mirror of https://github.com/bsnes-emu/bsnes.git
282 lines
8.8 KiB
282 lines
8.8 KiB
#include <nall/windows/registry.hpp>
#include "asio.hpp"
struct AudioASIO : AudioDriver {
static AudioASIO* instance;
AudioASIO& self = *this;
AudioASIO(Audio& super) : AudioDriver(super) { instance = this; }
~AudioASIO() { terminate(); }
auto create() -> bool override {
return initialize();
auto driver() -> string override { return "ASIO"; }
auto ready() -> bool override { return _ready; }
auto hasContext() -> bool override { return true; }
auto hasBlocking() -> bool override { return true; }
auto hasDevices() -> vector<string> override {
for(auto candidate : registry::contents("HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\ASIO\\")) {
if(auto classID = registry::read({"HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\ASIO\\", candidate, "CLSID"})) {
self.devices.append({candidate.trimRight("\\", 1L), classID});
vector<string> devices;
for(auto& device : self.devices) devices.append(device.name);
return devices;
auto hasChannels() -> vector<uint> override {
return {1, 2};
auto hasFrequencies() -> vector<uint> override {
return {self.frequency};
auto hasLatencies() -> vector<uint> override {
vector<uint> latencies;
uint latencyList[] = {64, 96, 128, 192, 256, 384, 512, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, 6144}; //factors of 6144
for(auto& latency : latencyList) {
if(self.activeDevice) {
if(latency < self.activeDevice.minimumBufferSize) continue;
if(latency > self.activeDevice.maximumBufferSize) continue;
return latencies;
auto setContext(uintptr context) -> bool override { return initialize(); }
auto setDevice(string device) -> bool override { return initialize(); }
auto setBlocking(bool blocking) -> bool override { return initialize(); }
auto setChannels(uint channels) -> bool override { return initialize(); }
auto setLatency(uint latency) -> bool override { return initialize(); }
auto clear() -> void override {
if(!ready()) return;
for(uint n : range(self.channels)) {
memory::fill<uint8_t>(_channel[n].buffers[0], self.latency * _sampleSize);
memory::fill<uint8_t>(_channel[n].buffers[1], self.latency * _sampleSize);
memory::fill<uint8_t>(_queue.samples, sizeof(_queue.samples));
_queue.read = 0;
_queue.write = 0;
_queue.count = 0;
auto output(const double samples[]) -> void override {
if(!ready()) return;
if(self.blocking) {
while(_queue.count >= self.latency);
for(uint n : range(self.channels)) {
_queue.samples[_queue.write][n] = samples[n];
auto initialize() -> bool {
hasDevices(); //this call populates self.devices
if(!self.devices) return false;
self.activeDevice = {};
for(auto& device : self.devices) {
if(self.device == device.name) {
self.activeDevice = device;
if(!self.activeDevice) {
self.activeDevice = self.devices.first();
self.device = self.activeDevice.name;
CLSID classID;
if(CLSIDFromString((LPOLESTR)utf16_t(self.activeDevice.classID), (LPCLSID)&classID) != S_OK) return false;
if(CoCreateInstance(classID, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, classID, (void**)&_asio) != S_OK) return false;
if(!_asio->init((void*)self.context)) return false;
if(_asio->getSampleRate(&self.activeDevice.sampleRate) != ASE_OK) return false;
if(_asio->getChannels(&self.activeDevice.inputChannels, &self.activeDevice.outputChannels) != ASE_OK) return false;
) != ASE_OK) return false;
self.frequency = self.activeDevice.sampleRate;
self.latency = self.latency < self.activeDevice.minimumBufferSize ? self.activeDevice.minimumBufferSize : self.latency;
self.latency = self.latency > self.activeDevice.maximumBufferSize ? self.activeDevice.maximumBufferSize : self.latency;
for(uint n : range(self.channels)) {
_channel[n].isInput = false;
_channel[n].channelNum = n;
_channel[n].buffers[0] = nullptr;
_channel[n].buffers[1] = nullptr;
ASIOCallbacks callbacks;
callbacks.bufferSwitch = &AudioASIO::_bufferSwitch;
callbacks.sampleRateDidChange = &AudioASIO::_sampleRateDidChange;
callbacks.asioMessage = &AudioASIO::_asioMessage;
callbacks.bufferSwitchTimeInfo = &AudioASIO::_bufferSwitchTimeInfo;
if(_asio->createBuffers(_channel, self.channels, self.latency, &callbacks) != ASE_OK) return false;
if(_asio->getLatencies(&self.activeDevice.inputLatency, &self.activeDevice.outputLatency) != ASE_OK) return false;
//assume for the sake of sanity that all buffers use the same sample format ...
ASIOChannelInfo channelInformation = {};
channelInformation.channel = 0;
channelInformation.isInput = false;
if(_asio->getChannelInfo(&channelInformation) != ASE_OK) return false;
switch(_sampleFormat = channelInformation.type) {
case ASIOSTInt16LSB: _sampleSize = 2; break;
case ASIOSTInt24LSB: _sampleSize = 3; break;
case ASIOSTInt32LSB: _sampleSize = 4; break;
case ASIOSTFloat32LSB: _sampleSize = 4; break;
case ASIOSTFloat64LSB: _sampleSize = 8; break;
default: return false; //unsupported sample format
_ready = true;
if(_asio->start() != ASE_OK) return _ready = false;
return true;
auto terminate() -> void {
_ready = false;
self.activeDevice = {};
if(_asio) {
_asio = nullptr;
static auto _bufferSwitch(long doubleBufferInput, ASIOBool directProcess) -> void {
return instance->bufferSwitch(doubleBufferInput, directProcess);
static auto _sampleRateDidChange(ASIOSampleRate sampleRate) -> void {
return instance->sampleRateDidChange(sampleRate);
static auto _asioMessage(long selector, long value, void* message, double* optional) -> long {
return instance->asioMessage(selector, value, message, optional);
static auto _bufferSwitchTimeInfo(ASIOTime* parameters, long doubleBufferIndex, ASIOBool directProcess) -> ASIOTime* {
return instance->bufferSwitchTimeInfo(parameters, doubleBufferIndex, directProcess);
auto bufferSwitch(long doubleBufferInput, ASIOBool directProcess) -> void {
for(uint sampleIndex : range(self.latency)) {
double samples[8] = {0};
if(_queue.count) {
for(uint n : range(self.channels)) {
samples[n] = _queue.samples[_queue.read][n];
for(uint n : range(self.channels)) {
auto buffer = (uint8_t*)_channel[n].buffers[doubleBufferInput];
buffer += sampleIndex * _sampleSize;
switch(_sampleFormat) {
case ASIOSTInt16LSB: {
*(uint16_t*)buffer = (uint16_t)sclamp<16>(samples[n] * (32768.0 - 1.0));
case ASIOSTInt24LSB: {
auto value = (uint32_t)sclamp<24>(samples[n] * (256.0 * 32768.0 - 1.0));
buffer[0] = value >> 0;
buffer[1] = value >> 8;
buffer[2] = value >> 16;
case ASIOSTInt32LSB: {
*(uint32_t*)buffer = (uint32_t)sclamp<32>(samples[n] * (65536.0 * 32768.0 - 1.0));
case ASIOSTFloat32LSB: {
*(float*)buffer = max(-1.0, min(+1.0, samples[n]));
case ASIOSTFloat64LSB: {
*(double*)buffer = max(-1.0, min(+1.0, samples[n]));
auto sampleRateDidChange(ASIOSampleRate sampleRate) -> void {
auto asioMessage(long selector, long value, void* message, double* optional) -> long {
return ASE_OK;
auto bufferSwitchTimeInfo(ASIOTime* parameters, long doubleBufferIndex, ASIOBool directProcess) -> ASIOTime* {
return nullptr;
bool _ready = false;
struct Queue {
double samples[65536][8];
uint16_t read;
uint16_t write;
std::atomic<uint16_t> count;
struct Device {
explicit operator bool() const { return name; }
string name;
string classID;
ASIOSampleRate sampleRate;
long inputChannels;
long outputChannels;
long inputLatency;
long outputLatency;
long minimumBufferSize;
long maximumBufferSize;
long preferredBufferSize;
long granularity;
Queue _queue;
vector<Device> devices;
Device activeDevice;
IASIO* _asio = nullptr;
ASIOBufferInfo _channel[8];
long _sampleFormat;
long _sampleSize;
AudioASIO* AudioASIO::instance = nullptr;