
96 lines
3.6 KiB

//creates uncompressed ZIP archives
#include <nall/string.hpp>
#include <nall/hash/crc32.hpp>
namespace nall { namespace Encode {
struct ZIP {
ZIP(const string& filename) {, file::mode::write);
time_t currentTime = time(nullptr);
tm* info = localtime(&currentTime);
dosTime = (info->tm_hour << 11) | (info->tm_min << 5) | (info->tm_sec >> 1);
dosDate = ((info->tm_year - 80) << 9) | ((1 + info->tm_mon) << 5) + (info->tm_mday);
//append path: append("path/");
//append file: append("path/file", data, size);
auto append(string filename, const uint8_t* data = nullptr, unsigned size = 0u) -> void {
filename.transform("\\", "/");
uint32_t checksum = Hash::CRC32(data, size).value();
directory.append({filename, checksum, size, fp.offset()});
fp.writel(0x04034b50, 4); //signature
fp.writel(0x0014, 2); //minimum version (2.0)
fp.writel(0x0000, 2); //general purpose bit flags
fp.writel(0x0000, 2); //compression method (0 = uncompressed)
fp.writel(dosTime, 2);
fp.writel(dosDate, 2);
fp.writel(checksum, 4);
fp.writel(size, 4); //compressed size
fp.writel(size, 4); //uncompressed size
fp.writel(filename.length(), 2); //file name length
fp.writel(0x0000, 2); //extra field length
fp.print(filename); //file name
fp.write(data, size); //file data
~ZIP() {
//central directory
unsigned baseOffset = fp.offset();
for(auto& entry : directory) {
fp.writel(0x02014b50, 4); //signature
fp.writel(0x0014, 2); //version made by (2.0)
fp.writel(0x0014, 2); //version needed to extract (2.0)
fp.writel(0x0000, 2); //general purpose bit flags
fp.writel(0x0000, 2); //compression method (0 = uncompressed)
fp.writel(dosTime, 2);
fp.writel(dosDate, 2);
fp.writel(entry.checksum, 4);
fp.writel(entry.size, 4); //compressed size
fp.writel(entry.size, 4); //uncompressed size
fp.writel(entry.filename.length(), 2); //file name length
fp.writel(0x0000, 2); //extra field length
fp.writel(0x0000, 2); //file comment length
fp.writel(0x0000, 2); //disk number start
fp.writel(0x0000, 2); //internal file attributes
fp.writel(0x00000000, 4); //external file attributes
fp.writel(entry.offset, 4); //relative offset of file header
unsigned finishOffset = fp.offset();
//end of central directory
fp.writel(0x06054b50, 4); //signature
fp.writel(0x0000, 2); //number of this disk
fp.writel(0x0000, 2); //disk where central directory starts
fp.writel(directory.size(), 2); //number of central directory records on this disk
fp.writel(directory.size(), 2); //total number of central directory records
fp.writel(finishOffset - baseOffset, 4); //size of central directory
fp.writel(baseOffset, 4); //offset of central directory
fp.writel(0x0000, 2); //comment length
file fp;
uint16_t dosTime, dosDate;
struct entry_t {
string filename;
uint32_t checksum;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t offset;
vector<entry_t> directory;