# requires nall/Makefile # imports: # $(qtlibs) -- list of Qt components to link against # exports the following symbols: # $(moc) -- meta-object compiler # $(rcc) -- resource compiler # $(qtinc) -- includes for compiling # $(qtlib) -- libraries for linking ifeq ($(moc),) moc := moc endif ifeq ($(rcc),) rcc := rcc endif ifeq ($(platform),x) qtinc := `pkg-config --cflags $(qtlibs)` qtlib := `pkg-config --libs $(qtlibs)` else ifeq ($(platform),osx) qtinc := $(foreach lib,$(qtlibs),-I/Library/Frameworks/$(lib).framework/Versions/4/Headers) qtlib := -L/Library/Frameworks qtlib += $(foreach lib,$(qtlibs),-framework $(lib)) qtlib += -framework Carbon qtlib += -framework Cocoa qtlib += -framework OpenGL qtlib += -framework AppKit qtlib += -framework ApplicationServices else ifeq ($(platform),win) ifeq ($(qtpath),) # find Qt install directory from PATH environment variable qtpath := $(foreach path,$(subst ;, ,$(PATH)),$(if $(wildcard $(path)/$(moc).exe),$(path))) qtpath := $(strip $(qtpath)) qtpath := $(subst \,/,$(qtpath)) qtpath := $(patsubst %/bin,%,$(qtpath)) endif qtinc := -I$(qtpath)/include qtinc += $(foreach lib,$(qtlibs),-I$(qtpath)/include/$(lib)) qtlib := -L$(qtpath)/lib qtlib += -L$(qtpath)/plugins/imageformats qtlib += $(foreach lib,$(qtlibs),-l$(lib)4) qtlib += -lmingw32 -lqtmain -lcomdlg32 -loleaut32 -limm32 -lwinmm qtlib += -lwinspool -lmsimg32 -lole32 -ladvapi32 -lws2_32 -luuid -lgdi32 qtlib += $(foreach lib,$(qtlibs),-l$(lib)4) # optional image-file support: # qtlib += -lqjpeg -lqmng endif