mirror of https://github.com/bsnes-emu/bsnes.git
110 lines
3.7 KiB
110 lines
3.7 KiB
name := higan
processors := arm gsu hg51b lr35902 r6502 r65816 spc700 upd96050
include processor/GNUmakefile
include fc/GNUmakefile
include sfc/GNUmakefile
include gb/GNUmakefile
include gba/GNUmakefile
ui_objects := ui-tomoko ui-program ui-configuration ui-input
ui_objects += ui-settings ui-tools ui-presentation
ui_objects += ruby hiro
ui_objects += $(if $(call streq,$(platform),windows),ui-resource)
# platform
ifeq ($(platform),windows)
ruby += video.direct3d video.wgl video.directdraw video.gdi
ruby += audio.xaudio2 audio.directsound
ruby += input.windows
else ifeq ($(platform),macosx)
ruby += video.cgl
ruby += audio.openal
ruby += input.quartz input.carbon
else ifeq ($(platform),linux)
ruby += video.glx video.xv video.xshm video.sdl
ruby += audio.alsa audio.openal audio.oss audio.pulseaudio audio.pulseaudiosimple audio.ao
ruby += input.udev input.sdl input.xlib
else ifeq ($(platform),bsd)
ruby += video.glx video.xv video.xshm video.sdl
ruby += audio.openal audio.oss
ruby += input.sdl input.xlib
# ruby
include ../ruby/GNUmakefile
link += $(rubylink)
# hiro
include ../hiro/GNUmakefile
link += $(hirolink)
# rules
objects := $(ui_objects) $(objects)
objects := $(patsubst %,obj/%.o,$(objects))
obj/libco.o: ../libco/libco.c $(call rwildcard,../libco/)
obj/ruby.o: ../ruby/ruby.cpp $(call rwildcard,../ruby/)
$(compiler) $(rubyflags) -c $< -o $@
obj/hiro.o: ../hiro/hiro.cpp $(call rwildcard,../hiro/)
$(compiler) $(hiroflags) -c $< -o $@
obj/ui-tomoko.o: $(ui)/tomoko.cpp $(call rwildcard,$(ui)/)
obj/ui-program.o: $(ui)/program/program.cpp $(call rwildcard,$(ui)/)
obj/ui-configuration.o: $(ui)/configuration/configuration.cpp $(call rwildcard,$(ui)/)
obj/ui-input.o: $(ui)/input/input.cpp $(call rwildcard,$(ui)/)
obj/ui-library.o: $(ui)/library/library.cpp $(call rwildcard,$(ui)/)
obj/ui-settings.o: $(ui)/settings/settings.cpp $(call rwildcard,$(ui)/)
obj/ui-tools.o: $(ui)/tools/tools.cpp $(call rwildcard,$(ui)/)
obj/ui-presentation.o: $(ui)/presentation/presentation.cpp $(call rwildcard,$(ui)/)
windres data/resource.rc obj/ui-resource.o
# targets
build: $(objects)
$(strip $(compiler) -o out/$(name) $(objects) $(link))
ifeq ($(platform),macosx)
@if [ -d out/$(name).app ]; then rm -r out/$(name).app; fi
mkdir -p out/$(name).app/Contents/MacOS/
mkdir -p out/$(name).app/Contents/Resources/
mv out/$(name) out/$(name).app/Contents/MacOS/$(name)
cp data/$(name).plist out/$(name).app/Contents/Info.plist
sips -s format icns data/$(name).png --out out/$(name).app/Contents/Resources/$(name).icns
ifeq ($(shell id -un),root)
$(error "make install should not be run as root")
else ifeq ($(platform),windows)
else ifeq ($(platform),macosx)
mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/$(name)/
mkdir -p ~/Emulation/System/
cp -R out/$(name).app /Applications/$(name).app
cp data/cheats.bml ~/Library/Application\ Support/$(name)/
cp -R profile/* ~/Library/Application\ Support/$(name)/
else ifneq ($(filter $(platform),linux bsd),)
mkdir -p $(prefix)/bin/
mkdir -p $(prefix)/share/icons/
mkdir -p $(prefix)/$(name)/
mkdir -p ~/Emulation/System/
cp out/$(name) $(prefix)/bin/$(name)
cp data/$(name).png $(prefix)/share/icons/$(name).png
cp data/cheats.bml $(prefix)/$(name)/cheats.bml
cp -R profile/* $(prefix)/$(name)/
ifeq ($(shell id -un),root)
$(error "make uninstall should not be run as root")
else ifeq ($(platform),windows)
else ifeq ($(platform),macosx)
if [ -d /Applications/$(name).app ]; then rm -r /Applications/$(name).app; fi
else ifneq ($(filter $(platform),linux bsd),)
if [ -f $(prefix)/bin/$(name) ]; then rm $(prefix)/bin/$(name); fi
if [ -f $(prefix)/share/icons/$(name).png ]; then rm $(prefix)/share/icons/$(name).png; fi