static LRESULT CALLBACK HexEdit_windowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { HexEdit &hexEdit = *(HexEdit*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA); if(msg == WM_CHAR) { if(hexEdit.p.keyPress(wparam)) return 0; } return hexEdit.p.windowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam); } void pHexEdit::setColumns(unsigned columns) { update(); } void pHexEdit::setLength(unsigned length) { update(); } void pHexEdit::setOffset(unsigned offset) { update(); } void pHexEdit::setRows(unsigned rows) { update(); } void pHexEdit::update() { if(!hexEdit.onRead) { SetWindowText(hwnd, L""); return; } unsigned cursorPosition = Edit_GetSel(hwnd); string output; unsigned offset = hexEdit.state.offset; for(unsigned row = 0; row < hexEdit.state.rows; row++) { output.append(hex<8>(offset)); output.append(" "); string hexdata; string ansidata = " "; for(unsigned column = 0; column < hexEdit.state.columns; column++) { if(offset < hexEdit.state.length) { uint8_t data = hexEdit.onRead(offset++); hexdata.append(hex<2>(data)); hexdata.append(" "); char buffer[2] = { data >= 0x20 && data <= 0x7e ? (char)data : '.', 0 }; ansidata.append(buffer); } else { hexdata.append(" "); ansidata.append(" "); } } output.append(hexdata); output.append(ansidata); if(offset >= hexEdit.state.length) break; if(row != hexEdit.state.rows - 1) output.append("\r\n"); } SetWindowText(hwnd, utf16_t(output)); Edit_SetSel(hwnd, LOWORD(cursorPosition), HIWORD(cursorPosition)); } void pHexEdit::constructor() { setParent(Window::None); } bool pHexEdit::keyPress(unsigned scancode) { if(!hexEdit.onRead) return false; unsigned position = LOWORD(Edit_GetSel(hwnd)); unsigned lineWidth = 10 + (hexEdit.state.columns * 3) + 1 + hexEdit.state.columns + 2; unsigned cursorY = position / lineWidth; unsigned cursorX = position % lineWidth; //convert scancode to hex nibble if(scancode >= '0' && scancode <= '9') scancode = scancode - '0'; else if(scancode >= 'A' && scancode <= 'F') scancode = scancode - 'A' + 10; else if(scancode >= 'a' && scancode <= 'f') scancode = scancode - 'a' + 10; else return false; if(cursorX >= 10) { //not on an offset cursorX -= 10; if((cursorX % 3) != 2) { //not on a space bool cursorNibble = (cursorX % 3) == 1; //0 = high, 1 = low cursorX /= 3; if(cursorX < hexEdit.state.columns) { //not in ANSI region unsigned offset = hexEdit.state.offset + (cursorY * hexEdit.state.columns + cursorX); if(offset >= hexEdit.state.length) return false; //do not edit past end of data uint8_t data = hexEdit.onRead(offset); //write modified value if(cursorNibble == 1) { data = (data & 0xf0) | (scancode << 0); } else { data = (data & 0x0f) | (scancode << 4); } if(hexEdit.onWrite) hexEdit.onWrite(offset, data); //auto-advance cursor to next nibble or byte position++; if(cursorNibble && cursorX != hexEdit.state.columns - 1) position++; Edit_SetSel(hwnd, position, position); //refresh output to reflect modified data update(); } } } return true; } void pHexEdit::setParent(Window &parent) { if(hwnd) DestroyWindow(hwnd); hwnd = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, L"EDIT", L"", WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE | ES_READONLY | ES_MULTILINE | ES_WANTRETURN, 0, 0, 0, 0, parent.p.hwnd, (HMENU)id, GetModuleHandle(0), 0 ); SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)&hexEdit); setDefaultFont(); update(); windowProc = (LRESULT CALLBACK (*)(HWND, UINT, LPARAM, WPARAM))GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC); SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)HexEdit_windowProc); }