mirror of https://github.com/bsnes-emu/bsnes.git
109 lines
3.7 KiB
109 lines
3.7 KiB
auto OpenGLProgram::bind(OpenGL* instance, const Markup::Node& node, const string& pathname) -> void {
filter = glrFilter(node["filter"].text());
wrap = glrWrap(node["wrap"].text());
modulo = glrModulo(node["modulo"].integer());
string w = node["width"].text(), h = node["height"].text();
if(w.endsWith("%")) relativeWidth = real(w.rtrim("%")) / 100.0;
else absoluteWidth = w.decimal();
if(h.endsWith("%")) relativeHeight = real(h.rtrim("%")) / 100.0;
else absoluteHeight = h.decimal();
format = glrFormat(node["format"].text());
program = glCreateProgram();
glGenFramebuffers(1, &framebuffer);
if(file::exists({pathname, node["vertex"].text()})) {
string source = file::read({pathname, node["vertex"].text()});
parse(instance, source);
vertex = glrCreateShader(program, GL_VERTEX_SHADER, source);
} else {
vertex = glrCreateShader(program, GL_VERTEX_SHADER, OpenGLVertexShader);
if(file::exists({pathname, node["geometry"].text()})) {
string source = file::read({pathname, node["geometry"].text()});
parse(instance, source);
geometry = glrCreateShader(program, GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER, source);
} else {
//geometry shaders, when attached, must pass all vertex output through to the fragment shaders
//geometry = glrCreateShader(program, GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER, OpenGLGeometryShader);
if(file::exists({pathname, node["fragment"].text()})) {
string source = file::read({pathname, node["fragment"].text()});
parse(instance, source);
fragment = glrCreateShader(program, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, source);
} else {
fragment = glrCreateShader(program, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, OpenGLFragmentShader);
for(auto& leaf : node.find("pixmap")) {
nall::image image({pathname, leaf.text()});
if(image.empty()) continue;
GLuint texture;
glGenTextures(1, &texture);
unsigned n = pixmaps.size();
pixmaps(n).texture = texture;
pixmaps(n).width = image.width();
pixmaps(n).height = image.height();
pixmaps(n).format = format;
pixmaps(n).filter = filter;
pixmaps(n).wrap = wrap;
if(leaf["format"]) pixmaps(n).format = glrFormat(leaf["format"].text());
if(leaf["filter"]) pixmaps(n).filter = glrFilter(leaf["filter"].text());
if(leaf["wrap"]) pixmaps(n).wrap = glrWrap(leaf["wrap"].text());
unsigned w = glrSize(image.width()), h = glrSize(image.height());
uint32_t* buffer = new uint32_t[w * h]();
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, pixmaps(n).format, w, h, 0, pixmaps(n).getFormat(), pixmaps(n).getType(), buffer);
glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, image.width(), image.height(), getFormat(), getType(), image.data());
delete[] buffer;
//apply manifest settings to shader source #in tags
auto OpenGLProgram::parse(OpenGL* instance, string& source) -> void {
lstring lines = source.split("\n");
for(auto& line : lines) {
string s = line;
if(auto position = s.find("//")) s.resize(position()); //strip comments
s.strip(); //remove extraneous whitespace
if(s.match("#in ?*")) {
s.ltrim("#in ").strip();
if(auto setting = instance->settings.find({s})) {
line = {"#define ", setting().name, " ", setting().value};
} else {
line.reset(); //undefined variable (test in source with #ifdef)
source = lines.merge("\n");
auto OpenGLProgram::release() -> void {
for(auto& pixmap : pixmaps) glDeleteTextures(1, &pixmap.texture);
width = 0;
height = 0;
format = GL_RGBA8;
filter = GL_LINEAR;
phase = 0;
modulo = 0;
absoluteWidth = 0;
absoluteHeight = 0;
relativeWidth = 0;
relativeHeight = 0;