auto WDC65816::instructionBitImmediate8() -> void { L uint8 immediate = fetch(); ZF = (immediate & lo(A)) == 0; } auto WDC65816::instructionBitImmediate16() -> void { uint16 immediate = fetch(); L immediate |= fetch() << 8; ZF = (immediate & A) == 0; } auto WDC65816::instructionNoOperation() -> void { L idleIRQ(); } auto WDC65816::instructionPrefix() -> void { L fetch(); } auto WDC65816::instructionExchangeBA() -> void { idle(); L idle(); A = A >> 8 | A << 8; ZF = lo(A) == 0; NF = A & 0x80; } auto WDC65816::instructionBlockMove8(int adjust) -> void { auto targetBank = fetch(); auto sourceBank = fetch(); B = targetBank; auto data = read(sourceBank << 16 | X); write(targetBank << 16 | Y, data); idle(); lo(X) += adjust; lo(Y) += adjust; L idle(); if(A--) aa(PC) -= 3; } auto WDC65816::instructionBlockMove16(int adjust) -> void { auto targetBank = fetch(); auto sourceBank = fetch(); B = targetBank; auto data = read(sourceBank << 16 | X); write(targetBank << 16 | Y, data); idle(); X += adjust; Y += adjust; L idle(); if(A--) aa(PC) -= 3; } auto WDC65816::instructionInterrupt(uint16 vector) -> void { fetch(); N push(db(PC)); push(hi(PC)); push(lo(PC)); push(P); IF = 1; DF = 0; lo(PC) = read(vector++); L hi(PC) = read(vector++); db(PC) = 0x00; } auto WDC65816::instructionStop() -> void { r.stp = true; while(r.stp && !synchronizing()) { L idle(); } } auto WDC65816::instructionWait() -> void { r.wai = true; while(r.wai && !synchronizing()) { L idle(); } idle(); } auto WDC65816::instructionExchangeCE() -> void { L idleIRQ(); swap(CF, EF); if(EF) { XF = 1; MF = 1; hi(X) = 0x00; hi(Y) = 0x00; hi(S) = 0x01; } } auto WDC65816::instructionSetFlag(bool& flag) -> void { L idleIRQ(); flag = 1; } auto WDC65816::instructionClearFlag(bool& flag) -> void { L idleIRQ(); flag = 0; } auto WDC65816::instructionResetP() -> void { auto data = fetch(); L idle(); P = P & ~data; E XF = 1, MF = 1; if(XF) hi(X) = 0x00, hi(Y) = 0x00; } auto WDC65816::instructionSetP() -> void { auto data = fetch(); L idle(); P = P | data; E XF = 1, MF = 1; if(XF) hi(X) = 0x00, hi(Y) = 0x00; } auto WDC65816::instructionTransfer8(uint16& from, uint16& to) -> void { L idleIRQ(); lo(to) = lo(from); ZF = lo(to) == 0; NF = to & 0x80; } auto WDC65816::instructionTransfer16(uint16& from, uint16& to) -> void { L idleIRQ(); to = from; ZF = to == 0; NF = to & 0x8000; } auto WDC65816::instructionTransferCS() -> void { L idleIRQ(); S = A; E hi(S) = 0x01; } auto WDC65816::instructionTransferSX8() -> void { L idleIRQ(); lo(X) = lo(S); ZF = lo(X) == 0; NF = X & 0x80; } auto WDC65816::instructionTransferSX16() -> void { L idleIRQ(); X = S; ZF = X == 0; NF = X & 0x8000; } auto WDC65816::instructionTransferXS() -> void { L idleIRQ(); E lo(S) = lo(X); N S = X; } auto WDC65816::instructionPush8(uint8 data) -> void { idle(); L push(data); } auto WDC65816::instructionPush16(uint16 data) -> void { idle(); push(hi(data)); L push(lo(data)); } auto WDC65816::instructionPushD() -> void { idle(); pushN(hi(D)); L pushN(lo(D)); E hi(S) = 0x01; } auto WDC65816::instructionPull8(uint16& data) -> void { idle(); idle(); L lo(data) = pull(); ZF = lo(data) == 0; NF = data & 0x80; } auto WDC65816::instructionPull16(uint16& data) -> void { idle(); idle(); lo(data) = pull(); L hi(data) = pull(); ZF = data == 0; NF = data & 0x8000; } auto WDC65816::instructionPullD() -> void { idle(); idle(); lo(D) = pullN(); L hi(D) = pullN(); ZF = D == 0; NF = D & 0x8000; E hi(S) = 0x01; } auto WDC65816::instructionPullB() -> void { idle(); idle(); L B = pull(); ZF = B == 0; NF = B & 0x80; } auto WDC65816::instructionPullP() -> void { idle(); idle(); L P = pull(); E XF = 1, MF = 1; if(XF) hi(X) = 0x00, hi(Y) = 0x00; } auto WDC65816::instructionPushEffectiveAddress() -> void { uint16 data = fetch(); hi(data) = fetch(); pushN(hi(data)); L pushN(lo(data)); E hi(S) = 0x01; } auto WDC65816::instructionPushEffectiveIndirectAddress() -> void { auto direct = fetch(); idle2(); uint16 data = readDirectN(direct + 0); hi(data) = readDirectN(direct + 1); pushN(hi(data)); L pushN(lo(data)); E hi(S) = 0x01; } auto WDC65816::instructionPushEffectiveRelativeAddress() -> void { uint16 displacement = fetch(); hi(displacement) = fetch(); idle(); uint16 data = PC + (int16)displacement; pushN(hi(data)); L pushN(lo(data)); E hi(S) = 0x01; }