#if defined(Hiro_MenuRadioItem) @implementation CocoaMenuRadioItem : NSMenuItem -(id) initWith:(hiro::mMenuRadioItem&)menuRadioItemReference { if(self = [super initWithTitle:@"" action:@selector(activate) keyEquivalent:@""]) { menuRadioItem = &menuRadioItemReference; [self setTarget:self]; //todo: the default image is a check mark, which is not indicative of radio states. //however, NSMenuRadio does not respect macOS' dark theme, and is barely visible. //[self setOnStateImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"NSMenuRadio"]]; } return self; } -(void) activate { menuRadioItem->setChecked(); menuRadioItem->doActivate(); } @end namespace hiro { auto pMenuRadioItem::construct() -> void { @autoreleasepool { cocoaAction = cocoaMenuRadioItem = [[CocoaMenuRadioItem alloc] initWith:self()]; pAction::construct(); if(state().checked) setChecked(); setText(state().text); } } auto pMenuRadioItem::destruct() -> void { @autoreleasepool { [cocoaAction release]; } } auto pMenuRadioItem::setChecked() -> void { @autoreleasepool { if(auto group = state().group) { for(auto& weak : group->state.objects) { if(auto object = weak.acquire()) { if(auto self = object->self()) { if(auto p = dynamic_cast(self)) { auto state = this == p ? NSOnState : NSOffState; [p->cocoaAction setState:state]; } } } } } } } auto pMenuRadioItem::setGroup(sGroup group) -> void { } auto pMenuRadioItem::setText(const string& text) -> void { @autoreleasepool { [cocoaAction setTitle:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:text]]; } } } #endif