#if defined(Hiro_BrowserDialog) struct BrowserDialogWindow { Application::Namespace tr{"BrowserDialog"}; BrowserDialogWindow(BrowserDialog::State& state) : state(state) {} auto accept() -> void; auto activate() -> void; auto change() -> void; auto isFolder(const string& name) -> bool; auto isMatch(const string& name) -> bool; auto run() -> BrowserDialog::Response; auto setPath(string path) -> void; private: Window window; VerticalLayout layout{&window}; HorizontalLayout pathLayout{&layout, Size{~0, 0}, 5}; LineEdit pathName{&pathLayout, Size{~0, 0}, 0}; Button pathRefresh{&pathLayout, Size{0, 0}, 0}; Button pathHome{&pathLayout, Size{0, 0}, 0}; Button pathUp{&pathLayout, Size{0, 0}, 0}; ListView view{&layout, Size{~0, ~0}, 5}; HorizontalLayout controlLayout{&layout, Size{~0, 0}}; ComboButton filterList{&controlLayout, Size{0, 0}, 5}; LineEdit fileName{&controlLayout, Size{~0, 0}, 5}; ComboButton optionList{&controlLayout, Size{0, 0}, 5}; Button acceptButton{&controlLayout, Size{80, 0}, 5}; Button cancelButton{&controlLayout, Size{80, 0}, 5}; BrowserDialog::State& state; BrowserDialog::Response response; vector> filters; }; //accept button clicked, or enter pressed on file name line edit //also called by table view activate after special case handling auto BrowserDialogWindow::accept() -> void { auto batched = view.batched(); if(state.action == "openFile" && batched.size() == 1) { string name = batched[0].text(); if(isFolder(name)) return setPath({state.path, name}); response.selected.append(string{state.path, name}); } if(state.action == "openFiles" && batched) { for(auto item : batched) { string name = item.text(); if(isFolder(name)) { response.selected.reset(); return; } response.selected.append(string{state.path, name}); } } if(state.action == "openFolder" && batched.size() == 1) { string name = batched[0].text(); if(!isMatch(name)) return setPath({state.path, name}); response.selected.append(string{state.path, name, "/"}); } if(state.action == "openObject" && batched.size() == 1) { string name = batched[0].text(); if(!isMatch(name) && isFolder(name)) return setPath({state.path, name}); response.selected.append(string{state.path, name, isFolder(name) ? "/" : ""}); } if(state.action == "saveFile") { string name = fileName.text(); if(!name || isFolder(name)) return; if(file::exists({state.path, name})) { if(MessageDialog("File already exists. Overwrite it?").question() != "Yes") return; } response.selected.append(string{state.path, name}); } if(state.action == "selectFolder") { if(!batched) { response.selected.append(state.path); } else if(batched.size() == 1) { string name = batched[0].text(); if(isFolder(name)) response.selected.append(string{state.path, name, "/"}); } } if(response.selected) window.setModal(false); } //table view item double-clicked, or enter pressed on selected table view item auto BrowserDialogWindow::activate() -> void { auto batched = view.batched(); if(state.action == "saveFile" && batched.size() == 1) { string name = batched[0].text(); if(isFolder(name)) return setPath({state.path, name}); fileName.setText(name); } if(state.action == "selectFolder" && batched.size() == 1) { string name = batched[0].text(); if(isFolder(name)) return setPath({state.path, name}); } accept(); } //table view item changed auto BrowserDialogWindow::change() -> void { auto batched = view.batched(); if(state.action == "openFile") { acceptButton.setEnabled(batched.size() == 1); } if(state.action == "openFiles") { bool enabled = true; for(auto item : batched) enabled &= !isFolder(item.text()); if(batched.size() == 1 && isFolder(batched[0].text())) enabled = true; acceptButton.setEnabled(enabled); } if(state.action == "openFolder") { acceptButton.setEnabled(batched.size() == 1); } if(state.action == "openObject") { acceptButton.setEnabled(batched.size() == 1); } if(state.action == "saveFile") { if(batched.size() == 1) { string name = batched[0].text(); if(!isFolder(name)) fileName.setText(name).doChange(); } } if(state.action == "selectFolder") { acceptButton.setEnabled(!batched || (batched.size() == 1 && isFolder(batched[0].text()))); } } auto BrowserDialogWindow::isFolder(const string& name) -> bool { return directory::exists({state.path, name}); } auto BrowserDialogWindow::isMatch(const string& name) -> bool { if(auto selectedItem = filterList.selected()) { for(auto& filter : filters[selectedItem->offset()]) { if(name.match(filter)) return true; } } return false; } auto BrowserDialogWindow::run() -> BrowserDialog::Response { response = {}; layout.setPadding(5); pathName.onActivate([&] { setPath(pathName.text()); }); pathRefresh.setBordered(false).setIcon(Icon::Action::Refresh).onActivate([&] { setPath(state.path); }); pathHome.setBordered(false).setIcon(Icon::Go::Home).onActivate([&] { setPath(Path::user()); }); pathUp.setBordered(false).setIcon(Icon::Go::Up).onActivate([&] { setPath(Location::dir(state.path)); }); view.setBatchable(state.action == "openFiles").onActivate([&] { activate(); }).onChange([&] { change(); }); filterList.setVisible(state.action != "selectFolder").onChange([&] { setPath(state.path); }); for(auto& filter : state.filters) { auto part = filter.split("|", 1L); filterList.append(ComboButtonItem().setText(part.left())); } optionList.setVisible((bool)state.options).onChange([&] { response.option = optionList.selected().text(); }); for(auto& option : state.options) { optionList.append(ComboButtonItem().setText(option)); } optionList.doChange(); //updates response.option to point to the default (first) option fileName.setVisible(state.action == "saveFile").onActivate([&] { accept(); }).onChange([&] { auto name = fileName.text(); acceptButton.setEnabled(name && !isFolder(name)); fileName.setBackgroundColor(acceptButton.enabled() ? Color{} : Color{255, 224, 224}); }); acceptButton.onActivate([&] { accept(); }); if(state.action.beginsWith("open")) acceptButton.setText(tr("Open")); if(state.action.beginsWith("save")) acceptButton.setText(tr("Save")); if(state.action.beginsWith("select")) acceptButton.setText(tr("Select")); cancelButton.setText(tr("Cancel")).onActivate([&] { window.setModal(false); }); if(!state.filters) state.filters.append("All|*"); for(auto& filter : state.filters) { auto part = filter.split("|", 1L); filters.append(part.right().split(":")); } setPath(state.path); window.onClose([&] { window.setModal(false); }); window.setTitle(state.title); window.setSize({640, 480}); window.setCentered(state.parent); window.setDismissable(); window.setVisible(); view.setFocused(); Application::processEvents(); view->resizeColumns(); window.setModal(); window.setVisible(false); return response; } auto BrowserDialogWindow::setPath(string path) -> void { path.transform("\\", "/"); if((path || Path::root() == "/") && !path.endsWith("/")) path.append("/"); pathName.setText(state.path = path); view.reset(); auto contents = directory::icontents(path); for(auto content : contents) { bool isFolder = content.endsWith("/"); if(isFolder) { content.trimRight("/", 1L); if(state.action == "openFolder" || state.action == "openObject") { if(isMatch(content)) continue; } } else { continue; } view.append(ListViewItem().setText(content).setIcon(Icon::Emblem::Folder)); } for(auto content : contents) { bool isFolder = content.endsWith("/"); if(isFolder) { content.trimRight("/", 1L); if(state.action != "openFolder" && state.action != "openObject") continue; } else { if(state.action == "openFolder") continue; } if(!isMatch(content)) continue; view.append(ListViewItem().setText(content).setIcon(isFolder ? (image)Icon::Action::Open : (image)Icon::Emblem::File)); } Application::processEvents(); view->resizeColumns(); //todo: on Windows, adding items may add vertical scrollbar; this hack corrects column width view.setFocused().doChange(); } // BrowserDialog::BrowserDialog() { } auto BrowserDialog::openFile() -> string { state.action = "openFile"; if(!state.title) state.title = "Open File"; if(auto result = _run()) return result.left(); return {}; } auto BrowserDialog::openFiles() -> vector { state.action = "openFiles"; if(!state.title) state.title = "Open Files"; if(auto result = _run()) return result; return {}; } auto BrowserDialog::openFolder() -> string { state.action = "openFolder"; if(!state.title) state.title = "Open Folder"; if(auto result = _run()) return result.left(); return {}; } auto BrowserDialog::openObject() -> string { state.action = "openObject"; if(!state.title) state.title = "Open Object"; if(auto result = _run()) return result.left(); return {}; } auto BrowserDialog::option() -> string { return response.option; } auto BrowserDialog::saveFile() -> string { state.action = "saveFile"; if(!state.title) state.title = "Save File"; if(auto result = _run()) return result.left(); return {}; } auto BrowserDialog::selected() -> vector { return response.selected; } auto BrowserDialog::selectFolder() -> string { state.action = "selectFolder"; if(!state.title) state.title = "Select Folder"; if(auto result = _run()) return result.left(); return {}; } auto BrowserDialog::setFilters(const vector& filters) -> type& { state.filters = filters; return *this; } auto BrowserDialog::setOptions(const vector& options) -> type& { state.options = options; return *this; } auto BrowserDialog::setParent(const sWindow& parent) -> type& { state.parent = parent; return *this; } auto BrowserDialog::setPath(const string& path) -> type& { state.path = path; return *this; } auto BrowserDialog::setTitle(const string& title) -> type& { state.title = title; return *this; } auto BrowserDialog::_run() -> vector { if(!state.path) state.path = Path::user(); response = BrowserDialogWindow(state).run(); return response.selected; } #endif