/* NDS Firmware tools Copyright 2009 DeSmuME team This file is part of DeSmuME DeSmuME is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. DeSmuME is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with DeSmuME; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef _RESOURCE_IDS_H_ #define _RESOURCE_IDS_H_ #define IDC_H_EDIT_START 100000 #define IDC_H1_TYPE 100001 #define IDC_H1_VERSION 100002 #define IDC_H1_TIMESTAMP 100003 #define IDC_H1_SIZE 100004 #define IDC_H1_CRC 100005 #define IDC_H1_ARM9_ROM 100006 #define IDC_H1_ARM9_RAM 100007 #define IDC_H1_ARM9_GUI 100008 #define IDC_H1_ARM7_ROM 100009 #define IDC_H1_ARM7_RAM 100010 #define IDC_H1_ARM7_WIFI 100011 #define IDC_H2_TYPE 100021 #define IDC_H2_VERSION 100022 #define IDC_H2_SIZE 100023 #define IDC_H2_CRC 100024 #define IDC_H2_ARM9_ROM 100025 #define IDC_H2_ARM9_RAM 100026 #define IDC_H2_ARM9_GUI 100027 #define IDC_H2_ARM7_ROM 100028 #define IDC_H2_ARM7_RAM 100029 #define IDC_H2_ARM7_WIFI 100030 #define IDC_H_EDIT_LAST 100300 #define IDC_COLOR 100500 #define IDC_BBROWSE 300000 #define IDC_BPATH 300001 #define IDC_BEXIT 300002 #define IDC_BUSER 300003 #define IDC_BWIFI 300005 #define IDC_BWIFIAP 300006 #define IDC_NICKNAME 300020 #define IDC_MESSAGE 300021 #define IDC_BIRTH_DAY 300022 #define IDC_BIRTH_MONTH 300023 #define IDC_LANGUAGE 300024 #define IDC_ALARM_ON 300025 #define IDC_ALARM_HOUR 300026 #define IDC_ALARM_MIN 300027 #define IDC_GBA_MODE_SCREENS 300028 #define IDC_BRIGHTLIGHT_LEVEL 300029 #define IDC_BOOTMENU 300030 #define IDC_TADC_X1 300031 #define IDC_TADC_Y1 300032 #define IDC_TADC_X2 300033 #define IDC_TADC_Y2 300034 #define IDC_TSCR_X1 300035 #define IDC_TSCR_Y1 300036 #define IDC_TSCR_X2 300037 #define IDC_TSCR_Y2 300038 #define IDC_RTC_OFFSET 300039 #define IDC_YEAR_BOOT 300040 #define IDC_UPDATE_COUNTER 300041 #define IDC_USER_CRC16 300042 #define IDC_WIFI_044 301000 #define IDC_WIFI_046 301001 #define IDC_WIFI_048 301002 #define IDC_WIFI_04A 301003 #define IDC_WIFI_04C 301004 #define IDC_WIFI_04E 301005 #define IDC_WIFI_050 301006 #define IDC_WIFI_052 301007 #define IDC_WIFI_054 301008 #define IDC_WIFI_056 301009 #define IDC_WIFI_058 301010 #define IDC_WIFI_05A 301011 #define IDC_WIFI_05C 301012 #define IDC_WIFI_05E 301013 #define IDC_WIFI_060 301014 #define IDC_WIFI_062 301015 #define IDC_WIFI_ECHANNEL_01 300200 #define IDC_WIFI_ECHANNEL_02 300201 #define IDC_WIFI_ECHANNEL_03 300202 #define IDC_WIFI_ECHANNEL_04 300203 #define IDC_WIFI_ECHANNEL_05 300204 #define IDC_WIFI_ECHANNEL_06 300205 #define IDC_WIFI_ECHANNEL_07 300206 #define IDC_WIFI_ECHANNEL_08 300207 #define IDC_WIFI_ECHANNEL_09 300208 #define IDC_WIFI_ECHANNEL_10 300209 #define IDC_WIFI_ECHANNEL_11 300210 #define IDC_WIFI_ECHANNEL_12 300211 #define IDC_WIFI_ECHANNEL_13 300212 #define IDC_WIFI_ECHANNEL_14 300213 #define IDC_WIFI_EDIT_STATIC 300400 #define IDC_WIFI_CRC16 300401 #define IDC_WIFI_VERSION 300402 #define IDC_WIFI_MACID 300403 #define IDC_WIFI_RFTYPE 300404 #define IDC_WIFI_BB 300500 #define IDC_WIFI_RF2_INIT 300700 #define IDC_WIFI_RF2_56_CH 300750 #define IDC_WIFI_RF2_BB_RF_CH 300800 #define IDC_WIFI_AP_SSID 301000 #define IDC_WIFI_AP_SSID2 301001 #define IDC_WIFI_AP_WEP_SIZE 301002 #define IDC_WIFI_AP_WEP_EMETHOD 301003 #define IDC_WIFI_AP_KEY1 301004 #define IDC_WIFI_AP_KEY2 301005 #define IDC_WIFI_AP_KEY3 301006 #define IDC_WIFI_AP_KEY4 301007 #define IDC_WIFI_AP_USER_ID 301008 #define IDC_WIFI_AP_IP 301009 #define IDC_WIFI_AP_IPMASK 301010 #define IDC_WIFI_AP_GATEWAY 301011 #define IDC_WIFI_AP_DNS1 301012 #define IDC_WIFI_AP_DNS2 301013 #define IDC_WIFI_AP_STATUS 301014 #define IDC_WIFI_AP_CRC16 301015 #endif