auto EpsonRTC::irq(uint2 period) -> void { if(stop || pause) return; if(period == irqperiod) irqflag = 1; } auto EpsonRTC::duty() -> void { if(irqduty) irqflag = 0; } auto EpsonRTC::roundSeconds() -> void { if(roundseconds == 0) return; roundseconds = 0; if(secondhi >= 3) tickMinute(); secondlo = 0; secondhi = 0; } auto EpsonRTC::tick() -> void { if(stop || pause) return; if(hold) { holdtick = 1; return; } resync = 1; tickSecond(); } //below code provides bit-perfect emulation of invalid BCD values on the RTC-4513 //code makes extensive use of variable-length integers (see epsonrtc.hpp for sizes) auto EpsonRTC::tickSecond() -> void { if(secondlo <= 8 || secondlo == 12) { secondlo++; } else { secondlo = 0; if(secondhi < 5) { secondhi++; } else { secondhi = 0; tickMinute(); } } } auto EpsonRTC::tickMinute() -> void { if(minutelo <= 8 || minutelo == 12) { minutelo++; } else { minutelo = 0; if(minutehi < 5) { minutehi++; } else { minutehi = 0; tickHour(); } } } auto EpsonRTC::tickHour() -> void { if(atime) { if(hourhi < 2) { if(hourlo <= 8 || hourlo == 12) { hourlo++; } else { hourlo = !(hourlo & 1); hourhi++; } } else { if(hourlo != 3 && !(hourlo & 4)) { if(hourlo <= 8 || hourlo >= 12) { hourlo++; } else { hourlo = !(hourlo & 1); hourhi++; } } else { hourlo = !(hourlo & 1); hourhi = 0; tickDay(); } } } else { if(hourhi == 0) { if(hourlo <= 8 || hourlo == 12) { hourlo++; } else { hourlo = !(hourlo & 1); hourhi ^= 1; } } else { if(hourlo & 1) meridian ^= 1; if(hourlo < 2 || hourlo == 4 || hourlo == 5 || hourlo == 8 || hourlo == 12) { hourlo++; } else { hourlo = !(hourlo & 1); hourhi ^= 1; } if(meridian == 0 && !(hourlo & 1)) tickDay(); } } } auto EpsonRTC::tickDay() -> void { if(calendar == 0) return; weekday = (weekday + 1) + (weekday == 6); //January - December = 0x01 - 0x09; 0x10 - 0x12 static const uint daysinmonth[32] = { 30, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, }; uint days = daysinmonth[monthhi << 4 | monthlo]; if(days == 28) { //add one day for leap years if((yearhi & 1) == 0 && ((yearlo - 0) & 3) == 0) days++; if((yearhi & 1) == 1 && ((yearlo - 2) & 3) == 0) days++; } if(days == 28 && (dayhi == 3 || (dayhi == 2 && daylo >= 8))) { daylo = 1; dayhi = 0; return tickMonth(); } if(days == 29 && (dayhi == 3 || (dayhi == 2 && (daylo > 8 && daylo != 12)))) { daylo = 1; dayhi = 0; return tickMonth(); } if(days == 30 && (dayhi == 3 || (dayhi == 2 && (daylo == 10 || daylo == 14)))) { daylo = 1; dayhi = 0; return tickMonth(); } if(days == 31 && (dayhi == 3 && (daylo & 3))) { daylo = 1; dayhi = 0; return tickMonth(); } if(daylo <= 8 || daylo == 12) { daylo++; } else { daylo = !(daylo & 1); dayhi++; } } auto EpsonRTC::tickMonth() -> void { if(monthhi == 0 || !(monthlo & 2)) { if(monthlo <= 8 || monthlo == 12) { monthlo++; } else { monthlo = !(monthlo & 1); monthhi ^= 1; } } else { monthlo = !(monthlo & 1); monthhi = 0; tickYear(); } } auto EpsonRTC::tickYear() -> void { if(yearlo <= 8 || yearlo == 12) { yearlo++; } else { yearlo = !(yearlo & 1); if(yearhi <= 8 || yearhi == 12) { yearhi++; } else { yearhi = !(yearhi & 1); } } }