mirror of https://github.com/bsnes-emu/bsnes.git
228 lines
8.4 KiB
228 lines
8.4 KiB
#include <avrt.h>
#include <mmdeviceapi.h>
#include <audioclient.h>
#include <audiopolicy.h>
#include <devicetopology.h>
#include <endpointvolume.h>
#include <functiondiscoverykeys_devpkey.h>
struct AudioWASAPI : AudioDriver {
AudioWASAPI& self = *this;
AudioWASAPI(Audio& super) : AudioDriver(super) {}
~AudioWASAPI() { terminate(); }
auto create() -> bool override {
return initialize();
auto driver() -> string override { return "WASAPI"; }
auto ready() -> bool override { return _ready; }
auto hasExclusive() -> bool override { return true; }
auto hasBlocking() -> bool override { return true; }
auto hasDevices() -> vector<string> override {
return _devices;
auto hasChannels() -> vector<uint> override {
return {self.channels};
auto hasFrequencies() -> vector<uint> override {
return {self.frequency};
auto availableLatencies() -> vector<uint> override {
return {0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100};
auto setExclusive(bool exclusive) -> bool override { return initialize(); }
auto setDevice(string device) -> bool override { return initialize(); }
auto setBlocking(bool blocking) -> bool override { return true; }
auto setFrequency(uint frequency) -> bool override { return initialize(); }
auto setLatency(uint latency) -> bool override { return initialize(); }
auto clear() -> void override {
_queue.read = 0;
_queue.write = 0;
_queue.count = 0;
auto output(const double samples[]) -> void override {
for(uint n : range(_channels)) {
_queue.samples[_queue.write][n] = samples[n];
if(_queue.count >= _bufferSize) {
if(WaitForSingleObject(_eventHandle, self.blocking ? INFINITE : 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
auto initialize() -> bool {
if(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator, nullptr, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator, (void**)&_enumerator) != S_OK) return false;
//enumerate all audio endpoint devices, and select the first to match the device() name
IMMDeviceCollection* deviceCollection = nullptr;
if(_enumerator->EnumAudioEndpoints(eRender, DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVE, &deviceCollection) != S_OK) return false;
uint deviceCount = 0;
if(deviceCollection->GetCount(&deviceCount) != S_OK) return false;
for(uint deviceIndex : range(deviceCount)) {
IMMDevice* device = nullptr;
if(deviceCollection->Item(deviceIndex, &device) != S_OK) return false;
IPropertyStore* propertyStore = nullptr;
device->OpenPropertyStore(STGM_READ, &propertyStore);
PROPVARIANT propVariant;
propertyStore->GetValue(PKEY_Device_FriendlyName, &propVariant);
_devices.append((const char*)utf8_t(propVariant.pwszVal));
if(!_audioDevice && _devices.right() == _device) {
_audioDevice = device;
} else {
//if no match is found, choose the default audio endpoint for the device()
if(!_audioDevice) {
if(_enumerator->GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(eRender, eConsole, &_audioDevice) != S_OK) return false;
if(_audioDevice->Activate(IID_IAudioClient, CLSCTX_ALL, nullptr, (void**)&_audioClient) != S_OK) return false;
if(_exclusive) {
IPropertyStore* propertyStore = nullptr;
if(_audioDevice->OpenPropertyStore(STGM_READ, &propertyStore) != S_OK) return false;
PROPVARIANT propVariant;
if(propertyStore->GetValue(PKEY_AudioEngine_DeviceFormat, &propVariant) != S_OK) return false;
waveFormat = *(WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE*)propVariant.blob.pBlobData;
if(_audioClient->GetDevicePeriod(nullptr, &_devicePeriod) != S_OK) return false;
auto latency = max(_devicePeriod, (REFERENCE_TIME)self.latency * 10'000); //1ms to 100ns units
auto result = _audioClient->Initialize(AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_EXCLUSIVE, AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_EVENTCALLBACK, latency, latency, &waveFormat.Format, nullptr);
if(_audioClient->GetBufferSize(&_bufferSize) != S_OK) return false;
latency = (REFERENCE_TIME)(10'000 * 1'000 * _bufferSize / waveFormat.Format.nSamplesPerSec);
if(_audioDevice->Activate(IID_IAudioClient, CLSCTX_ALL, nullptr, (void**)&_audioClient) != S_OK) return false;
result = _audioClient->Initialize(AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_EXCLUSIVE, AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_EVENTCALLBACK, latency, latency, &waveFormat.Format, nullptr);
if(result != S_OK) return false;
DWORD taskIndex = 0;
_taskHandle = AvSetMmThreadCharacteristics(L"Pro Audio", &taskIndex);
} else {
WAVEFORMATEX* waveFormatEx = nullptr;
if(_audioClient->GetMixFormat(&waveFormatEx) != S_OK) return false;
waveFormat = *(WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE*)waveFormatEx;
if(_audioClient->GetDevicePeriod(&_devicePeriod, nullptr)) return false;
auto latency = max(_devicePeriod, (REFERENCE_TIME)self.latency * 10'000); //1ms to 100ns units
if(_audioClient->Initialize(AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED, AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_EVENTCALLBACK, latency, 0, &waveFormat.Format, nullptr) != S_OK) return false;
_eventHandle = CreateEvent(nullptr, false, false, nullptr);
if(_audioClient->SetEventHandle(_eventHandle) != S_OK) return false;
if(_audioClient->GetService(IID_IAudioRenderClient, (void**)&_renderClient) != S_OK) return false;
if(_audioClient->GetBufferSize(&_bufferSize) != S_OK) return false;
self.channels = waveFormat.Format.nChannels;
self.frequency = waveFormat.Format.nSamplesPerSec;
_mode = waveFormat.SubFormat.Data1;
_precision = waveFormat.Format.wBitsPerSample;
_ready = true;
return true;
auto terminate() -> void {
_ready = false;
if(_audioClient) _audioClient->Stop();
if(_renderClient) _renderClient->Release(), _renderClient = nullptr;
if(_audioClient) _audioClient->Release(), _audioClient = nullptr;
if(_audioDevice) _audioDevice->Release(), _audioDevice = nullptr;
if(_eventHandle) CloseHandle(_eventHandle), _eventHandle = nullptr;
if(_taskHandle) AvRevertMmThreadCharacteristics(_taskHandle), _taskHandle = nullptr;
auto write() -> void {
uint32_t available = _bufferSize;
if(!_exclusive) {
uint32_t padding = 0;
available = _bufferSize - padding;
uint32_t length = min(available, _queue.count);
uint8_t* buffer = nullptr;
if(_renderClient->GetBuffer(length, &buffer) == S_OK) {
uint bufferFlags = 0;
for(uint _ : range(length)) {
double samples[8] = {};
if(_queue.count) {
for(uint n : range(_channels)) {
samples[n] = _queue.samples[_queue.read][n];
if(_mode == 1 && _precision == 16) {
auto output = (uint16_t*)buffer;
for(uint n : range(_channels)) *output++ = (uint16_t)sclamp<16>(samples[n] * (32768.0 - 1.0));
buffer = (uint8_t*)output;
} else if(_mode == 1 && _precision == 32) {
auto output = (uint32_t*)buffer;
for(uint n : range(_channels)) *output++ = (uint32_t)sclamp<32>(samples[n] * (65536.0 * 32768.0 - 1.0));
buffer = (uint8_t*)output;
} else if(_mode == 3 && _precision == 32) {
auto output = (float*)buffer;
for(uint n : range(_channels)) *output++ = float(max(-1.0, min(+1.0, samples[n])));
buffer = (uint8_t*)output;
} else {
//output silence for unsupported sample formats
_renderClient->ReleaseBuffer(length, bufferFlags);
bool _ready = false;
uint _mode = 0;
uint _precision = 0;
struct Queue {
double samples[65536][8];
uint16_t read;
uint16_t write;
uint16_t count;
} _queue;
IMMDeviceEnumerator* _enumerator = nullptr;
vector<string> _devices;
IMMDevice* _audioDevice = nullptr;
IAudioClient* _audioClient = nullptr;
IAudioRenderClient* _renderClient = nullptr;
HANDLE _eventHandle = nullptr;
HANDLE _taskHandle = nullptr;
REFERENCE_TIME _devicePeriod = 0;
uint32_t _bufferSize = 0; //in frames