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// Name: wx/msgout.h
// Purpose: wxMessageOutput class. Shows a message to the user
// Author: Mattia Barbon
// Modified by:
// Created: 17.07.02
// Copyright: (c) Mattia Barbon
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifndef _WX_MSGOUT_H_
#define _WX_MSGOUT_H_
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// headers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "wx/defs.h"
#include "wx/chartype.h"
#include "wx/strvararg.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxMessageOutput is a class abstracting formatted output target, i.e.
// something you can printf() to
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NB: VC6 has a bug that causes linker errors if you have template methods
// in a class using __declspec(dllimport). The solution is to split such
// class into two classes, one that contains the template methods and does
// *not* use WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE and another class that contains the rest
// (with DLL linkage).
class wxMessageOutputBase
virtual ~wxMessageOutputBase() { }
// show a message to the user
// void Printf(const wxString& format, ...) = 0;
WX_DEFINE_VARARG_FUNC_VOID(Printf, 1, (const wxFormatString&),
DoPrintfWchar, DoPrintfUtf8)
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
// workaround for
WX_VARARG_WATCOM_WORKAROUND(void, Printf, 1, (const wxString&),
WX_VARARG_WATCOM_WORKAROUND(void, Printf, 1, (const wxCStrData&),
WX_VARARG_WATCOM_WORKAROUND(void, Printf, 1, (const char*),
WX_VARARG_WATCOM_WORKAROUND(void, Printf, 1, (const wchar_t*),
// called by DoPrintf() to output formatted string but can also be called
// directly if no formatting is needed
virtual void Output(const wxString& str) = 0;
// NB: this is pure virtual so that it can be implemented in dllexported
// wxMessagOutput class
virtual void DoPrintfWchar(const wxChar *format, ...) = 0;
virtual void DoPrintfUtf8(const char *format, ...) = 0;
#ifdef __VISUALC__
// "non dll-interface class 'wxStringPrintfMixin' used as base interface
// for dll-interface class 'wxString'" -- this is OK in our case
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable:4275)
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxMessageOutput : public wxMessageOutputBase
virtual ~wxMessageOutput() { }
// gets the current wxMessageOutput object (may be NULL during
// initialization or shutdown)
static wxMessageOutput* Get();
// sets the global wxMessageOutput instance; returns the previous one
static wxMessageOutput* Set(wxMessageOutput* msgout);
virtual void DoPrintfWchar(const wxChar *format, ...);
virtual void DoPrintfUtf8(const char *format, ...);
static wxMessageOutput* ms_msgOut;
#ifdef __VISUALC__
#pragma warning (pop)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// implementation which sends output to stderr or specified file
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxMessageOutputStderr : public wxMessageOutput
wxMessageOutputStderr(FILE *fp = stderr) : m_fp(fp) { }
virtual void Output(const wxString& str);
// return the string with "\n" appended if it doesn't already terminate
// with it (in which case it's returned unchanged)
wxString AppendLineFeedIfNeeded(const wxString& str);
FILE *m_fp;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// implementation showing the message to the user in "best" possible way:
// uses stderr or message box if available according to the flag given to ctor.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum wxMessageOutputFlags
wxMSGOUT_PREFER_STDERR = 0, // use stderr if available (this is the default)
wxMSGOUT_PREFER_MSGBOX = 1 // always use message box if available
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxMessageOutputBest : public wxMessageOutputStderr
wxMessageOutputBest(wxMessageOutputFlags flags = wxMSGOUT_PREFER_STDERR)
: m_flags(flags) { }
virtual void Output(const wxString& str);
wxMessageOutputFlags m_flags;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// implementation which shows output in a message box
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxMessageOutputMessageBox : public wxMessageOutput
wxMessageOutputMessageBox() { }
virtual void Output(const wxString& str);
#endif // wxUSE_GUI && wxUSE_MSGDLG
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// implementation using the native way of outputting debug messages
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxMessageOutputDebug : public wxMessageOutputStderr
wxMessageOutputDebug() { }
virtual void Output(const wxString& str);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// implementation using wxLog (mainly for backwards compatibility)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxMessageOutputLog : public wxMessageOutput
wxMessageOutputLog() { }
virtual void Output(const wxString& str);
#endif // _WX_MSGOUT_H_