#ifndef NALL_SERIALIZER_HPP #define NALL_SERIALIZER_HPP #include #include #include namespace nall { //serializer: a class designed to save and restore the state of classes. // //benefits: //- data() will be portable in size (it is not necessary to specify type sizes.) //- data() will be portable in endianness (always stored internally as little-endian.) //- one serialize function can both save and restore class states. // //caveats: //- only plain-old-data can be stored. complex classes must provide serialize(serializer&); //- floating-point usage is not portable across platforms class serializer { public: enum mode_t { Load, Save, Size }; mode_t mode() const { return imode; } const uint8_t* data() const { return idata; } unsigned size() const { return isize; } unsigned capacity() const { return icapacity; } template void floatingpoint(T &value) { enum { size = sizeof(T) }; //this is rather dangerous, and not cross-platform safe; //but there is no standardized way to export FP-values uint8_t *p = (uint8_t*)&value; if(imode == Save) { for(unsigned n = 0; n < size; n++) idata[isize++] = p[n]; } else if(imode == Load) { for(unsigned n = 0; n < size; n++) p[n] = idata[isize++]; } else { isize += size; } } template void integer(T &value) { enum { size = is_bool::value ? 1 : sizeof(T) }; if(imode == Save) { for(unsigned n = 0; n < size; n++) idata[isize++] = value >> (n << 3); } else if(imode == Load) { value = 0; for(unsigned n = 0; n < size; n++) value |= idata[isize++] << (n << 3); } else if(imode == Size) { isize += size; } } template void array(T &array) { enum { size = sizeof(T) / sizeof(typename remove_extent::type) }; for(unsigned n = 0; n < size; n++) integer(array[n]); } template void array(T array, unsigned size) { for(unsigned n = 0; n < size; n++) integer(array[n]); } //copy serializer& operator=(const serializer &s) { if(idata) delete[] idata; imode = s.imode; idata = new uint8_t[s.icapacity]; isize = s.isize; icapacity = s.icapacity; memcpy(idata, s.idata, s.icapacity); return *this; } serializer(const serializer &s) : idata(0) { operator=(s); } //move serializer& operator=(serializer &&s) { if(idata) delete[] idata; imode = s.imode; idata = s.idata; isize = s.isize; icapacity = s.icapacity; s.idata = 0; return *this; } serializer(serializer &&s) { operator=(move(s)); } //construction serializer() { imode = Size; idata = 0; isize = 0; } serializer(unsigned capacity) { imode = Save; idata = new uint8_t[capacity](); isize = 0; icapacity = capacity; } serializer(const uint8_t *data, unsigned capacity) { imode = Load; idata = new uint8_t[capacity]; isize = 0; icapacity = capacity; memcpy(idata, data, capacity); } ~serializer() { if(idata) delete[] idata; } private: mode_t imode; uint8_t *idata; unsigned isize; unsigned icapacity; }; }; #endif