
274 lines
9.3 KiB
Executable File

#pragma once
/* Document Markup Language (DML) v1.0 parser
* revision 0.04
#include <nall/location.hpp>
namespace nall {
struct DML {
auto& setAllowHTML(bool allowHTML) { settings.allowHTML = allowHTML; return *this; }
auto& setHost(const string& hostname) { = {hostname, "/"}; return *this; }
auto& setPath(const string& pathname) { settings.path = pathname; return *this; }
auto& setReader(const function<string (string)>& reader) { settings.reader = reader; return *this; }
auto& setSectioned(bool sectioned) { settings.sectioned = sectioned; return *this; }
auto parse(const string& filedata, const string& pathname) -> string;
auto parse(const string& filename) -> string;
struct Settings {
bool allowHTML = true;
string host = "localhost/";
string path;
function<string (string)> reader;
bool sectioned = true;
} settings;
struct State {
string output;
uint sections = 0;
} state;
auto parseDocument(const string& filedata, const string& pathname, uint depth) -> bool;
auto parseBlock(string& block, const string& pathname, uint depth) -> bool;
auto count(const string& text, char value) -> uint;
auto escape(const string& text) -> string;
auto markup(const string& text) -> string;
inline auto DML::parse(const string& filedata, const string& pathname) -> string {
settings.path = pathname;
parseDocument(filedata, settings.path, 0);
return state.output;
inline auto DML::parse(const string& filename) -> string {
if(!settings.path) settings.path = Location::path(filename);
string document = settings.reader ? settings.reader(filename) : string::read(filename);
parseDocument(document, settings.path, 0);
return state.output;
inline auto DML::parseDocument(const string& filedata, const string& pathname, uint depth) -> bool {
if(depth >= 100) return false; //attempt to prevent infinite recursion with reasonable limit
auto blocks = filedata.split("\n\n");
for(auto& block : blocks) parseBlock(block, pathname, depth);
if(settings.sectioned && state.sections && depth == 0) state.output.append("</section>\n");
return true;
inline auto DML::parseBlock(string& block, const string& pathname, uint depth) -> bool {
if(!block.stripRight()) return true;
auto lines = block.split("\n");
if(block.beginsWith("<include ") && block.endsWith(">")) {
string filename{pathname, block.trim("<include ", ">", 1L).strip()};
string document = settings.reader ? settings.reader(filename) : string::read(filename);
parseDocument(document, Location::path(filename), depth + 1);
else if(block.beginsWith("<html>\n") && settings.allowHTML) {
for(auto n : range(lines.size())) {
if(n == 0 || !lines[n].beginsWith(" ")) continue;
state.output.append(lines[n].trimLeft(" ", 1L), "\n");
else if(block.beginsWith("# ")) {
if(settings.sectioned) {
if(state.sections++) state.output.append("</section>");
auto content = lines.takeLeft().trimLeft("# ", 1L).split("::", 1L).strip();
auto data = markup(content[0]);
auto name = escape(content(1, data.hash()));
state.output.append("<h1 id=\"", name, "\">", data);
for(auto& line : lines) {
if(!line.beginsWith("# ")) continue;
state.output.append("<span>", line.trimLeft("# ", 1L), "</span>");
else if(auto depth = count(block, '=')) {
auto content = slice(lines.takeLeft(), depth + 1).split("::", 1L).strip();
auto data = markup(content[0]);
auto name = escape(content(1, data.hash()));
if(depth <= 5) {
state.output.append("<h", depth + 1, " id=\"", name, "\">", data);
for(auto& line : lines) {
if(count(line, '=') != depth) continue;
state.output.append("<span>", slice(line, depth + 1), "</span>");
state.output.append("</h", depth + 1, ">\n");
else if(count(block, '-')) {
uint level = 0;
for(auto& line : lines) {
if(auto depth = count(line, '-')) {
while(level < depth) level++, state.output.append("<ul>\n");
while(level > depth) level--, state.output.append("</ul>\n");
auto content = slice(line, depth + 1).split("::", 1L).strip();
auto data = markup(content[0]);
auto name = escape(content(1, data.hash()));
state.output.append("<li><a href=\"#", name, "\">", data, "</a></li>\n");
while(level--) state.output.append("</ul>\n");
else if(count(block, '*')) {
uint level = 0;
for(auto& line : lines) {
if(auto depth = count(line, '*')) {
while(level < depth) level++, state.output.append("<ul>\n");
while(level > depth) level--, state.output.append("</ul>\n");
auto data = markup(slice(line, depth + 1));
state.output.append("<li>", data, "</li>\n");
while(level--) state.output.append("</ul>\n");
else if(count(block, '>')) {
uint level = 0;
for(auto& line : lines) {
if(auto depth = count(line, '>')) {
while(level < depth) level++, state.output.append("<blockquote>\n");
while(level > depth) level--, state.output.append("</blockquote>\n");
auto data = markup(slice(line, depth + 1));
state.output.append(data, "\n");
while(level--) state.output.append("</blockquote>\n");
else if(block.beginsWith(" ")) {
for(auto& line : lines) {
if(!line.beginsWith(" ")) continue;
state.output.append(escape(line.trimLeft(" ", 1L)), "\n");
state.output.trimRight("\n", 1L).append("</pre>\n");
else if(block.equals("---")) {
else {
state.output.append("<p>", markup(block), "</p>\n");
return true;
inline auto DML::count(const string& text, char value) -> uint {
for(uint n = 0; n < text.size(); n++) {
if(text[n] != value) {
if(text[n] == ' ') return n;
return 0;
inline auto DML::escape(const string& text) -> string {
string output;
for(auto c : text) {
if(c == '&') { output.append("&amp;"); continue; }
if(c == '<') { output.append("&lt;"); continue; }
if(c == '>') { output.append("&gt;"); continue; }
if(c == '"') { output.append("&quot;"); continue; }
return output;
inline auto DML::markup(const string& s) -> string {
string t;
boolean strong;
boolean emphasis;
boolean insertion;
boolean deletion;
boolean code;
natural link, linkBase;
natural embed, embedBase;
natural iframe, iframeBase;
for(uint n = 0; n < s.size();) {
char a = s[n];
char b = s[n + 1];
if(!link && !embed && !iframe) {
if(a == '*' && b == '*') { t.append(strong.flip() ? "<strong>" : "</strong>"); n += 2; continue; }
if(a == '/' && b == '/') { t.append(emphasis.flip() ? "<em>" : "</em>"); n += 2; continue; }
if(a == '_' && b == '_') { t.append(insertion.flip() ? "<ins>" : "</ins>"); n += 2; continue; }
if(a == '~' && b == '~') { t.append(deletion.flip() ? "<del>" : "</del>"); n += 2; continue; }
if(a == '|' && b == '|') { t.append(code.flip() ? "<code>" : "</code>"); n += 2; continue; }
if(a =='\\' && b =='\\') { t.append("<br>"); n += 2; continue; }
if(iframe == 0 && a == '<' && b == '<') { t.append("<iframe width='772' height='434' src=\""); iframe = 1; iframeBase = n += 2; continue; }
if(iframe != 0 && a == '>' && b == '>') { t.append("\" frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>"); iframe = 0; n += 2; continue; }
if(!embed) {
if(link == 0 && a == '[' && b == '[') { t.append("<a href=\""); link = 1; linkBase = n += 2; continue; }
if(link == 1 && a == ':' && b == ':') { t.append("\">"); link = 2; n += 2; continue; }
if(link == 1 && a == ']' && b == ']') { t.append("\">", slice(s, linkBase, n - linkBase), "</a>"); n += 2; link = 0; continue; }
if(link == 2 && a == ']' && b == ']') { t.append("</a>"); n += 2; link = 0; continue; }
if(link == 1 && a == '@' && b == '/') { t.append(; n += 2; continue; }
if(!link) {
if(embed == 0 && a == '{' && b == '{') { t.append("<img src=\""); embed = 1; embedBase = n += 2; continue; }
if(embed == 1 && a == ':' && b == ':') { t.append("\" alt=\""); embed = 2; n += 2; continue; }
if(embed != 0 && a == '}' && b == '}') { t.append("\">"); embed = 0; n += 2; continue; }
if(embed == 1 && a == '@' && b == '/') { t.append(; n += 2; continue; }
if(a =='\\') { t.append(b); n += 2; continue; }
if(a == '&') { t.append("&amp;"); n++; continue; }
if(a == '<') { t.append("&lt;"); n++; continue; }
if(a == '>') { t.append("&gt;"); n++; continue; }
if(a == '"') { t.append("&quot;"); n++; continue; }
if(strong) t.append("</strong>");
if(emphasis) t.append("</em>");
if(insertion) t.append("</ins>");
if(deletion) t.append("</del>");
if(code) t.append("</code>");
if(link == 1) t.append("\">", slice(s, linkBase, s.size() - linkBase), "</a>");
if(link == 2) t.append("</a>");
if(embed != 0) t.append("\">");
return t;