mirror of https://github.com/bsnes-emu/bsnes.git
434 lines
12 KiB
434 lines
12 KiB
#if defined(VIDEO_CGL)
#include <ruby/video/cgl.cpp>
#if defined(VIDEO_DIRECT3D)
#include <ruby/video/direct3d.cpp>
#include <ruby/video/directdraw.cpp>
#if defined(VIDEO_GDI)
#include <ruby/video/gdi.cpp>
#if defined(VIDEO_GLX)
#include <ruby/video/glx.cpp>
#if defined(VIDEO_GLX2)
#include <ruby/video/glx2.cpp>
#if defined(VIDEO_WGL)
#include <ruby/video/wgl.cpp>
#if defined(VIDEO_XSHM)
#include <ruby/video/xshm.cpp>
#if defined(VIDEO_XVIDEO)
#include <ruby/video/xvideo.cpp>
namespace ruby {
auto Video::setFullScreen(bool fullScreen) -> bool {
if(instance->fullScreen == fullScreen) return true;
if(!instance->hasFullScreen()) return false;
if(!instance->setFullScreen(instance->fullScreen = fullScreen)) return false;
return true;
auto Video::setMonitor(string monitor) -> bool {
if(instance->monitor == monitor) return true;
if(!instance->hasMonitor()) return false;
if(!instance->setMonitor(instance->monitor = monitor)) return false;
return true;
auto Video::setExclusive(bool exclusive) -> bool {
if(instance->exclusive == exclusive) return true;
if(!instance->hasExclusive()) return false;
if(!instance->setExclusive(instance->exclusive = exclusive)) return false;
return true;
auto Video::setContext(uintptr context) -> bool {
if(instance->context == context) return true;
if(!instance->hasContext()) return false;
if(!instance->setContext(instance->context = context)) return false;
return true;
auto Video::setBlocking(bool blocking) -> bool {
if(instance->blocking == blocking) return true;
if(!instance->hasBlocking()) return false;
if(!instance->setBlocking(instance->blocking = blocking)) return false;
return true;
auto Video::setFlush(bool flush) -> bool {
if(instance->flush == flush) return true;
if(!instance->hasFlush()) return false;
if(!instance->setFlush(instance->flush = flush)) return false;
return true;
auto Video::setFormat(string format) -> bool {
if(instance->format == format) return true;
if(!instance->hasFormat(format)) return false;
if(!instance->setFormat(instance->format = format)) return false;
return true;
auto Video::setShader(string shader) -> bool {
if(instance->shader == shader) return true;
if(!instance->hasShader()) return false;
if(!instance->setShader(instance->shader = shader)) return false;
return true;
auto Video::clear() -> void {
return instance->clear();
auto Video::size() -> Size {
Size result;
instance->size(result.width, result.height);
return result;
auto Video::acquire(uint width, uint height) -> Acquire {
Acquire result;
if(instance->acquire(result.data, result.pitch, width, height)) return result;
return {};
auto Video::release() -> void {
return instance->release();
auto Video::output(uint width, uint height) -> void {
return instance->output(width, height);
auto Video::poll() -> void {
return instance->poll();
auto Video::onUpdate(const function<void (uint, uint)>& onUpdate) -> void {
update = onUpdate;
auto Video::doUpdate(uint width, uint height) -> void {
if(update) return update(width, height);
auto Video::create(string driver) -> bool {
if(!driver) driver = optimalDriver();
#if defined(VIDEO_CGL)
if(driver == "OpenGL 3.2") self.instance = new VideoCGL(*this);
#if defined(VIDEO_DIRECT3D)
if(driver == "Direct3D 9.0") self.instance = new VideoDirect3D(*this);
if(driver == "DirectDraw 7.0") self.instance = new VideoDirectDraw(*this);
#if defined(VIDEO_GDI)
if(driver == "GDI") self.instance = new VideoGDI(*this);
#if defined(VIDEO_GLX)
if(driver == "OpenGL 3.2") self.instance = new VideoGLX(*this);
#if defined(VIDEO_GLX2)
if(driver == "OpenGL 2.0") self.instance = new VideoGLX2(*this);
#if defined(VIDEO_WGL)
if(driver == "OpenGL 3.2") self.instance = new VideoWGL(*this);
#if defined(VIDEO_XSHM)
if(driver == "XShm") self.instance = new VideoXShm(*this);
#if defined(VIDEO_XVIDEO)
if(driver == "XVideo") self.instance = new VideoXVideo(*this);
if(!self.instance) self.instance = new VideoDriver(*this);
return self.instance->create();
auto Video::hasDrivers() -> vector<string> {
return {
#if defined(VIDEO_WGL)
"OpenGL 3.2",
#if defined(VIDEO_DIRECT3D)
"Direct3D 9.0",
"DirectDraw 7.0",
#if defined(VIDEO_GDI)
#if defined(VIDEO_CGL)
"OpenGL 3.2",
#if defined(VIDEO_GLX)
"OpenGL 3.2",
#if defined(VIDEO_GLX2)
"OpenGL 2.0",
#if defined(VIDEO_XVIDEO)
#if defined(VIDEO_XSHM)
auto Video::optimalDriver() -> string {
#if defined(VIDEO_WGL)
return "OpenGL 3.2";
#elif defined(VIDEO_DIRECT3D)
return "Direct3D 9.0";
#elif defined(VIDEO_DIRECTDRAW)
return "DirectDraw 7.0";
#elif defined(VIDEO_GDI)
return "GDI";
#elif defined(VIDEO_CGL)
return "OpenGL 3.2";
#elif defined(VIDEO_GLX)
return "OpenGL 3.2";
#elif defined(VIDEO_GLX2)
return "OpenGL 2.0";
#elif defined(VIDEO_XVIDEO)
return "XVideo";
#elif defined(VIDEO_XSHM)
return "XShm";
return "None";
auto Video::safestDriver() -> string {
#if defined(VIDEO_DIRECT3D)
return "Direct3D 9.0";
#elif defined(VIDEO_WGL)
return "OpenGL 3.2";
#elif defined(VIDEO_DIRECTDRAW)
return "DirectDraw 7.0";
#elif defined(VIDEO_GDI)
return "GDI";
#elif defined(VIDEO_CGL)
return "OpenGL 3.2";
#elif defined(VIDEO_XSHM)
return "XShm";
#elif defined(VIDEO_XVIDEO)
return "XVideo";
#elif defined(VIDEO_GLX2)
return "OpenGL 2.0";
#elif defined(VIDEO_GLX)
return "OpenGL 3.2";
return "None";
#if defined(DISPLAY_WINDOWS)
static auto CALLBACK MonitorEnumProc(HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData) -> BOOL {
vector<Video::Monitor>& monitors = *(vector<Video::Monitor>*)dwData;
mi.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFOEX);
GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &mi);
Video::Monitor monitor;
string deviceName = (const char*)utf8_t(mi.szDevice);
if(deviceName.beginsWith(R"(\\.\DISPLAYV)")) return true; //ignore pseudo-monitors
dd.cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE);
EnumDisplayDevices(mi.szDevice, 0, &dd, 0);
string displayName = (const char*)utf8_t(dd.DeviceString);
monitor.name = {1 + monitors.size(), ": ", displayName};
monitor.primary = mi.dwFlags & MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY;
monitor.x = lprcMonitor->left;
monitor.y = lprcMonitor->top;
monitor.width = lprcMonitor->right - lprcMonitor->left;
monitor.height = lprcMonitor->bottom - lprcMonitor->top;
return true;
auto Video::hasMonitors() -> vector<Monitor> {
vector<Monitor> monitors;
EnumDisplayMonitors(nullptr, nullptr, MonitorEnumProc, (LPARAM)&monitors);
vector<Monitor> sorted;
for(auto& monitor : monitors) { if(monitor.primary == 1) sorted.append(monitor); }
for(auto& monitor : monitors) { if(monitor.primary == 0) sorted.append(monitor); }
return sorted;
#if defined(DISPLAY_QUARTZ)
static auto MonitorKeyArrayCallback(const void* key, const void* value, void* context) -> void {
CFArrayAppendValue((CFMutableArrayRef)context, key);
auto Video::hasMonitors() -> vector<Monitor> {
vector<Monitor> monitors;
@autoreleasepool {
uint count = [[NSScreen screens] count];
for(uint index : range(count)) {
auto screen = [[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:index];
auto rectangle = [screen frame];
Monitor monitor;
monitor.name = {1 + monitors.size(), ": Monitor"}; //fallback in case name lookup fails
monitor.primary = monitors.size() == 0; //on macOS, the primary monitor is always the first monitor.
monitor.x = rectangle.origin.x;
monitor.y = rectangle.origin.y;
monitor.width = rectangle.size.width;
monitor.height = rectangle.size.height;
//getting the name of the monitor on macOS: "Think Different"
auto screenDictionary = [screen deviceDescription];
auto screenID = [screenDictionary objectForKey:@"NSScreenNumber"];
auto displayID = [screenID unsignedIntValue];
auto displayPort = CGDisplayIOServicePort(displayID);
auto dictionary = IODisplayCreateInfoDictionary(displayPort, 0);
if(auto names = (CFDictionaryRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(dictionary, CFSTR(kDisplayProductName))) {
auto languageKeys = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
CFDictionaryApplyFunction(names, MonitorKeyArrayCallback, (void*)languageKeys);
auto orderLanguageKeys = CFBundleCopyPreferredLocalizationsFromArray(languageKeys);
if(orderLanguageKeys && CFArrayGetCount(orderLanguageKeys)) {
auto languageKey = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(orderLanguageKeys, 0);
auto localName = CFDictionaryGetValue(names, languageKey);
monitor.name = {1 + monitors.size(), ": ", [(__bridge NSString*)localName UTF8String]};
return monitors;
#if defined(DISPLAY_XORG)
auto Video::hasMonitors() -> vector<Monitor> {
vector<Monitor> monitors;
auto display = XOpenDisplay(nullptr);
auto screen = DefaultScreen(display);
auto rootWindow = RootWindow(display, screen);
auto resources = XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent(display, rootWindow);
auto primary = XRRGetOutputPrimary(display, rootWindow);
for(uint index : range(resources->noutput)) {
Monitor monitor;
auto output = XRRGetOutputInfo(display, resources, resources->outputs[index]);
if(output->connection != RR_Connected || output->crtc == None) {
auto crtc = XRRGetCrtcInfo(display, resources, output->crtc);
monitor.name = {1 + monitors.size(), ": ", output->name}; //fallback name
monitor.primary = false;
for(uint n : range(crtc->noutput)) monitor.primary |= crtc->outputs[n] == primary;
monitor.x = crtc->x;
monitor.y = crtc->y;
monitor.width = crtc->width;
monitor.height = crtc->height;
//Linux: "Think Low-Level"
Atom actualType;
int actualFormat;
unsigned long size;
unsigned long bytesAfter;
unsigned char* data = nullptr;
auto property = XRRGetOutputProperty(
display, resources->outputs[index],
XInternAtom(display, "EDID", 1), 0, 384,
0, 0, 0, &actualType, &actualFormat, &size, &bytesAfter, &data
if(size >= 128) {
string name{" "};
//there are four lights! er ... descriptors. one of them is the monitor name.
if(data[0x39] == 0xfc) memory::copy(name.get(), &data[0x3b], 13);
if(data[0x4b] == 0xfc) memory::copy(name.get(), &data[0x4d], 13);
if(data[0x5d] == 0xfc) memory::copy(name.get(), &data[0x5f], 13);
if(data[0x6f] == 0xfc) memory::copy(name.get(), &data[0x71], 13);
if(name.strip()) { //format: "name\n " -> "name"
monitor.name = {1 + monitors.size(), ": ", name, " [", output->name, "]"};
vector<Monitor> sorted;
for(auto& monitor : monitors) { if(monitor.primary == 1) sorted.append(monitor); }
for(auto& monitor : monitors) { if(monitor.primary == 0) sorted.append(monitor); }
return sorted;
auto Video::monitor(string name) -> Monitor {
auto monitors = Video::hasMonitors();
//try to find by name if possible
for(auto& monitor : monitors) {
if(monitor.name == name) return monitor;
//fall back to primary if not found
for(auto& monitor : monitors) {
if(monitor.primary) return monitor;
//Video::monitors() should never let this occur
Monitor monitor;
monitor.name = "Primary";
monitor.primary = true;
monitor.x = 0;
monitor.y = 0;
monitor.width = 640;
monitor.height = 480;
return monitor;