
240 lines
7.7 KiB

#include "opengl/opengl.hpp"
auto VideoGLX_X11ErrorHandler(Display*, XErrorEvent*) -> int {
return 0; //suppress errors
struct VideoGLX : Video, OpenGL {
VideoGLX() { initialize(); }
~VideoGLX() { terminate(); }
auto ready() -> bool { return _ready; }
auto context() -> uintptr { return _context; }
auto blocking() -> bool { return _blocking; }
auto depth() -> uint { return _depth; }
auto smooth() -> bool { return _smooth; }
auto shader() -> string { return _shader; }
auto setContext(uintptr context) -> bool {
if(_context == context) return true;
_context = context;
return initialize();
auto setBlocking(bool blocking) -> bool {
if(_blocking == blocking) return true;
_blocking = blocking;
if(glXSwapInterval) glXSwapInterval(_blocking);
return true;
auto setDepth(uint depth) -> bool {
if(_depth == depth) return true;
switch(depth) {
case 24: _depth = depth; OpenGL::inputFormat = GL_RGBA8; return true;
case 30: _depth = depth; OpenGL::inputFormat = GL_RGB10_A2; return true;
default: return false;
auto setSmooth(bool smooth) -> bool {
if(_smooth == smooth) return true;
_smooth = smooth;
if(!_shader) OpenGL::filter = _smooth ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST;
return true;
auto setShader(string shader) -> bool {
if(_shader == shader) return true;
OpenGL::shader(_shader = shader);
if(!_shader) OpenGL::filter = _smooth ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST;
return true;
auto clear() -> void {
if(!ready()) return;
if(_doubleBuffer) glXSwapBuffers(_display, _glXWindow);
auto lock(uint32_t*& data, uint& pitch, uint width, uint height) -> bool {
if(!ready()) return false;
OpenGL::size(width, height);
return OpenGL::lock(data, pitch);
auto unlock() -> void {
if(!ready()) return;
auto output() -> void {
if(!ready()) return;
//we must ensure that the child window is the same size as the parent window.
//unfortunately, we cannot hook the parent window resize event notification,
//as we did not create the parent window, nor have any knowledge of the toolkit used.
//therefore, inelegant as it may be, we query each window size and resize as needed.
XWindowAttributes parent, child;
XGetWindowAttributes(_display, (Window)_context, &parent);
XGetWindowAttributes(_display, (Window)_window, &child);
if(child.width != parent.width || child.height != parent.height) {
XResizeWindow(_display, _window, parent.width, parent.height);
OpenGL::outputWidth = parent.width;
OpenGL::outputHeight = parent.height;
if(_doubleBuffer) glXSwapBuffers(_display, _glXWindow);
auto initialize() -> bool {
if(!_context) return false;
_display = XOpenDisplay(nullptr);
_screen = DefaultScreen(_display);
//require GLX 1.2+ API
glXQueryVersion(_display, &_versionMajor, &_versionMinor);
if(_versionMajor < 1 || (_versionMajor == 1 && _versionMinor < 2)) return false;
XWindowAttributes windowAttributes;
XGetWindowAttributes(_display, (Window)_context, &windowAttributes);
//let GLX determine the best Visual to use for GL output; provide a few hints
//note: some video drivers will override double buffering attribute
int attributeList[] = {
GLX_RED_SIZE, (int)(_depth / 3),
GLX_GREEN_SIZE, (int)(_depth / 3) + (int)(_depth % 3),
GLX_BLUE_SIZE, (int)(_depth / 3),
int fbCount = 0;
GLXFBConfig* fbConfig = glXChooseFBConfig(_display, _screen, attributeList, &fbCount);
if(fbCount == 0) return false;
XVisualInfo* vi = glXGetVisualFromFBConfig(_display, fbConfig[0]);
//(Window)_context has already been realized, most likely with DefaultVisual.
//GLX requires that the GL output window has the same Visual as the GLX context.
//it is not possible to change the Visual of an already realized (created) window.
//therefore a new child window, using the same GLX Visual, must be created and binded to it.
_colormap = XCreateColormap(_display, RootWindow(_display, vi->screen), vi->visual, AllocNone);
XSetWindowAttributes attributes;
attributes.colormap = _colormap;
attributes.border_pixel = 0;
_window = XCreateWindow(_display, /* parent = */ (Window)_context,
/* x = */ 0, /* y = */ 0, windowAttributes.width, windowAttributes.height,
/* border_width = */ 0, vi->depth, InputOutput, vi->visual,
CWColormap | CWBorderPixel, &attributes);
XSetWindowBackground(_display, _window, /* color = */ 0);
XMapWindow(_display, _window);
//window must be realized (appear onscreen) before we make the context current
while(XPending(_display)) {
XEvent event;
XNextEvent(_display, &event);
_glXContext = glXCreateContext(_display, vi, /* sharelist = */ 0, /* direct = */ GL_TRUE);
glXMakeCurrent(_display, _glXWindow = _window, _glXContext);
//glXSwapInterval is used to toggle Vsync
//note that the ordering is very important! MESA declares SGI, but the SGI function does nothing
if(!glXSwapInterval) glXSwapInterval = (int (*)(int))glGetProcAddress("glXSwapIntervalMESA");
if(!glXSwapInterval) glXSwapInterval = (int (*)(int))glGetProcAddress("glXSwapIntervalSGI");
if(auto glXCreateContextAttribs = (auto (*)(Display*, GLXFBConfig, GLXContext, int, const int*) -> GLXContext)glGetProcAddress("glXCreateContextAttribsARB")) {
int attributes[] = {
//glXCreateContextAttribs tends to throw BadRequest errors instead of simply failing gracefully
auto originalHandler = XSetErrorHandler(VideoGLX_X11ErrorHandler);
auto context = glXCreateContextAttribs(_display, fbConfig[0], nullptr, true, attributes);
XSync(_display, False);
if(context) {
glXMakeCurrent(_display, 0, nullptr);
glXDestroyContext(_display, _glXContext);
glXMakeCurrent(_display, _glXWindow, _glXContext = context);
} else {
//OpenGL 3.2+ not supported (most likely OpenGL 2.x)
return false;
} else {
//missing required glXCreateContextAtribs function
return false;
if(glXSwapInterval) glXSwapInterval(_blocking);
//read attributes of frame buffer for later use, as requested attributes from above are not always granted
int value = 0;
glXGetConfig(_display, vi, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, &value);
_doubleBuffer = value;
_isDirect = glXIsDirect(_display, _glXContext);
return _ready = OpenGL::initialize();
auto terminate() -> void {
_ready = false;
if(_glXContext) {
glXDestroyContext(_display, _glXContext);
_glXContext = nullptr;
if(_window) {
XUnmapWindow(_display, _window);
_window = 0;
if(_colormap) {
XFreeColormap(_display, _colormap);
_colormap = 0;
if(_display) {
_display = nullptr;
bool _ready = false;
uintptr _context = 0;
bool _blocking = false;
uint _depth = 24;
bool _smooth = true;
string _shader;
auto (*glXSwapInterval)(int) -> int = nullptr;
Display* _display = nullptr;
int _screen = 0;
Window _window = 0;
Colormap _colormap = 0;
GLXContext _glXContext = nullptr;
GLXWindow _glXWindow = 0;
int _versionMajor = 0;
int _versionMinor = 0;
bool _doubleBuffer = false;
bool _isDirect = false;