#if defined(Hiro_TabFrame) namespace hiro { static auto TabFrame_change(GtkNotebook* notebook, GtkWidget* page, unsigned position, pTabFrame* p) -> void { for(auto& item : p->state().items) item->state.selected = false; if(auto item = p->self().item(position)) item->state.selected = true; p->_synchronizeLayout(); if(!p->locked()) p->self().doChange(); } static auto TabFrame_close(GtkButton* button, pTabFrame* p) -> void { maybe position; for(auto n : range(p->tabs.size())) { if(button == (GtkButton*)p->tabs[n].close) { position = n; break; } } if(position) { if(!p->locked()) p->self().doClose(p->self().item(*position)); } } static auto TabFrame_move(GtkNotebook* notebook, GtkWidget* page, unsigned moveTo, pTabFrame* p) -> void { unsigned position = gtk_notebook_get_current_page(notebook); for(auto& item : p->state().items) item->state.selected = false; if(auto item = p->self().item(position)) item->state.selected = true; maybe moveFrom; for(auto n : range(p->tabs.size())) { if(page == p->tabs[n].child) { moveFrom = n; break; } } if(moveFrom) { p->state().items.insert(moveTo, p->state().items.take(*moveFrom)); p->tabs.insert(moveTo, p->tabs.take(*moveFrom)); if(!p->locked()) p->self().doMove(p->self().item(*moveFrom), p->self().item(moveTo)); } } auto pTabFrame::construct() -> void { gtkWidget = gtk_notebook_new(); gtk_notebook_set_show_border(GTK_NOTEBOOK(gtkWidget), false); gtk_notebook_set_tab_pos(GTK_NOTEBOOK(gtkWidget), GTK_POS_TOP); tabs.reset(); //todo: memory leak, need to release each tab for(auto& item : state().items) append(item); setNavigation(state().navigation); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(gtkWidget), "page-reordered", G_CALLBACK(TabFrame_move), (gpointer)this); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(gtkWidget), "switch-page", G_CALLBACK(TabFrame_change), (gpointer)this); pWidget::construct(); } auto pTabFrame::destruct() -> void { gtk_widget_destroy(gtkWidget); } auto pTabFrame::append(sTabFrameItem item) -> void { lock(); Tab tab; tab.child = gtk_fixed_new(); #if HIRO_GTK==2 tab.container = gtk_hbox_new(false, 0); #elif HIRO_GTK==3 tab.container = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); #endif tab.image = gtk_image_new(); tab.title = gtk_label_new(""); gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(tab.title), 0.0, 0.5); tab.close = gtk_button_new_with_label("\u00d7"); //Unicode multiplication sign (looks better than 'X') gtk_button_set_focus_on_click(GTK_BUTTON(tab.close), false); gtk_button_set_relief(GTK_BUTTON(tab.close), GTK_RELIEF_NONE); pFont::setFont(tab.close, Font("sans", 9).setBold()); auto color = CreateColor({255, 0, 0}); gtk_widget_modify_fg(gtk_bin_get_child(GTK_BIN(tab.close)), GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT, &color); tabs.append(tab); gtk_widget_show(tab.child); gtk_widget_show(tab.container); gtk_widget_show(tab.image); gtk_widget_show(tab.title); gtk_widget_show(tab.close); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(tab.container), tab.image, false, false, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(tab.container), tab.title, true, true, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(tab.container), tab.close, false, false, 0); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(tab.close), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(TabFrame_close), (gpointer)this); gtk_notebook_append_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(gtkWidget), tab.child, tab.container); setFont(self().font(true)); setItemMovable(item->offset(), item->movable()); if(item->selected()) setItemSelected(item->offset()); _synchronizeTab(tabs.size() - 1); setGeometry(self().geometry()); unlock(); } auto pTabFrame::container(mWidget& widget) -> GtkWidget* { //TabFrame holds multiple TabFrameItem controls //each TabFrameItem has its own GtkWindow; plus its own layout //we need to recurse up from the widget to its topmost layout before the TabFrameItem //once we know the topmost layout, we search through all TabFrameItems for a match mObject* object = &widget; while(object) { if(object->parentTabFrameItem()) break; if(auto parent = object->parent()) { object = parent; continue; } break; } uint position = 0; for(auto& item : state().items) { if(item->state.sizable.data() == object) return tabs[position].child; position++; } return nullptr; } auto pTabFrame::remove(sTabFrameItem item) -> void { lock(); //if we are removing the current tab, we have to select another tab manually if(item->offset() == gtk_notebook_get_current_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(gtkWidget))) { //the new tab will be the one after this one unsigned displacement = 1; //... unless it's the last tab, in which case it's the one before it if(item->offset() == self().itemCount() - 1) displacement = -1; //... unless there are no tabs left, in which case nothing is selected if(self().itemCount() > 1) { setItemSelected(item->offset() + displacement); } } tabs.remove(item->offset()); gtk_notebook_remove_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(gtkWidget), item->offset()); unsigned position = gtk_notebook_get_current_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(gtkWidget)); for(auto& item : state().items) item->state.selected = false; if(auto item = self().item(position)) item->state.selected = true; unlock(); } auto pTabFrame::setFont(const Font& font) -> void { for(auto n : range(tabs.size())) { pFont::setFont(tabs[n].title, font); if(auto sizable = state().items[n]->state.sizable) { if(auto self = sizable->self()) { self->setFont(sizable->font(true)); } } } } auto pTabFrame::setGeometry(Geometry geometry) -> void { pWidget::setGeometry(geometry); geometry.setPosition(0, 0); if(state().navigation == Navigation::Top || state().navigation == Navigation::Bottom) { geometry.setWidth(geometry.width() - 6); geometry.setHeight(geometry.height() - (15 + _tabHeight())); } else { geometry.setWidth(geometry.width() - (17 + _tabWidth())); geometry.setHeight(geometry.height() - 6); } for(auto& item : state().items) { if(item->state.sizable) item->state.sizable->setGeometry(geometry); } } auto pTabFrame::setItemClosable(unsigned position, bool closable) -> void { _synchronizeTab(position); } auto pTabFrame::setItemIcon(unsigned position, const image& icon) -> void { _synchronizeTab(position); } auto pTabFrame::setItemMovable(unsigned position, bool movable) -> void { lock(); gtk_notebook_set_tab_reorderable(GTK_NOTEBOOK(gtkWidget), tabs[position].child, movable); unlock(); } auto pTabFrame::setItemSelected(unsigned position) -> void { lock(); gtk_notebook_set_current_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(gtkWidget), position); unlock(); } auto pTabFrame::setItemSizable(unsigned position, sSizable sizable) -> void { //if(layout->self()) layout->self()->setParent(); } auto pTabFrame::setItemText(unsigned position, const string& text) -> void { _synchronizeTab(position); } auto pTabFrame::setNavigation(Navigation navigation) -> void { GtkPositionType type; switch(navigation) { default: case Navigation::Top: type = GTK_POS_TOP; break; case Navigation::Bottom: type = GTK_POS_BOTTOM; break; case Navigation::Left: type = GTK_POS_LEFT; break; case Navigation::Right: type = GTK_POS_RIGHT; break; } gtk_notebook_set_tab_pos(GTK_NOTEBOOK(gtkWidget), type); setGeometry(self().geometry()); } auto pTabFrame::_synchronizeLayout() -> void { for(auto& item : state().items) { if(auto& sizable = item->state.sizable) { if(auto self = sizable->self()) { self->setVisible(sizable->visible() && item->selected()); } } } } auto pTabFrame::_synchronizeTab(unsigned position) -> void { auto& item = state().items[position]; auto& tab = tabs[position]; gtk_widget_set_visible(tab.close, item->closable()); if(auto& icon = item->state.icon) { uint size = pFont::size(self().font(true), " ").height(); auto pixbuf = CreatePixbuf(icon, true); gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf(GTK_IMAGE(tab.image), pixbuf); } else { gtk_image_clear(GTK_IMAGE(tab.image)); } string text = { item->state.icon && item->state.text ? " " : "", item->state.text, item->state.text && item->state.closable ? " " : "" }; gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(tab.title), text); } //compute the height of the tallest tab for child layout geometry calculations auto pTabFrame::_tabHeight() -> unsigned { signed height = 1; for(auto n : range(self().itemCount())) { GtkAllocation imageAllocation, titleAllocation, closeAllocation; gtk_widget_get_allocation(tabs[n].image, &imageAllocation); gtk_widget_get_allocation(tabs[n].title, &titleAllocation); gtk_widget_get_allocation(tabs[n].close, &closeAllocation); height = max(height, imageAllocation.height); height = max(height, titleAllocation.height); if(!state().items[n]->closable()) continue; height = max(height, closeAllocation.height); } return height; } auto pTabFrame::_tabWidth() -> unsigned { signed width = 1; for(auto n : range(self().itemCount())) { GtkAllocation imageAllocation, titleAllocation, closeAllocation; gtk_widget_get_allocation(tabs[n].image, &imageAllocation); gtk_widget_get_allocation(tabs[n].title, &titleAllocation); gtk_widget_get_allocation(tabs[n].close, &closeAllocation); width = max(width, imageAllocation.width + titleAllocation.width + (state().items[n]->closable() ? closeAllocation.width : 0) ); } return width; } } #endif