFile fpData_bin(encryptedSavePath, "ab");
if (!fpData_bin.WriteBytes(&_encryptedData[0], _roundedfileSize))
PanicAlertT("Failed to write data to file: %s", encryptedSavePath.c_str());
delete [] __data;
delete [] __ENCdata;
@ -424,7 +476,7 @@ void CWiiSaveCrypted::do_sig()
data_size = Common::swap32(bkhdr.sizeOfFiles) + 0x80;
File::IOFile fpData_bin(pathData_bin, "rb");
File::IOFile fpData_bin(encryptedSavePath, "rb");
if (!fpData_bin)
b_valid = false;
@ -443,7 +495,7 @@ void CWiiSaveCrypted::do_sig()
sha1(hash, 20, hash);
delete []data;
fpData_bin.Open(pathData_bin, "ab");
fpData_bin.Open(encryptedSavePath, "ab");
if (!fpData_bin)
b_valid = false;
@ -478,7 +530,6 @@ bool CWiiSaveCrypted::getPaths(bool forExport)
if (m_TitleID)
WiiTitlePath = Common::GetTitleDataPath(m_TitleID);
BannerFilePath = WiiTitlePath + "banner.bin";
if (forExport)
@ -495,16 +546,16 @@ bool CWiiSaveCrypted::getPaths(bool forExport)
return false;
if(!File::Exists(WiiTitlePath + "banner.bin"))
b_valid = false;
PanicAlertT("No banner file found for title %s", GameID);
return false;
if (strlen(pathData_bin) == 0)
strcpy(pathData_bin, "."); // If no path was passed, use current dir
sprintf(pathData_bin, "%s/private/wii/title/%s/data.bin", pathData_bin, GameID);
if (encryptedSavePath.length() == 0)
encryptedSavePath = "."; // If no path was passed, use current dir
encryptedSavePath += StringFromFormat("/private/wii/title/%s/data.bin", GameID);
@ -535,15 +586,20 @@ void CWiiSaveCrypted::ScanForFiles(std::string savDir, std::vector<std::string>&
if (strncmp(FST_Temp.children.at(j).virtualName.c_str(), "banner.bin", 10) != 0)
*_sizeFiles += FILE_HDR_SZ + ROUND_UP(FST_Temp.children.at(j).size, BLOCK_SZ);
*_sizeFiles += FILE_HDR_SZ;
if (FST_Temp.children.at(j).isDirectory)
if ((FST_Temp.children.at(j).virtualName == "nocopy") || FST_Temp.children.at(j).virtualName == "nomove")
PanicAlert("This save will likely require homebrew tools to copy to a real wii");
*_sizeFiles += ROUND_UP(FST_Temp.children.at(j).size, BLOCK_SZ);