mirror of https://github.com/bsnes-emu/bsnes.git
332 lines
15 KiB
332 lines
15 KiB
namespace phoenix {
static const unsigned Windows2000 = 0x0500;
static const unsigned WindowsXP = 0x0501;
static const unsigned WindowsVista = 0x0600;
static const unsigned Windows7 = 0x0601;
static unsigned OsVersion() {
OSVERSIONINFO versionInfo = {0};
versionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
return (versionInfo.dwMajorVersion << 8) + (versionInfo.dwMajorVersion << 0);
static HBITMAP CreateBitmap(const image& image) {
HDC hdc = GetDC(0);
BITMAPINFO bitmapInfo;
memset(&bitmapInfo, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = image.width;
bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = -image.height; //bitmaps are stored upside down unless we negate height
bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = image.width * image.height * 4;
void* bits = nullptr;
HBITMAP hbitmap = CreateDIBSection(hdc, &bitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &bits, NULL, 0);
if(bits) memcpy(bits, image.data, image.width * image.height * 4);
ReleaseDC(0, hdc);
return hbitmap;
static lstring DropPaths(WPARAM wparam) {
auto dropList = HDROP(wparam);
auto fileCount = DragQueryFile(dropList, ~0u, nullptr, 0);
lstring paths;
for(unsigned n = 0; n < fileCount; n++) {
auto length = DragQueryFile(dropList, n, nullptr, 0);
auto buffer = new wchar_t[length + 1];
if(DragQueryFile(dropList, n, buffer, length + 1)) {
string path = (const char*)utf8_t(buffer);
path.transform("\\", "/");
if(directory::exists(path) && !path.endsWith("/")) path.append("/");
delete[] buffer;
return paths;
static Layout* GetParentWidgetLayout(Sizable* sizable) {
while(sizable) {
if(sizable->state.parent && dynamic_cast<TabFrame*>(sizable->state.parent)) return (Layout*)sizable;
sizable = sizable->state.parent;
return nullptr;
static Widget* GetParentWidget(Sizable* sizable) {
while(sizable) {
if(sizable->state.parent && dynamic_cast<TabFrame*>(sizable->state.parent)) return (Widget*)sizable->state.parent;
sizable = sizable->state.parent;
return nullptr;
static unsigned GetWindowZOrder(HWND hwnd) {
unsigned z = 0;
for(HWND next = hwnd; next != NULL; next = GetWindow(next, GW_HWNDPREV)) z++;
return z;
static void ImageList_Append(HIMAGELIST imageList, const nall::image& source, unsigned scale) {
auto image = source;
if(image.empty()) {
image.allocate(scale, scale);
image.transform(0, 32, 255u << 24, 255u << 16, 255u << 8, 255u << 0);
image.scale(scale, scale);
HBITMAP bitmap = CreateBitmap(image);
ImageList_Add(imageList, bitmap, NULL);
static Keyboard::Keycode Keysym(unsigned keysym, unsigned keyflags) {
#define pressed(keysym) (GetAsyncKeyState(keysym) & 0x8000)
#define enabled(keysym) (GetKeyState(keysym))
#define shifted() (pressed(VK_LSHIFT) || pressed(VK_RSHIFT))
#define extended() (keyflags & (1 << 24))
switch(keysym) {
case VK_ESCAPE: return Keyboard::Keycode::Escape;
case VK_F1: return Keyboard::Keycode::F1;
case VK_F2: return Keyboard::Keycode::F2;
case VK_F3: return Keyboard::Keycode::F3;
case VK_F4: return Keyboard::Keycode::F4;
case VK_F5: return Keyboard::Keycode::F5;
case VK_F6: return Keyboard::Keycode::F6;
case VK_F7: return Keyboard::Keycode::F7;
case VK_F8: return Keyboard::Keycode::F8;
case VK_F9: return Keyboard::Keycode::F9;
//Keyboard::Keycode::F10 (should be captured under VK_MENU from WM_SYSKEY(UP,DOWN); but this is not working...)
case VK_F11: return Keyboard::Keycode::F11;
case VK_F12: return Keyboard::Keycode::F12;
case VK_SCROLL: return Keyboard::Keycode::ScrollLock;
case VK_PAUSE: return Keyboard::Keycode::Pause;
case VK_INSERT: return extended() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Insert : Keyboard::Keycode::KeypadInsert;
case VK_DELETE: return extended() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Delete : Keyboard::Keycode::KeypadDelete;
case VK_HOME: return extended() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Home : Keyboard::Keycode::KeypadHome;
case VK_END: return extended() ? Keyboard::Keycode::End : Keyboard::Keycode::KeypadEnd;
case VK_PRIOR: return extended() ? Keyboard::Keycode::PageUp : Keyboard::Keycode::KeypadPageUp;
case VK_NEXT: return extended() ? Keyboard::Keycode::PageDown : Keyboard::Keycode::KeypadPageDown;
case VK_UP: return extended() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Up : Keyboard::Keycode::KeypadUp;
case VK_DOWN: return extended() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Down : Keyboard::Keycode::KeypadDown;
case VK_LEFT: return extended() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Left : Keyboard::Keycode::KeypadLeft;
case VK_RIGHT: return extended() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Right : Keyboard::Keycode::KeypadRight;
case VK_OEM_3: return !shifted() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Grave : Keyboard::Keycode::Tilde;
case '1': return !shifted() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Number1 : Keyboard::Keycode::Exclamation;
case '2': return !shifted() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Number2 : Keyboard::Keycode::At;
case '3': return !shifted() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Number3 : Keyboard::Keycode::Pound;
case '4': return !shifted() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Number4 : Keyboard::Keycode::Dollar;
case '5': return !shifted() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Number5 : Keyboard::Keycode::Percent;
case '6': return !shifted() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Number6 : Keyboard::Keycode::Power;
case '7': return !shifted() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Number7 : Keyboard::Keycode::Ampersand;
case '8': return !shifted() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Number8 : Keyboard::Keycode::Asterisk;
case '9': return !shifted() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Number9 : Keyboard::Keycode::ParenthesisLeft;
case '0': return !shifted() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Number0 : Keyboard::Keycode::ParenthesisRight;
case VK_OEM_MINUS: return !shifted() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Minus : Keyboard::Keycode::Underscore;
case VK_OEM_PLUS: return !shifted() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Equal : Keyboard::Keycode::Plus;
case VK_BACK: return Keyboard::Keycode::Backspace;
case VK_OEM_4: return !shifted() ? Keyboard::Keycode::BracketLeft : Keyboard::Keycode::BraceLeft;
case VK_OEM_6: return !shifted() ? Keyboard::Keycode::BracketRight : Keyboard::Keycode::BraceRight;
case VK_OEM_5: return !shifted() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Backslash : Keyboard::Keycode::Pipe;
case VK_OEM_1: return !shifted() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Semicolon : Keyboard::Keycode::Colon;
case VK_OEM_7: return !shifted() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Apostrophe : Keyboard::Keycode::Quote;
case VK_OEM_COMMA: return !shifted() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Comma : Keyboard::Keycode::CaretLeft;
case VK_OEM_PERIOD: return !shifted() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Period : Keyboard::Keycode::CaretRight;
case VK_OEM_2: return !shifted() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Slash : Keyboard::Keycode::Question;
case VK_TAB: return Keyboard::Keycode::Tab;
case VK_CAPITAL: return Keyboard::Keycode::CapsLock;
case VK_RETURN: return !extended() ? Keyboard::Keycode::Return : Keyboard::Keycode::Enter;
case VK_SHIFT: return !pressed(VK_RSHIFT) ? Keyboard::Keycode::ShiftLeft : Keyboard::Keycode::ShiftRight;
case VK_CONTROL: return !pressed(VK_RCONTROL) ? Keyboard::Keycode::ControlLeft : Keyboard::Keycode::ControlRight;
case VK_LWIN: return Keyboard::Keycode::SuperLeft;
case VK_RWIN: return Keyboard::Keycode::SuperRight;
case VK_MENU:
if(keyflags & (1 << 24)) return Keyboard::Keycode::AltRight;
return Keyboard::Keycode::AltLeft;
case VK_SPACE: return Keyboard::Keycode::Space;
case VK_APPS: return Keyboard::Keycode::Menu;
case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H': case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L': case 'M':
case 'N': case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T': case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z':
if(enabled(VK_CAPITAL)) {
if(shifted()) {
return (Keyboard::Keycode)((unsigned)Keyboard::Keycode::a + keysym - 'A');
} else {
return (Keyboard::Keycode)((unsigned)Keyboard::Keycode::A + keysym - 'A');
} else {
if(shifted()) {
return (Keyboard::Keycode)((unsigned)Keyboard::Keycode::A + keysym - 'A');
} else {
return (Keyboard::Keycode)((unsigned)Keyboard::Keycode::a + keysym - 'A');
case VK_NUMLOCK: return Keyboard::Keycode::NumLock;
case VK_DIVIDE: return Keyboard::Keycode::Divide;
case VK_MULTIPLY: return Keyboard::Keycode::Multiply;
case VK_SUBTRACT: return Keyboard::Keycode::Subtract;
case VK_ADD: return Keyboard::Keycode::Add;
case VK_DECIMAL: return Keyboard::Keycode::Point;
case VK_NUMPAD1: return Keyboard::Keycode::Keypad1;
case VK_NUMPAD2: return Keyboard::Keycode::Keypad2;
case VK_NUMPAD3: return Keyboard::Keycode::Keypad3;
case VK_NUMPAD4: return Keyboard::Keycode::Keypad4;
case VK_NUMPAD5: return Keyboard::Keycode::Keypad5;
case VK_NUMPAD6: return Keyboard::Keycode::Keypad6;
case VK_NUMPAD7: return Keyboard::Keycode::Keypad7;
case VK_NUMPAD8: return Keyboard::Keycode::Keypad8;
case VK_NUMPAD9: return Keyboard::Keycode::Keypad9;
case VK_NUMPAD0: return Keyboard::Keycode::Keypad0;
case VK_CLEAR: return Keyboard::Keycode::KeypadCenter;
return Keyboard::Keycode::None;
#undef pressed
#undef enabled
#undef shifted
#undef extended
static unsigned ScrollEvent(HWND hwnd, WPARAM wparam) {
memset(&info, 0, sizeof(SCROLLINFO));
info.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
info.fMask = SIF_ALL;
GetScrollInfo(hwnd, SB_CTL, &info);
switch(LOWORD(wparam)) {
case SB_LEFT: info.nPos = info.nMin; break;
case SB_RIGHT: info.nPos = info.nMax; break;
case SB_LINELEFT: info.nPos--; break;
case SB_LINERIGHT: info.nPos++; break;
case SB_PAGELEFT: info.nPos -= info.nMax >> 3; break;
case SB_PAGERIGHT: info.nPos += info.nMax >> 3; break;
case SB_THUMBTRACK: info.nPos = info.nTrackPos; break;
info.fMask = SIF_POS;
SetScrollInfo(hwnd, SB_CTL, &info, TRUE);
//Windows may clamp position to scroller range
GetScrollInfo(hwnd, SB_CTL, &info);
return info.nPos;
static LRESULT CALLBACK Shared_windowProc(WindowProc windowProc, HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) {
Object* object = (Object*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
if(object == nullptr) return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam);
Window& window = dynamic_cast<Window*>(object) ? *(Window*)object : *((Widget*)object)->Sizable::state.window;
bool process = true;
if(!pWindow::modal.empty() && !pWindow::modal.find(&window.p)) process = false;
if(applicationState.quit) process = false;
if(process == false) return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam);
switch(msg) {
Object* object = (Object*)GetWindowLongPtr((HWND)lparam, GWLP_USERDATA);
if(object == nullptr) break;
if(dynamic_cast<HexEdit*>(object) || dynamic_cast<LineEdit*>(object) || dynamic_cast<TextEdit*>(object)) {
//text edit controls, when disabled, use CTLCOLORSTATIC instead of CTLCOLOREDIT
//override this behavior: we do not want read-only edit controls to use the parent window background color
return windowProc(hwnd, WM_CTLCOLOREDIT, wparam, lparam);
} else if(!GetParentWidget((Sizable*)object) && window.p.brush) {
SetBkColor((HDC)wparam, window.p.brushColor);
return (INT_PTR)window.p.brush;
}/* else {
//this will repaint the background properly, but the foreground isn't always rendered after ...
RECT rc;
GetClientRect((HWND)lparam, &rc);
DrawThemeParentBackground((HWND)lparam, (HDC)wparam, &rc);
SetBkMode((HDC)wparam, TRANSPARENT);
return (INT_PTR)GetStockBrush(HOLLOW_BRUSH);
unsigned id = LOWORD(wparam);
HWND control = GetDlgItem(hwnd, id);
Object* object = (Object*)GetWindowLongPtr(control, GWLP_USERDATA);
if(object == nullptr) break;
if(dynamic_cast<TabFrame*>(object)) { ((TabFrame*)object)->p.onDrawItem(lparam); return TRUE; }
case WM_COMMAND: {
unsigned id = LOWORD(wparam);
HWND control = GetDlgItem(hwnd, id);
Object* object = control ? (Object*)GetWindowLongPtr(control, GWLP_USERDATA) : pObject::find(id);
if(object == nullptr) break;
if(dynamic_cast<Item*>(object)) { ((Item*)object)->p.onActivate(); return FALSE; }
if(dynamic_cast<CheckItem*>(object)) { ((CheckItem*)object)->p.onToggle(); return FALSE; }
if(dynamic_cast<RadioItem*>(object)) { ((RadioItem*)object)->p.onActivate(); return FALSE; }
if(dynamic_cast<Button*>(object)) { ((Button*)object)->p.onActivate(); return FALSE; }
if(dynamic_cast<CheckButton*>(object)) { ((CheckButton*)object)->p.onToggle(); return FALSE; }
if(dynamic_cast<CheckLabel*>(object)) { ((CheckLabel*)object)->p.onToggle(); return FALSE; }
if(dynamic_cast<ComboButton*>(object) && HIWORD(wparam) == CBN_SELCHANGE) { ((ComboButton*)object)->p.onChange(); return FALSE; }
if(dynamic_cast<LineEdit*>(object) && HIWORD(wparam) == EN_CHANGE) { ((LineEdit*)object)->p.onChange(); return FALSE; }
if(dynamic_cast<RadioButton*>(object)) { ((RadioButton*)object)->p.onActivate(); return FALSE; }
if(dynamic_cast<RadioLabel*>(object)) { ((RadioLabel*)object)->p.onActivate(); return FALSE; }
if(dynamic_cast<TextEdit*>(object) && HIWORD(wparam) == EN_CHANGE) { ((TextEdit*)object)->p.onChange(); return FALSE; }
case WM_NOTIFY: {
unsigned id = LOWORD(wparam);
HWND control = GetDlgItem(hwnd, id);
Object* object = (Object*)GetWindowLongPtr(control, GWLP_USERDATA);
if(object == nullptr) break;
if(dynamic_cast<ListView*>(object) && ((LPNMHDR)lparam)->code == LVN_ITEMACTIVATE) { ((ListView*)object)->p.onActivate(lparam); break; }
if(dynamic_cast<ListView*>(object) && ((LPNMHDR)lparam)->code == LVN_ITEMCHANGED) { ((ListView*)object)->p.onChange(lparam); break; }
if(dynamic_cast<ListView*>(object) && ((LPNMHDR)lparam)->code == NM_CUSTOMDRAW) { return ((ListView*)object)->p.onCustomDraw(lparam); }
if(dynamic_cast<TabFrame*>(object) && ((LPNMHDR)lparam)->code == TCN_SELCHANGE) { ((TabFrame*)object)->p.onChange(); break; }
case WM_VSCROLL: {
Object* object = nullptr;
if(lparam) {
object = (Object*)GetWindowLongPtr((HWND)lparam, GWLP_USERDATA);
} else {
unsigned id = LOWORD(wparam);
HWND control = GetDlgItem(hwnd, id);
object = (Object*)GetWindowLongPtr(control, GWLP_USERDATA);
if(object == nullptr) break;
if(dynamic_cast<HorizontalScroller*>(object)) { ((HorizontalScroller*)object)->p.onChange(wparam); return TRUE; }
if(dynamic_cast<VerticalScroller*>(object)) { ((VerticalScroller*)object)->p.onChange(wparam); return TRUE; }
if(dynamic_cast<HorizontalSlider*>(object)) { ((HorizontalSlider*)object)->p.onChange(); return TRUE; }
if(dynamic_cast<VerticalSlider*>(object)) { ((VerticalSlider*)object)->p.onChange(); return TRUE; }
return windowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam);